Stranger Fruit (2017) Poster

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Totally Disgusted
lm-7419730 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I was completely baffled as to why the rating for this doc on this site is so low. Then, I remembered the current climate, the climate when this took place and the climate every time something like this takes place. I read some of the reviews, and again had to consider the climate of things. So...

At no point in this doc was Mike Brown painted to be an angel. Anyone who got that idea clearly missed the point. He was portrayed as exactly what he was, a person. Something people sometimes forget when the matter of racism or racially motivated issues are concerned. That and the fact that they left his body on the ground for over 4 hours them took it away in a wagon like he was a dead animal.

There was not, and still is not any justifiable reason why Officer Wilson murdered him. Yes, he murdered him. Point blank. There is a pile of evidence that confirms he was murdered. I know when a cop does the shooting people try to change the narrative, but a cop is still a human. And a human killing another human is murder. It was not self defense. He died from the shot to the head, which took place while Brown was already down from being riddled with bullets. A person who is already crippled from gunshots and has no weapon is not a threat. He did not charge at Officer Wilson and this was proven by evidence.

And lastly, yes there are a lot of racial references that I'm certain make some people uncomfortable. To that I say, you should ask yourself why does it make you feel uncomfortable? And don't use tired excuses or made up concepts, such as "race baiting" or "creating division". Because the truth about why this makes you uncomfortable, those exact feelings, are the usually the motivating factors (or the beginning) to the occurrence of situations like this.
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Half Truths, Logical Reaches, SJW Revisionist Propaganda
chas43724 January 2019
This is as bad as it gets in terms of documentary filmmaking. We are in dangerous times, when this sort of material is given credence in legitimate film making circles.

The so-called "bombshell news", the video of Michael Brown's drug barter from the night before ultimately goes nowhere. This would seem to be the main selling point for this documentary, but honestly, so what? It doesn't change the fact that Brown strong-armed the store owner who then called the police. This is a big fat nothing. I mean was Darren Wilson supposed to know the barter arrangement ahead of time?

Not only is this a terrible documentary filled with half truths, logical fallacies and ridiculous premises, its damaging to a community that was starting to heal.

Just once, it would be nice to see a documentary from the police point of view that shows what a thankless, nightmare of a job it is to police these communities. That's the perspective that is completely absent from this piece of garbage.
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One-sided hit piece on police
agiddmj-891127 July 2021
The worst documentary I've ever seen, very short on facts just a lotta opinions from people who sees it from their point of view.
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Don't waste your time
sparticus-158302 January 2021
Jason Pollocks racism and liberal biased shines in this horrendous excuse for a documentary.
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Ignore the Trolls! Excellent documentary!
jeff-804-55079110 June 2020
I suspect this film has been targeted by a group of racist trolls. Statistically, the probability of every rating being a "1" is very, very slim. Pollack does an excellent job showing inconsistencies in testimony and the PR efforts of the police department and the prosecuting attorney. Watch it yourself and make up your own mind.
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Propaganda Alert
pkerr2115 March 2021
Jason Pollock is a shameless manipulator who has wantonly exacerbated an already volatile situation. He deliberately cuts and pastes to make the ludicrous assertion that Michael Brown "paid for" the cigarillos with a bag of weed. I'm not kidding. That's his whole point. Of course, you can view the unedited video to see for yourself that his "offer" was rejected by the store clerks and that he left the store in a big huff, leaving his "purchases" behind. Pollock also edits out the strong-arm robbery the next day when the store owner obviously knew nothing of any "deal" from the night before.

Many questions remain: Why does Pollock assert that this is new evidence? The store-video footage has been with the store-owner's attorney from the beginning and is now readily available to any who are interested in the truth. Pollock's big score is a big zero. Even if you give Pollock his baseless assertion of some hare-brained drug deal, what difference does it make to the events of the next day? Nothing! Nada! Zip! And anyway, why would Brown leave his merchandise behind if he thought he had "paid" for it?

