"Mr. Robot" 410 Gone (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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In defense of this episode... (you guys are harsh lol)
jonathanaguinaga9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is about 1 thing: giving Darlene and Dom rest after the sever trauma that they have gone through this season, especially Dom. I've read many reviews saying that the ending was anticlimactic, but you guys are missing the point. Sam Esmail isn't giving us what we want, he's giving us what these characters need. Dom NEEDS a break. Darlene needs to go back because, unlike Dom, there IS something for her back at home: Elliot.

For the entirety of the episode, there are wonderful dialogue moments where it is made very clear that Darlene and Dom needed the break that they are given in this episode. Darlene's work isn't done, but Dom's work is done. Dom needs to get away, Darlene needs to stay for her brother.

So many people are calling this episode a filler episode, but no one really complained about episode 4, when Elliot, Mr. Robot, and Tyrel are literally walking around the forest for 40 minutes. But this episode, an episode full of wonderful character moments, an amazing cameo by our favorite Dark Army operative from season 3, and an ending that fits our characters and leaves us questioning what part Darlene will play in the ending of this show, is boring?

Sure, this episode isn't the best episode of Mr. Robot. It certainly is the worst episode this season. But it is vital for the characters in the episode and leaves questions as to who will die and who will live happily ever after.
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Nothing wrong here
nickventura-9889613 May 2021
People really complain about any episode that isn't insanely good and fast paced. What's wrong with this one? 2 characters with a strong relationship on the road trying to figure things out with a small cameo return from Irving and of course one of our favorites, Leon. Absolutely nothing wrong with this episode and I can't wait for the final 3. This episode is no worse than a 7.
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Not bad as everyone portraying it
mahinsiam9 December 2019
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I really enjoyed the episode. Dom and Darlene deserved this epsiode tbh. Sam is a genius. He gives all the characters same importance in his episodes. Such as : he made Vera the main man in episode 7 and Price in episode 9. That's why, I love Sam. I am really surprsed by seeing people complaining a lot. Maybe, they expect thriller and some actions in every episode but that's not gonna happen. This episode is also a good one. We can see how Darlene gonna cope up with her fear and Dom gonna have some nice time staying out from all the problems. The ending disheartened me a lot. Maybe, they were supposed to be happy but not with each other.
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This episode isn't a filler and there is why
gasp-1924612 December 2019
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I have read some of the critics and I have to say that I respectfully disagree with them. For me a filler episode, is an episode that is made to extend the length of the show or mainly, in anime due to the way episode are produced, to fill the gap between the release of two episodes and most of the time, the plot has nothing to do with the main plot of the series.

But 410 Gone doesn't fall in any of those two categories, in addition to being a masterclass on how to play with expectations, the episode is very important regarding character development because it concludes both Darlene and Dom character arcs.

Darlene has succeeded in her goals, redistribute the wealth to everyone, bringing economic justice to the world but that deed as impressive as it is, has not resolve her confidence issues and her anxiety of loneliness. When she is about to take the plane, she falls again into her demons, freaks out and leave thus missing the return of Dom, which makes it frustrating for us the audience and tragic for the character but in that instant of panic, Darlene overcome her fears and by doing that opens herself a way toward self-improvement and well-being and we, the audience, can imagine her joining to cyber division mentioned by Dom because of her desire for justice.

Dom is all about control, laws and responsibility and as we know "Control is an illusion". If I enjoyed this episode so much it's because we witness the collision between Dom's desire for control and the opposite way of thinking of Darlene, Leon and Irving, I really find it hilarious when Leon isn't able to remember the barn or when Irving discuss all the horrible events that happen like it was no big deal and Dom can not even apprehend the fact that the Dark Army isn't anymore after her or her family because in her mind she disobey and the rules have to be followed, she has to be punished like Santiago. Each character is this episode advise Dom to give up control, whether it's Darlene that tells her to wait, accept the fact of not knowing and appreciate the moment, or Leon who says that "Jackie" can become everything she wants, by the way, we can also observe Dom's obsession to have control over everything when she starts to invent a backstory for her new identity and even Irving who literally said to her "Take it easy", it can't be more transparent than that. I have seen some people theorizing that something would happen to the plane because of Irving presence but I really think that it's just a coincidence. For me the plane is a metaphor for leaving things behind, giving up control, Dom wasn't able to sleep well before because of her strive for control but in the plane for the first time she does it with ease and there we have the end of Dom's character journey.

