
22 Reviews
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Eternal Law (2012)
If people are saying Eternal Law has no redeeming qualities, tell them they're completely wrong...
20 January 2012
I admit it, I enjoy Eternal Law an ungodly amount every single week. The episodic plots are rarely good. The occasional weekly supporting actor can be atrocious. There are some dodgy special effects.

But the show has heart. It has a beguiling sense of optimism, hope, and the belief that love - while painful - is worthwhile. The show doesn't take itself seriously at all. It knows it is ridiculous. It's not trying to be Drama. The angel lawyers have gigantic wings that suddenly appear in scenes, with very little rhyme or reason. There are scenes in which angel lawyers smoke cigars on top of York Minster with their wings unfurled! But, and this is important, whilst the cheese is strong with this one, there are also a lot of balancing scenes. There are some good, tasty water crackers being used as a base for the cheese (with maybe a bit of pepper, if that's your thing) so that the taste isn't all boursin.

I adore all of the characters, who are well-rounded, with complex motivations and understandings. This is including the villain of the piece, Richard, who is a fallen angel, rather menacing, and yet completely hilarious every second he's on screen. There are compelling dynamics between the leads, not to mention some fantastic dialogue (after the pilot, which still had stellar lines such as "What happens if we get shot in this world?"/"Hurts to buggery.") Zak has epic angelpain, yet still manages to be wise and witty. Tom is adorably confused and on the steep learning curve that is life. Mrs Sheringham is supportive yet tortured. Hannah is oddly compelled to the craziness that is Zak Gist and his emotional temperature control of doom. It's all golden.

And it isn't merely the characters I have fun with. Apart from the somewhat dodgy SFX on occasion the show is shot beautifully, with interesting yet not jarring camera-work and York shown from every stunning vantage-point. The music and credits are similarly quality work.

I am very much looking forward to buying the DVDs. And whilst I doubt there will be a second series, I will jump for joy if there is one. Eternal Law makes me happy. It isn't High Art, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. It is, in its own, special, way. When it's good, it's wonderful, when it's bad, it's laughable. But I am never, ever bored.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
I like it...
20 October 2004
So... I have to say I am liking the new Battlestar Galactica. Watched the first episode (counting the mini-series as the pilot) this morning (I am sneaky and well connected). Sure, it has nothing in common with its namesake but it's name, but I'm not a BSG purist (please don't stone me). It's quite slow, but it's incredibly atmospheric and I imagine it will become more action packed as episodes progress.

The characters, the dialogue, the camera work the special effects, the concepts and ideals... they're all so in-depth. It's one of the most naturalistic Sci-Fi shows I've ever seen. The discourses on God are interesting in a "hmm, robots believing in God? and being fundamentalists?" kind of way. The acting is really good.

Anyway, I think it's cool. It's not for everyone... and I do hope it gets a teeny bit more lighthearted and faster paced... but it is interesting. I don't wonder that Original BSG fans are annoyed, though... it is nothing like the Richard Hatch BSG... at all. I can't help but wonder that they might have benefited from giving it a different name but attributing the basis on Battlestar Galactica. They could have just called it "The Cylons" you know? "Battlestar Galactica" has such a memorable ring to it, I'd have wanted to use it too. I ask the fans of the original to forget it having any correlation with the show you love and just try and accept it as it is.

I think this series is going to really improve, and I'll be enjoying watching it the whole way.
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Not perfect, but pretty darn good!
4 April 2003
I was really surprised at some of the nastier comments on this film but then I remembered my planned review of "What a Girl Wants" before I actually went to see the film. *What a Girl Wants is her one hour seventeen minutes of her life back*

And yet - that is not my opening line. Why? Simple. I loved the film! The trailers for "What a Girl Wants" just don't do the film justice - they make the film seem like typical pre-teen fodder, starring a ditzy and sickeningly sweet idiot. However, don't be fooled by lax advertising. "What a Girl Wants" provides many moments of pure, light and highly enjoyable entertainment I wouldn't trade in for all the gold in the world.

First of all, the character of Daphne is actually very likeable, and not a ditz at all (well, no more that other ppl). She has a very real longing to know her father and a very touching way of expressing it. I was surprised at how good an actress Amanda Bynes really was. I had heard all the horror rumours of her show, and yet she proves she's actually very talented.

