Survive the Hollow Shoals (2018) Poster

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A dumber version of what you've seen before.
frankblack-7996110 November 2020
My problems with this movie are many. Dumb guy goes into the woods. Gets stalked by woman entity. Fails miserably and inexplicably to leave the woods. There are some good scare scenes but they decided to make absolutely sure you jump with super loud noise right at the jump scare. Truthfully it would have been creepy anyway but the way they did it was just annoying. Idiotic people always ruin movies for me anyway so yeah. This one deserves its low rating.
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Dude...go home
brandonsmuxx23 November 2020
I've watched about every found footage horror movie. Once crazy stuff starts happening, the characters will at least TRY to exit the situation (though rarely succeed). Night after night, he is basically terrorized and then just brushes it off the next day. After about 5 days of this, it just becomes ridiculous and you almost root for him to get knocked off just for being an idiot.
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Not bad and not predictable.
berg-7453212 May 2020
A reviewer said apparently as a negative " it's designed to do one thing.... scare." As far as I know that is the intent of every horror movie since the first one and, if it does that... that's why you watched it. Is it the greatest or is it groundbreaking is the concept new that answer would for all three would be no. Is it scary yeah, is it entertaining yeah. The story if you want to can be torn apart pretty easy and if you want to go ahead. But why not sit back turn your critical eye off and be scared.
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'Dude...go home' is right.
ocosis14 December 2021
A man goes solo camping in the deep woods, and hears human and demonic screaming every night. Wakes up to forage for food. Then to repeat that process for over 16 days or so.


And the sound work/soundtrack is ridiculous.
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Where was the band hiding?
chuckm7615 September 2019
I consider myself a found footage aficionado, as much as I'm a huge fan of the genre I can judge each film on it's own merit.

This film is promising to begin with, character development is good and I'm interested in the survivalist documentary that is the motivation of the footage. Spooky things begin to occur, screams and noises from afar but nothing that couldn't be explained away, at this point the film is holding together.

Then it falls apart!

It's a massive no no to have any kind of musical score in a found footage film, and even worse to add schlock BANGS! every time you catch a glimpse of something eerie. It's as subtle as a brick. It continues to get worse throughout, all suspense and creepiness is completely lost. You no longer jump at anything visual, just huge explosions of electronic bombs rattling your speakers.

To the uninitiated or casual fans of horror I'm sure that the jumps that dished out from the orchestral bangs will be enough to fool them into thinking that they've seen a scary movie but that's not the case. This film should have been creepy and mind bending, the main protagonist is trapped and can't work out what to do next. Aside from the ridiculous soundtrack there is also no ending or intrigue provided by an open ending and it's all a bit of a let down.

It's a shame that this film goes so awry because it has the makings of something much better, it would have hovered around a 3 rating but it loses another star for it's soundtrack!!
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Not good...
tchitouniaram27 December 2021
3 stars lust for a likable actor...Love found footage films, but this one is a bit of a disaster...Like others, main complaint is not very well thought through soundtrack...Found footage should be as close to reality as possible, not with studio created sound effects...Overall ,just a very lazy try to imitate the classic Blair witch ,very unsuccessfully. Avoid.
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Worlds worst survivalist goes on an adventure
twesterm-1043315 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movies features Zack, a guy who watched a youtube video on surviving in the wilderness and thought "yeah, I can do 60 days in the woods." Armed with a backpack that contains the worlds longest lasting battery, a knife, and a canteen Zack leaves his girlfriend and wanders off in a random direction. Things do not go well for him.

I liked the idea of this movie, it starts off really well, but then it just kind of drags. The middle of the movie is him inexplicably trying to stay at his shelter and the last third is him trying to leave but keeps returning to his shelter. It just makes those last two thirds of the movie really drag. I was pretty much counting down the minutes left in the movie because nothing new happens in the last 30 minutes.

* Three days into his adventure he comments he isn't eating/drinking enough and he probably should have practiced more. You think? I'm sorry, did you do a weekend camping trip once and thought that was pretty much the same as sixty days? It's not like there's some entity taking all the food, he thinks things are all going according to plan those first few days. He's just really bad at this.

* I enjoy found footage movies and I try not to be a snob about found footage movies. I can forgive them ignoring he somehow has enough batteries to last two months, but I can't really forgive them adding the music and the BWAAAAHS to the jump scares.

