
17 Reviews
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Creature (1985)
Boring Alien Rip-off
30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A space crew lands on Saturn's moon and picks up an unwanted straggler. The plot of this movie may seem familiar to you because it rips-off not only Ridley Scott's ALIEN, but also every other ALIEN rip-off that had come out since. There's even a butch female character that I think was there to remind us of Sigourney Weaver. She even strips down to her undies like Weaver did at the climax of ALIEN.

Unfortunately, this movie is a snooze fest. There are a few creepy scenes with the dead crewmen coming back as zombies, but too much time is spent with actors wandering around doing nothing. At the 60-minute mark I found myself fast forwarding to the final battle with the slimy, big-toothed alien...but even THAT was a letdown.

The movie perks up for 10 minutes when Klaus Kinski pops in for his cameo. He is so fun to watch that he's actually able to pull this movie from the doldrums while he is on-screen. Unfortunately his cameo is short.

With all the ALIEN clones out there, there's no reason to waste your time with this one.
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I really wanted to like this one...
17 April 2006
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I'm a huge fan of the first two Phantasms and was looking forward to the third installment. But there was something missing here. A plot!! The movie just kinda meanders from one scene to the next as our reluctant hero, Reggie, goes from ghost town to ghost town to clean up the Tall Man's minions while searching for Mike who was kidnapped in the beginning. The tall man makes a mere cameo this time around, while a lot of padding is given to a precocious, gun-slinging kid and a trio of ghost town robbers who come back from the grave as wise-cracking demons. The Evil Dead series went down the crapper when they threw too much comedy into the mix, and the same can be said for this sequel. And Reggie is really set up to be the next Ash here, what with his 4-barrelled shotgun, penchant for sweet-talking the ladies, and a habit of having disembodies hands running up his pantlegs.

But again, these are all just scenes strung together with no real storyline. It leaves itself set up for yet another sequel and I only hope it improves on this one.
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Demonicus (2001)
Not bad, not good...
17 April 2006
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As far as direct-to-video movies go, this one looks pretty decent. The acting is above par, the locations are nice, the premise is nifty. Unfortunately, the movie is devoid of any suspense because the actor playing Tyranus (or Demonicus, whatever) is not very scary. It's just some college kid running around dressed in gladiator garb. And unfortunately, without that much needed suspense, the film just kind of plods along.

The movie plays out as such: characters get lost in the mountains, Tyranus appears running toward them from the distance, characters get slain. Had Tyranus looked like a demon or a zombie, the suspense would have been higher. And had Tyranus leaped out from behind bushes or something instead of running down brightly lit paths, the suspense would have been higher.

But it still looks good and all of the actors are pretty decent, so I can't write it off as a total waste of time. But it could have and should have been a whole lot better.
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An unexpected twist...
10 April 2006
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The Majorettes starts out as a below average, badly acted, boring slasher film. A killer in camouflage is murdering the majorettes at a local high school. Big deal. But suddenly at the half way mark, the narrative shifts and it becomes a vigilante flick as one of the slain girl's boyfriends runs around shirtless, dishing out vigilante justice against a group of dope dealers with an M-16. You've gotta see it to believe it.

Needless to say, this bizarre twist boosts the entertainment value slightly and saves this movie from the doldrums of crummyville. No talent in front of or behind the camera, but worth a look for bad movie fanatics.
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Much better than expected...
23 March 2006
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Wow, with all the negative reviews blasting this film, I was expecting a real stinker. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe people were ticked off by the fact that the filmmakers had the audacity to call itself a sequel to Romero's movie. But if you allow yourself to forgive them for that, you'll actually find a lot to like here. Gore o'plenty, above average acting, a decent storyline. Only a few things were subpar. First was the lackluster direction. Second was the lackluster music score. And third was the fact that the guns didn't emit a muzzle flash when fired. But other than that, all fans of zombie movies should check this gem out. I just wish the filmmakers had named it something original.
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Undead (2003)
Too ambitious for its own good
22 March 2006
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I like an apocalyptic zombie movie as much as the next guy. And this one had me hooked from the first frame. It was sort of an homage to all the great zombie flicks that had come before it: NOTLD, Evil Dead, Dead Alive, etc. I was digging it, big time.