Second - there is a character hardly mentioned in the trailers I saw - that of Ian. He was played artfully by Oliver James and provided a love interest for our leading lady.

Colin Firth as Henry Dashwood was skilled casting, and I loved him in this film. He gives the film soul. It could easily have become an utter mess if it wasn't for his expert depressed gazes and well timed smiles. Once again, he takes over the film. We switch from Daphne's to Henry's point of view seamlessly. When Henry casts off his carefully cultivated serious countenance we see he is as much of a wild child as his daughter. Scenes between Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth were really quite touching.

I disagree that "What a Girl Wants" is only for pre-teens (altho they will enjoy this film) but I go agree it is a chick flick. However, chicks of all ages will enjoy this film ;)

There are of course, some flaws in "What a Girl Wants" - some of the jokes don't quite work, and there is a distinct lack of trying to make us believe what is happening on the screen is really happening - but who cares? For a light-hearted frothy film, "What a Girl Wants" does a very good job of uplifting the spirits.
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Chicago (2002)
Give 'em the ol' Razzle Dazzle
30 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
**** This review contains slight spoilers****

Chicago - a city - a broadway musical - and now a film.

Whilst I don't deny I have always enjoyed musicals, I think I have a fairly objective view of this film. I went to see it because it seemed to me everyone else had seen it, and it was the only film playing within my time constraints.

The opening sequence annoyed me slightly - whilst I loved the music, the editing caught me off guard and certain shots just didn't work for me. The next sequence confused me as well, until I realised it was set a month after the first.

As the movie went on I got more into it. Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellweger and Queen Latifah all did their roles justice, but the people who blew me away were Richard Gere and John C. Reilly.

There are flaws in this film, but for a musical it does quite well. I suppose the biggest problem is the main concept - that most of the musical numbers are in Roxie (Zellweger) Hart's head. We are supposed to see everything from Roxie's point of view. The Writer and Director did this, I suppose, to create suspension of disbelief in the audience, but it actually marred the film as a musical. In musicals we expect to see people start singing out of nowhere and dancers to pop up from behind every door - it's a musical genre trait. By placing the musical numbers in a fantasy world, the songs lose their strength as part of the story. It also causes problems - "Class" was cut because it didn't fit into the fantasy concept - well what about "Mister Cellophane"? Roxie does not care for Amos one iota - she would not be imagining him singing this song. Does the film suddenly switch Point of View?

Another problem is that the characters are unsympathetic. The only character I ever felt sorry for was Amos, and I believe that is merely because of John C. Reilly's stellar performance in "Mister Cellophane". If he were played by a different actor I would probably feel indifferent to Amos, because he isn't the brightest bulb in the box, and without "Mister Cellophane" has a very minor role.

I thought the acting, dancing and singing were all brilliant given the context they were in. The musical numbers were all very good, but it is only later, listening to the soundtrack, that you can appreciate them separately. Otherwise you spend the whole day singing the one line "All that Jazz" because it is hard to remember any of the other lyrics from that song - and does anyone even know what "rougeing" one's knees is anyway?

I would suggest Chicago to people who enjoy razzle dazzle, after all, they may enjoy it for what it simply is - entertainment.
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Spirited Away (2001)
The Spiriting Away of Loz
15 December 2002
I can quite honestly say I had never actually watched an Anime film before going to see "Spirited Away". I can honestly say that I must have been crazy! What have I been missing out on? Why have I been subjecting myself to Disney drivel, when absolutely breathtaking animation films are coming from Japan?

Of course the English/American dubbing of "Spirited Away" was actually a Disney venture, using actors that have provided voices for Disney films before Daveigh Chase in "Lilo and Stitch" and Jason Marsden in "A Goofy Movie").

I was generally very impressed with the voice acting, however after a while Daveigh Chase's high pitched tones started to grate on my nerves, distracting me from the greater good. Jason Marsden was perfect as the mysterious boy Haku, and Suzanne Pleshette was brilliant as Yubaba & Zeniba.

However the wonder of this film is all thanks to Hayao Miyazaki. He is truly an amazing Director and Writer! The story was multi-faceted. Every time you thought you had come to the end of a mystery, more layers were pulled back to reveal more mysteries. Characters are not what they appear, and what they are is too enigmatic to explain.

There is a lot of humour in the film, and a deep well of emotion. I really found myself caring for Chihiro's well being, and hoped she would get back to her parents. I was completely sucked into the film. Even though, thinking back, all the things which happen in the film are confusing and complex, I never found myself bewildered or bored, as has sometimes been the case.

