
24 Reviews
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Lynch's most detailed & intelligent movie.
24 April 2003
Not only is this Lynch's best movie, this is one of the best movies ever made. It MUST be watched at least twice to even begin to connect all the events and figure out what was really going on. There is so much attention to detail and meaning in the scenes, images, objects and is seriously amazing. The sound, music, writing, directing...EVERYTHING has so much thought put into it's incredible. I wish there were more movies with this much effort put into them that I could watch. I'm really looking forward to what Lynch is working on next.

10/10 no question. You MUST watch this movie. Pay attention to every part of everything.
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Lost Highway (1997)
Great strange movie that demands to be analyzed.
24 April 2003
This movie is great. Very creative dark story telling. Another great Lynch movie with unique imagery. It also has a thought provoking time-line of events and character switching that will trip you out and force you to analyze what you saw, what/who was real & what really happened. The mood is dark, eerie & suspenseful. Not many movies give you such an experience as this one.

This movie doesn't get as high of praise as Lynch's Mulholland Dr. but they are actually pretty similar. I recommend them both if you've only seen one or the other. I will agree though. Mulholland Dr. is more of a cinematic masterpiece.

8/10...maybe 9/10 ?
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Wild at Heart (1990)
Don't get your hopes up.
24 April 2003
I'm a big fan of creative unique movies. With more meaningful and artistic writing and directing. Lynch usually never let's me down in this sense. Therefor I couldn't wait to watch Wild At Heart. However, don't let Lynch's name attached to this film fool you. It just honestly isn't that good. I hate to say it but I was really let down by this piece of Lynch's work. Most of all the story was just weak it never grips you, you are never excited about what's happening and what's going to happen next. The symbolism shots and Wizard of Oz references just were not genius...they seemed weak, almost pointless and most of all cheesy. The movie also has a very dated feel to it, it didn't hold up well. This movie is 4 years newer than BLUE VELVET but seems so much older.

I gave this movie 4/10 stars...those points are only for the fact the movie at least is different than most movies & for WILLEM DAFOE's character and scenes.

Sorry, but this is probably Lynch's worst piece of work. Please don't judge him by this film.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
There's nothing quite like it.
24 April 2003
This is a good one from Lynch. It's told in a pretty standard format unlike some other Lynch movies. The story works and gets you interested in it. The situations are WEIRD and intriguing. The symbolism and imagery have meaning. The symbolism is clever & powerful, not cheesy. The mood of the film works well.

I give it a 8/10. Very Unique.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
A great movie that you have to see.
30 January 2003
This movie is great. It was hard to come up with a solid rating for how much I liked it, but the more I learn about it (The Philosophy of Time Travel), the more I think about it -- trying to work it all out in my head and the more I watch the movie and start noticing subtle little hints and things, the more I love it and realize how truly great it is.

I love how this movie has much more to understand and dig into deeper for those who actually want to take the time to understand everything and every aspect of the movie and why things happened. But at the same time for those who DON'T dig into the movie any further than just watching it...the movie still makes all it's points about about fate, life, love and course of actions. It gives you so few real answers in the end, that you are forced to think about this movie.

The production itself was also great the mood and atmosphere were effective, the acting was good, the comedy was real and funny, the creepiness was creepy in a believable way, the feelings of characters was well portrayed, each song fit meaningfully into the movie and created an emotional poignancy.....I'll just stop talking now, and hope that you decide to see this movie now.
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Corny and not scary...
21 October 2002
This movie was so corny and unrealistic it made it completely non-scary. It wasn't that good kind of corn like the Sleepaway Camp movies either. I gave this movie 3 out of 10 stars for a couple scenes showing human bodies getting tossed and broken and the female ghost with the knife.
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Ringu (1998)
An unfolding mystery movie with a couple tense creepy moments...
20 October 2002
Okay I'm a big horror fan...especially of movies that are played out realistically. Stuff you can really believe. Last summer I ran across reviews for the movie 'Ringu' and I knew I had to see it (even though it was hard to get here in the US) the reviews were so good for it, everyone seemed to truly be creeped out.

