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6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just re-watched this movie and remember exactly why I chose to forget it. The original was inspiring, exciting, graphically pleasing and theatrical.

This move was horrid, bad storyline, they forgot to add Spartans made it whoman vs whoman with horrible graphics and terrible camera angles. They want us to believe that a queen and a trauma patient are bad-ass tough as nail villains that are front line in to battle slaying war men while they're always bestest and smartest and everyone just bows to them. The lead male "thermystocles.." was just a very regular guy, not powerful, inspirational, or had any leadership qualities, that was saved soley for the whoman. When the queen was giving a war speech to the soldiers with a quiet voice, speaking in the direction of the sea on the boat, I laughed, thinking. "no one would hear you or listen or car what you'd have to say, youre a queen, youre a queen, go do queen things. If real Spartans allowed it they'd be morons,,, what sacrifice your queen on the front lines, without a friggin shield, oh yeah I guess she wouldn't be able to CARRY it........... Stupid.

P. S there were NO Spartans... Like who wrote and directed this,

What a sham.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Tokyo is the first and only female that may convince me to let my gf cut her hair.
8 September 2021
The story is told the same through the series and may even seem repetitive and oddly familiar to everyday people including myself. I couldn't grasp why I binged every season as soon as it aired. Now I know its because they do a fantastic job at making their entire lives surround around,(and as exciting as it may be) money heists and gunfire. You find yourself in a somewhat familiar story, with the ability to foretell what's going to happen next, while simultaneously wishing it doesn't. The story has something for everyone, from the toxic romance, to the hatred of a loved one, or the rebelling of authority.. it's a fantastic watch that you'll binge without regret.

Ps. This is the first show I've ever watched that was dubbed and I wouldn't want it done in English- Seems almost more authentic this way.
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Wow, is this what it was supposed to be
29 March 2021
Well first off, it's sad. I liked ever actor in the OG justice league but the movie was an absolute joke. Nothing was explained I could care less about the characters themselves never watched it again. This new cut was extraordinarily better. At first I thought it was just gonna be a much longer joke, not really understanding the different directors but wow what a difference. I actually like the new characters now and I'm excited to see the next movie, that was awesome. And now I understand how the other heros are needed beyond superman being able to do everything himself. Great job to zack snyder.
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An honest 4.5 with high hopes in the future
9 March 2021
The movie seemed like it was slapper together overnight with no thought to personal character development, I actually got very bored watching the same things over and over again and because of the horrendous character development I was finding myself cheering for the monsters not the terrible characters (I love all the actors in this movie btw).. Also I wouldn't say the movie is completely progressive but The mila character the movie follows was beaten and thrown 100s of feet with barely a scratch all in the same day/hours, she was basically invincible to which physics does not apply. That being said it had soo soo much potential and the monsters (other than the ones that just looked like confused dinosaurs) were cool to look at. 3 things this movie needed 1)Character development 2)New writer/director 3)wayyyyy more time then 90min to build the what/why/how

