
96 Reviews
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Not exciting enough
27 August 2024
Overall this is an okay series. I thought that the production and camerawork was good, as well as the casting and acting. I also liked some parts of the dialogue.

I think the biggest issue for me was that this series just wasn't exciting enough for it being a murder mystery. The episodes didn't end in a way that made me want to continue watching it, since there was no real suspense. I only started noticing some actual suspense along episode 4.

The last episode felt kind of rushed as well. I haven't read the book, but according to the other reviews a lot of the story changed in the last episode compared to the book. You can kind of sense this even if you haven't read the books.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Interesting premise
14 July 2024
I feel like this series has a lot of potential to be good. There were many interesting parts in this, like the different plot twists and intertwined stories. I also liked how they usually focused on one character per episode.

My biggest problem with this series are the characters themselves. To me, the characters didn't feel like real people, they were so stereotypical that they almost felt like caricatures. I understand that this was probably intentional but the series still tried to give them some redeeming qualities, even though sometimes these qualities weren't enough to explain why the characters were acting the way they were so it was hard to grow to like them.
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Everyone Loves Me (2024– )
An easy watch
2 July 2024
This is a cute series with lots of interesting stories going on throughout the episodes. The characters are quite entertaining and likeable. The main couple's story is cute and there are other romance stories from the side characters that are fulfilling as well.

I think this series as a whole is built up pretty good with the characters and story development. I especially liked how they managed to bring in the video game theme into the story without making it distracting from the romance part. Even though this was a pleasant watch, I think many of this series' stories follow a pretty cliché an predictable pattern, which made some scenes fall flat for me.
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Disliked the main characters
4 March 2024
I liked this series at first, but then I started noticing the stereotypical characters. The male lead was the typical mysterious guy that's already portrayed in so many dramas like this, but in reality he was just toxic. As for the female lead, she was portrayed as this childish and naive girl, which is also an overdone character. I feel like the side characters were a lot more interesting and multi-dimensional, so I was more interested in them.

There were some cute scenes and different side plots to root for in this though. I especially liked the slow burn and the soundtrack. I also liked how the ending tied everything together.
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Welcome to Samdalri (2023– )
Cute but slow paced
4 February 2024
I'm not usually someone who likes second-chance romances, but this is an exception. I liked the story, the characters and the cinematography. The countryside vibes this series gave was really nostalgic and comforting. The cast in this series is obviously really skilled and you could see it in the acting as well! You could especially see this in the more cute scenes, where the main couple showed great chemistry.

The biggest problem for me is the pacing. Because this is a second-chance romance, it was missing that exhilarating exploration stage most romance series have. Instead, this series relied a lot on flashbacks, which became slightly repetitive.

I really liked the side characters and their stories. But I noticed that the side characters' stories started to slow down at the end at the same time as the main couple's story did. Usually when the main couple's story starts to stand still, it's nice to have a few side characters' stories to look forward to in the coming episodes. This was not the case in this series though, but I wish it had been, because then the feeling of slowness would have been avoided to a certain extent.
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Pretty decent except for the ending
28 November 2023
I'm a sucker for cliché and overdone concepts, such as fake marriage plots like in this series. I like these concepts when they're done well and I think that you could say that about this series.

I liked the two main characters and their chemistry together. I found their contrasting personalities entertaining. There were some nice and insightful dialogue between the characters as well. I'm disappointed in the fact that they didn't showcase this chemistry more, because this would have made the relationship feel more natural.

My biggest disappointment was the ending though. I'm not sure what happened, but the ending felt messy and lazy. There wasn't enough character development in this series to make the ending believable. The ending just felt so out of place, which is a shame, because with some better character development and a better ending, this series could have been so much more enjoyable!
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At the Moment (2023)
Loved the concept!
25 November 2023
I really liked the concept of changing the main couples every episode. This concept kept me hooked all the way through, because every episode felt so fresh. I also liked that the stories were diverse.