Anyway I heard an American version was coming and I know I had to see the Original for the American one...So now I've seen 'Ringu', however...I think time I spent reading all the reviews about it kind of spoiled it for me...I knew what to expect...or expected something similar to what actually happened. It was a very good movie even though it didn't creep me out like I wanted it to. It kept me entertained with the unraveling supernatural-mystery type story. This movie gets compared to THE OTHERS, and I have to say, The Others did creep me out in the had totally flipped me out. While I was watching the others I thought I wasn't going to be too pleased with the ending, about the time the kids snuck into the graveyard and figures *something* out about their housekeepers -- I thought that was going to be the big twist...and I was like 'well that wasn't too special' ...but after that they caught me off guard and totally blew me away...NOW, in 'RINGU' I kept waiting for the big thing to trip me out in the end...but it turned out the scene in the end that I thought was going to lead to something greater...was the creepy scene that everyone was talking it kind of let me down in that way. (Although, remember when I saw it I wasn't completely unspoiled and that probably took away from the affect)

Rating this movie is hard, but I think I give it 7/10. Now I can't wait to the the American version to compare them...
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10 July 2002
...and I love things that are unique.

Anyway, all I have to say is that this movie is very unique & entertaining. It is not as much of a comedy as I thought it was going to be, but I still enjoyed it very much. There are some 'normal' funny parts but also subtle humorous situations and dialog which turn out great. The movie is much more than that's hard to explain. There's a lot of great stuff here: an big great cast, excellent script & direction, a lot of connections and detail, it's pretty amazing.

I love how it's all because of Royal (who's sort of the bad guy) that everyone's problems and secrets come to light after all this time, which in turn let's them help their own and each others problems there by making all their lives better. It's because of Royal getting them all back together.

It's different, a little weird and definitely not a typical played out story. I suggest you watch it yourself and see if enjoy it. I give it 7 stars out of 10. (sometimes I think it deserves more,..sometimes I don't. I just can't decide, so I'll stick with a 7*'s.

Recommendation: Ghost World (2001). Not that these two movies are related much, if at all. I happened to enjoy very much and rate it higher than The Royal Tenenbaums. It's another unique non-hollywood movie that is also very funny and weird. Please watch it.
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Ghost World (2001)
Completely enjoyed this movie...
28 June 2002
I rented 'Session 9' a couple weeks ago and saw the preview for 'Ghost World'...the preview caught my attention and I looked it up on IMDb. Being that it was in the top 250 movies I knew I had to rent it soon. (Having Steve Buscemi in it didn't hurt either) (I remember seeing bits about the movie on various movie sites before it came out,...but I don't think I ever saw one commercial for it when it was released theatrically -- so I forgot about it)

Anyway, I rented it not completely sure what to expect and turned out to completely enjoy this movie from start to finish. I loved the characters, dialog, humor, story and the real 'every-day-life-comedic-situations'. Like others have said it was sort of "Seinfeld-esque"...

...I didn't want it to end, I wish I could see more. The ending was fine though, sort of ambiguous -- but perfect.

I know this movie may not be for everyone, but I would definitely recommend that everyone watch it and judge for may be surprised.

(By the way,...I hate the show Daria, can't stand it)
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Double Take (2001)
Fun Watch
25 July 2001
This was actually a fun movie to watch, it had a pretty clever story which I wasn't expecting and was pretty funny. The two main characters also have a Popping/ticking/waving (dance) battle which was a highlight for me.

This movie was not the best of it's kind but pretty damn good. What was similar but better was, 'Nothing to lose' with Martin Lawrence and Tim Robbins.
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Pi (1998)
Not very enjoyable
25 July 2001
I was expecting something different I suppose. The movie was hard to watch from the beginning, but I made myself watch it to see what kind of amazing breakthroughs may happen. It's pretty dull. It turns out nothing really clearly comes about,...they do it in a way that never makes you think 'wow..that's clever....what an amazing idea'.. you never get pleasantly shocked by it. It still had some interesting idea's though.

Here is what the movie feels like:

Sinus pressure, black and white fuzz on your TV screen, taunting your mind..ahhh..scream

For some reason the movie Cube gets compared to this movie a lot, in which case I'd like to say Cube is 100x better. I would never watch Pi again.
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Great !
25 July 2001
This movie was so much better than I ever thought it was going to be. Lawrence and Robbins make a funny team. Just about everything Martin Lawrence does or says in this film cracks me up. I give this movie a 9 out of 10.
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s o l i d
22 July 2001
Solid story, awesome entertaining action sequences, very fun to watch. I enjoyed this a lot. I'm beginning to enjoy Jet Li's style and character more than say,...Jackie Chan. I gave this movie an '8', although I really enjoyed it there was nothing so uniquely amazing to make it a '10'.
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Cube (1997)
22 July 2001
I finally saw this, and it is really good. I was entertained and compelled all the way through. The semi-disappointing ending makes me rate it an "8"...but the ambiguity of the ending is also what makes it a movie that people need to have discussions about afterwards.