Then the weird, gun-toting farmer guy leaped into the air, dug his spurs into the wall, and took out a horde of zombies whilst suspended upside down. And from there, it lost me.

Suddenly, it went from a scary zombie-fest to a John Woo-inspired action film with a goofy sci-fi slant. There was just too much going on, and yet I found my mind wandering quite a bit.

But I give the filmmakers credit, the movie looks really good. And some of the effects are top notch. But as a whole, the film tried to be too many things at once and fell just short of being successful.
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The Minion (1998)
Could have been good.....
10 November 2005
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This movie had the potential to be really good, considering some of the plot elements are borrowed from the sci-fi actioner THE HIDDEN. And Dolph always lends some cheesy appeal to his roles. But someone somewhere really dropped the ball on this one.

Dolph plays a butt-kicking monk (!) who travels to New York to retrieve a key that unlocks a door beneath his monastery that has imprisoned the antichrist for 2000 years. He must battle the minion, who is a spirit that jumps from body to body much like THE HIDDEN and JASON GOES TO HELL. The minion, naturally, wants the key so it can let the antichrist out. Along for the ride is an annoying female archaeologist and together she and Dolph are chased by the minion-possessed bodies.

If I'm making this sound entertaining, forget it. The pacing is very awkward and sluggish, the acting subpar at best, and the fight scenes staged poorly. Dolph sleepwalks through his role and spouts some of the worst dialogue of his career.

The cheese factor really picks up at the end when the minion battles an army of machine-gun wielding monks at the monastery, but the rest of this flick is a snoozefest.

Too bad, I really wanted to like this.
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A new twist on the old zombie epidemic
3 November 2005
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After his grandfather is assaulted by a group of Satan-worshipping hippies, a young boy laces their meat pies with rabid dog's blood and inadvertently turns them into crazed, ax-wielding zombies.

A nice addition to the zombie genre, this early 70's trash pic plays the whole thing (thankfully) straight despite its somewhat campy premise and has a few surprising death scenes. I Drink Your Blood is one of those movies that has you on the edge of your seat because no one is safe. Even the so-called hero could be killed at any given moment.

Slapped with an X rating upon its initial release, most of the gore is rather tame compared to today's hack and slash horror, though a severed head is most effective. Acting, as to be expected from a film called I Drink Your Blood, is rather subpar though not as howlingly bad as it could be.

Well done for what it is and highly recommended to fans of 70's horror and fans of the zombie genre. Originally on a double bill with a 60's black and white voodoo flick called I eat your skin.

"Let it be known, sons and daughters, that Satan was an acid head." "Death by hydrophobia is agony." Check it out.
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DEFCON-4 (1985)
Starts out promising...
25 October 2005
The first half hour of this flick is so intense and well-done that you can't help but feel letdown when it quickly degenerates into Z-grade, Mad Max post apocalyptic nonsense. And it just continues to get worse and worse until the rather abrupt ending.

Three astronauts orbiting Earth watch helplessly as World War III erupts. After making an emergency crash landing, one of the astronauts in rendered unconscious while another is dragged from the ship and eaten by savages. Howe, our hero, escapes and finds that Earth has become a wasteland inhabited by post apocalyptic cretins ruled over by a snot nosed rich kid named Gideon.

If the film had maintained the tension and drama of the first half hour, this movie would have been a classic. But as it stands, it's just another Mad Max wannabe. Skip it.
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Star Crystal (1986)
Boring ALIEN clone with a ridiculous twist
25 October 2005
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A slimy, tentacled creature boards a spacecraft and quickly dispatches half of the crew before discovering religion and realizing that killing is wrong. You heard correctly. The creature gets on-line and reads up on some bible quotes and, in the bizarre twist ending, befriends the two survivors and plays Chinese checkers.