* First night, crazy sounds start happening. Second night, more crazy sounds. Third night he finds a voodoo stick figuring hanging directly in front of his shelter. Any sane person would just say "ok, I have no attachment to this particular shelter, you win whatever is messing with me. I am leaving." But no, he just brushes it off and doesn't try to leave until like two weeks later.

* I am pretty sure they used the same footage of the woman walking behind the shelter like four times.

* After repeated attempts to leave he keeps up ending back at his shelter. There's a scene where he's trying to map out his various routes and it's just hilarious. It's hilarious because he has no idea what direction he came to this camp from and no idea what direction he has traveled. He just figures "the road is to the left." Guy, if you're survivalist you should know your basic directions. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Start off in the morning with the sun on your left or right and go. If at the end of the day it's on the opposite side you did a good job.

* Assuming it's not his terrible sense of direction keeping him lost, you'd think he'd just follow the river up or downstream. You'd *hope* he had at least studied some maps and have some basic ideas where the water leads or comes from.
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phenomynouss31 March 2018
This film is about a guy who, for inexplicable reasons, decides to go live in the woods for 60 days with basically nothing but a video camera, a knife, and presumably some things in his backpack like a metal cup and the like. He seems to be enjoying it and even making progress.

However he starts being harassed by an evil entity that haunts the Shoals. This is in the description so it's not a spoiler. For some reason I found this manner of haunting to be funny.

It's a standard, typical type of found footage in the woods tale, as every single night the exact same sequence of random shouting, screaming, and voices occur, occasionally joined by some minor bits of action and the appearance of the entity in the form of a cliché woman in a dress reminiscent of The Ring or The Grudge or the anything horror.

some of what kept my interest was the odd little details, such as a point later on when Zach realizes that there are no longer any animals or insects in the woods around him, or the constant monitoring of his caloric intake and how the lack of any animals means he's spending most days wandering around aimlessly and sleeping more often due to lack of energy.

The instances where the evil entity pops up tend to be rather funny, with all of them punctuated by loud music stings, and it becomes apparent after the 3rd or 4th night that it's unclear if this entity is even "evil" or just wandering about making noise as well.

The film narrowly avoids going on for too long with its bit, but then suffers from a rather abrupt, unsatisfying ending that just seemed to feel like they were aware they were going nowhere with the plot and so decided to end it.

This film is what it is. I can easily imagine people being bored by it or turned off by the subtle lack of any real stuff happening. There are some odd elements thrown in, such as random totems scattered throughout the woods, or an old abandoned camp with a conveniently placed journal from previous campers explaining how they experienced the same events as Zach.

Any major drawbacks of the film seem to be up to personal taste, it would seem. The only faults with the film I had were:

  • Repetitive sound choice. The constant screams and voices in the woods are obviously drawn from a sound bank, and some of the choices are obvious, such as a female scream sound effect that is probably older than my grandparents and has been used in 800 million movies, TV shows, video games, and so on. A greater variety of sounds could've been used.

  • There seems to be a slight disconnect between what we're seeing and hearing on camera and what Zach seems to be reacting to. It's rather realistic that he doesn't immediately jump onto the "spooky ghosts!" train when he first encounters the entity, or somehow becomes an expert in paranormal phenomena, but there comes a point in the film where the entity has literally jumped in front of his face and chased him, and the next morning he's complaining to the camera about being lost, as if nothing had happened the night before. He constantly complains about "something" being out there in the same tone of voice as if he were being stalked by a wild raccoon trying to steal food from him. It feels as though some of those scenes were spliced in at a later point in the film that were meant to take place earlier.
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wandernn1-81-68327430 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
1 - Illogical. The guy is completely a moron. Who keeps their light on and camera on themselves during such an event?

2 - Unoriginal. For 2018...should expect more.
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Ghosts in the woods
killercharm6 October 2020
Ghosts in the woods much like Blair Witch. Actually it's more like a movie set in the Blair Witch-iverse. The difference is that in this flick we actually see our ghost. At first it is done so well that I got gasping scared. Unfortunately the more we see of her the less ominous she becomes. Luckily the sounds and unseen version of her are good n scary. Our hero goes into the woods as a survivalist-type feat. Once he is finally frightened enough to leave for home he can't. He can't find his way out of the shoals. True to horror-movie form he disregarded the stories about the Hollow Shoals being haunted, mores the pity. This is yet another movie with a rushed ending that seems tacked on.
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Worth Seeing Once
tmccull524 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie for more than a 5 star rating, but there were things that just didn't make sense.

