
12 Reviews
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Hellboy (2019)
More Horror that Hero
31 August 2019
Very gory and creepy movie with very gruesome scenes, tons of monsters and demons, (some were cool, some had pretty poor CGI) .

Was it as good as the first 2 movies? No...

Did I keep comparing Harbour to Perlman? Yes... for about a third of the movie.

Was it entertaining? Yes... You'll do yourself a favor to surrender yourself to the movie instead of thinking it'll compare to del Toro's films
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Hostel: Part III (2011 Video)
Good idea/poor execution
26 February 2012
I had low expectations for this, and after watching it, I really just think they should have put more effort & money into it.

You won't see the gore that was in the first 2 movies, mostly just splattering blood, but the story and change of scenery was a nice twist.

The lower budget is evident. I thought the acting was fine except for a couple over-the-top performances. The first half set up was good, but the second half just seemed rushed. Maybe they were running out of money.

I thought they should have expanded on the new Las Vegas Hunting Club set up a lot more. Was it purely for betting purposes? Were the Hunters paid to perform or were they paying to kill as in the first movies?

The first kill had potential, but it felt unfinished... The second kill made no sense at all. The third one screamed for a higher budget...

Someone once said that they don't understand why they are remaking great movies, what they should be doing is remaking not so good movies. This is a candidate for the latter.
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The Happening (2008)
I was warned it was bad... ...but not this bad.
26 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you saw the trailer, you basically saw all you need to see. The suicidal scenes were the only redeeming thing in the entire movie, and GET THIS, in the DVD extras, MNS admits to removing the goriest parts.

It's bad, really, really bad... let me count the ways.

It's preachy It's stupid The acting is really poor, (I hate to say this because I like both lead actors.) It never explains itself other than to say, 'We cannot explain nature, nature just happens.' Can you say 'COP OUT'!

SPOILERS: The decision process throughout the movie is ridiculous, (we think it might be the plants, let's walk through a field, and let's also leave the cars.) Was I really supposed to get tense during the wind blowing through the trees scenes? If it was only dangerous where the toxins were concentrated, how the heck were workers on top of a building affected? There are no plants up there!! Wouldn't cities in general be the safest places?
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Don't believe the hype...
7 May 2007
I really, really wanted to see this movie... Any movie compared to Blade Runner piques my interest. I should have realized that the bar was set too high.

It was too drawn out for me, with very little payoff at the end. There are some good action scenes, the acting was good, and the story was good, but for some reason, I was pretty bored throughout.

I didn't really care about the characters... There was just too much of Clive Owen running around in firefights with other people dying around him and he continued to survive...

I can see why people liked this movie, I just did not...
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Twisted (I) (2004)
18 October 2004
First off,I am now totally sick of Ashley Judd looking beat up in movies. I've had enough of the crappy short hair, and the pathetic tough act. Someone please tell her that even as good an actress as she is, nobody is buying a 100 pound weakling as tough.

Now to the review... ...tedious, boring, bad acting, bad plot, and no surprise as to who the killer is.

Need I say more?

OK, I will... Ashley, grow your hair out and act feminine!!!

...and another thing, eat something, it was difficult watching you struggle to support that jacket you were wearing.

I will now get down off my soapbox
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What a waste...
14 May 2002
What a waste of money, waste of talent, waste of some good special effects and above all a waste of time. Almost 2 1/2 hours that could have been summed up in 90 minutes. I heard this movie was bad and it didn't even live up to my expectations. Kubrick and Spielberg should be ashamed. It starts off slow, and picks up a little but the final 40 minutes of this movie are so boring and dopey that it is nothing less than torturous.

I was staring at the clock waiting for the credits to roll.

Teddy and the 'Flesh fair' were the only interesting parts of the movie. Watch it if you must, but be sure to have the remote in hand and the Fast foward button at the ready.
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Exactly what you would expect...
29 May 2001
If you want a fun, fast paced, special effect laced movie, then go check this out... ...if you want a touching, drama in black and white with subtitles, then you will definitely be disappointed,(and you really should seek help...).

If you've seen the trailers and ads for The Mummy Returns, you know what the movie will be like... ...there are flaws in the plotline, and some special effects seem a little hokey, but I definitely enjoyed myself...
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Eyes Just Shut...
15 May 2000
When this movie came out, I was very leary of seeing it, because every critic viewed it as 'Interesting', or 'Captivating' but NOT ONE ever said it was any good... I know why... I tried watching this movie on video, it took me 5 sittings to get through it, my eyes kept shutting...

At times it is a beautiful film to look at, but not often enough. I haven't been this bored with a movie that had nudity in it since 'Showgirls'.

If this movie was made by anyone but Kubrick, it would have been panned, laughed at and forgotten before it hot the theaters. But because it was Kubrick, and it was also his last, no critic wanted to say anything bad about it.

Being a Kubrick film, it brought to mind a Kubrick classic, 'A Clockwork Orange'. Not because they were similar movies, but because I would have needed the Lodovico technique to get through it in one viewing.
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One Fine Day (1996)
15 May 2000
I've seen bad movies before in my life, but none I've HATED more than this one. This movie actually frustrated me and gave me a headache. I hated every character, and hoped their lives all ended in disaster. I paid nothing for this movie, and I still felt ripped off. The kids in the movie show how people let their children run rampant without discipline, and even when their careers might be on the line because they are late for an appointment, they can sit down and talk to their kid about why they can't have a cat.

People say that action and horror movies shouldn't be made because they make people more likely to commit violent acts. I can honestly say that I've never been more likely to commit a violent act than after I watched this horribly bad movie.
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Gladiator (2000)
8 May 2000
If you are looking for an exciting, fast paced, action packed, violent, visually captivating movie with an actual plot. Then don't wait another day to see this movie. I'm already plotting to see it again in the theater even though I know it'll be around for a while. At one point in the movie, I took a glimpse at my watch and was elated to find out I had another hour and half to go...

I can't fathom how someone could vote this movie a '1' out of '10', they must have expected a boring, tear jerker with bad acting because anyone that likes action films HAS to enjoy this movie. Maybe not as much as me, but GLADIATOR doesn't rate a '1' in any aspect, especially not overall... So Buy your popcorn and your soda, and make sure you go to the bathroom before you get your seat, because you won't want to leave after the reels start rolling. ENJOY!!!
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Such potential, such a waste...
27 January 2000
I was warned before I saw Deep Blue Sea that it wasn't very good. Even with little expectation, and seeing it for free, it didn't live up to my expectation and it wasn't worth the money. What a terrible waste of a decent plot line. Everyone in the movie was unbelievably careless,(even when warned), and the sharks are lightning fast and extremely vicious one minute, and slow and clumsy the next. How about a little continuity. The sharks can attack people standing next to the water and kill them in seconds yet it will grab others by the leg and drag them around for a few minutes causing little damage.

I've heard people complain that it was unfairly compared to the 'Jaws' movies. Well guess what, one of the 3 sharks is killed exactly the same way the shark is killed in 'Jaws 2'.

The acting is bad, the casting is bad and the writing is bad. The special effects are sometimes pretty cool but are obviously not real.

Someone should drop this movie into the Deep Blue Sea.
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Blade Runner (1982)
One of the All time greats.
27 January 2000
This movie is one of my favorites. Strong plot, action, violence, a little romance, and some awesome sets, especially for 1982.

The casting was great, the direction was spectacular and the acting was very good also. It was just an all around perfect movie.
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