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Thriller 40 (2023)
3 December 2023
If you are a Michael Jackson fan lots of this stuff will be familiar but there are certain things in here that are described in such depth as to be revelatory!!

One of these things is the description of how the music to Thriller was developed which is absolutely eye opening. As described by Anthony Marinelli it's really educational and a just a fascinating glimpse into how the sound was developed. This just might be the one of the most exciting sequences ever in a music documentary! I got chills at the end!! I can't stress enough much this is worth seeing!

Also great was Steven Ivory describing Michael Jackson's performance then Motown show which of course contains the iconic debut of the Moonwalk. His insights are always welcome and so well described!

I also really enjoyed the comments of Mark Ronson and wish there was more.

A truly great trip into the creation of music.
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80s attempt at Doris Day comedy with throuple
10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When they mentioned her name the aims became pretty clear. Very inexpensive independent movie with largely unknown Cast. Just a real Sundance feel. Something that might have created a stir there. The main actors have some che and chemistry and it's pretty enjoyable. Today it would be a "throuple" comedy. A totally buttoned up college student with little experience in relationships meets a couple who moves in upstairs and hijinks ensue. Some side characters are a little underdeveloped and not all the attempts at humor work but overall it wasn't bad and I would recommend it for the main cast chemistry.
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Excellent acting and cast
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Played by Tom Conti the burnt out writer is a totally fresh and new character. This is very realistic and grounded portrayal that rang very true. Just 2 years previous to this you had Dudley Moore and Arthur and I couldn't help be reminded of that "drunk" performance. The movies and characters are so ultimately different though.

Kelly McGillis, Roberts Blossom and more are fantastic.

The writer was Julius Epstein of Casablanca fame and he really nailed this adaptation and it was good that he got an Oscar nomination for I.

At one point I didn't think it was like Arthur meets Marathon Man! Lol.
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My Son Hunter (2022)
John James hilarious as Joe Biden
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So snl is supposed to be funny and make jokes about the president. But now they are all liberal democrats working to elect liberal democrats and their Biden is not funny at all. He's nothing. They rarely even have Biden. John James is hilarious as joe Biden. It's what SNL would do if it wasn't all liberal democrats. That's not to say John James Biden is only used for comic relief (even though he mostly is) sometimes There is a ruthless cynical politician doing anything he can to get the power he wanted ever since he first ran for president in 1988.

Laurence Fox plays Hunter Biden- by far the worst child ever of a president- and he is good at being the lowlife despicable piece or garbage. Using his tragic past to manipulate and generate sympathy as a cover for crime and corruption. That's what they do. It's a very sad tragedy that they use to fog Peoples minds.

Good for director Robert Davi! Bravo.
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6 January 2019
Not too bad. With a running time of 64 minutes I was expecting a cheap thriller and it has a lot of setup. When things start to get weird the movie gets a little better but you know the closer and closer the end gets you will find out what's going on and then the movie will Immediately end! Kind of unsatisfactory. Some good creepy use of shadow and and the acting was better than I expected. Same thing with the production values.
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Criminal Minds: From Childhood's Hour (2011)
Season 7, Episode 5
One of the best guest star performances in CM history.
25 December 2013
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Patrick Stafford plays the unsub and 911 operator and he adopts the perfect soothing voice to talk to callers and kids he takes from parents who have major problems. Stafford nailed this part and totally takes over the episode but because the episode has bookends involving Rossi and his ex-wife I feel that he might have even more time to stand out. But either way he stands out almost more than any other guest star. He has a monologue that is just one of the highlights in CM history. The show was intent on really delving into this character and not being a monster of week or whatever. Definitely want to highlight the writers Bruce Zimmerman and director Anna Foerster. Multi Emmy winner for The Bold and The Beautiful Heather Tom excels as one of the flawed parents.
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Law & Order: Grief (1998)
Season 8, Episode 14
Drowning in a moral quagmire
13 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so compelling and interesting with a twist that leads to the quote from Jack McCoy about the moral quagmire.

The most interesting parts of the episode have to do with the discussions between Jack and Jamie for which Adam is a witness to and delivers some great lines about what a trial would be like with these kinds of issues which would be guaranteed to divide people! How could a verdict be unanimous? The first half with the investigation is also good too. Trying to deal with a schizophrenic possible victim Briscoe and Curtis have to maneuver a real mine field!

All the actors in both the regular cast and gust cast deliver. Waterston, Lowell and Hill along with Bratt and Orbach. Edie Falco as the defense lawyer and Erik Jensen and Marin Hinkle as well as a short role for Todd Stashwick.