Our hero, Zach, is a nature expert/survivalist that is filming his efforts to make camp for 60 days and nights in a place called Hollow Shoals. He erects a solid, passable shelter and establishes a base camp, but before too long, he begins to hear strange noises at night around his shelter. This goes on night after night, and the strange phenomena intensifies.

While exploring, Zach finds an old, abandoned campsite, and a journal. He takes the journal back to his own campsite and begins to read through it. While reading the journal, he finds that the writer of the journal experienced the same things that Zach is. A few days later, Zach finds the skeletal remains of a human being.

Here's where I have trouble with this movie:

1.) Zach only hiked an hour from the road to where he made camp. He didn't hike back out to the road during daylight hours to find someone, and report finding human remains?

2.) Despite finding the journal, despite finding the human remains, despite not being able to find anything to eat, despite the escalation in hostile, eerie activity, Zach stays in his campsite.

3.) When Zach finally does decide to leave, he waits until dark, as opposed to hiking out in the daylight.

For someone who is supposed to be so skilled at woodcraft and wilderness survival, Zach makes bonehead decision after bonehead decision.

This movie can't seem to decide what the threat to Zach is. Is it Sasquatch? Ghosts? Both? As the viewer, you are shown evidence for both possibilities.

This movie had potential. It had an eerie atmosphere, and a few decent attempts at jump scares, but the bad outweighed the good, so I could only give it 5 out of 10 stars.
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It does its job...
user-628-5325014 February 2019
This film is designed to do one thing only... ...and that is to scare. There's not much plot and the camera work isn't stylish. What the film has is unbelievable tension with well placed jump scares. The acting must be fine as the film's lead came across as an ordinary Youtube survival vlogger, if anything he may have come across as too calm when the **** really hits the fan. For spookiness I give this 10/10 but overall I have to limit it to 8/10 due to there being an eerie soundtrack, music has no place in Found Footage in my opinion, though it did increase the tension.
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Enjoyable film IMO
juliegettle3 January 2021
I love found footage films and I found this one to be entertaining. IMO MUCH scarier than Blair Witch Project. It's not going to win any Oscars but if you're a fan of this genre I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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Seriously SOOOO BAD
andrewmcl83-170-76441614 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that anyone who gives this movie anything above a five clearly works on the movie or is friends with people that work on the movie. There is absolutely no plot. He just kind of sits around His campsite listening to deathly screams and really makes no big deal of it. There was one part he discovered a skeleton. It looks like one of those plastic skeletons your mom puts outside on Halloween and they just never went back to that, he never went to report it or anything lol. It really is deserving of 1 * and it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life and I really like found footage movies.
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Mixed at best
graham-1679 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I guess I don't need to tell you the plot, just read the summary.

So what's good? The main character is good. The actor playing him is good. The tense scenes where things aren't happening but you're scared that they might, are good. The whole thing works reasonably well.

What's not? The scares are over the top. The film is without a score, as is often the case for found footage, because why would there be music? But every time there's a jump scare - and there's a LOT of jump scares - there's this big musical BLAHHHHH! to make you jump.

And the scares themselves - in a movie like this things should escalate. You should have, like distant noises in the woods, then the noises get gradually closer, then there's some physical interaction, etc. Not here. Here, there's a typical ghost girl in the forest and one of the very first scares we get is the guy leans forward in his shelter and she's just there, right behind him, looking through a big gap in his wall. BLAHHHHHHH! At other times she walks past the front door of his shelter... BLAHHHHHH! Or sticks her face into his shelter and screams at him... BLAHHHHHH! It's honestly so much so fast that it's almost like they're going for comedy.

Nor is there any apparent logic to what's going on. Yeah, ghost girl is around. At one point he finds a skeleton in a long deserted camp. Maybe that's her? But... there's also some kind of monster that roars in the distance and pushes trees over. And somebody who leaves voodoo dolls outside his shelter at night. And whispering noises, and static on his camera, and pretty much anything else they could think of.

It's like they took a ghost movie, combined it with a Bigfoot movie, and then stuck a Blair Witch style thing in there, and some Satanists-in-the-woods stuff, too. Again, it's so over the top that you'd hardly be surprised if Aliens and Dracula and a Zombie Apocalypse turned up, with poor Zach looking at the camera and going "wow, what else could go wrong?!"