Some of the episodes were more interesting than others, but I felt that the quality of the episodes was pretty consistent throughout.

I would have wanted the stories to be more intertwined though. There were some occasional moments were different characters from the past episodes showed up and I liked those moments the most. I would have preferred to see more of these scenes, since some of the stories felt unfinished, so it was a little difficult to focus on all the new stories when you were still longing for closure on the past ones.
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Loved the characters
10 November 2023
There were some really nice scenes in this. I especially enjoyed all the cooking and food scenes, they were really nicely done. There were some great landscapes and such to admire.

I liked the characters as well, they had unique stories I wanted to know more about. The two main leads were really different compared to each other, which really helped give the storyline contrast and conflict.

Sometimes I feel like there was a little too much conflict though. The first half of this series was great, but the second half was just filled with small fights the main couple had, which became slightly frustrating to watch.

I feel like this series also glossed over the toxic behaviors of the male lead, I wish they would have explored that more.

I really liked the ending and how it wasn't left open, like many j-dramas do. But I also wish the ending was a little less rushed.
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Doona! (2023– )
Something fresh
24 October 2023
I definitely don't agree with the critical reviews on here. Just because this series doesn't follow the usual format of traditional k-dramas, it doesn't automatically make this series bad. I actually like this series because of the fact that it tries to do something new. I really like the blend of romance and drama paired with this melancholic vibe. I was interested through out all the episodes, because it was so fresh.

This series also did a great job at casting. Bae Suzy is the perfect person for this role, her delivery was great in this. The story was also really interesting.

For me to have given this series a higher rating, I would have wanted to see more character development. I feel like some of the storylines were left open or unfinished. Some of the plotlines felt rushed or out of place as well. I wanted to know more about the characters and their reasons for doing what they did. Still, this was worth watching.
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A Time Called You (2023– )
Beautiful (but confusing)
17 October 2023
This series was truly a rollercoaster. First of all, I must say that Ahn Hyo-seop's delivery in this series was wonderful. The acting in general was impressive, but he just stood out to me. I also think this story had the perfect amount of episodes, I was hooked from the beginning all the way 'til the end.

My favorite thing about this series are the emotions it makes you feel. This series was a whirlwind of emotions. I especially liked the nostalgic vibe it brought to the table.

Like a lot of people have already said, this show's biggest flaw is how confusing it is. The plot was really easy to follow up until about halfway through. After like episode 6 or 7 the plot suddenly started to fall apart and it became harder to keep up with everything. Considering this series is about time travel, it could have been even more confusing, but I think I would have enjoyed this more if it had a more clear plot.
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King the Land (2023)
Lovely romance but slow pacing at the end
13 August 2023
This series had a great and strong start. The couple's chemistry was great from the start. The first few episodes were really great episodes, because they jumped right into the storyline without stalling. We also got introduced to some great side characters and their storylines.

This series also had a great balance of comedy, romance and drama. King The Land is full of cute moments between the couple, but we also get to see comedic moments and some entertaining drama.

The ending of this series was also really strong, but it came too late. The last 4-5 episodes weren't nearly as good as the first 10 episodes. Suddenly the story started to feel really slow and repetitive. The story could have ended earlier in my opinion. But I did like how the last episode tied everything together.
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Hidden Love (2023)
Great chemistry
7 August 2023
I know there has been some discussion on the age gap in this series and to be honest, I found it a little uncomfortable as well. It was especially a bit awkward to watch the scenes in the beginning when the female lead was so young. Although, it does get better when the storyline progresses and the characters become older. But apart from that, this is probably the best c-drama I have watched in a while.

The best part about this series is its actors and their amazing chemistry. Their chemistry was complimented by lots of cute scenes. Some of these scenes were more cliché ones and some of them were unique. I loved the mixture of both.

