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the worst jurassic park episode ever!!
8 August 2001
This movie was awfully bad and boring. The story was very ordinary and the flying dinosaurs weren't as scary as I expected.

I brought my 9 year old cousin and he thought that movie wasn't scary at all.

I hope there won't be any more Jurassic Park episode.
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Spy Kids (2001)
The best Rodriguez movie since El Mariach
14 July 2001
This movie was great. Actings, story, special effect were superb and I loved the speed of the movie. This movie might have costed far less than Pearl Harbor to make but Rodriguez proves that a good movie is all about imagination and skill rather than money. The best Rodriguez movie since El Mariach.
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a movie like a bad joke
30 November 2000
Before I saw this movie, I was very excited because I like the three main characters and I also heard that the action directors are from the Matirix. But after the movie was over, I was disappointed. The main characters were very cute and very attaractive as I expected and the action sequences also were cool but that was it. The plot was so jumpy that there are so many episodes without connections. What happened to Natalie and Alex's boy friends? The direction also was like a college student's first film.

I heard that there might be a sequel. Well, if they don't fix two things, the girls are not gonna work any more.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
a great ganster black comedy
30 November 2000
When I first saw this movie on video, I was in 5th grade. I expected to see a action film because Bruce Willis is in it but after the movie was over, I was confused and totally lost by this movie.

The second time I saw it, I was a junior at high school and I was totally fascinated by this movie.

As shown in "Reservoir Dogs", Tarantino's "answer first, question later" scenes are unique and amusing to watch. Also, the dialogues are hilarious, such as conversation about foot massages, and actions are bit too violent but also great. I also enjoyed John Travolta and Uma Thurman's twist scens a lot.

The actings are superb!! John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman gave their best performances in their careers. Bruce Willis was still pretencious but he was OK.
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Happy Gilmore (1996)
best adam sandler movie yet
19 November 2000
I like "Happy Gilmore" and "the Wedding Singer" more than any other Sandler movies. Sure Sandler still plays a goof ball with a annoying voice but "Happy Gilmore" makes me laugh even though it doesn't force me to do so. The movies that made Sandler popular, "the Water Boy" and "Big Daddy" are some what similar to Jim Carrey's stupid disgusting comedies.
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Shanghai Noon (2000)
another enjoyable jacke chan movie
18 November 2000
"Shanghi Noon" seems kind of a extension of "Rush Hour". A two different racial men fight each other, be friends, and blah blah... I liked some of the cinematography, such as intersection of the duel scens. Plot also was a decent except for the last part. Why Jackie Chan's indian wife falls for the white guy? I thought she was suppose to be loyal to her husband. And the princess falls for her servant?! She even seems naked when she held Chan's hand. It seems to fit into the formular of the block buster but I felt very uncomfortble.
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Raging Bull (1980)
a great film!!
18 November 2000
Generally, I'm not a Scorsese fan because his movies are always heavy, serious and long and I'm used to the opposite movies. However, Raging Bull was very impressive. I particularly liked the opening shadow boxing sequence. It was beautiful. The greatest thing about this movie is, it's about a boxer but it's totally different from Rocky. It's about a famous boxer who have a attitude problem's curved life: how he loses his fame and his family and friends. De Niro gives a excellent performance as usual.
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Wait Until Dark (I) (1967)
not a very scary movie with a superb acting
18 November 2000
I wasn't very enthrilled or scared by this movie. Maybe that's because this movie came out in the 60's and I'm living in 21st centry filled with bloody movies. However, Audrey Hepburn never lets me down. By performing a blind woman who fights against crooked drug dealers, she proves that she was not only a romantic movie queen but also the best actress who ever lived.
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Subway (1985)
a confusing and a boring movie
29 October 2000
Before I saw this movie, I was pretty excited because Luc Besson is one of my favorite directors since "Leon" and Isabelle Adjani is my favorite French actress. However, after the quality of the movie was much less than my expectation.

The idea of people living under the subway station was great and I liked the car chasing scene at the first sequence but the plot was predictable and boring. The romance between Christoper Rambert and Isabelle Adjani seems too quick and not reasonable enough and I was confused by the very ending scene.

I assume that this movie was Besson's practice before making "Nikita" and "Leon".
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as usual, audrey hepburn is charming
29 October 2000
I doubt if I liked this movie as much as other Audrey Hepburn classics because Gary Cooper wasn't a good match up with Audrey Hepburn and the plot was also a typical romantic comedy.

