Loon Lake (2019) Poster


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Good until...
JonnyDR755 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was flowing so well. Its themes of loss, faith, and betrayal were all unfolding so nicely until the rednecks showed up, called the leading man "city boy" and ended up kicking him in his solar plexus until he was left unconscious in the dirt. It was ridiculously trite, and I felt insulted as an audience member. At that point, the dream sequences and flashbacks became tiresome, too. I was really rooting for this film, but the writer and director should have let up and done better, less heavy-handed story telling at the end.
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Not bad.
M85ALIVE5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There were some moments where the paranoia did work, when the girl brings over food and it looks like there's the figure of a woman in the window in the background, that was effective. There an overhead spinning shot on the corn field where the protagonist is looking for his wife, that was very well done..So there where definitely moments that I felt sucked into the world.

but I have issues...

The opening few scenes (aside from the backstory) doesn't feel like a horror, doesn't really establish the tone, feels more like a "going back to his hometown drama" If everyone avoids the cematary in Loon lake you think there'd be some sort of a warning sign not to go near the graves? no? based on the tale of the pastor and all?

The scene where the pastor tries to make an advance on the witch was, sorry but it was unintentionally funny, as was the end where the witch comes for the protagonist in his crashed car.

The acting in this film is pretty weak, especially from the lead guy, not the best. The neighbour/pastor was ok, though I've seen him be better, obviously in 'The Social Network'.

I get that the spooky tale have a certain premise like many others, e.g. Candyman: say his name a certain amount of times and he appears, and with this film if you pass by her grave 3 times she comes for you in 3 days, why? some innocent person who knew no better? wouldn't it make more sense in this film she came after all the people who killed her? and that the film was set back in the late 1880's? that feels way more organic and believable to me. Her vengence lies with the those who killed her.

Something else that I completely don't buy is the girl telling her brother she was assaulted;

1. She knows he didn't mean it, as she says in the scene. 2. She would assumably know her brother is a hot head and would react impulsively, some thin I think she would not want for him. 3. She didn't tell him IMO, so howl did he find out? makes little sense to me.

What was with the little red flags around the grave of the witch? Summary: Cool enough idea but not executed well.
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mge11086 January 2020
This movie is awful. It makes no sense. What is the deal with the witch? Is she a good flower-child, but the 1800s version? Is she an evil seductress? And the woman who plays he is the absolute worst actress I have ever seen. This is not a horror movie, either. Nothing happens and nothing makes sense. And why introduce Gracie if she just disappears?

David Shelby was good as Emery. That's the only positive thing I can say.
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Only a loon would like this movie
jhr201224 December 2019
Jeez, what a slow moving, stupid movie. I can't believe all the high ratings. There wasn't anything scary about it. Nothing. The ending was awful; I have no idea what happened or why. Avoid this one.
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nightroses22 April 2022
This film was so depressing I had to give it a pass, and refused to watch anymore, once we learned his wife died three months ago and she was pregnant. The dreary background score, the lacklustre characters and the storyline were just all so boring.
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Slowest horror movie of all time
islandgirlyacht22 December 2019
Plot was a good idea... Then it fell flat, bad directing, bad writing, mostly bad acting, very bad lighting
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I Want to be Entertained, not Bored & Confused
raelove-007081 March 2020
It takes a lot to scare me, and this wasn't it. In order to be scared, you have to be awake. And I was only marginally so during this whole thing. I regretted wasting precious time on this.
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Competently-Produced, Character-Driven Horror Film
Wyatt4U27 August 2022
Loon Lake (2019) not to be confused with Loon Lake (2022) is an ambitious microbudget that doesn't get bogged down with too many micro-budget production issues to distract you from the narrative.

The elements of period piece sprinkled throughout, a big "no-no" for filmmakers on a budget, are produced admirably. David Selby carries these scenes (as well as several in the main narrative) as a corrupted and conflicted Pastor.

Selby is the highlight of the film for me playing both a Heston-esque town-leader with a deep, booming voice, before transforming into the caring, soft-spoken neighbor just a few scenes later.

Performances are relatively strong throughout the cast with some notable exceptions for a little ham and cheese. I found myself chuckling at a scene where Louis has named his fists, a clearly tongue in cheek moment that seems a little out of place in an otherwise straight horror film.

I think the biggest faults of the film are when it tries to emulate it's Hollywood counterpart a little too closely. Louis emerging from the shed, axe in hand, calling out into the darkness, "I'm ready for you!" is a trope I've seen a few too many times with horror films for the last few decades, and while it reminds us that we're watching a genre piece, I'm not so sure it's necessary as we're inching closer to our climax.

I can appreciate the restraint. It has to be tempting to rush to jump scares and violent scenes, but Loon Lake relies more on it's atmosphere. When we do get those scares, they are earned and effective. It's an incredibly tough technical feat to pull off, and I'm happy to witness emerging filmmakers taking those risks for the sake of a project that they are clearly very passionate about.