The animation was beautiful, the colours were used so well to accentuate every minute detail. The landscapes and buildings were incredibly realistic.

The music, however, is what really got me. Jô Hisaishi did an amazing job putting the score together, it was haunting and beautiful, and suited the film very well.

Well, I'm now off to go and raid the Anime section of my local video store... I wholeheartedly suggest going to see "Spirited Away"!
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Ghost Ship (2002)
10 December 2002
Well, this film is certainly Ghost SHI.*something* and I wasn't thinking of a P.

If you are expecting an in-depth, witty analysis, such as you'd usually expect from me, you will be disappointed.

I have only one thing to say about this film. It's not even one of those films which is so bad it is funny... it is just bad. Don't see it. Don't. You don't need to know why it has a 5.5 imdb rating. No, we aren't all just film snobs. Yes, this film was made only for the money. Don't let them get yours too!!!

This film is a weak attempt at anything, least of all, horror. The acting, the plot, the special effects, it was all pathetic.

My recommendation? Either go see something else, rent another movie, watch tv, or read a book.
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One word - Fantastic!
28 November 2002
To those who don't enjoy a story, that's full of action, adventure and glory, then don't see this film, and spend your quids, unless you have a bunch of kids.

This is not to say that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a children's film, but merely that if it is not your style (fantasy, action, light entertainment), you will most probably not like it.

I'm an eighteen year old woman (19 in 19 days surprisingly enough) and I enjoy the Harry Potter novels immensely. I'm an escapist, and the novels, and now the films provide me with an exciting and adventurous place to escape to.

I was not disappointed with this film at all. I thought it not only lived up to it's predecessor (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) but surpassed it.

There was more action in this film, but if possible, more character development. As Harry, Ron and Hermione go through the year we see them grow up.

The direction and cinematography were wonderful. The landscapes, no matter how computer generated, were impressive. The action sequences were exciting, the special effects amazing. The acting was superb. All the actors were convincing, including the young main stars, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and I hazard to say, Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy. Jason Issacs as Lucius Malfoy was absolutely brilliantly evil. The words "nasty piece of work" spring to mind.

I did not think the film was over long, or too short. The beginning started amusingly. The ending perfectly rounded off the film.

I suggest this film to anyone with a vivid imagination, whether a Harry Potter fan or not. They may not like it... but at least they would know what everyone is going on about ;)
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24 November 2002
I was surprised and delighted with "The Green Mile". It set me on an emotional rollercoaster. The actors were amazing, especially Michael Clarke Duncan. I was wrapped up in their character's stories, and didn't need to suspend my disbelief at the miracles, it all seemed real. Someone mentioned that the good characters are portrayed as good and need to be rewarded and the bad as bad and need to be punished, but I didn't get that sense from the film at all. Is Del good or bad? He's on death row, so he can hardly be good, and yet he is rewarded with Mr. Jingles. Who can truly say if Percy deserves his fate? This has to be one of the films most covered in shades of grey I have seen in my life. I get a very anti-capital punishment feeling from it.

Whilst I'm one of those people who usually complains at the length movies are getting these days (90 minutes if you're lucky), i did find this film overlong. I thought 30 minutes of the film could have been condensed.

Overall, i give the filme 4 and a half out of five.
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The Ring (2002)
Perturbed, Disturbed, Curiosity Uncurbed
17 November 2002
After having gone to see "The Ring" on Friday night, I decided to see if other people felt the same I did about the movie, and hoped to find some answers to the many questions I had to ask. I was not disappointed opinion-wise, contrasting and contradictory opinions litter the comments board. But answers I found none. Similar confusion? Plentyful.

I was overall both incredibly impressed and slightly disappointed with "The Ring". It disturbed me immensely, more than most horror/thriller films even come close to doing. The cinematography, direction, sound effects, acting and soundtrack were overwhelmingly effective and left me feeling chilled. I got my money's worth of scare factor, that i know for sure. Many people have said that this film bored them, or didn't frighten them, and I have to ask - were they watching the same film, did they have earplugs or am I just easily perturbed?