Suzanne Oshry just wrote a really dynamite script here. Well directed by Chris Misiano.
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Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
A project reflecting extreme partisan hatred
19 March 2012
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The extremely vicious and mean spirited Game Change reflects the donations that almost all the people involved gave the Obama campaign in 2008. Director Jay Roach, Writer Danny Strong, Producer Tom Hanks, and actors Julianne Moore and Ed Harris. HBO got this project to exploit the extreme liberal hatred of Palin and they made a movie of red meat to bash and try to ruin her. Now Palin decided not to run for President but when they were discussing this movie it was a possibility and Super Tuesday was very close to this movies air date. It was meant to be a major attack on a possible Republican Presidential nominee.

The movie's content is shocking in its viciousness. Palin doesn't know Germany, she doesn't know about the Prime Minister of England, North and South Korea, she "doesn't know anything" according to Schmidt played by Woody Harrelson. The movie makes no sense because how did she continue as VP nominee? No one makes that clear. First she doesn't know anything, then she becomes so mentally imbalanced they have a doctor spy on her to profile her for mental illness. Nowhere is it discussed anywhere if she should remain on the ticket. Later on McCain played by Ed Harris said he could turn on him. How did she gain control of everyone and the campaign? She was working for them. She could have been let go as VP running mate and the mental illness and doctor profile could have been made public.

There are so many lies in this movie it is hard to keep track of them all. She never wanted to be on the stage with pro-choicers'? When did Joe Liberman stop being pro-choice? How about Rudy Guilani? The movie is bizarre in its claims that are easily disproved. She opposes all Stem Cell research? Since when? The movie says she was addicted to the Atkins diet which is opposed by a half dozen people.

This movie uses her public mistakes to create wild fantasy about her behind the scenes conduct. You think the woman portrayed in this movie would ever be allowed to do a VP debate? "Right after we profile her for mental illness we will put her out to debate Biden for VP!" Schmidt and Wallace did horrible jobs and want to put all the blame on Palin by making up a supremely ridiculous story.

This is a movie that just makes no sense and it is an example of the extreme partisan hatred that is very prevalent now but usually just blamed on Republicans.
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Carter's performance is good but the script has problems
18 March 2011
The Theory of Flight has a good performance from Bonham Carter but in a underdeveloped role. Too much of Branagh's character. Her "My Left Foot" the movie is not. It was directed by Paul Greengrass before he went all shaky cam. A movie that was more about Carter's character would have been better because her performance is so good that it deserved the Oscar buzz it received. Because the movie is not about her however and is so focused on Branagh's unbalanced but not as interesting character the movie is basically just OK rather than being a film like My Left Foot. The direction from Greengrass has some interesting moments but a lot of time there is just too much overdoing of scenes with Branagh.
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Bright Star (2009)
Excellent movie
13 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bright Star was excellent. Cornish and Whishaw gave great performances. The final scene of the movie with the Cornish reciting the poetry was a really good idea that was executed well. Enjoyed the Cornish/Schneider banter even if Schneiders accent was never clear. Jane Campion really returned to form with this movie. It was by far her best movie since The Piano. I liked Portrait of Lady but it was a step down from The Piano and of course In the Cut was not received well at all. The cinematography, costumes and sets were all top notch. Abbie Cornish was nominated for several awards for her performance but not enough. Oscar and BAFTA nominations were deserved for this very promising young actress.
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An Education (2009)
Very Good
15 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed An Education. Mulligan, Sarsgaard, Molina gave excellent performances. I considered doing a blind buy here but didn't but it really would have been worth it. Sarsgaard was really good-sure he was a creep but I would have liked it he had been nominated. Emma Thompson had the small role of head of that school but all here scenes were well acted and her and Mulligan had good dialog (the screenplay was written by Nick Hornby) in their scenes. A downside is that I could believe that the parents would allow her to go to Oxford but Paris was a bit much-also it may have been too blunt how seduced they were by David. Banana scene was funny. Olivia Williams is good as the main teacher in the life of the main character. The film was directed by the really talented Lone Scherfig.
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Brothers (I) (2009)
15 April 2010
I saw the Danish Brothers before I saw the remake and I read that the remake was too polished or studied but I thought the remake was able to evoke some of the original in tone. Tobey Maguire did a great job with PTSD. The girls birthday party and the trashing of the kitchen were where Maguire really acted well. Before I saw it I wondered about the actors being all a decade younger than the ones in the original but I think it worked. Directed by Jim Sheridan the movie is well acted across the board. The small roles are well cast like Sam Shepard as the father. He is very good. I also liked seeing Mare Winningham and Clifton Collins Jr. The girls who play Maguires daughters are also great. With this and In America he shows he really can direct kids realistically.
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Richard III (1995)
Maggie Smith steals this great movie
5 September 2008
In this version of Richard III the action has been moved to England in the 1930's. The move to this time period is flawless. While not as good as Titus (which is similar) this is a great film with fine performances. Maggie Smith as the Duchess of York steals this movie with her expert handling of Shakespeare. The scene she has with Ian McKellan (Richard III)by the stairs is amazing. Maggie Smith should have been a candidate for an Oscar for Best Supporting actress, a truly flawless performance. Annette Bening is very moving as Queen ELizabeth. Her best scene is in front of the building where her sons are being held prisoner by Richard. Krisitn Scott-THomas is riveting as Lady Anne. Ian McKellan is astounding as RIchard III. This is probably his best performance (even better than his performance as James Whale in "Gods and Monsters.") THe costumes and sets are also expertly done. Richard III is a near masterpiece.
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Parks Nails It
5 September 2008
A musical biopic of Al Jolson which stars Larry Parks. Parks got an Oscar nomination as did William Demarest who plays Jolson's mentor. Parks is excellent as Jolson. He has a real sense of enthusiasm and his eyes are expressive. You can see why he became a legendary entertainer. Jolson was the star of The Jazz Singer, the first "talkie." The black face is disturbing, but it was a popular form of entertainment. You hear Jolson's singing of hits like Mammy.