Subpar sci-fi entry on every level, from the poor acting, directing, set design. And the endlessly long scenes of characters crawling through tunnels. Not to mention the creature that looks like a giant sock that someone sneezed on.

The biggest problem is that it kills off the crew too quickly. So for the last 45 minutes we're stuck with the two survivors watching the stars, eating soup, crawling through tunnels, etc. Skip this one.
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A HUGE letdown!!
20 October 2004
I've been looking forward to this film for quite some time what with all the hype surrounding it. Everyone kept calling atmospheric, and the previews surely hinted at that, so I was expecting THE PASSION OF THE Christ through the eyes of Dario Argento. Boy was I disappointed. Much like THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT from a few years back, this film made millions on hype alone.

First off, there's no real story. And I guess that's because the story has been done countless times. So we're left with Jesus's final 24 hours where he's beat and tortured repeatedly. That would be fine and dandy if the movie was oozing atmosphere. But this thing looks like a Made-for-TV film loaded with buckets of blood and gore.

Secondly, I found the film quite boring. Maybe there's only so much torture I can take before my mind begins to wander. Again, this film would have benefited from the directorial style of Dario Argento. Oh well.

So, in my opinion, no one really needs to watch this film. Anyone not familiar with the bible will learn nothing other than that Jesus had the crapola beaten out of him over and over and over again. Maybe I'm missing the point? Whatever....dull and lifeless. Skip it!!
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Dawn of the...Zzzzzzzzzz
17 June 2004
I've been wanting to see this movie for nearly a decade, my mind awash with the creepy premise: Fashion models and their photographers trapped in an egyptian tomb with the titular creature and his zombie minions. Yummy!!

Unfortunately, a decent premise is all this film has to offer. A pair of tomb raiders open the mummy's crypt looking for gold, but their plans are thwarted when a group of models and photographers show up and decide to use the tomb as a backdrop for their pictures. This nonsense eats up most of the running time, while we wait and wait and wait for a mummy to show up and start wreaking havoc.

About midway through the mummy reanimates along with some of his zombie minions, but then they spend some more of the running time hiding in the shadows while members of the cast go skinny dipping (nothing's shown...) and head to the bazaar to smoke hookahs and shop for jewelry.

Finally we arrive at the much touted finale, where the mummy and the zombies attack a wedding party. The action picks up and there are some nifty gore shots, but it's too little too late. The mummy (probably the least menacing movie mummy of all time) is destroyed and the heroes celebrate. But as usual we're offered one final scene which leaves the scene open for a sequel...Day of the mummy? Let's hope not.
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Two, two, two movies in one!!
16 June 2004
Ah yes. Crazy fat Ethel is back...and she's still hungry. But did the world really need this sequel? Don't get me wrong, there's a soft spot in my heart for the original slice of movie cheese. How could you go wrong with a premise so...well...delicious. A fat woman dispenses with anyone who gets in the way of her and a refrigerator. And the movie will forever be on our guilty pleasure list of 70's drive-in sleaze that we must go back and view every couple of years.

But along comes this sequel, shot entirely on camcorder with no music, no real edits, and no real point. Crazy fat Ethel (now minus a few pounds) is released from the mental ward into a halfway house where she begins killing anyone who gets in the way of her eating. Old habits die hard, I guess.

However, all of that only takes up about ten minutes of screen time. The rest of the running time is padded with flashback footage from the original film. So we'll get new scenes of Ethel taking a nap, the camcorder zooms in to her face, and we cut to old scenes from part one. Repeated ad nauseum. So much footage from part one is used that, if you've never seen the original, you'll see it all here. And it looks like a masterpiece compared to the new footage.

We get ridiculously long scenes of a character eating an entire candy bar, Ethel eating an entire bowl of pudding, Ethel dancing around out back with a bloody knife, etc. And since it's filmed on camcorder, there's crummy picture and sound to back it all up. Seeing this with the original footage only made me appreciate the original that much more.