However, the reason that this movie is worth seeing is, of course Audrey Hepburn. She once again proves that she was the queen (?) of the romantic comedy by performing a cheerful, cute girl next door. I got bored of Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock's same images pretty quickly but I'll always adore Audrey Hepburn's roles. Also, with "Two for the Road", this is one of the rare movies that contain Audrey Hepburn's sexual intense, even though it doesn't show it directly.
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Yojimbo (1961)
Butt Kicking Movie
26 October 2000
This movie was really cool!! The samurai's idea of getting rid of the gamblers were excellent!! The story was very manly and also exciting. I liked the intersection of the samurai and the gamblers and fighting in the sand storm.

I also liked the main character, nameless samurai. He acts tough but inside, he fights for the justice and not greedy. If it was one of "Independence Movie" stuff, it would be laughable bnut Mifune plays it very realistically. After this movie, there are many heroic characters modeled after him, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, etc, but no one is more realistic and better than the original.
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Another Sung-Su Kim-Woo-Sung Jung youth movie
21 October 2000
This movie is at the extension of "Beat", Sung-Su Kim-Woo-Sung Jung combination's 1997 hit. Of course, this movie is a bit different from "Beat". Jung-Jae Lee, another Korean stud actor, joined the combination and the female character, Mimi, has less value than Romi. Also the ending is also not as tragic as "Beat". However, "Te yang eun up da" still talks about depression of youth and their struggle for a better tomorrow in Wang-Kar Wai like cinematography. This movie is less violent and dynamic than "Beat" but the drama is more intense. Do Chul, a boxer, has a dream to be a champion but he's got some dieseas that makes him nose bleed during the game and faints him. Hong Ki has a dream to be a millionaire and owns some buildings but all he can be is a hoodlum. They know that it's nearly impossible.

Many people assert the importance of keeping the dream and the hope. This movie asks if it's wise to go for the dreams when it seems impossible in reality. However, the movie doesn't give audiences the answer.
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another Stanley Donen-Audrey Hepburn master piece
19 October 2000
I always liked Stanley Donen-Audrey Hepburn movies, Charade, Funny Face. I also really liked this film. The most enjoyable thing about this movie is, the intersection of time by cars. It was original and wonderful. Also, like with Carey Grant, Audrey Hepburn was great pairing up with Albert Finey. Hepburn also played variety roles from a innocent, talkative girl,she is the best at this, to a bored, falling out of love wife very well. Without a doubt, she was the best actress I've ever seen.
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Kevin Spacey is superb!!
18 October 2000
This was a great film. It talks many of things; a normal family who is rotten inside, a daughter who hates her parents, a former soldier who denies and is confused with the sexuality, a gentle, philosopical drug dealer. The story sure was shocking and was somewhat similar to "Blue Velvet" only not sick. The actings were superb!! Annette Benning and other actors played whining, unsatisfied charcters very well. The characters, however, whine too much that I didn't like any of them. Kevin Spacey, however, gave super performance. His performance, as a loser who struggle with his life, is so realistic and natural that he was definitely oscar worthy.
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De Niro and Stiller are hilarious!
16 October 2000
"Meet the Parents" was the funniest movie I've seen this year. Jokes were hilarious, especially Stiller's name jokes and cat milking joke, and the plot sure was superior to other comedy movies. Especially, I enjoyed the pair up of Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller, my two favorite drama and comedy actors. After "Analyze This", De Niro once again proves that he can play a funny character as well as mafia. Ben Stiller's character was similar to "There's something about Mary", goofy but likable. I heard that Jim Carey was offered to do Ben Stiller's part at first but I think Stiller was perfect for the role.
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Bad Boys (1995)
Will Smith's best performance yet.
16 October 2000
I enjoyed watching this movie. I liked the music video-like camera work and fast action scenes. The acting? I'm not too sure. It was obvious that Martin Lawrence overacted and tried too hard to be funny, which didn't work well and the female character whined too much that she was totally dislikable. Will Smith gave the best performance as a cool, smooth cop. It was his best performance so far. I hope he'll play more roles like this than the goofy character he did in "Independence Day".
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Seven Samurai (1954)
a excellent philosopical action movie
14 October 2000
I'd never seen Kurosawa's movies before but after I saw "Seven Samurai", I understood why he was called the emperor of the Japanese film. The cinematography that shows variety angles of fighting scenes were very impressive. I especially liked the scene when a guy falls down slowly after he lost the duel with one of the seven samurai. Also, like John Woo's films, even though this is a action film(?), it asks the meanings of loyalty, friendship, love and justice. At the ending, when the village people do not seem to recognize the samurai after they defeated the nobles, I felt remorse for the samurai and asked myself what they fought and died for. But it was a cool ending because it was different from many cheezy action hero movie endings. It was a very philosopical but also a very exciting film.
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a very disgusting but funny movie
9 October 2000
I'm not a fan of either Jim Carey or the Farellys. Many of their movies are gross and stupid. This movie was filthy as well but I enjoyed it. Jim Carey is great as playing Charlie and Hank. Like Eddie Murphy, he proves that he can make people laugh by playing two very different characters. The plot was decent as well except for the scene how Charlie gets rid of Hank. It was weak.
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Bowfinger (1999)
Eddie Murphy is great!
9 October 2000
This is a smart comedy. The scenes that Bowfinger and his crew secretely film Kit was very funny and original. Kit's mental problem, which shows almost at the end, also was surprising and funny. Actings were good as well. Steve Martin plays a goofy character well as usual and Heather Graham also was a good cast for a country girl who would do anything for a success. The funnies thing about this movie, however, is to watch Eddie Murphy plays two very different characters. He plays the cold but worrisome action star and his nerdy brother so superbly and believable. His ability is proven once more in "Nutty Professor II". He's a pure genius.
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Blade (1998)
one of the few good snipes action movies
8 October 2000
Usually, Wesley Snipes makes standard mindless Hollywood action movies. But I liked this one. The idea