Pollock uses a lot of foul language and false bravado to try to shame the audience into accepting his ridiculous claims. It seems to work on about half the viewers and that is a sad commentary on the ability of many viewers to think for themselves. Simply put, this film belongs in the trash bin of cheap, propagandistic junk. If it weren't for the hatred and falsehoods engendered by this film, that would be enough. However, Jason Pollock deserves a far worse fate for his wanton distortions and his incendiary rhetoric.
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A Detailed and Fascinating Account of the Killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO
JustCuriosity14 March 2017
Stranger Fruit was extremely well-received in its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, TX. In many ways it provides Michael Brown with his day in court that he was denied by the actions of the authorities in Ferguson, MO. Michael Brown's 2014 was a tragedy and it seems clear that authorities prevented the full truth from coming to light. They dissect the available evidence to show how Officer Darren Wilson likely lied about the shooting to justify his own actions. More importantly they document the institutional racism that likely led County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch to intentionally act in a manner that led the grand jury not to indict Officer Wilson. There is a lot that has been said about these events, but this film provides a highly accessible visual accounting of this controversy. It should be widely viewed, because it is crucial for the public to get a real accounting of these important and controversial historical events.

Many of the details of these remain murky, but this film certainly provides a clearer look at these events than most Americans have seen before. It corrects some of the misinformation that have been spread about Michael Brown. Unfortunately, it is hard to call it a fully objective accounting. The film was clearly made in cooperation with the family and supporters and sometimes allows its rhetoric to exceed its facts. There are sometimes where it appears to exaggerate. It tries to make Michael Brown into a saint instead of an ordinary person. Some of the connections drawn among peripheral players are conspiratorial without real evidence. In one place where they compare statistics, they state that there are over 1100 police killings annually in the U.S. compared to only 14 in China. While the U.S. figure may well be true (and should be unacceptable), it is absurd to accept such a statistic from the authoritarian Chinese authorities as a reliable point of comparison. Their comments in the screenings also present the director more as an agenda-driven advocate than as objective film maker. Again, this is unfortunate, because it makes it more difficult for people to fully believe the film's interpretation. This is an important story that deserves to be told in an objective manner. While Stranger Fruit does add some important detail to the story, Michael Moore- style documentaries that start from the conclusion they want to reach lack the neutrality to fully answer the unanswered questions. Michael Brown deserves to have his tragic story told and this film partly does so, but a better more objective accounting is still needed.
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Excellent, insightful film...don't let the racists posing as film reviewers deter you
rserrato-939-51329411 July 2018
The film does an excellent job of revisiting the Michael Brown case. It does so by untangling the two competing narratives that were told at the time. To be sure, the film concludes that Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood and that the Ferguson Police chose to cover it up to cover their own assess rather than to own up to what happened. It also ties this outcome to the broader history of racism and poor police relations with the black community in the south. But that doesn't mean it's biased. It just tells a strong and compelling story. It unveils devastating lies in the Police narrative of what happened that day. It is a story that should jar you to your core if you are not a racist and if you actually believe in and love this country. Don't let the bigots trying to lower the films ratings here deter you. They would be better served spending their time trying to answer the devastating critiques this film adroitly delivers.
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Knowing the science of the shooting is knowing the Truth.
showbound-18 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the eyewitness statements, true reaction to the shooting is ON film when watching the contractor's reaction.
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As a documentary, this fails on nearly every level...
trublu21515 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this as a part of the SXSW Film Festival in its documentary section and while the film did provide a little bit more clarity into Michael Brown as a person, it fails to deliver any concrete answers as to what exactly happened on the fateful day he was shot. Which was disappointing because, prior to the screening, director Jason Pollock bolstered that never-before-seen evidence would be shown and a mysterious video that will shatter the public perception of the case. This proved to be very much reaching for nothing as the "earth shattering" revelation that is revealed is a very grainy and very blurry video that leaves more questions than answers.

