61: Highway to Hell (2017) Poster

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Not What I Expected
baileycrawly6 June 2020
Amazon bills this as a horror movie, and it's not. But, for what it is, it's still fairly enjoyable. 61: Highway to Hell (or, as the copy I viewed on Amazon Prime called it, Devil Music) is a comedy about a group of friends in a band who travel to Highway 61 to sell their souls to the devil to achieve fame, fortune and (perhaps most importantly to them) girls with their musical talents. Problem being that they don't actually possess any musical talent. The jokes, for the most part, land pretty well and the movie does a good enough job of creating a little bit of heart (particularly in a subplot revolving around a cat). The interest one of the characters has in the age of consent, going so far as to make a joking inquiry about the laws on statutory rape in the area they're in at the time, definitely are unnecessary, unfunny and stick out as unfortunately negative moments in an otherwise enjoyable movie, but the rest is okay. It's not a great movie, but it's an entertaining enough way to pass an hour and a half of your time.
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JKolman20 January 2020
Not sure why Amazon has this listed under the horror genre. This is a comedy, no question about it. Silly, over-the-top rock characters with paper thin personalities go on a road trip to sell their soul to the devil for fame and fortune. Shenanigans ensue, including a side quest to have sex with underage girls.

The Devil arrives in the form of Tobin Bell in a beanie cap and a long wig. Is he the devil? Or an actor playing the devil? That's for you to decide.

It's not a complete waste of time, just don't go in expecting to be scared. There isn't an ounce of horror to be found in this movie.
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