The movie shows that the human beast is more deadly than this giant death cube of astronomical possibilities. (the cube which represents life/universe...or the system)
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The Contender (2000)
So obviously written by a hardcore Democrat.
8 March 2001
It is almost a complete joke in how much this movie portrays the Democrats and Republicans. (Scratch the word almost) It full on makes the Democrats out to be the 'Good guys' fighting nobly for the greater good which only they can see. Every Dem. in this movie was cast and written and directed to be be so very gallant in appearance and mind set. While on the other hand, the Republicans are made out to be wormy bad guys, dark..ominous...sinister intent. Which is just really backwards for the most part.

Other than that by the end they have made the Democrats to be so good to the point super hero unrealisticness, it was a pretty good movie.

It wasn't boring, still an entertaining movie.

I really like "I am Yojimbo's" 4th segment of his review.
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You wouldn't hate it quite so much if they didn't try to pass it off as truly being real.
15 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Okay they tell you it's real. They don't list any screenwriters or directors, but one viewing of this movie will prove to anyone - It's not real in the way you were hoping for. The speaking rarely sounds like real natural talk...but also down not sound to be scripted. (possibly loosely scripted). To me it sounded much more like they were always trying to ad-lib. (which they almost always did poorly). Therefore, they knew they were making a 'movie', not just collecting real natural footage. So I'm sure these people knew what was going on, knew they had certain spots to look for things that were set up...and they were just told to ad-lib around it all.

*************'Major Spoilers'**************** *****************************************

Okay, it's so lame. Every item, spot or thing that could be strange or use d as a scare, is magically stumbled upon by these people. Let me list off the ridiculously obviously faked things that happened that I remember:

1) Less than 2 minutes of entering the house, they turn a light switch on - the light sparks and a chandelier almost falls on a guy.

2) They happen to find an old medical bag with a bloody butcher knife* in it, while exploring the cellar.

3) They hear a noise in an armoire, so they open the door slowly - BAM - a cat happens to be in there and jumps straight at the camera while shrieking.

4) Then they happen to notice there is a hole in the wall, so let's stick our hand, they pulled out a doll of a baby wrapped in mummy tape.

5) Let's go to the attic, uh-oh it feels 'heavy' up here....BOOM - a chair flies across the room.

6) Time to eat. Oh no ! The girl that was scared of bugs had a ROACH in her sandwich ! LOL !....ridiculous.

7) Let's get out the Ouija board...oops one of the legs on the planchette fell off the side of the board. That couldn't be because the people were pushing it could it ? (they find out a ghost there is named Charles)

8) Wait ! What was that noise in the chimney...CLINK - oh my shackles fell out "I think she* kept people up here".

9) Now wimpy girl is going to brave looking up the chimney shaft...oh, what's this she sees something...and is asking people who aren't looking up the chimney what it is. SWISH - It falls off straight at her. (perfect camera shot) She moves just in time. It was more chain.

10) Now we have to separate and each 'cleanse' our designated rooms - wouldn't it be something if things started happening one by one to these people now...okay:

CHICK #1: Wow, suddenly her room is shaking...but no one elses does.

DUDE #1: Actually says to himself "Charles, is that you can't be you because you're just a figment of my imagination aren't you Charles". Well guess what, he gets knocked over and dragged across the floor. Another lucky camera shot.

CHICK #2: Hears things..try to communicate ...and is standing there getting abrasions or something.

DUDE #2: He was in the attic, reached his arm through a hole in the floor and got a splinter....I don't remember what else.

11) Dude #2 runs, gets Chick #2...they hear chick and dude #1 screaming...they find them chained to a wall and strapped to a table.(*) They leave. Cut to black. Final text tell us they escaped safely, were treated for minor cuts. They have since had nightmares and insomnia, we also find out the next day a 911 call was made by they name a someone named "Charles".

*************'Major Spoilers'**************** ******************over********************

Okay, when I first heard this movie was being made, I couldn't wait. I thought it was going to be real. REAL, real. - and more professional, with more professional type people. I love the idea of this type of thing, I'd love to see real haunting footage. Before this movie was released I saw couple reviews of it by people online. They both claimed how fake it was and how stupid the people were.. time passed I forgot about the film....then I realized It was never released at theaters. So I found out it went straight to video, rented it....found that every brutal review was completely true. It's too bad, I really wanted this to be good.