The film interviews the Brown family and the many friends he had. While this paints a very perfect light around Michael Brown and it is very wrong to speak ill of the dead, the film gives off an angelic vibe as if Michae Brown was more of a saint than anything else. This was a huge issue for me as a viewer because after forty minutes of glowing things to be said about him, never once was there any adverse interviews. There wasn't anything in the film that put him at fault for anything. It gave off a very one sided and biased depiction of the young man. While I am far from any which side of this matter, it would have been nice to hear more real things about him instead of parading family and friends in front of a camera in hopes of capturing more of a tribute video instead of an investigative documentary. This spins the film into an unintentionally frustrating chain of events from what happened to Michael Brown to the Grand Jury decision. The film's target is very clear from this point on. It isn't about Michael Brown after this, it is about the police and the brutality they enforce on the community in which Brown was a member of.

Then, at the last 10 minutes, director Jason Pollock decides to introduce more questions into his death by way of this video from the store in which Brown allegedly robbed before he was shot. Even then, director Jason Pollock fails to really captivate the audience because the video itself proves nothing but the narrative of the film seems to push the idea that it does. Either way, the documentary's big reveal is a big bust and makes the entire documentary feel very trivial especially when there is such little amount of film left. To introduce something as amazing as Pollock makes it out to be as late as he introduces it not only makes the film frustrating, it leaves us feeling like we watched a singular episode of something much bigger which is the most frustrating part of all.

Overall, this documentary is more like a tribute to Michael Brown and as that, it works. But as an investigative documentary, it is paper thin. Ideas go nowhere, are over sensationalized or are simply too vague to even decode or both, either way this is a film that misses a huge mark. While many expecting a documentary like Making a Murderer or The Jinx will walk away from this very disappointed, like I have. However, if you want to know more about Michael Brown and who he was, then this film will surely peak your interests. For me, I wished the film was what it promised to be.
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Compelling and Noteworthy.
TH1CK2 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A must watch. Anybody that says different is clearly not truthful. Too much evidence ignored. Too many spins by the "authorities". The cover up is twice as bad as the killing.
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Important to watch
churiso20 September 2018
I followed this case very closely and stayed up all night reading over the released exhibits and testimony from the grand jury.

This documentary sheds light and truth on what happened. It's not the most polished documentary, but it asks the right questions based on facts presented.
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Seems like the 4chan drones are review bombing again
davestone-696077 July 2018
Very poignant look at the life and death of Michael Brown. Everyone knew it was a cover up. The same old patterns of the slave patrol being perpetuated by white folks in denial.

All ththe evidence about the assisination of Michale Brown's character is on display. Spin for the media and to manipulate the public to defend one of their own officers.

The review bombers stem from the racist 4chan or alt right (now alt lite) boys clubs. The coordinated effort to eradicate any sense of egalitarianism is priority one.

The filmmakers do an admirable job on exposing systemic racism and corruption. If you don't believe that Michael Brown is human, or that black people are humans, then it's easier to buy into the Tomi Lahren narrative that supports white supremacy.

