"Black Lightning" The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of the Blackbird (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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It's like a whole new show
Wow, this new season started with a bang. It's mysterious, it's dark and somehow apocalyptic. It talks about war and how the powers that be do everything they can to win it. How we treat each other like things and not like humans. It makes you wonder you know? Oh, and we had some pretty cool action sequences with Blackbird.
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denise-170588 October 2019
Season 3 is a lot darker started off very exciting
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So strong, I can only take this show in small doses
wplemmondrd21 June 2020
I love this show. The white power structure failed me, a sad little white kid with glasses, from first grade onward. White kids picked on me. This show is like home. ... If home were very well-written, very dramatic, and very scary.

For health reasons, I generally stick to happy, fun shows, so I followed up Season 3, episode one with some of one of Netflix softer shows, "Puss in Boots."

But I'll be back for "Black Lightning," as soon and as often as I can stand. It's so good to see so many hard-working, talented people getting to show what they can do, without needing to be white.
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Skip this episode !! They made it political
lvnvsales13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Save your time and Skip this episode !! They made it political. They are pushing a democrat political agenda. They are trying to say sick kids being detained is the same as illegal aliens that broke the law coming to the USA by sneaking across the boarder instead of going to the port of entry to file for asylum is the same thing !!!! They are trying to brainwash the US public by saying sneaking across the boarder is not illegal when it's illegal in ALL THE countries around the world !
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