I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed with the unfinished/unpolished sense I get from the plot of the film. It is a clever marketing ploy that you spend that much time ruminating over the powers of Samara. I, for one, have spent the past few days thinking carefully about why there were so many plotholes that need to be filled. They could so easily have made everything clear, but that would have made the film less powerful, memorable and interesting wouldn't it?

I understood the ending perfectly, I think. I cannot see why anyone would be confused by the ending, but maybe I have missed something along the way. I ask myself questions about everything else in the film, but not the conclusion. I do wish it had ended the first time it appeared to, and not the second, but found the real conclusion to be just as satisfying intellectually.

I suggest this film if you wish to be frightened and can easily suspend disbelief.
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How to Make a Monster (2001 TV Movie)
So bad it's good...
17 November 2002
Yes. I liked the film. I have to admit "How to make a monster" is going into my video or (hopefully) dvd collection when it is available to buy. But I have no illusions that this is a brilliant film. I have no illusions that it is genuinely scary. I have no illusions that the actors actually thought they were doing something worthwhile, especially as one of them refers to it as "our crappy little film" whenever he discusses it. After you see the film think "i want to be a yes" and you'll know who I mean ;). Don't get me wrong - the actors were the best thing in this film. Tyler Mane, Karim Prince and Jason Marsden as the computer nerds were brilliant, but they are virtually laughing in almost every scene!~ I can ignore obvious computer illiteracy, unnecessary nudity, and gore and violence, but only up to a point. I would have been laughing too.

It is mediocrity at it's best, and the most worrying thing is that it could have been so much more. Less gore, and more psychological motivation. No nudity and this film could have had a PG rating... being much more suited to a pre-teen audience intellectually. More humour towards the end could have preserved this film in my mind, as it was, I was disappointed with pretty much everything. But also surprisingly impressed as well. I had never had high hopes for the film, just some light entertainment in moments of boredom, and it delivered that well, at least.

The high points were the humour, unfortunately not carried through to the end, the actors, and the title.

I have just spent my words insulting a film I have a admitted I liked, so I am a girl of contradictions. Let your evil motion capture suit come get me ;) :p
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Crackerjack (2002)
A cracker of a film...
11 November 2002
Being dragged along to the cinema by my best friend, I was rather worried when she said "There's a new ozzie film called Crackerjack, wanna see? oh... come on... please"

I grimacingly acquiesced. The lead is played by Mick Molloy, well known to the Australian radio airwaves, and was actually pleasantly surprised.

The film had a lot more substance than one would think from the advertising, and the jokes were a great deal quicker, and more humourous than you would imagine.

The performances were brilliant, especially from the 'old folk' all Australian legends in their own rights, and I was actually touched by Mick Molloy's acting. Judith Lucy made her foray from stand-up comedy to acting successfully as well.

It was well worth the money, and I think I'll even borrow it when it comes out on video.
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Wonderfully Imperfect
3 October 2002
I went to see Lilo and Stitch yesterday. Let me tell you straight off, it was worth the admission fee. Every single cent.

I was amazed at just how different, refreshing and enchanting this film was. It is not only set in a location never used by Disney before but has a style of animation that is not only beautiful but interesting. There are no perfectly proportioned faces or bodies, even in the humans. I'm not going to say that the characters look realistic, but they are a lot more realistic than Snow White and Belle in their simple imperfection.

There are no Disney musical numbers, not typical ones, anyway, and this seemed right. It would have been disheartening to grow to understand, perhaps love these characters and then see them launch into a verse of "a whole new world".

From the beginning you could tell this was not going to be a normal Disney film. Apart from the straight-to-video release of "Buzz Lightyear", this was Disney tackling something they had never done in a film before. Extra Terrestrials.

These new characters and characterisations are astounding. Hilarious. Well crafted and well executed. Who wouldn't be scared of the Captain voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson (seriously, you should hear that man roar... it is terrifying). Who wouldn't find Stitch (Chris Sanders) offensive yet funny?

I thought the voice acting was brilliant and I am very impressed with Lilo's voice artist Daveigh Chase who has also done the voice of Chihiro in the American dub of "Spirited Away".

The animation is beautiful. I have never been to Hawaii, but now I have a determination to go. The backdrops, the characters, the way they move. It is all unique to this film.

The storyline is well developed, simple to understand and the themes surrounding it are obvious. Love. Friendship. Family. Community. No-one gets left behind. These are integral to the spell which Lilo and Stitch casts on you whilst watching. I didn't look at my watch once, and even if I'm enjoying a film, I usually do.

