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Boring drivel
8 August 2021
If you thought Wonder Woman 2 was the worst recent movie of the super-hero genre - we have a new contender. While the first SQ was at least an enjoyable big-screen experience - this one falls flat in every single regard. Flat humor, boring action sequences that have been done better a million times before, even less interesting characters that you wouldn't GAF about.
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Cop Out (2010)
Think about that for a minute
27 June 2021
Imagine, working on a artistic endeavor that turns out to be the *worst* experience of your life, what you would later refer to as being "soul crushing" - turns out, it's also the biggest hit of your career. That's pretty depressing. Sorry Kevin. PS if you want to see an actual funny movie about the buddy-cop genre, check out The Other Guys.
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15 minutes
31 May 2003
Thats about as long as I watched this. I'd picked this up based on a recommendation from a good friend who said I'd like it. The songs I felt were just over the top and pretentious. Watching them on stage was just boring...and the animations were painfully dull to watch. This one joins my infamous list of movies that I couldn't even get to the 30 min mark (others were Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman...tripe in my opinion). Even Velvet Goldmine was better than this..and thats saying a lot. Go rent Ziggy Stardust or something...
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Arena: The Confessions of Robert Crumb (1987)
Season 12, Episode 11
Rent "Crumb" instead
30 May 2003
Leave this one to the die hard Crumb fans. Everyone else, go watch the movie that followed ("Crumb").

Longer, far more in-depth. And much more disturbing.
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Stunning lesson in history and politics
18 May 2003
This was a complete eye-opener for me - and I'd considered myself pretty familiar with the politics and history of the region since I lived there for a significant period of time. To hear about these events from the very mouths of the people who were there, its just the most fascinating thing ever. Absolutely mandatory viewing.
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Deep, dark truthful mirror
20 January 2003
Its a brave, scathingly funny film that might be an acquired taste. This one definitely needs a memorable quotes section!! For a film made so long ago, its quite an accurate and eerie depiction of what the PR industry has mutated into...
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Hollow Man (2000)
Horrible (warning:minor spoilers) (1/10)
16 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This was awful. Btw, the whole movie is a metaphor for male impotence

* Sebastian is obsessed with twinkies * Excessively misogynistic * Attacks sexy neighbour but you never see what he really does - cos he couldn't * Linda leaves him for the overtly masculine (yet lower ranked) lab assistant * He's the "hollow" man for chrissake

