
5 Reviews
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Scary Movie (2000)
Watch Scream instead!
16 October 2000
Just the idea of making a parody of Scream should get you suspicious. Scream is already a heavily self-ironic movie, which is part of its greatness. Making fun of a movie already this self-ironic is a difficult matter. It can be done, but this is a very bad attempt.

This movie is essentially Scream covered with stupid sex jokes and lame references to other movies. They routinely manage to spoil even the potentially good scenes with disgusting infantile "jokes", if that is what to call them.

If you manage to sit-through the whole movie, you will probably find some scenes you find funny, but overall this is a disastrous movie, the world would be better of without. (1/10)
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Blade Runner (1982)
What do people see in this movie?
19 July 2000
I have seen this movie three times, or at least tried to see it three times, but the first two times I fell asleep. Yesterday I finally managed to sit through the whole film and this is what I noticed.

I think the whole movie can be described as a long sequence of very good (for an 80's movie) special effects and great camera work. Ford and the rest of the cast gives adequate performances, but where is the plot in this movie. Nothing happens. I can understand why I fell asleep the first two times.

Rating: 3/10
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
Kevin, this is for you.
4 July 2000
When this show opened in 1998 it was a new, fresh portrayal of teenage life. It was amazing to see these kids and the fabulous life experiences they were put through. Nothing was taken too seriously, conflicts were resolved within the timeline of an episode. But a consistent overall story was also developed.

Then something happened to the show. Suddenly the show wasn't all about a bunch of kids living their lives. We were faced with the problems of the mentally instable Andie and her brother Jack struggling with his sexuality. I don't criticize these stories, cause they are both well written, but I don't see what they had to do on this show.

The main story about the lifelong friendship/love between Dawson and Joey also changes. Those sweet intro scenes between them were for some reason not there anymore. Despite this there were still great episodes made, since there were no genuinely bad stories, but the show didn't have the touch it once had.

During the last episodes of season II and the beginning of the third one, the show starts to fall apart. Abby dies, the Ice House burns down and god knows what happens to Dawson and Joey. Not to mention the pathetic and pointless Eve character, who is brought in.

Later during the third season things get better, but there are still problems. The Pacey/Joey/Dawson triangle didn't really make it for me. It's apparent that the show is severely lacking the bond between Dawson and Joey, which was there in the beginning.

The cast on this show is outstanding and has kept the show going during the dark ages. Katie Holmes has been my favorite actress since I first saw her on this show.

The first year of Dawson's Creek was television history. It was smart, funny and just magical. The only thing separating it from the other junk on TV these days, is its history. Hopefully Dawson's Creek will someday return to how it was during its glory days.
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Go (1999)
Unpredictably entertaining
3 July 2000
I don't know what really makes this movie so great. It could be the outstanding cast, the pitch perfect editing, the quick and funny dialog or maybe some other feature of a movie one could possibly like.

The truth is this movie couldn't been done any better. When I watch a movie I usually come up with lots of things, which could have been done better or at least differently. This time I ended up with nothing.

What amazes me the most is how they manage to define all the 10+ major characters so well, and they do it in what, less than 100 minutes. Most movies featuring many characters, fall apart cause there isn't enough screen time to present the differences among them, which just leads to a smear of unrecognizable faces. This doesn't happen with this movie for two reasons: A) All characters have at least one scene to really define themselves. B) By dividing the the film into three sub-plots you can easily relate each character to a specific sub-plot.

The tempo is very fast for 90% of the movie. There are two scenes, which have a significantly slower tempo. Those are the two scenes featuring Katie Holmes and Timothy Olyphant. First in the apartment and later in the coffee-shop. In my opinion those scenes are the best, but there is a lot to choose from so I'm not offended if yours isn't.

This movie really shows that even simple and straight forward stories, can be both unpredictable and entertaining, if they are told the right way. Add to this a pumping soundtrack, solid editing and an overall great production in an unpredictably entertaining movie, you will agree with me that Go is one of the best films ever made.
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Maybe not the best of plots, but overall quite good.
26 June 2000
I have seen better movies than this one, but I still think it's a bit underrated. I don't give them much credit for the plot, which is rather standard and doesn't get you thinking much. Maybe with a little more screentime they could have established it better. But the production is well done, with nice effects and great music. Katie Holmes gives a good performance as usual. The rest of the cast is also ok. The rating is somewhere between 6 and 7, I gave it a 7 to help that average up a bit.
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