"Charmed" Pilot (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Prismark1013 January 2019
The pilot episode of the rebooted Charmed goes at a breakneck speed.

Mel and Maggie bicker and then a little later their mother dies in a tragic accident.

They discover a sister they knew nothing about called Macy.

Soon they learn from a man called Harry that all three of the young women are witches, they have special powers just like their mom. Also it seems their mother was murdered.

Unfortunately a demon knows about their abilities and is after them.

If you are going to be cheesy then make it good and make it fast. The pilot succeeds and the special effects I thought were very good. Meg uses science to vanquish their enemies as they have not got the hang of the book of spells yet.

The episode even gives an opinion on sexual harassment of students.
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Not as bad as people make it out to be!
pearson25215 October 2018
So unless you're blind, stupid or stubborn , don't compare it to the original, because it not a remake it's completely different characters set in a different universe. I see alot of people looking back with rose tinted glassess because the original was alot more cheesier, but still good. This reboot is fresh, modern and updated to reflect Society today and it issues. The reviews people are given it 1star are deliberately trying to attack the show because it's not the original and alot of anti feminist people on the right. If you watch the CW other shows like Riverdale, Supergirl etc you will most likely enjoy this ,solid first episode, should characters with the mystery that makes you want to watch more. So if you're an open minded individuals, who like young adults TV shows with supernatural mystery give it ago
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Men are not the enemy, ladies
skteosk13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It took me at least two attempts to watch this pilot but I was intrigued enough to give it a try. There seems to be an assumption that people will come to the series knowing what to expect, so there's no real attempt to disguise what the show is about. Instead, a mythology that the original version took at least two seasons to establish is set-up in a one scene infodump from Harry: the Charmed Ones, their witch ancestry, the Book of Shadows, Whitelighters and the Source of All Evil. Plus the season four addition of an unknown half-sister.

This is sensible, but unfortunately the show has confused feminism with misandry. A lot of people thought Donald Trump being elected president was a sign of the apocalypse, but that's no reason to make it a sign of the actual apocalypse. This wouldn't be too bad if it was a one-off joke but this hatred of men permeates the whole episode. In the opening minutes, we have Mel telling a girl making out with her boyfriend that she can withdraw consent, just to be unpleasant (a comment that is then echoed by sister Maggie to her demon-possessed boyfriend, which is more uncomfortable than triumphant), before making racist and sexist comments to a new professor and agreeing he should be ashamed to be a man. (She's also a lesbian, just to make it really clear she's a man-hater.) This character is so awfully misanthropic, hating literally everyone including her own sisters, that I was hoping for a surprise first episode death. Hopefully this is just an unfavourable first impression, since she does seem to have resolved to let go of her anger by the end. We're encouraged to hate a group of protestors saying not all men are bad, as if they're somehow wrong. And the episode ends with us being told not to trust the only man not presented as a demon or a potential rapist (two things which seem to be almost interchangeable).