that vampires rule the world without humans noticing was

fresh and great. Also, the idea that the vamp. hunter, our

hero, is also a vamp is surprising. I could see his burden

that he wants to be a human being but can't. Techno music and M TV like cinematography go along well.
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a very enchanting film
3 October 2000
I liked this film a lot. Myung Se Lee is one of the most stylish directors in Korea and "Nowhere to Hide" is at the top of his skill. The opening black and white sequence, which stops at the every hit, was enchanting and the rainy murder scene was just amazing. The comic book like action was very original and more beautiful than the ones in Wong kar Wai and John Woo's movies. The actings were also superb. Joo Hoon park, a super star in Korea, proves that he's still a king of comedy with his hilarious movement and dialogues. Sung Ki Ahn also shows that good actors don't need to talk much to show a great performance. I'd loved this movie even more if the plot was tighter but if the director intented to show rather than tell, what can I say?
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best indiana jones series yet
2 October 2000
Many people like the raiders the most among the three series. But I particularly liked this one the most. One of the reasons can be the actors' fantastic performances. River Phonix was perfect for young Indie and Sean Connery plays a funny, unlike his main image, but still very cool Indie's father. The action and the plot also were superb.
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Beat (1997)
a stylish action/drama
30 September 2000
I enjoyed this movie. Everything in this movie was good. The cinematography, which seems influenced by Wong Kar Wai, was beautiful and action scenes were very cool. Woo-Sung Jung performs a charismatic but naive loner very well. I'm sure girls went crazy while seeing this movie. Chang-Jung Lim's funny and realistic performance makes this film less dark and more delightful. This film is based on a famous comic book in Korea with a different ending. To me, the film seems more cartoonish, doesn't mean the film is bad.
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Hard Boiled (1992)
a hardboiled super action!
30 September 2000
I'm not a big John Woo fan. I liked "Face Off" a lot but other movies didn't interest me much. However, "Hard Boiled" was superb! Tony Leung, my favorite Asian actor, proved that he can give a great performance in action movies as well as he did in Wong Kar Wai's dramas. It wouldn't be unneccesary to describe how much action scenes were beautiful. The reason this movie is wonderful is, though, even though it's a action movie, it also talks about friendship, loyalty, anxiety towards Hong Kong's future and love. Without those facts, this movie would be just a simple mindless movie with full of blood. I hope John Woo will stop making pop corn action movies, broken arrow, MI;2, and show Hollywood how he got his reputation.
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Coyote Ugly (2000)
the ugliest film ever!
29 September 2000
This movie was horrible. It wasn't either sexy or emotional but a total garbage. The obvious ending was very unrealistic and made me laugh. Piper Perabo had an annoying voice and her acting was awful. Other actors were bad, too. Only John Goodman was descent enough not to leave the cinema before the movie was over. The worst movie in this year.
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