I hope you have taken the time to read all of the critic and know you're convinced that this episode wasn't a filler
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I feel like we just got trolled, in a good way.
Splarke229 December 2019
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This episode features incredible character development, dialogue, & cinematography like most episodes of Mr. Robot. We got a great goodbye scene with Elliot and Darlene, along with so many great moments between Darlene and Dom. Darlene running away and Dom running back.. Everything felt like it was leading up to a dramatic, crushing, shocking conclusion. Instead we got a cut to black, with no dramatic, crushing, or shocking conclusion. I thought this was a great episode, I loved seeing Leon & Irving again, and I actually love how Sam Esmail was making it TOO obvious that everything was leading up to something insane at the end, then doing the complete opposite. Some people might be mad at "nothing" happening or call this a boring, filler episode. Although I can see where they're coming from, I respectfully disagree.
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Went in skeptical after hearing mixed things, genuinely loved this one...
maxglen11 December 2019
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The ending reminded me of a somehow more tragic Casablanca, I was so heartbroken and that's how I know I love this show, I'm so emotionally invested in the characters and story, thanks to Sam Esmail's incredible mind for creating... THIS! I was strangely enough thinking if we were ever going to see Irving again and as soon as I saw Beach Towel on sale I said to my girlfriend "That's the book he was writing" and then he came on screen and we cheered, Bobby Canavale is an absolute powerhouse and I didn't realise how much I missed his presence in the show until he was back, I really hope we somehow see him again before the end. Also the scene with Darlene and Dom on the bench as FSociety redistribute the Deus groups ill gotten gains is one of my favourites this season and that's saying something. This season hadn't had a weak link before this for me and that didn't change this week. A slower episode but a welcome one. 9.0/10 P.S can get an appreciation thread for my boy Joey Bada$$? Never an dull moment with Leon.
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Wow. The ending was extremely upsetting.
jackburke1339 December 2019
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I actually loved the weary mood of this episode, it felt like limbo for Darlene and Dom. Joey Badass made the episode in my opinion. However, the ending could not have been more frustrating. Sam Esmail, please tell me if I am missing something because I usually am thrilled by your cliff-hangers but this one just angered me. Overall, it was a solid episode, but I will have to watch an episode of Veep to unwind after Dom and Darlene missed each other in the airport.
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Bobby Cannavale is a legend
asburybrad9 December 2019
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Right when it panned onto the Beach Towel books, I screamed. Lol

Still a solid ep tho, got a touching goodbye from Darlene and Elliot, some great character scenes with Dom and Darlene, and some even better moments from Leon and Irving. Yeah, it isn't balls to the wall like previous ep's, and the ending was a little cheesy imo, but it was a nice change of pace, and I'm sure Sam has something else up his sleeve. He always does
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What's with all ?
nikonja9 December 2019
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You cannot expect to get same super thrilling episode we got last week, we have to cool down, and now when Don is it out of picture Eliot is the one we will focus in next episodes. Cannot believe there are only 3 episodes left of this great show !!!
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A nice emotional episode
julien-maudoux12 February 2020
A beautiful and emotional episode. It mostly follows Dom and Darlene. It's the kind of episodes where you (seemingly) say goodbye to great characters, with a bittersweet ending that feels quite appropriate. There is a great moment in the episode that concludes a whole part of the big plan of the heroes since Season 1. The way to show it is very nice and I think Sam Esmail did the right choice even though I'd liked to see just a bit more the consequences of all that on society.
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A refreshing change of pace
TouchTheGarlicProduction9 December 2019
For at least the last five episodes, Esmail has been leaning hard on the gas; we've been rocketing through the plot with episode after episode of dark, intense, edge-of-your-seat action. Now, for the first time since "404 Not Found", we get a slower, more character-driven episode. If this had been located anywhere else in the season, it might have been really frustrating, but coming down off the high of 409 with another 3 to go after it, the episode feels perfectly placed.

Other than a tiny bit of Elliot near the start, this episode is focussed entirely on Dom and Darlene, and their relationship. We also get cameos from two ex-Dark Army operatives. For the most part, this is a pretty lighthearted episode, but it definitely has some heavier moments as Dom and Darlene unpack their baggage. The ending is both hilarious and frustrating.