I also really liked the pacing of this series. I felt like this series had the perfect amount of episodes. And they tied everything together at the end pretty well, except for some side characters' stories that remained without proper endings.
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25 July 2023
My favorite thing about this series is its plot. Not only is it something I haven't seen before, but it's also creative and heart-warming. The multiple stories we get to see are just so wonderful. Every story is thought out and touching. I will say that this series was slightly slow at some points, I also wish we could have seen even more of the 19 lives.

There is also just the perfect amount of characters to follow and fall in love with. And the actors do a great job, especially Shin Hye-sun, who manages to show such raw emotion in her delivery.

The cinematography in this series is also phenomenal.
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My Little Happiness (2021– )
14 June 2023
This was a very cute and bubbly c-drama. I enjoyed watching it for the most part. It didn't avoid the corny scenes or plot lines, but it didn't feel too forced. I would have loved some more interesting and fresh ideas though.

I think my favorite part about this drama was the couple's chemistry. Except for the beginning when the male lead felt a little too pushy, the two main leads looked really natural on the screen. I also enjoyed seeing the second lead couple interact with each other.

I was worried that this drama would drag a lot in the end considering how fast it was moving in the beginning. But it didn't end up doing that a lot. I mean, it did feel a little slower paced towards the end, but there were a lot of cute scenes to keep you interested.
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Valeria (2020–2025)
5 June 2023
I watched all three seasons. Honestly, I was a little worried for the third season, since the second one didn't live up to the same standard as the first one. But I feel like season three really pulled it all together.

Valeria and her friends have all interesting stories and it's nice that the viewer gets to see all of their sides. But I think that the main character is the wrong one out of the four girls. In my eyes, Valeria's story interested me the least at times. Especially when she kept making the same mistakes over and over.

This series is not a cinematic masterpiece nor is it something to take super seriously. But it's fun and fluffy. I think it was worth a watch for the diverse stories it brings.
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Too short for its own good
5 June 2023
I really enjoyed the different characters in this mini-series. I think this story would have had some great potential if only it had had a better budget and more episodes. The dialogue was enjoyable too.

The main character was likeable and charismatic, which made this series especially enjoyable. There were other really interesting characters as well. It's just truly a shame that we only got five short episodes to see these character's interact with each other. It was hard to get attached to the story with so little development. I still liked this as a cute little series to watch in one sitting.
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Doctor John (2019)
Quite enjoyable
31 May 2023
Medical dramas have never been my thing, but this one took me by surprise. I think the element that makes this medical drama stand out from the others are all the different stories besides the obvious medical ones. There were so many subplots to follow and I found myself being interested in many characters that weren't the main ones. I really enjoyed the soundtrack as well.

I think what disappointed me most in this series was how the romance part of the plot carried out. I liked the beginning a lot, I think how the couple met is really unique and interesting. But their story just dragged a lot and it was filled with unnecessary, magical coincidences. I did like the ending, but I think how it played out was a little bit disappointing.
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Maid (2021)
More like this, Netflix!
24 May 2023
I have been thinking a while if I should give this series a shot or not. I'm so glad I ended up watching this. Although the main character's, Alex's, story isn't relatable to me, I still found myself getting so invested in her story. This series brought me to tears so many times and most of that is thanks to Margaret Qualley's phenomenal performance. The rest of the cast were awesome as well. The casting in general was done so well.

I think this is what we need more from Netflix. Although this series could have sometimes benefited from shorted episodes or scenes, it was authentic. It was raw and vulnerable. It didn't feel manufactured or superficial, it felt real.
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Gap (2022–2023)
22 May 2023
I think this story has potential. I enjoyed the queer representation for women and there were many cute moments between the main characters. There were also many plot points outside of the romance plot that were interesting and added to the story.

Even though there were some sweet moments, I just feel like there was too much back and forth and toxic behaviors from the main characters for me to actually root for the couple. Sometimes it was hard to like either of them because of the bad communication. Some of the scenes felt awkward as well, especially with the soundtrack. Sometimes it felt like the music didn't quite fit.