A couple of minor logic issues, too. He waits waaaay too long before trying to escape. Seriously, he's got knocked down trees and ghost girls and screams in the night from day one, and he's like a week in before he's even thinking of leaving. And when he does try to leave they do the "winds up back where he started" thing. But he has a small river nearby... why not just follow it downstream? Do that, and you'll reach something sooner or later. Okay, maybe not if some freaky supernatural force is distorting reality, but still, it has to be worth a try!

I know I've gone on at length about the flaws, but it's honestly a half decent effort despite them. I just wish there'd been a bit more thought gone into it, and a good deal more restraint in the scares.
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ernestrx20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Looked at the reviews and thought there maybe something in this. From the strat I thought there may be some meat on the bone of the story, but it went nowhere, only resulting in a headache from the constant camera shake. Still I sat through it hoping that it may amount to something, sadly not. Don't waste your time in sitting through this poor attempt at implied horror.
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Too many issues to even name
maiesharowland23 May 2022
It's like the people who made this all just say yes to each other all the time. Not one of them notices the issues with this story? The main guy was an OK actor but whew to everything else.
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Male Pride?
lindseyebranch29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning wasn't so bad. The first night, weird noises, whatever... second night, weird noises once again but horrid sounds of a woman screaming... this would set off an alarm to at least do something. Then the next day you find a human skeleton... sorry dude, forget about your male ego, swallow your pride and get back to civilization. More and more stuff kept happening that was putting his life in danger but he refused to leave at first. This obviously gets frustrating to the viewer. Your tired, super hungry, scared out of your mind, uncomfortable and lonely, just leave! I guess the climax of the film may have been when he realized that he couldn't get to the road and was trapped, constantly going back to his original camping ground, but it was too subtle in my opinion. There were some jump scares but no sustenance. I get that this is fiction but the smart people would have a burner or walkie on you in case of an emergency. Could have been better.
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Enjoyed it
timesniffer14 February 2021
Ive been watching lots of bush craft videos on YouTube lately and the main character is a perfect representation of one of these bush craft guys and it did its job and got me quite scared too lol
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alperilgazaytek19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie as a whole is an insult to the found footage horror genre. The main character's actions, motives and reactions based on new or existing information is an insult to the human faculty of reason and rationality.
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Better than expected
lucaskauffman21 December 2020
A lot more than your average found footage film, simple story and don't expect a lot of special effects due to the shoe string budget.
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Over the top jump scares
FoundFootageCreep15 April 2021
Upon reading reviews, I decided to give this movie a chance. I'll keep this brief, it wasn't great.

The movie is technically "found footage" in the sense that it is shot as one would expect from the genre. However, it relies purely on jump scares, supported by audio that has no place in the found footage genre.

Each jump scare is accompanied by a loud, jolting sound that could only be created in a studio, thus distancing itself from what one would expect from a found footage movie.

I will admit that I jumped more than once though. So if you want a movie that contains cheap jump scares and not terrible acting then it might be for you.

For me, there was far too much reliance on public domain sound effects.

However, always make your own decisions and steer clear from the flock.
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Really scary! We screamed!
saphira_dragon-802701 February 2019
Wow!!! We were incredibly pleased with this movie. It really is a gem. Very very watchable, main character is likable, acting is great as well. It truly has some very scary parts. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed!! Highly recommend!
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6.6/10. Recommended
athanasiosze16 January 2023
This is a predictable as hell found footage movie, unoriginal as it gets, zero innovative ideas. Basically it just steals ideas from another FFM. However, it did what a horror movie supposed to do: It scared me. I was terrified while i was watching this. Furthermore, this dude didn't seem like an actor. His performance was natural, it felt like a documentary. This is his only movie, therefore that reinforces the thought that he is not indeed an actor. But he managed to be convincing.

I have a soft spot for FF movies. Every movie i have watched was at least watchable for me, so take this review with a grain of salt. In any case, this is one of the better ones. If you want to watch a movie with just one actor, loses his grip in the woods, you will probably like it.
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BORING these have to be fake reviews
gustheaffen26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here is the punchline, nothing happens. You get to watch an unattractive bumbling know it all idiot act scared while walking in circles and seeing basically nothing much to scare him. He also makes some onion soup and the first 15 minutes are just him acting like a survival specialist building a shelter. It was like Blair Witch meets Castaway and nothing happens, nothing explained just a fat guy screaming like a girl and disappearing. Good riddance and save 80 minutes of your life and skip this.
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