"Peppa Pig" Simple Science (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Simple Pseudoscience more like!
liamjamesgarcia15 February 2020
Simple science is an absolutely oxymoronic farce of an episode void of even the most basic of scientific principals. First of all it is important to note that, scientifically speaking, Candy Cat would without a doubt have ripped Rebecca and Richard Rabbit's heads clean off within the first scene if this show had bothered to do any research into the relationship between the group. It is also worth noting that due to the length of the giraffe's neck, there is an inability to provide sufficient airflow to the larynx to allow for the level of vibrations required for audible communication of any kind and yet Gerald Giraffe is shown to be laughing in the very first scene not to mention the fact that there is no evidence to suggest the ability for any of the animals shown to experience or express humour to any degree. The other issue here is the fact that all of the animals are shown to be bipedal yet none possess the spinal structure to maintain this posture without major long term health issues that are not reflected in the adult characters shown. With the initial 23 second of the episode addressed breifly above, we now move on to the health and safety nightmare occurring on the playground. First of all, the fact that the heavy machinery in use, maybe 20 feet at most, from the classroom had remained so inaudible that it took until the bottom of the hill to realise the works going on plus the fact that the sole teacher in the school was unaware of this is simply evidence of the incompetence and awareness within the local education system. Now we get to the 24th second of the episode and that is where things get really idiotic. WHY ON EARTH ARE THERE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LIGHTS ON A PLAYGOUND?! Moving on, the maniacal laugh exhibited by Mr Bull when announcing the destruction of the children's beloved playground is just sadistic and I find it difficult to believe that there is not a list with his name on that directly forbids him being within such a close proximity to a school. By the 38th second we get to see the disgrace of a blueprint created by Daddy pig which leads me to believe that the playground is not being built to BS EN1176 and BS EN1177 standards and should therefore be immediately condemned. Ignoring the rest of the episode, I think that the lack of simple science in this episode is best reflected by it's concluding moments as Daddy pig gets stuck in concrete without realising that it has dried. Given that concrete hardening is an exothermic reaction, not only would Daddy pig have to be suffering from major nerve damage in order to be unaware of the chemical reaction occuring around him, the episode would end, should simple science have been utilised, with an early lesson to children as to how exactly bacon is made. 1 out of 10, a disgrace to science.
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