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Technically brilliant, but disappointing all the same.
24 November 1998
There's no doubt in my mind that 'Saving Private Ryan' is technically one of the best films ever. Janusz Kaminski should be congratulated for his cinematography, especially in the opening sequence. The sound effects are amazing, and I for one was particularly impressed by the part where the sound of raindrops on leaves imitated the sound of guns firing.

It's no understatement to say that Tom Hanks is brilliant. He has proven himself to be the most versatile actor in Hollywood, without exception. If the hype is true that 'Saving Private Ryan' is up against 'The Truman Show' to sweep the Oscars, and Hanks is up against Jim Carrey for Best Actor, then 'Ryan' and Hanks should win hands down.

Yet all the same I felt severely disappointed, maybe even cheated, by the movie. Beneath the main plot, a sort of sub-plot developed in which the audience is given glimpses into the internal emotions and mental turmoil of all involved, especially Captain Miller. At least, that's what I perceived the shaking hand and the "I'm a schoolteacher" bit to mean. The audience is sucked into thinking that, regardless of how many die, and whether or not Ryan is saved, this sub-plot is going to lead to Spielberg's big thematic message, his conclusion, his comment, at the end. But that resolution never comes, and there seems to be no point to the film, nothing it's trying to say. While that in itself is not disappointing, as many films have no message, what is frustrating is being led to feel as though a lesson is coming, and then not getting it.

In terms of the violence, I don't think the Omaha beach landing sequence is particularly gruesome, at least no more graphic than the part in the middle where Miller's men apply pressure to a stomach wound, and you feel the victim suffering as he turns white and dies.

And, not being an American but an Australian, there has been a lot made of the so-called Americanism of the film, how no black American soldiers seem to be mentioned, and how the other Allied troops are forgotten about, but I tend to think that's no more than pedanticism, taking a stereotypical swipe at a film where such bias has no glaring impact.

So in short, 'Saving Private Ryan' is technically brilliant, but it still left a very hollow feeling. 8 out of 10.
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Armour of God (1986)
Fairly mindless, but fantastically entertaining.
9 October 1998
The film is called 'Armour of God', and the first half spends a great deal of time about it, but for anyone who's contemplating seeing this film: take it in your stride yet don't bother thinking about it. The film forgets about it in the end.

Let's face it, this is a typical Jackie Chan action-comedy vehicle, where the emphasis is on the immediate scene, so the plot will always take a back-seat to a good stunt. And good stunts there are many, including the opening sequence (in which Chan was infamously hurt during its filming), a breathtaking multi-car chase in the middle, and a death-defying leap onto a passing balloon at the end. And in terms of martial arts, this is no less than what you can expect from a typical Chan flick.

But the comedy aspects are often forgotten in a Chan film, and this is one movie in which the comedic elements do stand out as being worthy of mention. Much of it is provided by Chan's good friend, fellow Hong Kong megastar Alan Tam, who's better known as a singer and dramatic actor, but is reduced to a bumbling sidekick in this. This is no criticism, as it works very well.

One particular moment which would send Hong Kong audiences into raptures is at the beginning when Tam and Chan are seen as part of a band called 'Losers', wearing ridiculous 70's style wigs. This was a play on the band 'Wynners', one of the most popular groups in Asian music history, of which Tam (and the four standing behind him in this scene) were a part of.

You can tell there's not so much emphasis on technical merit as on ENTERTAINMENT through the fact that most of the other characters are played by westerners, particularly Europeans, and though during filming they spoke in their native languages, they were given Cantonese voiceovers. It's a touch annoying when what you hear doesn't match up to what you see the lips doing.

The shoot locations of Germany and Yugoslavia are great to watch, and the rolling countryside provides a nice atmosphere. And being a fan of Tam's music, I can say unashamedly that the use of his hit single 'Friends', written for this movie, was particularly apt, while the dramatic pop song 'Goddess of the Gale, Lorelei' for the final credits was equally suitable.

All in all, a satisfying action comedy for some mindless fun, but it is frustrating that all that time spent discussing the 'armour of god' is wasted at the end. 7 out of 10.
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Shine (1996)
World-class Australian film
2 October 1998
While it was generally accepted that Australian films are usually quite good and have a great deal to offer, it was also a subconsciously conceded fact that, in terms of getting recognition from, say, Hollywood, it would be a step-by-step process. 'Shine', however, allows Australian cinema to jump a few steps and really get some world attention.

Sure, there have been raging arguments recently as to how close (or how totally far away, as the case may be) the plot is from David Helfgott's life, there can be no doubt that this film is exceptional stuff.

The fact that Geoffrey Rush won as Oscar for this film says it all. He really was the one playing the piano in the second half of the film (though Helfgott recorded the sound), so he deserves great credit for that. But that is not to take away from the splendid performance of Noah Taylor, who had as much screen time as Rush, and of Armin Mueller-Stahl and Sir John Gielgud. The cinematography is probably underrated, while most of the sets are fabulously appropriate. And the music undoubtedly appeals even to those who avidly avoid classical music.