As a kid from the cornfields of Illinois, I can appreciate the horror of isolation and the dread of existence in a nearly deserted town.

As with any film, it's not for everyone, but Selby alone is worth your time if you are looking to give something off-the-radar a chance.
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Fun psychological indie horror film
jillhammer-2686230 January 2020
I thought this movie was very well made. You can tell at times it's a low budget Indie film, but what it lacks with budget it makes up with acting, writing and pulse. Mind bending and thought provoking. I'll have to watch it again to catch all the fine details.
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Atmospheric ghost story
directortim20128 January 2020
I like suspenseful, intelligent horror more than gore. This is a real thriller of a ghost story! A really well done, scary, haunting horror film. It's psychological, well shot and acted. I'm so glad I watched this one!
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Little Movie, with a big heart!
faolanredwolf16 July 2021
Loon Lake is an amazing indie horror film, from Ansel Faraj, staring Nathan Wilson, David Selby and Kathryn Leigh Scott. It tells the tale of Louis Olsen, a broken young man trying to escape the city and his past. Louis is then confronted with legend of Mary Jane Terwilliger, the Witch of Loon Lake...

I'm not gonna spoil any of it here, you'll just have to go watch it yourself, trust me it's worth it.

The Movie is a beautiful mix of folk Horror, ghost story and mystery, with a deeply melancholy atmosphere throughout. The cinematography is reminiscent of people like Dean Cundey and John Coquillon and the whole thing come across as a throw back to 70s cinema.

I can't gush enough, about this Movies! It's rare these days, that I'm actually surprised by a movie, especially in this genre. It just proves that you should never judge a movie by its budget!
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Creepy, spooky and mysterious -- all in a good way!
hearons20 February 2021
The acting, directing, cinematography, score and screenplay have been carefully crafted in this well-above-average indie horror flick. It reminded me of many other horror movies I love ("The Ring," "The Possession of Michael King," etc.), but still stood out strongly as its own story. I was very impressed by the acting, character development and dialogue in particular. I'm glad I heard about this one!
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nice psychological thriller
freyamoran29 December 2019
This was great indie psychological thriller. It had some unexpected twists and turns, so left me surprised rather than i knew exactly what was going to happen. I liked how it kept changing in time, to the past and present and thought they did a good job with that, also the acting and script.
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A very good movie
ElectricWarlock10 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie today and was very impressed. It tells the story of a priest (Pastor Owen Jansen) in the late 1800s who executes a local girl (Mary Jane Terlinden) for witchcraft, but afterwards she comes back from the dead to have her revenge on him. In present day, our main character, Louis, vacations to the small, rural town for quiet and solitude. As he ventures into the cemetery where Mary Jane is buried, he accidentally awakens her spirit and the horror begins.

There are many things to admire in this movie such as the use of color and the excellent music which really help to create a spooky, Gothic atmosphere. Ansel Faraj has a great eye for visuals as the cinematography and use of color are excellent. All of the cast did a great job, but David Selby (who played Quentin Collins in my favorite show of all time, Dark Shadows) does the best job. He plays two characters. The sleazy, lecherous priest and a descendant of his who is the exact opposite; a friendly, nurturing old man. His discussion with Louis about how they both lost their wives is a moving highlight. Kelly Kitko also does an amazing job as the witch who is sympathetic at first and then turns out to be evil and terrifying.

Perhaps my favorite scene of the movie, is a flashback of Pastor Jansen discussing his loss of faith with his wife, Lena, who is wonderfully played by David Selby's Dark Shadows costar, Kathryn Leigh Scott. Pastor Jansen begins to doubt his faith in God after the loss of their son, just as Louis does in present day after the loss of his wife in a car accident. I think most viewers will be able to relate to the issues of grief, loss, and how to continue living after a devastating tragedy. I found it a great touch which added an extra layer of depth.

Overall, I am very glad I watched this movie and look forward to seeing more from Ansel Faraj in the future. If you are a fan of Gothic horror movies like the Hammer films of the 1960s and '70s and Robert Eggers's The Witch, you will surely enjoy this one.
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I loved this movie
craigahrens9 October 2019
What a treat of a film and just in time for Halloween! David Selby, a main actor, was terrific (of course he would be right)! I also enjoyed a lot Nathan Wilson. These two actors were simply great! They had wonderful chemistry together. I thoroughly enjoyed the story but don't wanted to be accused of being a spoiler. Director Ansel Faraj did a wonderful job in keeping the movie moving along. I was never bored once which is seldom ever the case for me. A big thumbs up from me for this film!
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The Loon Lake Legend brought to Life.
hussong-786-3875069 October 2019
I recently watched "Loon Lake" and found the Thriller Excellent. I grew up by Loon Lake and have known about the Legend of the Loon Lake grave yard and Mary Jane most of my life. When we would visit the grave yard when I was in high school weird things would happen there. It had a spooky feel just being there.