Still, I believe this story has a lot of potential. The story in this series was interesting and it had many twists to keep me interested as well.
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XO, Kitty (2023– )
Interesting idea
19 May 2023
As someone who has watched K-dramas for many years now, I found this mix of American TV and Korean TV a really interesting concept. But in my opinion, it wasn't executed in the best way.

I wish they would have leaned more into the style of k-dramas: a more slow-paced and slow-burn style. Instead, this series felt messy. Sometimes it was hard to keep up with all the love triangles and the drama.

I don't think the actors did a bad job, but the lines and dialogue were often quite awkward, which didn't serve the actors any justice. But when it wasn't too much, I did occasionally enjoy the fluffy and corny feeling in this. Sometimes we even got some interesting thoughts from the main character that other teenage dramas don't touch on.

I also liked the incorporation of K-pop, there were many great songs in this. But again, it felt messy. There were almost too many songs and sometimes they didn't quite fit in. I wish they had stuck with a distinctive sound for this, instead of trying to cram in every popular K-pop song from the last few years.

Overall, I liked this idea, but it lacked cohesiveness and authenticity. I wish there had been more time to explore individual characters more, since there were many interesting stories in this.
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Great chemistry
7 May 2023
Rating (7.5/10)

I think this series' best quality is the main characters' chemistry. I don't think I have ever seen a couple in a k-drama with this much chemistry on screen. The main actors' acting was also really raw and enjoyable.

I do think this series drags on for a bit too long though. I think the romance started a bit too early, so the rest of the episodes after that were just filled with a bunch of repetitive drama. Most of the conflicts the couple had were just the same problems that could have easily been fixed with better communication. These kind of conflicts are fine, but it was tiring to see it constantly. I think this drama would have easily been a 10/10 with better writing, especially with how good the actors were.
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Surprisingly good
7 May 2023
I have seen Bridgerton and thought that this would have been something similar to that, but this is something entirely different - in a good way! I like how we got to see more of the Bridgerton story and the backstory of how this fictitious world came to be. I also really enjoyed learning more about the side characters' backgrounds.

The casting was great, especially the younger versions of the king and queen. I really enjoyed watching them on the screen, their chemistry was great.

All in all, I think this series was a refreshing and an easy binge watch, as well as a great addition to the Bridgerton series.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
30 March 2023
(rating: 6.5/10) I've heard so many great things about this series, so I decided to give it a go. But it just never quite lived up to my expectations. I was kind of just waiting the whole time for something to happen. I was waiting for something creative, surprising or exciting to happen, but nothing ever did. I mean, there were some scenes that had some of the excitement I was looking for, but they never reached their full potential.

Critiques aside, there were some good qualities, like the acting and casting. I also really enjoyed the visuals and cinematography. In my opinion, this series has a lot of potential but probably just works better in the books.
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Something fresh
27 March 2023
I like the concept of this series. It explores the academic situation for many teens in South-Korea, especially the darker side of it; all the stress and competitiveness. I really enjoyed that part. The storyline was quite unique as well. The romance was also enjoyable, especially when there were multiple couples to root for.

As many have said, it felt like the crime part of this series started to take over about halfway. I did like the thriller side of the story, but it could have been better balanced with the romance story. I also feel like some of the side characters' stories were left unfinished at the end. This is truly a shame since some of their stories were really interesting.
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First Love (I) (2022)
23 March 2023
There are so many great things to say about this series. First of all, the visuals in it are absolutely gorgeous! This series has some great shots and camerawork. The soundtrack is also great and it's been really nicely worked into the storyline.

I will say that the first two episodes were weaker compared to the rest, but once you really get into this series - you will find yourself feeling so much. First Love will manage to make your heart break but also give you this comforting feeling.

The storytelling is amazing. We get to experience the story in flashbacks and the present moment. This technique is done wonderfully.
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