Boom (2016) Poster


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Quite entertaining and not as serious as it may initially seem
Horst_In_Translation6 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Boom" is a German 9-minute movie from this year (2016) and the newest short film work by award-winning writer and director Jaschar L. Marktanner. Just like with his previous works, he also plays one of the characters himself, but I'll get later to that. The two central characters are played by Ben Rademacher and Leandra Fili. The film is about a couple that does a favor to a friend, but this favor may turn out deadly for them eventually. They agree to take a present from the friend I just mentioned and bring it to another friend. Unlucky for them, they end up stuck in an elevator just like Götz George did in "Abwärts" or Hedi Schneider did very recently. But back to this one we have here. The main difference compared to the characters/actors I just mentioned is that Paul and Marlies have a present with them that gives off an unsettling ticking sound. They open it and yep, it is indeed a bomb. Their friend sure does have a fairly unique sense of humor.

While I was not entirely convinced by what happened afterward, how they reacted to it and the contents of their conversation and what they admit to each other, one has to say to their (and the filmmaker's defense) that it's probably impossible to say for sure which reaction would be realistic and accurate. Panic? Calmness? Screaming? Collapsing? Who knows. And apart from that, everybody would act differently anyway probably. The plot twist at the end is actually a bit predictable, but that's fine as it does not take away anything from the entertainment factor. The highlight for me, however, were the flashback scenes to when they accepted the present at the party and how these flashbacks change every time they think back about what happened. It's pretty hilarious how the guy who gave them the present (played by Marktanner, who's physically perfect for the part) becomes more and more of an Islamic terrorist, in terms of his clothes, words and behavior. I think this reference makes it also an interesting watch in terms of the currently very relevant subject of refugees and the threat of Islamic terrorism here in Germany. And what is even better about this film is how I never felt that it was trying to be really relevant or impactful on that subject, but it is just what it is. A pretty light and exciting work of slightly under 10 minutes. I recommend checking it out.
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