In a year when 'Jerry Maguire' was the only really good major studio flick, and independent films like 'The English Patient' and 'Fargo' won much acclaim, how good it was to see Australian cinema grasp the opportunity with both hands, and come out with something to be so proud of. 8.5 out of 10.
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Race the Sun (1996)
Very enjoyable indeed.
2 October 1998
'Race the Sun' is a very enjoyable movie indeed. The story of overcoming adversity and succeeding to overturn stereotypes is given a new application here through the across-Australia solar challenge. The young cast does an attractive, appealing job, and are extremely good to watch. So too are the on-location shots in outback Australia which are nothing but superb. The music is also extremely apt and provide a fabulous atmosphere for the film. A great family movie. 8 out of 10.
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Rollicking good fun!
2 October 1998
This is a road movie for the whole family. Even though elements of the plot may be too difficult for younger kids to understand, they will be charmed by Jennifer Love Hewitt and the jovial Howard Hesseman, who gradually becomes the 'good guy'. Unfortunately, some kids might be confused as to why the police are chasing the duo, and are seemingly the 'bad guys', since the whole idea of fraudulent adopted parents will be complex for them. Older kids and adults will appreciate the theme of families, and that money can't buy happiness. Hewitt, in a more child-like phase before her move up to horror ('I Know What You Did Last Summer') and teen romance comedy ('Can't Hardly Wait'), is good to watch, as is the whole film, which is rollicking good fun with characters you can cheer on. 8 out of 10.
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Lost in Space (1998)
Unlike others, I thought it was good!
1 October 1998
Yes, another sci-fi movie, and in terms of quality not exactly flash, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. SOME of the special effects were really superb, some of the others, like the lizard monkey, not so. Most of the performances were excellent, with Mimi Rogers particularly impressing me, though William Hurt and Heather Graham were also very good. Lacey Chabert proved what a versatile actress she is, though her heavy make-up was a little out-of-place and Penny's rebelliousness doesn't seem to carry on for very long. Matt Le Blanc and Gary Oldman were OK, but the character of Dr Smith seemed a tad childish. The music, especially the theme tune, is catching. 8 out of 10, more due to the fact that I personally liked it, than due to its quality. Based on its quality alone, 6 out of 10.
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Good to see a new-age Bond movie.
1 October 1998
It was good to see this Bond flick reflect some of the themes of the 1990s, balancing this with the traditional Bond formula. To have the villain as a media mogul was a good idea, while finally a Bond girl in Michelle Yeoh who can hold her own against Bond, rather than be an accessory. You really felt they weren't working together so much as competing against each other, and you would give her a fair chance of cracking the case before 007 did.

Time to hand out more kudos: Judi Dench as 'M' is incredibly funny. The remote-controlled car chase in the parking station was the best part of the film. Pierce Brosnan, while never looking shaken let alone stirred, is more than acceptable as Bond. And what about the opening sequence. Breathtaking.

I'm too young to have seen much Bond at the cinema, and I've only seen snippets of a few others on television. But this one makes me want to catch the ones to come. 8.5 out of 10.
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Titanic (1997)
Return to the good ol' movie experience.
1 October 1998
Every man and his dog's had his say on 'Titanic' so I'll keep this short and sweet.

What's great: 1) The ultra-realistic sets. 2) Combination of action and romance into one. 3) All the different forms of special effects. 4) The underrated score, which is so hauntingly appropriate.

What's good: 1) Leo was surprisingly creditable. 2) Billy Zane made us all hate his guts so well. 3) Kathy Bates was a bastion of pragmatism. 4) Kate Winslet acted well, but I wish she would smile more.

What's bad: 1) The iceberg looked like styrofoam. 2) The script was way too simplistic. 3) Gloria Stuart did not look 100+. 4) How can a 100+ woman climb up on railings? 5) The length - cut out the 1990s treasure-hunter bit!

Nonetheless, 'Titanic' reminded us all of what an experience going to the movies used to be but so rarely is these days. 8.5 out of 10.
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To Sir, with Love II (1996 TV Movie)
Just not realistic enough.
1 October 1998
Proof that Sidney Poitier does not always have the Midas touch. You knew all along that Mark Thackery was going to succeed, so no surprises there, and no real satisfaction either. But the BIG TURN-OFF was the sheer idealism of the movie. The teens Thackery is trying to convert just aren't gritty and dirty enough. The moment when Thackery returned from his short retrenchment and the class began chanting 'Thackery' in unison epitomised that for me. It was a moment was total unrealism. This movie just did not work, despite good intentions I'm sure. 4 out of 10 because I'm not feeling generous.
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Spectacular, but shame about the plot.
1 October 1998
Tom Cruise said somewhere that this was a film people weren't expected to understand first-go. Sounded like a revenue-raising plot to me, but the film certainly achieves that purpose.

