Locker Room (2017) Poster


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Kirpianuscus31 December 2018
A girl. Her friends. A shocking discover. The revenge. Seductive for the wise manner to explore moral problem. Maybe, its sin is to propose only the conflict changing a relation because, not rare in the universe of teenager this kind of situation, it is not exactly well used in "Locker Room". Sure, obvious, it is well made but something seems missing , the beautiful way to build the tension having a modest end.
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lailurosa3 July 2024
The main character is a young girl who is friends with a football team boys, and she finds out that her friends have a group chat sending videos of under age girls, sending text rating them.

The camera quality is decent.

But I don't like it because it just reminds me of how evil, and shallow human nature can be, at the end of the day people care about what they can get from you, or take. This film is uncomfortable, awkward, and the friends insult each other at the end. One of the boys in the football team call the main character ugly, which made me mad because she above average/ pretty appearance.
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