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Homeschooling ignorance on the part of the Judge
jeffbrunsman20 February 2018
Judge Judy made a fool out of herself with her ignorant rant against a homeschooling couple. The Judge ought to take some time to learn about this method of education chosen by millions each year before she lets her mouth run against something she apparently knows nothing about.
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Wow this judge is acting like a crazy person.
miaseeya27 February 2018
I believe she needs to step down as in this episode she goes quite crazy. She really goes off against homeschooling. Very sad that she is so judgemental thinking she knows better than those who wrote the law.
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Irrational outrage and shocking ignorance on JJ's part
sheepwalk14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was taken aback at the start by Judge Judy's outrage and hostility. First, she had trouble understanding when the wife said her husband works for Homeland security, repeatedly yelling about it being a company. Then she was outraged and incredulous that a federal employee works from home four days a week and accuses him a wasting her tax dollars. Both our son's have advanced degrees and work for companies from home several days a week as does out son-in-law. These people use COMPUTERS and PHONES. They don't have to be physically present in a brick and mortar building every day.

Then after several stupid questions shouted at the wife (eg "Does everyone who works for Homeland Security get to work from home?") the wife, overwhelmed by idiotic questions suggests she ask the husband, since he's the object of the ridicule, laughing and screaming which gave JJ the opportunity to denigrate the wife for not being able to answer the idiotic questions and leads into an attack on her competence to homeschool her children.

Again JJ displays her ignorance re homeschooling, apparently under the impression an actual teaching credential is required to homeschool and implying the wife is unfit. The wife manages to state she has a college degree but JJ continues to run over her. JJ needs to retire.
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