It's not all bad. There are some interesting mysteries set up with the murder of the sisters' mother, it's hard not to feel a thrill at the closing Power of Three spell, younger sister Maggie is basically likeable and making older half-sister Macy a scientist is an intriguing idea. And she's played by the devine Madeleine Mantock, last seen as one of the best things about the travesty that was the Tomorrow People reboot, which shows that it is possible to have a remake that's more of an insult to the original than this is. But hopefully this is as low as it's going to get.
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This show is an insult to the originals, Not homage
anwaaribrahim-3485114 October 2018
This show took something that was beloved by many and completely stripped it of everything that made it special. It does nothing but ride on the back of the legacy that the original had. If you have any respect for the original characters, writers, plots, the whole charmed universe, you will not support this sacrilege
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A new trail lies within
TalkativeMockingjay15 October 2018
People are destroying this show due to the people who have lived off of the original Charmed, which I totally get because everyone loves originals. However, I feel like this Charmed reboot will do justice with todays special VFX. I also believe that this show is amazing due its diversity with the sisters and it's unpredictable just like the original show. In my opinion people need to wake up and realize that just because a reboot takes place doesn't mean the original show wasn't good enough, it just meant that it was so good that it needed to be done in a new time. This show simply doesn't devalue the original Charmed but lets a new age of people to realize that Charmed had another series that was unique aswell.
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A charm and fresh reboot
SassySavage123 May 2019
It is sad that it only got better at episode 8 and afterwards but there is no need to backslash or just downgrade this reboot. People should stop. I went from hating this season to loving it. I didn't have anymore tv shows to watch and i had the hope this would improve it and it did so. It gets better alot.
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A poor imitation
helendunham15 October 2018
A lot of reviews have said people should not compare it to the original. But if you're going to copy so many things from the original you should expect to be compared. The story did not gel. Feels like they just chose a few themes and smashed them together. The white lighter character does NOT fit in with the feel of the show. Please recast. The magic is also not a good fit for the show. Feels like a cross between Harry Potter and a some half rate horror movie. Also looks like they stole a white walker from GOF and stuffed him in the show as a demon. Not a good start.
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Wasn't sure, but I like it
mamos-5349415 October 2018
I'm a diehard fan of the original. When I heard there was a reboot, I was like hoooooo. I watched tonight's episode with an open mind and found it good. Different from the orginal and this is a good thing. It's different enough to stand on it's own.
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Can't think of the original while watching
colangelodc2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Easy to discredit a reboot when the original series was so beloved. And as much as I enjoy the 1998 series, I was impressed with the darker beginnings and updated special effects. Story line was consistent with what we expect. However, this was a pleasant surprise and improved as the episode progressed. Nice minor cliff hanger at the end to peak your interest.
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More political than supernatural
andreaheltsleybooks17 October 2018
I loved Charmed so despite the negative buzz, I tuned in for this. I was grossly disappointed. The entire first episode did nothing but push a political agenda. Some shows that is expected, but this is a supernatural show about sister witches. They took every non-show related pop culture topic and made them the prominent plot line. I was excited for the magic, the sisters, and witches. That's not what I got.
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I found it enjoyable
princegeo-8876622 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was like all Charmed fans I did not want to watch it without the original cast. I then decided let me give it a shot and I am glad I did. I watched this as a new witch show then trying to compare it to the original. The script could use a little fine tuning and the cast can use a little pointers here and there but their acting is not bad (lets all remember Billie's crying when she killed her sister, horrible acting). I wish people would just sit down and watch it as it is a new witch show with the Charmed name and not compare it to the original. Once you look past that you may like it.
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Everybody is really harsh
sscialli16 October 2018
I feel the acting was subpar and really feel that it has loads of room to grow. What would have been COOL If the Halliwell sisters were part and parcel so the Legend could have been passed down. Retooling is going to be interesting and feel I will be more open to the 2nd episode, better I hope
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dovekdl16 October 2018
I couldnt make it though more than 30 minutes of the show. There was really no rhyme or reason to the script....it bounced around waaayyy to much....what "point" were the writers trying to get the viewers to see? There were too many to follow at the same time!!
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WhenAmyMetSalad15 October 2018
I was hesitant to watch this show as I have seen the original series and enjoyed what that show brought us. Seeing as the original is dated and hasn't aged well (mainly the first 2 seasons) I decided to give the new Charmed a try.

This reboot started off kind of weak with our first two sisters crying about one sister stealing the others boots. Something I'm sure the original touched base on, yet not as quickly nor as annoying and forced. The acting between the sisters and the mother doesn't feel genuine. It's lacking the chemistry the original cast had when it comes to family.

As a pilot episode it didn't lure me in like Charmed 1998 did. In fact it did the opposite. I didn't feel like the sisters were in any immediate harm à la Piper vs Jeremy & Maggie vs Brian the latter being uneventful and boring.

Aside from being introduced to our charmed ones we also meet our white lighter a bit prematurely who informs the girls they are witches. Honestly that whole scene was so badly written and poorly acted it left a sour taste in my mouth that made me want to change the channel but I wasn't the only one watching the show so I couldn't.

I don't expect this show to be a carbon copy as it's a reboot or more properly a remake of the original, and as remakes go they just take enough from the original and rework from there.

My main gripe with this show is how heavy the PC culture is shoved down our throats. Mel, who I find the most annoying, attacks a man for making a small comment and another man after he compliments her work calling him a "Cis Male". These PC comments come at us several times over the episode and feels like they'd rather write a political show than one of witchcraft.

The showrunners claim they were making strong women as leads yet have them cry over borrowed shoes, too sensitive over a comment and even more sensitive to a compliment. I do not see where strong women come into play. So far the only strong female I have seen was the new Prue aka Macy which is still a watered down Prue.