If you're not the brightest you will love this movie, if you like answers or reasons to simple questions you will be too preoccupied with asking wtf is going on and how is it happening to fully enjoy.
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Cursed (2020)
16 October 2020
All I can say is the show is... Simple. It's not exciting, not impactful, very unrelatable. Men in the show are very whiney somewhat weak and tyrannical and women are independent and intellectual leaders. It's still watch-able cause it pushes the narrative without forcing it. You'll find yourself rolling your eyes and snickering to yourself at points that are supposed to be "female-impowerment" just because of how unrealistic it is.
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15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In episode 1, they ask the viewers to rate the faces they display from 1 to 6, then in the end, they claim the women you chose as the most attractive was ONLY chosen by you the viewer because of familiarity, meaning they showed that particular face more often than the rest. that is false, do the test again and show the same faces at the same time to a new audience and the result would be the same, you simply chose the person that had the most attractive face shot, and trying to convince us that its familiarity to prove your test. I'm not yet sure of the agenda as to why you would skew that test but i will keep watching to find out. as of right now its a 6 without counting that test
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Birds of Prey (2020)
I watched 12 minutes
14 March 2020
It was just too progressive and whiney right away. The characters could be fine if they didn't continue to whine about men taking everything and how they have to overcome such despair, you end up being whiney and pitied not respected. Everytime these new movies come out that are mainly female cast they try to push men being villainous, deceptive, selfish, stupid, dry, blah, blah, blahh. Take accountability and experience social and individual growth, maybe then movies can be about the story and art not your agenda.
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i didnt get passed the first scene
20 February 2020
Honestly if a movie wants to push an agenda and make factoids about being sexist in the first 8 seconds. "it takes a man 7 seconds longer to perceive a woman as a threat in comparison to a man." if this is in fact true, i'd like to know the odds of the average woman being able to defeat the average man in a fist fight, because that is what this statement was referring to by a little girl. and it's probably a 95/5, and that not including weight relative, that number would be more like a 99.99/.01 Unless a woman has a weapon or you know if fact, that she is a trained fighter, a man shouldn't perceive her as a threat. what a joke
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
within the first 10 minutes it degrade men
19 April 2019
The show was at first very interesting and seems to be written well so why the 1 star.

A whole ten minutes into the first episode the first bad guy/villain was in fact a man, which is not a problem. The problem was the first thing he does is act kind to a women, and the first thing he says is "bad things are happening out there, you need a MAN" then seconds later he becomes evil. FIRST OF ALL: she was at first appearance a brittle old women that very well would need protection in a apocalyptic world. SECOND: no man ever says you need a man unless its a joke. THIRD: and remember this is ten minutes in. A MAN, after being portrayed as villainous saves the brittle old woman... why ruin a show with trying to send hidden messages to viewers?
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Us (II) (2019)
whats that smell
5 April 2019
The first 7 minutes of this movie were the most exciting. This movie started off very slow and finally when it started to get interesting, it was as exciting as watching a documentary on a sloth trying to climb a tree after it ate to much... You found yourself looking at your girlfriend every 3 minutes wondering what started in the theater next to you, while she secretly looks at you with apologetic puppy eyes for choosing the movie. The acting was mediocre, at times trying a little hard but that wasn't the problem. The story was confusing yet foreseeable, and opened up way more questions than it ever answered. (do you know that scrunchy face you make when you and your girlfriend argue about the toilet seat, that was my face the entire movie).. The conclusion/Twist was a giant thumbs down and even when its supposed to make sense it just doesn't matter. If you watch the movie ask yourself at the very very end when the child reacts to the mother, EVEN if the twist was true it doesn't matter, literally everything is the exact same and will remain the exact same. which in the end when everything very loosely came together it still did not make sense. acting: 6 story: 2 directing: 3 characters; 4
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The Purge (2018–2019)
I wanted to like it - spoiler... it's political
10 March 2019
First, i want to say i loved the original movie. the premise is original and makes viewers ask them self what if! this series is focused on characters with separate story lines that come together (very very loosely come together). the separate stories are far fetched to say the least.

originality-8: the premise is original and makes viewers ask them self what if!

acting-5: acting is good for some bad for others.

story-4: some stories are barely tolerable but at times can be interesting. it was loosely written with holes and plots that would seem a child could have written.

characters-3: some characters had potential to be good and others were thrown in your face to yell feminists unite. the strong male characters were alright to watch but nothing special. the strong female characters were reaching for how they can be a victim and blame everyone else(it was hard to watch). Then all the main villains were all white males which is fine however in all there final speeches they would turn out racist and sexist and even in the face of death the strong women are not afraid to fight, it was hard to continue watching, writers should portray realistic emotions at least.

politics-0: the entire series was bringing down men especially white men and without subtlety. it portrays every man to be a snake whom is racist and sexist and are only driven by selfish ambition.
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