There were several other references in the dialogue but I can't be bothered to remember right now.
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Shooting Fish (1997)
Spare the fish, take me instead (2/10)
23 December 1999
Not very interesting by my standards, Shooting Fish starts off alright but towards the middle bit, I found my interest waning. The cast is actually pretty good, but thats not enough to save this one - it just got wackier and wackier towards the end. You'll probably like this if you're into romantic films of the sappy type. And is it just me or was the female lead's character really stupid? Did she *actually* believe that those two clowns stole two million quid to give it to the orphanage?
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Fearless (1993)
One for the film theory class (7.5/10)
23 December 1999
Take it from someone who is used to flying long haul flights - the crash sequences had me totally engrossed. I'd give this movie a higher rating if it weren't for a few scenes that I thought were unecessary or just done horribly wrong (why on earth did they choose to play U2's "Where the streets have no name" for that particular scene????). This is one of the few movies I've seen of recent that *really* works. Recommended.
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Mumford (1999)
Lee on wheels(2.5/10)
25 September 1999
It was five to 12am and I had nothing to do so I ended up watching this. Initially attracted by the interesting names(Kasdan, Lee), it proved to be quite a let down - the cast try so hard but it just doesn't work. They could've made it a lot funnier. Instead, it just chugs along, and I found myself hoping the damn thing would end.
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Washing of the water(2/10)
4 September 1999
I'm a romantic at heart but this kind of thing is really pushing it. First off, the good things about the movie are the cinematography and the locations. Wright plays her part well as well. But all in all, the characters are very annoying. Maybe its partly due to the far-fetched plot which you'll appreciate only if you're one of those silly romantics who has tried the psychic network 'just to decide whether it was for real or not'. I thought the film was laden with metaphors but after a while, I just gave up trying to interpret them and concentrated more on my whiskey. I was caught off guard by the ending though - that was hard to anticipate. I kept picturing John Goodeman as Garret, wondering if any of it would've happened if it weren't for the fact that it was this good looking guy like kevin costner. (if you're wondering, the answer is of course NO) Rent tinCup instead.
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
Watch PBS instead(0/10)
30 August 1999
I suspect that people who enjoy this show enjoy it immensely - they find it 'moving' and 'highly emotional'. Its bad enough having to watch TV evangelists for 5 milliseconds while I flip channels , and now we have tv serials with religious themes. If you think TBN is the best thing to happen to TV or if you still believe that "god" made the universe then this show is for you. If not, please do yourself a favor and avoid. Too bad they didn't make it more interesting by having a satan character.
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hoping for a better tomorrow (4/10)
21 August 1999
Not the american debut for Chow Yun Fat that fans would've hoped for but still a half-decent flick. I thought Sorvino was pretty good in it too. Its way too cliched and dramatic for its own good but you can do a lot worse. Fuqua's style is quite distinct, I loved the use of color in this film. Good soundtrack too, watch out for the brilliant opening sequence that uses 'keep hope alive' by the crystal method - that was worth the price of admission!
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The Howie Mandel Show (1998–1999)
Truly nauseating afternoon fare (0/10)
14 August 1999
This has to be the cheesiest talk show host ever. I think Mandel has done some great work with the Muppet Show and Bobby's World but this highlights his less than exemplary skills. Almost everything he does on the show is utterly corny and crap - maybe people with nothing better to do mid-afternoon deserve to be tortured this way
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Animaniacs (1993–1998)
Work of Genius(7/10)
14 August 1999
The writers of this show definitely deserve a pat on the back - memorable characters, great scripts and lots of subtle references for the adults to catch all make this fantastic viewing for the whole family! Plus, the voices are superb, if I'm ever home when its showing and I happen to come across it - I usually let go of the remote control
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Old hat (3/10)
12 August 1999
I really don't get how a lot of people who've left comments like Jack and Megan. To me, they're even more annoying than Will and Grace. The writers are obviously hard-up for material because most of the jokes play on Will's sexuality and they're all old-hat. The only reason I actually watched this show a few times was because I was totally enamoured by Grace...I love the way her heart-shaped face is framed by her curly hair!! So if it weren't for her, i'd be giving this 0/10.
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Futurama (1999– )
Can't beat the Simpsons but..... (5/10)
12 August 1999
Don't get me wrong, Futurama is a bold effort by Groening - but it seems to me that he just needed an outlet for all his Star Trek/Star Wars jokes that he couldn't use in the Simpsons. The material is nowhere near as sharp as that of the first bunch of simpsons' seasons. But I definitely prefer watching Futurama to watching the PJ's or King of the Hill for that matter. The most original characteristic of the show has to be the theme music.
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To Norway, Home of Giants (1979 TV Movie)
Mild like lemon curry(3/10)
8 August 1999
I have to admit, they had a good idea to work on but the results are less than entertaining. Relying more on slapstick than on the witty humour of projects like Fawlty Towers simply does not do it for me. In a nutshell, this can't hold a candle to any of the monty python material.
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Hope Floats (1998)
Bollocks (1/10)
9 July 1999
There ought to be a limit to the number of cliches you can have in a film. Drearily shot, bad acting and silly plot. Avoid unless you're a sandra bollocks fan(sorry , couldn't resist).
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'Allo 'Allo! (1982–1992)
Great stuff(8.5/10)
21 June 1999
Totally original with a fantastic cast! Watch out for the brilliant Richard Gibson who plays Otto! I've watched these when I was growing up, I'm watching them again on PBS reruns and I'm enjoying them even more. If only they made them like they used to...
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9½ Weeks (1986)
zzzzzzzz (1/10)
19 June 1999
Absolutely dreary and tedious to watch, I certainly did not find anything erotic about the film. Painful dialogue to boot as well. Avoid.
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David Frost Presents: How to Irritate People (1969)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Not very bloody good (5/10)
19 June 1999
Its funny but nowhere near as close to the genius of the Monty Python sketches. If you're a Monty Python fan like myself whos watched every episode about 12000 times, you won't be doing any harm in checking this out.
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Hello world(0/10)
7 June 1999
A pitiful attempt at a 'romance' movie, "You've Got Mail" fails to deliver on every level. This shallow movie will leave you feeling empty when it is over. The dialogue is boring and mindless - I just sat there wishing time would fly(four beers didn't help). Avoid this movie (just like you'd avoid those chatrooms on AOL).
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Blade (1998)
Get the comic book - cheaper(1/10)
7 June 1999
If you like movies that tend to be called "fast-paced" , "stylish", "action-packed"..this is for you. Otherwise, you might do yourself a favor and avoid. Definitely not a date movie - it kinda kills the romantic mood with (literally)buckets of blood splashing all over. I have to admit, I found myself rooting for the baddies for this one. Maybe Coppola's dracula is slightly better.
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Go rent a porno(1/10)
5 June 1999
A horrid movie from start to finish. Its just like those 'made-for-tv' specials except theres lots of explicit sex. Crap plot, crap acting...need I go on? And if you're bothering to rent it for the famed a porno instead. I mean you can't be that desperate.
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