The movie did an excellent job of bring the legend to film. All the actors did a brilliant job. The filming was done fantastic. The back ground shadows that moved and subtle reflections were perfect. That is what often scares me the Most. The music was awesome. I usually don't notice the music but it was perfect.

All in all it was definitely well worth watching!
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Creepy film
arstudio-1640912 October 2019
I enjoyed this psychological thriller. The acting was excellent, the Minnesota locations were atmospheric and haunting. It might be low budget, but the story is compelling and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended for Halloween viewing.
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Good suspenseful Minnesota witch/ghost story
maggieruth-6229630 January 2020
I found myself holding my breath, waiting for what was going to happen next. The story was very compelling and scary. Based on a real witch legend in southwest Minnesota. By where I'm from. Defiantly a thinker and not a straight forward story, which I LOVED! Intelligent horror more than gore.
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Enjoyable enough
ladymidath1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loon Lake was made on a very tight budget and it does show, that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable horror movie. It has enough suspense and there are a few good scares. The story is good and I like the way that it also addresses grief and loss in a sensitive and intelligent way. What does let it down though is the acting which at times is clunky and awkward. Also the film itself seems to veer from being horror to drama and back again. That in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing but it keeps changing the mood and vibe of the movie.

It's a good horror, it doesn't rely on gore and stupid jump scares, it does build up the story, but the acting could have been a little better.
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An Ax Cut Above
gandlgall3 October 2019
Loon Lake is a surprisingly good horror/ghost story film with production values that bely its small budget. The photography, music, and acting are a cut above the usual independent film. It is fun to see an old pro like David Selby playing multiple roles, but I was most impressed with Kelly Erin Decker (listed in the credits as Kelly Kitko). Her performance as the accused witch is controlled and convincing. Her portrayal of the character is eerily frightening without resorting to histrionics.

The plot may not be groundbreaking, but the movie maintains one's interest throughout. So, if you like a good horror flick, give Loon Lake a try
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Rural American Ghost Story
TheAll-SeeingI10 October 2019
The "Loon" of "Loon Lake" probably refers to the indigenous aquatic birds that surely populate the watery namesake of this rural American ghost story. But the term could well be applied to choice characters we meet along the way in a great film that veers from very intentionally plain-faced to straight-up trippy in its telling of a tale reportedly adapted from regional folklore.

Louis (Nathan Wilson) has lost his wife. And like so many who experience grief are problematically prone to doing, he seeks out solitude rather than interpersonal engagement, and reckons he's found plenty of "me time" in Minnesota's remote lakeland environs. In exploring those local fishing holes, he literally stumbles on and over the grave of long-goner Mary Jane Terlinder -- played with terrific aplomb by Kelly Erin Decker -- who in life's finishing move was brutally separated at the head by a God-willing priest. Louis has certainly managed to evoke the mesmerizing witch by crossing her path, but has he truly brought her back into the "real world" beyond where she might exist in his mind?

In the balance, "Loon Lake" is an engrossing, psychologically-wired horror film, expertly using the most time-tested tools of the ghost story genre to spook, then lull, then delight. The often-pretty and decidedly understated images of rural Americana yield to Glamour Shot-on-acid flashback motifs with shimmering, full-body spectral lighting -- arguably evocative of horror masters like Dario Argento -- in which we see a seductive witch and a fire-and-brimstone priest glow and flicker darkly as if consumed by candlelight. It all amounts to highly effective and attractively old-world, campfire-esque storytelling, positioning "Loon Lake" as a must-see sensory head trip.
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alanakmd19 October 2019
Such a great movie to watch coming into the spooky season! This supernatural horror really delivered the tension. The performances were great, and the music and cinematography elevated the creepiness. Definitely recommend!
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My kind of horror
metroran13 December 2019
This movie has some really great scares and uses some excellent old school tropes that never fail to give me the suspense and shock moments I'm looking for in my horror flicks. Ansel Faraj does a great job in all aspects of the film. Easy on the gore and strong on the horror, this one is worth watching.
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Suspenseful Horror
kjs11447 December 2019
Look Lake is an excellent horror. The suspense is well crafted and very effective. From a technical standpoint, I thought the cinematography is what impressed me the most, as the camera work is very impressive. The production design was excellent as well. All in all, this was well done, and very frightening!
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Scary, but well worth watching
gandlgall4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of creepy movies. If I must watch a film that verges on horror or the occult or one in which a character I like is threatened in any way, I tell myself over and over, "It's only a movie. It's only a movie." That is exactly what I told myself throughout "Loon Lake."

Filmed in Round Lake, Minnesota, this independent film captures the viewers attention in the first scene - Spoiler Alert! - when the main character, Mary Jane Terlinden, is decapitated. Played masterfully by Kelly Erin Decker (Kelly Kitko), witch and loon sculptor, the long-deceased Terlinden comes to life - sort of - and terrorizes the citizens of Round Lake.

"It's only a movie. It's only a movie."
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