Hats off to Pollock. Well done. A film for grown ups.
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Prejudicial nonsense!
DS352010 August 2020
Without a doubt, THE most blatantly partisan so-called "documentary" ever set to film! Jason Pollack's name should be shunned forever aa "documentary film maker! It is clear as clear can be that Michael Brown's "history" made quite clear that he was a career criminal in the making! He was hardly the "pure as the driven snow" individual he has been depicted by friends and family! Pollack's slanted film makes it appear that Officer Wilson was a predator who viciously killed this fine young Black man, who was innocently walking down the street, Lies, lies, and more lies, disproven by the facts! Facts, which Pollack's chooses to cavalierly dismiss as a "cover up," because the truth does not fit in with his agenda to depict Michael Brown as the "good guy!"
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Don't read the lying reviews
lynnline200127 August 2018
Don't pay attention to the 1 star, obviously false reviews of this film. A film that shows what the media failed to show. Watch for yourself.
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Excellent but Tragic
marissabaty11 August 2018
Thank you for sharing the truth! This comprehensive factually based documentary was well produced. I was devastated upon seeing the facts of this murder. I was previously misinformed. I'm ashamed I believed the falsely construed narrative. The truth is so painful.
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Tragically True
krisdmauga11 July 2018
This was well done, insightful and shared more validity than our justice system for this tragic case. The haters are clearly not filmmakers or legit reviewers and quite biased on some varying level. Great work to the filmmakers and many prayers to the "cast"... the true people who experienced a tragic loss. Very well done and awesomely sad to know it is tragic and true. #ripmichaelbrown
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Tragically Unjustified Murder
rlatson27-42-89972127 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Criminal Justice 101, professor/ ex police chief told us more cops don't stop crime. The motto is 9 guilty men should go free, to prevent 1 innocent man being imprisioned. The justice system is unfairly tilted in favor of cops, even when the cops make mistakes. The documentary is truthful, provides facts that can be researched, & were clearly ignored by the chief, DA, everyone involved. Brown was 18, no criminal record, & murdered like a dog in the street by a grown man unqualified to be a cop. I'm puzzled by the other comments that he wasn't an angel. What makes Brown different from an 18 yr old white kid? He wasn't a great student, school was hard for him, but he graduated & was going to college. He loved video games, animals, plants, was tall, was loved by his family, had lots of friends & wasn't violent. He was human, just as human as any 18 yr old kid. The person that killed him, the administrators, & DA all covered it up. Did they cover it up to keep their jobs, defend the blue wall, business as usual, or b/c he was black & not human? Maybe they did it, b/c they could get away with it & they knew no one would care enough to seek justice for Brown?
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I didn't like Micheal Brown
brabantcraig10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it as if it were testimony. Facts were presented and I made my own decisions based on that. There was grainy footage displayed and the filmmaker gave you his interpretation, most of which I agreed with after assessing such. Before watching this I kinda thought Michael Brown kinda got what he deserved, afterwards I believe Michael Brown got screwed. The film presents information and then gives you the filmmaker beliefs which stand up better than the police or government of MO. Is does present the film from Michael Browns side, but as shown in the film that is the only side available instantly after the shooting and as you watch, the only view that stays consistent. They talked and showed other shootings which adds to the over all veracity of the film.
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Great Documentary
lydiam-3901630 July 2019
Did a great job of laying out facts, and bringing forward the storyline of what happened, how it was handled, and the issues surrounding the misled prosecution, withheld evidence and witness testimony, and the propaganda from the media.

It's a travesty what happened, and this documentary lays out the facts about what happened that the public at large had no idea of.
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Final! The real story has been told
aje-0570411 September 2019
Absolutely great documentary. It's about time someone laid down another side of the story besides just the side of the news media. I'm glad that the family was finally able to tell a more in-depth version of what events led up to the death of this young strong black teen. People think the police "can do no wrong", but also believe that "no one is perfect". How can the two coexist? At the end of the day, we all need to do/be better...
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Ignore the racist 🤖 reviews
annesfamily30 May 2020
See the movie and decide for yourself. If you still think Mike Brown was treated fairly after viewing this movie, then you are a scared racist and just like Darren Wilson, the THUG that murdered him in cold blood.
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Eye opener
kfortfoskey29 August 2019
A must watch if you care about social justice. Don't get swayed by the racist reviewers it's a must see.
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A must watch
chiqpar15 November 2020
Great documentary with the perspective of the victim, Michael Brown--showing the ways in which law enforcement tried covering their tracks after an officer shot and killed Brown multiple times, what lead to that incident, and corresponding "new" evidence that shows a plot hole in the story law enforcement told people and the media about the murder and the supposed robbery at a convenience store
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dont listen to the haters this Doc helps show the terrible events that happend things didnt have to end that way
buckeyefanohiostate27 June 2021
This movie really opened my eyes its so sad how the same ppl who are supposed to be protecting us are the same ones who are murdering so many ppl or color and immigrants that most are hard working Americans yet are treated like trash this has to stop or sometime soon there will be a uprising.
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