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Moves just into my top place for 2014
4 November 2014
We saw 'The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman' (I prefer the full title) last night and we both loved it. It has the essence of a Coen Brothers film (I love them all). You see wonderful characters, some well known like Mr Hannibal himself (Mikkelsen) and some less or unknown, generally - I liked the taxi driver (Gabriel Spahiu) and Victor (Ion Caramitru). Great quirky (tense at times, funny at times) plot, good conversations (hurray!), European back set, intriguing fragile love story, great score and music, well filmed, some lovely touching sequences, good pace, good invention, well acted throughout, keeps you guessing - what more do you want?
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One of the best period Westerns of its era
18 April 2008
Seldom have I come across a film that has stirred so much emotion and passion about the story of the mid nineteen century conquest of the frontier states of America. There surely can't be a person who watched this movie who was not moved by this story of the Sioux nation portrayed as a people who were in harmony with the land on which they inhabited and who demonstrated a respect for each other. Driven towards extinction by the inevitable migration of white Americans, the story is told with grace and candour with a remarkable John Barry score and fine performances by Costner, McDonnell, Greene, Grant plus ensemble.

Worth revisting from time to time.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Best sci-fi film period
1 June 2007
I can't put off, any longer, commenting on this film. I first watched it back in 82 and it has remained in my top 5 favourite films (sci-fi or not) ever since.

Where do you start? Opening sequence with cityscape and explosions of light coupled with Vangelis music - superb. Portrayal of life some 40 years in the future was, for me, far more realistic than many similar attempts. I am guessing that large city life would be very crowded, dark, rainy and multi-cultural. I am also guessing that spoken language would be merged into combination of many. OK there were a couple of police cars hovering about but we had Harrier Vertical take off jets back in the 60's.

They reckoned that Harrison Ford was unhappy playing Deckard but, uncomfortable or not, a hallmark Ford performance as the downbeat, struggling ex-retirer of Replicants (humanoids) - we have seen this kind of role repeated so often by Harrison in his later films.

We start off disliking, even being a bit frightened by, the 4 Replicants but, as the movie progresses, you can't help feeling sympathy for them and their need to understand where they came from, why they were created and how long they would live for - very human concerns that we all share.

Loved the Gothic city scenes, the hi-tech flying advertising boards, the constant rain, the building interiors, the photography, sounds, music, acting - well, just about everything.

Highlight? You guessed it - Roy's (Rutger Hauer's) final speech complete with doves – no, I'm not quoting it here – why not see it for yourself? - you won't be disappointed.
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Premonition (I) (2007)
Was it a great film? - Who cares because I enjoyed it.
20 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Did I enjoy this movie? - Yes. Would I see it again? - Yes. Was it a great film? - Who cares because I enjoyed it.

I am a hopeless romantic and I am firmly of the opinion that if you spend good money to see a film, attend a theatre production or read a book, to a certain extent, you have to suspend belief to allow yourself to enjoy the event.

A lot of people have criticised this film for factual or plot inconsistencies – I'm glad they have the time to observe and report them.

Many others criticised the ending – I thought it was inevitable.

What moved me about this film was the 'miracle' factors, if you like.

None of us would be given the opportunity that Linda was granted.

She had, what appeared to be, a normal happy marriage and family life and all was fine. One day, the door bell rang and she opened the door to face the nightmare that we all fear, the news that she had lost the love of her life, her partner, the father to her children in a tragic accident.

Then the first 'miracle' began. She was suddenly allowed to experience a confused 'replay' of the days leading up to this tragedy. It seemed to be played out in two phases. Firstly, she was an observer, trying to may sense of the alternating premonition days and facts. Secondly, she began to make sense of these facts taking control and changing events.

She began to understand that her marriage was not as perfect as it seemed. She also found out that her husband was starting another relationship.

She was granted the opportunity and time to come to the conclusion that she did truly love her husband, to let him know this and to take action to change events.

Ultimately her actions probably sealed his fate but then, maybe his fate was never able to be changed. What she was able to do, in those brief few days, was to revisit her marriage and family, to reconfirm the love for her husband and to be granted the second 'miracle', the opportunity of a new life.
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Last Holiday (2006)
Enjoyable Feel Good Movie
8 March 2006
Currently, we have our fair share of pointless actions films (absent of any plot and decent script) or films that are trying to take themselves too seriously or films that are too dark and downbeat or films which try to be funny but are not so it was a pleasure to go with my family recently to see Last Holiday.

Queen Latifah comfortably heads a cast who delivered solid, believable performances across the board (and some new faces to me). OK, the story was a bit contrived and some sequences were a bit far fetched (the snow board ride for instance) but it was a great deal of fun.

The story, which looked at people's aspirations and dreams and the need to take every day as it comes, to enjoy life to the full (as we don't know what is round the corner) was played out with great passion and skill. Latifah's comedy acting (loved the raised eyebrow and sideways glances) was relaxed and easily won over the sympathy of the audience. Great, also, to see Gerard Depardieu again as I haven't seen him for a while.

Refreshingly set in snowy Prague, good Direction and lovely Cinematography. I recommend that you see it.
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Ghost (1990)
I'm trying to think of the few films that moved me to tears
27 October 2001
I'm trying to think of the few films that moved me to tears - you know us stiff upper lipped males can't be seen with a tear in our eyes - not very macho. The first film that achieved this was for me was 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' an all-together more serious adventure. So what was it about this lighter weight film, which could so easily have veered into corny territory, which remains, for me, a contemporary classic love story? - I'm not sure - it could be the sincere performances, it could be the sound track but I think it is probably the way it explores that area of love that goes beyond the boundaries of mortal souls, beyond the realms of this world, a bond which transcends that fragile hold we have on life to an unknown world of everlasting love.
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Inspirational British World War II Air Force drama
1 May 2000
What do you mean, you haven't seen this film? A classic World War 2 RAF adventure film depicting the true British spirit of one man's (Douglas Bader) fight to overcome the loss of both legs in a flying accident, to become a Wing Commander in the Battle of Britain. Lewis Gilbert keeps the film crackling along at a fast pace with Kenneth More, at the peak of his form, delivering the goods with a first rate supporting cast - don't miss it.
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