The film follows Lilo and her sister Nani as they try to keep their family together whilst contending with not only interstellar nuisances but social services authority, Mr Bubbles (Ving Rhames). I won't give any more away, because, let's face it. Everyone else has anyway.

I didn't think I would say this about a Disney feature again, what with half-thought-out sequels being released every which-way, but this film deserves 10/10. Go buy your ticket today!
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Always Greener (2001–2003)
Always Greener Always Fresh
29 April 2002
I wholeheartedly disagree that "Always Greener" is a rip-off of "Seachange", the only connection is the brilliant actor of John Howard, and even then, he plays a completely different character!

I find that "Always Greener" always brings something new. Unlike many comedies, it is fresh, insightful and unpredictable. The use of Dictionary meanings of a word relevant to the next scene is clever and often amusing. It plays upon reality and surreality thereby making us constantly aware we are watching a television program whilst still endearing us to the characters.

I would advise anyone to give "Always Greener" a shot as you might be surprised into realising that what originally sounds like a cliche ends up being exactly the opposite.
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So, you've got the flu?
27 April 2002
Admittedly, this film is never going to be an award winner. The acting performances are of a fairly low standard and it's just weird. However, this film is great if you're feeling terrible and need to just sit and watch something without having to think.

It's fun, frothy and not the best movie you're ever gonna see, but hey, those films have actual 'budgets'. The characters get you involved, and the humour is basic and easy to relate to and God, my head hurts.

So I think I'll just go sit on the sofa and watch this movie again, it'll keep my mind off the river which is rushing out my nose, and the hammering on the inside of my skull.
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Eerie Connection
14 April 2002
Well, I've read all the comments on this film and I can't believe NONE of them mentioned the fact it was as eeriesque as can be. By this I mean the whole film has the feel, look and wit as "Eerie Indiana". Heck, even Gregory Smith looks like Omri Katz, it's directed by Joe Dante, who not only was creative consultant on Eerie, but directed many of the best episodes. The whole first scene after the exposition of how the toys get made is the opening titles of Eerie, with the main character cycling to the store (in eerie, cycling on his paper round). I love this film, i just can't believe no-one else made the connection!
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The Weekenders (2000–2004)
Later Days
27 September 2001
It has been amusing reading people comments on this show. I found them to be quite varied and critical, which i honestly didn't expect.