I find it really interesting how the two slowest episodes of this season are both road trip episodes centered around a popular gay ship in the fandom - "404 Not Found" with Tyrelliot, and "410 Gone" with Domlene. If the episode hadn't been released during finals week, when I'm super busy and didn't have time to actively anticipate it, maybe I would have felt more unsatisfied. As it was, I found it to be a tasty appetizer for the fast-approaching conclusion.
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character-driven to the core
da3m0nic9 December 2019
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Dom and Darlene lead this cooldown episode, and I love their dynamic. I never realized before this episode how different, but how similar at the same time, these two are. Darlene struggles to handle taking care of herself because she's always chosen to take care of other people and Dom has always chosen living through her job without ever giving herself a break. The ending allows these two to confront their biggest flaws as characters, the answer to Dom and Darlene becoming better people isn't in their relationship with one another, it's in them going outside their comfort zones. The only way to change is to take action.

Leon was entertaining as hell and seeing Irving again was a trip. It makes sense that the dark army is buckling down on something very specific and have no time for Dom. They're most likely scrambling to figure out what to do with the Washington Township plant, since it's been Whiterose's biggest motivation for this entire series. I'm so excited to see Elliot find out what Whiterose's project actually is, it's hard to believe that we're getting the answer to Mr. Robot's biggest mystery in just one week.

Also I can't wait for Elliot to figure out what's going on in his head. And for him to narrate at least one more time. The endgame of Mr. Robot is on the horizon.
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Great show - but this episode...?
seymour_sp9 December 2019
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Last-minute airport will-they-won't-they dramas used to work just fine before the advent of mobile phones - but come on!

I'm not going to mark the episode down too severely but the ending didn't leave me sad so much as really, really annoyed at the weakness of the notion that Dom would somehow not think to call Darlene about her dramatic change of heart - even when she was sitting on the plane, well before take-off, next to an empty seat, for crying out loud!

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Worst episode of the series
b_vlad0010 December 2019
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There's simply no excuse for the horrrrible choice of music at the end of this episode nor for the cliche-esque running-through-the-airport scene.
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Loved this episode
mohammed-766199 December 2019
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It was a way slower pace than the last few episodes but it needed to be this slow to clean up things before the last three episodes. I really loved the darma and the character development in this episode.
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Wrong people
jonastevens15 December 2019
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This was a great way to wrap up these two characters. Very good episode.
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Nothing is random
samuelwilsonv9 December 2019
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It seems strange Irving just "appeared" in the airport, something really bad is going to happen, this series have been doing this to us since the beggining. It was a very good episode btw.
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Emotional roller coaster
sagarshares78549 December 2019
After the highs of Ep. 9,things cool off on expected lines.Dom is under investigation,Whiterose's cover is officially blown away & trillions of dollars are in limbo.This episode was mainly dedicated to Dom & Darlene.The creators have been explicit about the deep bond the two of them share,so it was nice to see the relationship get a full showcase.Carly & Grace Gummer were fantastic in this ep.Carly got a chance to show great emotional range..right from exhilaration to hysteria & she pulls it off perfectly.The episode also makes small aversions to the real meaning of justice.It was also nice to see the events come full circle.Elliot & Darlene started out as anarchists.Once their job was done,they followed on with their beliefs/ideals.

There are very few episodes left now.The major questions still remain.Expect the show to be back to breakneck pace from the next week.
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Don't be so quick to judge
mister_taf9 December 2019
Have you learned nothing? Whilst seemingly very little appeared to happen, you can bet there is a set up for one of the final episodes.

Have a little faith in Sam. He hasn't let us down yet...
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It's as if some people don't understand the show
grayner-210 December 2019
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Look, I get it, some people like faster paced episodes and do not care as much for the slow-paced, more emotion-driven episodes. That's fine. But it seems as if certain people are forgetting what some of the basic concepts of this show are.

A typical network show might have, say, a wunderkind with some sort of disorder (see Good Doctor). Here we have: a world-class hacker, probably on the spectrum, with a serious personality disorder and a very troubled past including sexual abuse. We had the manifestation of the disorder playing a full character role You have the opponents being a massive evil corporation and an international group of the top 1% of the 1% and their killing/influencing apparatus. We have actions taken that affect the entire world. We have a gender-fluid/villain(ess). We have the possibility of virtual reality/time travel. We have a whole group of characters made interesting in their own rights. That is a whole lot to unpack.