Speaking of.... bringing Macy in like a Prue/Paige hybrid was rushed and did not feel natural at all. In fact this whole episode felt like it should have been extended over several episodes to get proper character development, but we're instead skipping chapters at a time which feels sloppy and uninspired. If this show gets a second season I would be surprised to be honest.
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Reboots are great when they own themselves
gkmstr7720 November 2018
There's nothing worse than a reboot trying too hard to be its source material but failing in every way. Instead this show is it's own version of charmed. It's a little hard hitting with its message and theme but it's a great intro to a series I intend to finish
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Need another one...
samofnine24 October 2018
I am fond of the original Charmed Ones and I was curious, if the new version could pull me in like the Halliwells did. I'm not sure yet, because the pilot was confusingly overwritten with politics, banalities and so many new names to learn. I just saw it but I still don't know what everyone's names are. Okay, one is called Meg and the others probably have an m-name too, and the white lighter is called Harry. Though I don't think that I catched their last names. It was a bit too much for a 40 minutes pilot. Also the BIG sister is the smallest one and doesn't look older or wiser than the other. Yet the approach with the scientist sister was refreshing and wants me to give it another try. But for the pilot I would've hoped for a more explanatory storyline, a more plausible development of character. And again...one sister is gay. Yawn! I mean, I like diversity, but I don't necessarily need or want a remake with diverse characters in every damn series! They should either remake a series with the original character profiles or create something new with as much diversity as they want! The worst example of that is MacGyver! I still can't believe they continued that bs! The original was at least plausible! And I'm afraid of the new Magnum... So, I gave the pilot episode a 7 because it had its moments and some nice effects (not that they were more distinguished from the original) and I'm hooked to see if the actresses catch up to their characters and if I can learn their names... 😉
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More of a comedy than a prime time drama
tawna_e15 October 2018
The pace of the episode seems too fast. I don't get much emotional impact from critical moments. When characters discuss sisterly bonds, it seems cheesy. The portrayal of magic is mostly humorous. That's okay in small doses, but not to the extent done in the episode. I was hoping for a serious drama, but this episode felt more like a comedy.
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A much stronger pilot than I expected.
prime-psion15 October 2018
Admittedly, the script could use some fine tuning. Otherwise, I liked the character chemistry, storyline pacing, and the plot. I hope that this show sticks to 13 episodes a season; I think that this makes it a lot easier to maintain the integrity of the writing. The days of 22 episode seasons are over. Moving forward, I want to see more authentic lines, especially for the oldest sister, and much more subtlety with the political commentary. Otherwise, I'm surprised to say that I support the show so far. They got my vote!
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Watched First Episode, I'll Pass
aop_founder18 October 2018
I loved Charmed growing up. I watched all 10 seasons multiple times since it aired, especially when it came on netflix. You want to know what was a big part of its appeal? It was about 3 very powerful and strong women and I am not talking about their magic. This new series has seemed to be less about having empowering women and more about promoting the disgusting practices of modern feminism which has nothing to do with women making themselves stronger and more to do with acting like children, leading a charge against an imaginary patriarchy, and attacking men in one form or another. It is anything but what feminism was originally intended to be. This show has seemed to lean hard into that than to get the entire point the show which was one part independent women trying to survive together through terrible obstacles and second part fun fantasy magic.

Heavy miss on both. This is not Charmed, I have no idea what this abomination is, best of luck but this isn't what any fan of the previous show or fantasy in general could possibly want and I hope the very obvious target audience it is directed at is enough to keep it going because I am sure allot of people put in a ton of work to make this thing happen and they don't deserve to lose work because of political and disrespectful narratives that have taken the forefront of creativity and talent. I personally found it quite disrespectful and it absolutely appalled my fiance, we will pass.
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A Solid Premiere . Good Job CW
mpampiskommatopoulos16 October 2018
Better than expected ! The script was smart , funny , and spooky , there is definetly chemistry between the actresses/sisters . I Cant wait to see more of this . Og Charmed was and always have a special place in my heart but we dont have to be so judgy ! Give it a go !
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quintrelbrown19 October 2018
Besides the bad acting, the story line is so cheesy. They could've did a continuation of the old charmed. It was just soooo bad ... sometimes just let classics stay classics
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Not Just Charmless but Also Clueless
Man9920425 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the most poorly written series of the 2018 season. While this is not "Shakespeare" even a show of this type must have a minimal level of credibility. This show is so poorly written that the glaring plot holes are so large you could drive a Semi Truck through them. At one point in the pilot, one of the sisters expels a demon by shaking baking soda at it! This would make high comedy -- except it is not even remotely funny. The writers confuse demonic possession with how to clean a shower drain!

Also disturbing is the "Ethnic Balancing" of the central characters. The three central characters are supposed to be sisters -- but one is a Latina, one is Black, and one is ....generic Canadian. Pick an ethnicity, pick ANY of these ethnicities and build a show from that - but do not have such blatant tokenism it is offensive.

Fans of the original series will be especially disappointed by this horrible reincarnation..; perhaps we should throw a box of baking soda at it!
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I found it refreshing...
unbreakable-2045515 October 2018
I had my doubts going in, but I was pleasantly surprised! A fresh take and a good one! Give it a chance and don't be bitter about it. I've watched the original Charmed so much, it is fun to get a new look from a new perspective.
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Marynewcomb201316 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the horrible acting, did they find the youngest, most feminist kids to write this garbage? It shows they did in the first two minutes!! They really focus on driving the feminist point home with this garbage!! These are just facts of what this garbage is!! I've noticed that no one has pointed this out but they have made the "mother" out to be trash!! That's the cleanest way to put it!! All there of the "sisters" are by different races of men!! The one "sister" just happens to move there 3 months after the death of "mom" and she stops dead in her tracks in front of the house with a look of terror on her face, LMAO!! This has to be taken off the air ASAP!!
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Not perfect, but entertaining
jwwalrath-227-8548717 October 2018
Yeah their is some weak dialogue, the feminist message is clumsily delivered, and I kind of wished they tried to stray a little more from the original.

That having been said, I had fun, and the cast seems likable (especially the British guy).
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