I love this show. However, i am slightly biased, as the only reason i watched it is because of Jason Marsden a.k.a Tino Tonitini. Now that i have watched it i can say that i would watch it even without Jason, without lying. Sometimes it can be a bit sickly sweet, but i think this is balanced out beautifully by the jokes and the characters' undesirable traits. Yes, Tino, Carver, Tish and Lor do seem to be too smart alec(y) and knowledgeable to be 12, yet my 11 yr old brother loves the show, and often laughs at jokes that i would never have thought he'd get. I think sometimes us older people don't remember what it's like to be a kid, and what we found amusing. It's okay to look back and say something is trite and conceited. But as a kid... do you really care? Who were the audiences of 'Full House' do you think? I believe "The Weekenders" is good for kids because it does have all those 'moral' little stories. P.S...i love Tino's ending word at the end of each episode. It's often where his funniest jokes are. And also... can IMDb change "Tino Tontini" to "Tino Tonitini" please???
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Xtreme fun, Xtremely cute :)
8 November 2000
Hi, I own AEGM, or as some call it XGM (actually that's cooler, i'm gonna call it that from now on) First of all you should know that Jason Marsden is my favourite actor so i'm probably going to biased *ahem*. But actually i'm not. I did enjoy this movie, but i was left feeling....what's the word i'm looking for? Faintly disappointed. For a start it seemed alot shorter than the first movie "A Goofy Movie" and also Max just wasn't in it enough. No, seriously, it was meant to be about him at collage, right? Did we see him study? No! I liked the fact that PJ and Bobby were more prominent, and Bill Farmer as Goofy? Well you can't complain there can you, he deserves an award for that voice, wow. It was a good movie if you've never seen the first, you can't be disappointed, the animation was a hundred times better for a straight-to-video release than most others!!! The music was funky, especially if you don't like it when characters sing. The storyline was sweet. But it lacked something the first movie had, so if you really, really like the first like i do you may end up feeling the same way i do. Just remember that sequels are never as good as the original :) Loz
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Step by Step (1991–1998)
It was a good show!
8 November 2000
I likes Step By Step, even before Rich Halke (Jason Marsden) was in it :) *grin* Has anyone else noticed that Rich Halke was the name of one of the Story editors in the first 4 seasons? I thought that was pretty cool myself! Okay, so it borrowed from every other show imaginable, but so do all Sitcoms, sheesh! It's a shame it was stopped, i personally would have preferred at least 1 more season, but i did understand that they couldn't really continue it, with the kids being all of collage age(and one of them miraculously disappeared), except of course Lily who went from being a baby one season to a 4 yr old the next. Oh, and don't forget the absence of Cody! If it's in syndication, watch it, it's funny and light and you'll be cheered up!
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White Squall (1996)
White Squall was underrated.
1 November 2000
White Squall was underrated, yet not brilliant. It could definitely have been better with more character development. My favourite characters were Gil and Shay. Ryan Phillippe really surprised me with his fantastic acting ability as Gil, and once again the acting talents of Jason Marsden have been overlooked by other imdb users. He's the character who jumps off the 'yards' *first*. One thing about this movie is that it is hard to tell how much time has gone by therefore comprehension of the plot is marred, there is little emphasis on the boys' schoolwork making it seem like they are on a holiday and other than about 6 characters there are simply stereotypical young men on the ship, with no real identity. Okay, so that's 3 things. A very good thing about the movie is the setting and the way that it is portrayed. Full credit to the cinematographer and Ridley Scott on that account. A good movie. It did make me close to crying.
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Trojan War (1997)
You want a sophisticated look at teenage life?
27 October 2000
*ahem* Don't look here :) This movie is for all of those who don't want to have a serious in-depth discussion 'ever'. I've read through all the comments and some of them are pretty fair. Others are umm.. well.. If you are going to rent a movie called "Trojan War" with Will Friedle and Jennifer Love Hewitt on the box, it's not gonna be about 'Helen of Troy' is it? I found this movie delightfully ridiculous. It made me laugh at the idiocies of Brad. Sympathise with Leah. And how come no-one has mentioned the absolutely brilliant *yet terrible* pick-up attempts of Jason Marsden (oh, there are so many.. try Step By Step) and Danny Masterson(now of "That 70's Show" fame)?? Josh and Seth, I think, are the funniest *and most stereotypically true* characters in the movie! But I honestly can't believe that a hottie like Jason would have trouble chatting a girl up. Good actor? Ahuh! Yes, the 'lunatic bus driver' Anthony Michael Hall was very funny. Lee Majors was wicked :) And Marley Shelton was brilliant as the popular 'bitch' that everyone in the 'lower ranks' of high school hates. If you are willing to suspend intelligence of any kind *it's ALL spelled out for you in this movie* This is the flick for you.
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Eerie, Indiana (1991–1992)
I loved this show when i was 8.. i love it now.
27 October 2000
Hi :) When i first saw "Eerie" as i now affectionately dub it, I was 8. I lived in England and i remember it was on Channel 4 (pretty good memory since i am now almost 17). I adored it. Omri Katz (Marshall Teller) reminded me of my older brother and I sometimes wished my brother was as cool. 3 years ago, i saw the title "Eerie Indiana" in the Cable TV guide here in Oz. And all my fond memories came rushing back. I remembered 3 episodes quite clearly. This show made an impact on me so large... i don't know how to explain it! Luckily i got to see it over and over again on cable. I can't believe they axed "Eerie" after only 19 episodes, leaving me with only 6 episodes with my now favourite actor Jason Marsden. If you can, watch an episode of Eerie Indiana, no matter what age you are. You will love the references to other TV shows, and common knowledge, the kooky music.. characters, plotlines. And.. perhaps, you will see that there were some programs which tried to be revolutionary. Shame the kids of that era (minus myself of course) didn't see it, coz it's a cult classic now!
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A Goofy Movie (1995)
This is a great family fun movie
26 February 2000
This is a great family fun movie with the brilliant voice talents of Jason Marsden and Bill Farmer. I just wish all movies were this cute and fun! It has a great bopping soundtrack that will have you dancing till the small hours and a few very funny scenes which will leave you laughing for quite a while! I think this is a must for your movie collection and a great thing to watch to cheer you up! So go out and tickle your funny bone, rent A Goofy Movie!
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