Now, economically, their high-action shows have cost huge $$$ with shooting locations, hundreds of extras, special effects etc. So to counter this, he could have a) gone the Game of Thrones route - cutting the number of episodes or spreading it all out to yet another season with much more filler, rushing through the emotional/deeply personal aspects of the show and personal development or b) Do what Sam did - EXPAND the show from 10 to 13 episodes. It seems that exactly 3 episodes will be low-key and lower budget, they fill in much of the emotional details/character development stuff and yet you have not lost a SINGLE action-based episode. It seems like a winning combination to me.

Also, so many things in previous seasons were about non-hack-related issues. Hacking Krista and her former boyfriend, the whole jail stay, the extended scenes with Trenton and Mobley. This show has never failed to stop, slow down and look at motivations and character development.

Here we are seeing that. Sam is so far giving a great ending to each of the principle characters. In this episode, we have Dom and Darlene being told what they really need and they ultimately get it: Dom needs to let go of things, find a new place in the world and take a timeout to refind herself. Darlene needs to understand that she can function alone, she is strong and capable, she just needs the push to discover she can control her own destiny and does not walk in anybody's shadow. Their wishes just do not coincide. I expect this is the last we will see of Dom unless their is an epilogue, maybe of her and Darlene relaxing in Budapest. We will see.

This is also a show that has challenged TV genres from the start: the 80's sit-com, the theater play, the silent episode etc. Here we had a play on the sit-com. It was the typical "racing through the airport" bit, but with a twist. I also think it was a small poke in the eye to the folks who predicted a plane crash all along. I see zero payoof or plot development in something happening to Dom - the Dark Army could have followed her home etc. Or they could have called in a bomb threat to shut down the airport. I think the point here was just for Darlene and Dom to get where they need to go, just not the same way, literally and metaphroically.

I think the Leon and Irving scenes were sublime, Irving is basically a used car salesman. He clearly is happy just being on his cheesy book tour and scoping out airports. Maybe it will be something bigger but I doubt it - this was the perfect ending - he is happy with selling books at some Barnes and Noble instead of killing. And Leon is much the same - really a smart operator, well-read and educated, for whom the killing was just an occupation.

For those who complain, I ask if the show would have been better had they skipped these character development issues. I don't think so. The personal side has always been as important as the hack/Dark Army and I'd argue in this season they are given at least equal weight. As in real life, huge changes in the world are often directly linked to the dramas in an individual life, Ellliot and White Rose had traumatic personal experiences that shaped their worldwiews and led to these events. And again you are losing NOTHING by having some episodes focusing on the emotional/personal underpinnings of the characters.
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swbrenneman9 December 2019
Ya. Sad episode but also great. They should still get together though.
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spoiler alert
flowirin9 December 2019
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Dom gets to have a nap.

that's it. the episode's payoff. Maybe the plane crashes next episode, who knows.
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Awesome all along
abeljaspergrossman9 December 2019
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Clearly the most emotional episode of the series so far. Seeing the payoff of the hack, Leon and Irving (what a legend), realistic dialogues between two girls who don't know what to do anymore... And the ending wasn't that bad, it represented well Dom and Darlene's weird relationship. Great to have some sort of happy ending now, cause we're not ready for what's coming next.
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Filler episodes on Mr. Robot were supposed to be great
bsepulveda-9358711 December 2019
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Here's a quick reminder from Season 3 Episode 8, which for me is the best filler episode on Mr Robot. Emotional and heartbreaking, Rami Malek totally nailed it and the episode itself had some substance to the plot. Not only that but the cinematography was on point (as always).

This is a complete slowed down and almost useless fan service episode just to feed the forced relationship between Darlene and Dominique. No mean to sound harsh about it but I feel time is running and there's only 3 episodes left to give closure to the series. That explains the frustration and overeaction about it, because the choice of music was actually quite nice (the Hall & Oates song is still stucked in my head). The scenes with Leon were just gold and the reappereance of Irving was intriguing.

There's still hope of course because after rewatching this episode made me hating it less than the first time. Still so many wrong choices and so less time till the end. Fingers crossed for the next one because the trailer is promising.
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I get it but come on
dewlover42013 December 2019
I've been loving Season 4 SO MUCH but I just didn't like this episode and sadly agree with the negative reviews I saw!
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