One of the main selling points of the movie is not only Parks performance but the all of the scenes that led to Jolson becoming an entertainer. You see scenes from his youth and his family life. The actor who portrays the young Jolson is very good.
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Holocaust (1978)
Excellent worth watching
5 September 2008
Holocaust is an excellent miniseries. The acting by Michael Moriarty, Meryl Streep, James Woods, Rosemary Harris, and other cast members is very good. One of the most powerful scenes in the entire miniseries is when the Streep character (who is a Christian) goes to church and the Priest starts to criticize the persecution of the Jews. As most of the congregation starts to walk out she sits their stoically. Moriarty convincingly transforms from fairly liberal German to someone who participates in crimes against the Jews. Also interesting is the script which repeatedly brings up why the Jews didn't fight harder against the Nazi's.
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Good but troubling POV
5 September 2008
A Perfect Candidate is an interesting and thought provoking documentary on the Senate race between Republican Oliver North (of Iran Contra fame) and scandal tarred incumbent Deomcrat Chuck Robb.

The movie tries to make the case that no matter what your positions are on the issues it is better to vote for someone who is a ideologue than a moderate. It demeans the very notion of someone who may be conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Before that it is a celebration of Oliver North because of his perfect conservatism. When North starts to make mistakes and Robb starts tearing into him the movie becomes more interesting because the filmmakers obviously never thought Robb could win re-election.

The great thing about this documentary is all of the scenes with Douglas Wilder. He was the first black governor of Virginia and ran as an independent in the Senate race for a while. The racial issues explored is the main reason why this is worth getting.
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Excellent movie with funny narration
26 August 2008
Little Children has very good acting. I thought the narration was going to be annoying but then I found myself wanting more of it because it was so funny. Connelly has one of the best scenes when at the dinner party she suspects Brad and Sarah are having an affair. It's almost unbelievable how forward Winslet's character is. When Sarah and Brad are making out after the football game Larry doesn't say anything. Larry never saw Brad's wife? Noah Emmerich was really good. Wilson was convincing, it is probably one of his best performances after Hard Candy. Jackie Earle Haley I think was overpraised. I don't think the Oscar nomination was necessary.
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The Departed (2006)
Excellent movie.
26 August 2008
I think that The Departed is very funny. Baldwin and Wahlberg steal the movie with their humor. The script by William Monhan is one of the best of 2006.

DiCaprio and Damon were excellent. I don't think DiCaprio is very Irish looking but this his second Irish role for Scorsese and he gives a great performance. He is not as good as Damon who I thought could have been a successful lawyer and politician if not for his mafia ties.

I think the ending from the elevator scene to the final scene is tragic.

There seemed to be a lot of jump cuts in the editing and I didn't expect that.

The silent cell phone call and the street chase are well done. Scorsese did the suspense very well.

I think that Jack Nicholson gave a good performance though not one of his best.
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Good movie falls short of great
26 August 2008
Visually stunning battles. There is a shot from a plane going around Mount Suribachi and it's extraordinary. There is also the scene where the soldiers are landing on the quiet beach and the POV switches to the Japanese inside the bunkers. There is a scene where Phillpe goes looking for Iggy and his face is in the dark and then some light hits it and you see his reaction and the light goes away.