So, skip this and stick with the original.
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Worth seeing for the intense attack scenes...
10 April 2001
Ah yes, who could forget this little gem from the director who brought us such greats as NIGHT OF 1000 CATS and TINTORERA!! Birds are banding together into an unstoppable army to wipe out mankind. It's up to a news reporter (played by the gorgeous Michelle Johnson) and her cameraman boyfriend to stop them. But can they be stopped? Ridiculous and absurd from beginning to end and some scenes are stolen right from THE BIRDS, such as the birthday party scene. But it moves along at a clip and it's over before you really have a chance to hate it. What amazed me were the attack scenes. I wonder how they trained the birds to attack so viciously without harming the actors. As usual with a Rene Cardona, Jr. flick the plot is incoherent, the acting putrid, and the dialogue inane. But dig those attack scenes. And dig watching the beautiful Michelle Johnson, who's been absent from the big screen for awhile. Where are you, Michelle?
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Skip the first two......
9 April 2001
Everyone who gave this movie a bad review is fired from EVER reviewing a b-horror movie again. There are two kinds of horror movies...There are the ones such as THE EXORCIST and HALLOWEEN which, for whatever reason, have mass appeal. And then there're the ones like BEYOND THE DOOR 3, obscure low budget oddities which suddenly appear on video store new release walls with a no-name cast and crew and really nothing to recommend them other than a really neat cover box. They're usually made on a shoestring budget with plots recycled from other movies. But they have only one goal and that is to entertain. And BEYOND THE DOOR 3 certainly succeeds in that area. I've seen this little gem of a flick more than a dozen times and I'm thoroughly entertained each time. To hell with characterizations and plodding plot devices, this little flick wants to entertain and scare you, and it does! When you rent a movie like BEYOND THE DOOR 3 you should have some idea of what's in store for you. Especially since it's a part 3 so you're renting it having probably seen the first two installments. So you shouldn't be disappointed because it's too cheesy or flatly directed, etc. That's what fans of these types of movies want. So shame on everyone who watched this movie and was disappointed. Go watch MATLOCK with Grandma, you sissies.
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Forget ARACHNOPHOBIA...This is the best spider invasion flick EVER!!!!
9 April 2001
The absolute best nature runs amok flick to come out of the 70's, this little gem of a flick starts out rather slowly but builds up to an incredible tarantula invasion that has yet to be equaled, and boasts one of the greatest endings to any movie I have ever seen. I actually had the chance to meet director Bud Cardos on a movie I recently worked on. Apart from being a really nice guy he also filled me in on a little secret: There's a sequel in the works!!!!! Without Shatner who, surprisingly enough, actually gave a pretty good performance in this. So take my advice and skip the kiddie-oriented ARACHNOPHOBIA and check out KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS. You'll never look at a tarantula the same way again.
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Better than the original? You'd better believe it!!
7 April 2001
First off, let me say that I'm glad there are some intelligent moviegoers out there, people who looked deeper into this movie and saw that it was more than just another sequel. In fact, I believe this movie would have done substantially better had it lost the EXORCIST title and just been called LEGION. But, alas, it received dismal reviews upon its initial release by people who were expecting another pea soup fest. The same people who think ARMAGEDDON is a good movie. But after reading the other user comments I see that this remarkable film has quite a few fans who realized what writer/director William Peter Blatty was actually trying to do. Blatty is one of the few horror directors who actually knows how to make a scary movie. With a deliberately slow pace he draws the audience into the mystery as it is slowly unraveled, building and building up to a crescendo with eerie sound effects, creepy lighting, and some truly unsettling imagery. Hollywood needs to take note that it doesn't take blood and guts and braindead teenage characters to make a scary movie. We need to do away with all these SCREAM clones and start making some real horror movies again. Is it better than the original? It truly is. The original to me seems a little dated now, and a tad campy. Certainly not unworthy of it's status as one of the most influential horror movies of all time, but it is surpassed by this sequel. Also, for the intelligent viewers who liked this movie, be sure to check out THE CHANGELING which also stars George C. Scott.
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