Random thought: The house didn't seem to have TVs, appliances that I recall...which would make me think no one has lived there for a long time. Especially the house is truly known for being pretty sure no one lives there. But it looks so clean and tidy...and what was a cat doing there ? The property does not have near by neighbors....

All-in-all, you'll only want to rent this if you and your friends wanna sit there and make fun of it...or if you heard about it a long time ago and it intrigued you. (you will will be disappointed if you are expecting a good film...or real film)

Random thought: I believe the producer says "The 'footage' you see is real". Well technically it is real footage isn't it ? Real footage of fake hauntings ? Maybe that was his loop hole.

I give this this movie one star - strictly on the fact that they told the story of Madame LaLaurie. A real New Orleans story.

The best performance was by the guy who teaches the participants about the ghost hunting equipment in the beginning. He was obviously actually real...or a good actor.
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Very entertaining government mystery action movie.
31 December 2000
I wasn't expecting much but a fun little movie to watch, which is probably what made me enjoy it so much. I was surprised at how good this movie was, it was full of clever trickery, good action without being too outlandish, a lot of twists, a good story and good cinematography.

Definitely a good popcorn movie for a rainy day. One of the best movies I've seen in a few years.
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Summer School (1987)
Totally awesome '80s movie.
31 December 2000
It's really a fun movie to watch, it deserves a higher rating than it has gotten here. It has all the classic '80s style characters, the surfer girl, the loosery funny cool dudes, the geek, the jock, the authority figure you hate and the cool teacher everyone likes...

This movie doesn't seem to be as remembered as other 80s most of John Hughes' work (which is also excellent) but I actually place this movie higher than '16 Candles' and 'Pretty in Pink'. I put it up there with 'The Breakfast Club' , 'Ferris Buellers Day Off' 'some kind of wonderful' and another one of my less popular 80s favs. "Back to the Beach".
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Matlock (1986–1995)
Awesome show, great plots!
16 September 1999
Yeah, this is one of the best shows ever to be made.

It had good characters, great stories, twists, and some unexpected humor.

It's a really good show, and I'm not even over 60...or 30 for that matter.

-Guess who got me into the show though:...Grandparents. =)
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Totally 80s - Totally awesome
11 September 1999
One of the best movies ever - good characters - amazing writing. -you must see it.Period. -defines the 80s, along with other Hughes' greats:Ferris Buellers day off, Pretty in Pink etc...
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It unfortunately let me down.
18 July 1999
I had been eagerly waiting to see this for a month or two now. Being a HUGE horror fan I couldn't wait to see this due to the huge buzz about how scary and creative it was.

But I've got to say this movie let me down a lot. The few scary scenes are hardly unsettling or truly scary, although there is a *slight* creep out factor in them.

Since most of the movie does not attempt to be scary, there are a few good laughs in it. Actually the comic parts of it are better at being funny than the scary parts are at being scary.

**ALSO** Some people are going to see this movie under the impression that it is real footage that was found ...or that it was a shot by shot remake of real footage that was found...Which is not true! But under this impression I could see how the movie would seem a lot better than it does to those who know it was all made up.

ALL IN ALL I give it 1 1/2 stars or 2 out of four. I really wish it was better, it was good concept. The 2 guys that made it are cool, and had a great idea.
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Terrifyingly Real.
29 May 1999
Clever and TERRIFYING! You must see it , it is so real you will be genuinely scared. I've talked to many people who were trembling with fear after this movie. It CAN NOT be compared to any other horror film. Although Friday the 13th , Nightmare on Elm St , and Scream are excellent movies - you know that they are just a movie , where as Blair Witch lets you envision it as REAL footage. SEE IT - To understand.
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You must watch this movie , It is truly one of the best!
10 May 1999
If you love Totally 80's slasher movies...or want to want to take the chance on watching a slasher film. THIS IS THE ONE. Unless you haven't yet seen the classics such as Nightmare on elm St , Friday the 13th etc ....

The writer of this film is truly genius...The music Is great...and The film is very Fun and entertaining.You can not hate this film. The 3rd one is almost just as good ... the Original Is terrible...and almost not needed at all. Anyway , I LOVE THIS MOVIE ....AND HOPE YOU RENT IT!!
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20 April 1999
Great Movie ! Totally 80s , you've got to see it. I've watched it annually since '87 as soon the summer season starts.
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