Let me hand out the kudos before the raspberries. It is a spectacular extravaganza of a movie which I enjoyed immensely in watching it. Some of the suspenseful moments (of which there are many) are the best edge-of-your-seat scenes one could ever ask for. The action scenes like at the end, though unbelievable, are explosive to watch. And the film does give you a nice, humourous break in the middle, when Ethan Hunt is hanging from the roof. And the music speaks for itself.

But the trouble is, all the above is OK for those who just want entertainment and don't care about the plot. However, most people would be hooked onto the plot, and come out rather confused. Part of the problem comes through the dialogue, much of which is in reflective, but inaudible whispers. Ethan Hunt's flashback sequence just does not work. You can work out the plot if you think about it for a while, but the best films are those which leave you marvelling at its execution and how everything is well unravelled.

Not this one. You're too busy thinking the plot through. 6 out of 10.
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
Absolutely fabulous!
1 October 1998
This is one of those rare movies that you can see over and over again without getting tired of it. Cameron Crowe has come up with something warm, humourous and touching, which I'm sure inspires every viewer on one level or another, if not more than one.

Without doubt this is the wittiest movie I have ever seen. It is so beautifully written, and some of the subtle touches are indescribable. You just think about it afterwards and marvel at it.

The performances are faultless. Tom Cruise is just marvellous, while Cuba Gooding Jr. is personality all the way. Renee Zellweger is an absolute revelation - I'm sure you'll see more of her undoubted talents in the future. And I think mention also to Bonnie Hunt and Jay Mohr - their characters were not easy to portray but both brought them out very clearly. But I have to say my favourite actor in the film is Jonathan Lipnicki as Ray Boyd, the little kid. This kid's a talent.

"The human head weighs eight pounds!" Enough said. 9 out of 10.
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Brassed Off (1996)
Simply outstanding.
1 October 1998
You can tell the British have a penchant for social comment films. And boy do they do it well. 'The Full Monty' was great; 'Brassed Off' is just as good.

You can really empathise with the characters and the struggles they are going through. You can find some heartwarming laughs from truly funny one-liners, as well as cry your heart out even if you aren't an emotional person. It's that kind of film.

Some criticisms, though. I felt that perhaps if a tiny bit of time could be taken off focussing on the characters, and instead show more plot, instead of for example showing all the band's failures in local competitions in a brief musical sequence, the film would be better off. And the end ... well, it ends on a high note (literally), and boy gets girl, but there's still a slightly hollow feeling with regards to the mine. Thus not as feel-good at the end as could be.

Still, these are small points. 8.5 out of 10 for a fine flick!
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If you're not a trekkie, don't bother.
1 October 1998
The message I have about this film is simple: if you're not a trekkie, don't bother. It requires way too much former knowledge. I guess you can try to view it in isolation, but you'll get very, very confused. Basically, extremely forgettable, maybe except for Kirk's death, which was particularly poignant, even for a non-trekkie like me. 5 out of 10.
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The Mask (1994)
Not very good at all.
1 October 1998
This film really didn't work for me. Though you can tell that Jim Carrey tried hard and I think it's only fair to say his performance is not too bad, the rest of the film is nonsensical and a bit of a waste of time despite some funny moments. In hindsight, that was Cameron Diaz, was it? Very forgettable performance from her. And it may be just me, but that bald green head actually freaked me out more than amuse me. 4 out of 10 at most.
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How good is it? Depends how much you know beforehand.
30 September 1998
How good is 'The Truman Show'? In my opinion, it depends on how much you know beforehand. I already knew quite a lot about the film before I saw it, and frankly I thought the first half was weird if not messy. I was hoping for an immediate explanation of what's going on, introducing more of Christof's involvement. So the second half, which was more satisfying, seemed to come too late. But when I thought about it more, I realised that my disappointment regarding the first half was due to what I knew already. A total stranger to the film will see the first half, be confused rather than impatient, and then marvel at the unravelling in the second half, rather than say 'yeah, and this should have come earlier'. All in all, a very good attempt to cover an ingenious topic, which is so complex most producers would probably shirk away from it. A final word: Jim Carrey is absolutely superb. 8.5 out of 10.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Best film I've seen!
30 September 1998
Without doubt the best movie I've seen. It is edge-of-the-seat stuff, without at any stage offending or scaring the viewer. The pace is nice and manageable, and the sets are fabulous, with the recreation of weightlessness superb, so too the use of 'news footage'. The performances are faultless, with Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris and Kathleen Quinlan all stand-outs for me. But possibly the best part of the movie is its soundtrack, which is so hauntingly appropriate. By no means a perfect movie (eg. parts of the lift-off scene are not that good), but still immensely enjoyable and thought-provoking. 9 out of 10.
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