I would say the most powerful scene is when Phillpe is going up the papier mache Iwo Jima and he has the flashbacks to when he is being called for. That was horrible.

Adam Beach was perfect in the role of Hayes and has some great moments.
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Mad Men: Red in the Face (2007)
Season 1, Episode 7
Good Episode for Kartheiser
26 August 2008
Vincent Kartheiser was really good again. Funny when he was returning the dip thing "If you gave me cash I would spend it on you" and then the scene where he describes hunting. A little corny but he sold it. January Jones really looked great in the scene with the pregnant neighbor while drinking the wine and her acting was fine too. The walk up the stairs was funny as well. The Nixon political stuff was interesting but I did think about the fact that they were on the side of the loser but I guess that can be as interesting as being on the winning side maybe. The Dinner party scene was very good. John Slattery was funny.
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Hilarious movie version of the show
26 August 2008
A lot of the stuff was familiar but still funny. The pig story reminded me of the lobster. The best thing about the movie was how they really made it cinematic and opened the town up and really made it look good. I liked the Disney interlude when all the animals come in and undress Marge and Homer. When Grandpa yells "I'm part of the mob!" was funny. The Green Day scene was really funny-sinking like the Titanic while playing violins. Albert Brooks gave one of his trademark great voice performances and the his conversations with the President among the highlights of the movie. Julie Kavner really did some of her best work ever as the voice of Marge. Grade A-
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Young Winston (1972)
Very good
26 August 2008
Young Winston directed by Richard Attenborough and starring Anne Bancroft, Robert Shaw and Simon Ward as Winston Churchill is a good movie. Anne Bancroft gave an excellent performance. For a movie that got Oscar nominations she should have been a supporting actress nominee. The device of having an off camera reporter interview the three main characters was best for her interview. Shaw was excellent when his mind goes during a parliament speech.

A lot of time is spend in Africa where there are big action scenes. If it was all in Africa it could have been titled Winston of Africa because there the movie strives to be something like Lawrence of Arabia.

Ward was kind of a blank but did narrated well as Old Churchill.
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Cold Mountain (2003)
Zellweger steals great movie
26 August 2008
Cold Mountain is an incredible movie. One of the best of 2003. It is second on my top 10 list of the year. The acting and the writing is excellent. The editing of the first 40 minutes is brilliantly done. The way Inman is flashing back to his meetings with Ada. Ada also recalling some moments with Inman. You really believe in the passion this couple has for if not each other for the idea of it when the their world is falling apart. The scene Jude Law has with Eileen Atkins is incredibly moving and deeply felt. Renee Zellweger is great in the role of Ruby. She is both hilarious and heartbreaking. Any scene with Sally is extremely well done. Kidman also gives an excellent perforamnce. She really inhabits the character and here "there will be a reckoning" kine is nailed. Cold Mountain has the best gun fight probably since High Noon. The action in the movie is consistently raw and shocking. The most underrated movie of the 2000's.
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The Aviator (2004)
Scorsese and DiCaprio at their best
26 August 2008
That plane crash was probably one of the most brutal scenes that I have ever seen. You could see Scorsese winning Best Director right there.

The performances were all excellent. Leonardo Dicaprio gave a so far career best performance. When he is in the car covering his mouth as he said the same thing over and over, It was very impressive.

Blanchett gives the Hepburn in the movie life, energy, humor, depth, one of the best performances of the year. Beckinsale was also good. When she tears down the tape in the house, she serves the movie the way Blanchett does, though without as much depth, but still is excellent.

Alan Alda deserved his nomination. He is a good villain, but also one who is thinking about playing the Washington game. The whole chairman scene with Baldwin was a good entry for his character. Also with the Baldwin character-Citizen Kane did pop into my head. It was probably the set, but his powerful character doing what he can to tear down Hughes reminded me of CK.

The Aviator is one of the best movies of the year, even if it drags with the hearings, it provides for the set up for one of the more triumphant scenes with the flying of the Spruce Goose.
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Good movie
26 August 2008
The twist ending raised this from a C+ movie to a B+ movie. I did not see that coming. I heard about the twist but as it was happening I was caught off guard and didn't get it immediately but it works. It made the behavior of the Sarsgaard character and Sarsgaard's performance make a lot more sense. It is a visually impressive movie, Iain Softley and cinematographer Daniel Mindel did a great job, especially with the flashbacks and all of the candle work. A real good scene involves the Hurt character climbing out of his room onto the roof. This movie has the kind of red herrings that should be studied.

Kate Hudson's performance was good as she makes you root for a somewhat unsympathetic character. She nails the final pivotal scene.
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