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Criminal Record (2024– )
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Synopsis: Evil old white male detective vs saintly young black female detective.

Watch this if you like, you can find something just like it on every other channel.

Peter Capaldi is always compelling, although I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish in this role other than to distance himself from Doctor Who.

Cush Jumbo is the tough young detective out for justice, and by jingo if those office pencil pushers get in her way then just you watch out! Really, apart from hanging this on an all too familiar framework of race, which is hardly new, there's nothing to see here except a thumping slice of equity inclusion and diversity. Each to his taste.
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Sanditon (2019–2023)
Woke Ruffled Sleeve Drama
9 February 2022
It's the 18th century the way it wasn't written with today's woke audience in mind. Why not just give the characters cars and cell phone's as well. Drivel.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
A 5 is generous
9 January 2022
If you want to see history revised and woke, this is for you. Its a picture of Winston Churchill as a dotard who blundered through WWII by accident. It's The Second World War the way it wasn't. I'm sure it would fit in nicely with the 1619 project.
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Hamilton (2020)
For hip hop/ rap fans and virtue signalers only
23 June 2021
If you're not familiar with the story, "The Emperor's New Clothes", you might want to look it up to know where I'm coming from. 2 hours of dreadful music,and no discernible plot. It casts minorities as the founding fathers and they're singing rap..or something. That's the show. If you like rap, and have mistaken it for music, then this might be for you, otherwise you'd be more entertained by sticking needles in your eyes.
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Mars (2016–2018)
Good efects, decent acting, but lousy writing
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The effects are fine, but these days that's like saying that someone is wearing pants; its expected. The acting is fine, but the breakaway sessions should have been put before or still better after the drama, not in the middle. Worst of all is the writing. The writers use very cheap ways of creating drama that don't even make sense. For example, in the first episode when they land on Mars a character tells us that they only have 3 days of air. The medical officer says she needs to fully scan the captain for inuries, and he says there's no time. Why is that? How long does a scan take when you have 3 days? Another example; when the circuits failed for landing, the captain for some reason needed to get out the jack and put on the spare. First of all circuits would be tested, protected, and backed up. That should have happened automatically, or at best with the flip of a switch...but no, we need more drama, so we'll just have to make the engineers AND the captain look stupid. Whenever a writer has to make a character or situation stupid in order to create drama you can tell they're either limited or lazy. This subject of this program is important. they should have spent more on the writing.
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Villains (I) (2019)
What a hoot!
3 October 2019
Seriously, why is this rated only 6.6 on IMDB, this film is fun from beginning to end, with great characters, good writing, and a solid ending. Donovan deserves a supporting oscar nom.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Strong Drama, but hard to watch
9 July 2017
I notice that some reviewers, particularly those to the North or across the pond are determined to make the show a cautionary tale on current US politics. One reviewer even lamenting that in the U.S., "creationism is taught in some State Schools" which is absolute rubbish. If those overseas want to see aspects of totalitarianism they need look no further than the socialism they've embraced.

Now on to the drama. It takes some work to get into because it moves slow, its endlessly downbeat, and little is explained in exposition, but rather in flashback form, so it takes patience. However, if you stick with it your patience will be rewarded, and the drama is outstanding.

If you'd like to cheat, you can visit Wikipedia and get enough background to whet your appetite, but its not necessary. You get what you need in due course. The acting is excellent.

Oddly, it called to mind a TV movie about the US some 40 years ago in which couples were imprisoned in an over populated country for getting pregnant.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Well, done but its not a new story...but then what is...
25 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Here be spoilers....

If you don't recognize the plot, and I've read other reviews saying it came from this or that, Well, I can tell you where it comes from in one word, "Frankenstein".

That's all you need to know. It has a few weak points about it, one of them being that its a bit too talky, and another is that the genius scientist has some rather alarming blind spots that will quickly occur to the film goer, such as the power failures.

The ending from the original story is essentially unchanged too, although we don't know the final outcome for the human hero other than the AI certainly seems convinced he'll be toast.

I don't quite have the same fears of AI that some scientists like Hawking seem to, but then its possible they have more reason than I to feel threatened. Maybe once we have AI, plots and scripts will improve! Bottom line, I give this an 8; it was a fun popcorn movie that could have used a bit more action.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
Outstanding Western
18 August 2013
Excellent western. In fact, I'd put it near the top of my list. Deadwood is perhaps the speed of light in this genre. You may think it odd, but the other western in my top 3 would be Bonanza, which for sheer story telling is hard to outdo even though it often seems like processed cheese compared to the darker, dirtier world of Hell On Wheels.

Series 3 has brought in a crusading frontier newswoman straight out of 2013 to comment and criticize everything she sees, and its very grating. Apparently we as viewers aren't smart enough to know wrong or injustice when we see it, so this noisy know-all has to appear in half a dozen scenes in each show to point it out to us. I hope they figure out their mistake and have her fall in front of the cow catcher when it will do most good.

My suggestion for now; hold your nose when you see her, and enjoy the show!
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Cloverfield (2008)
big monster, shaky camera, stupid characters
20 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Said most of this in the summary...

There is a big monster loose in the city. Our protagonists are determined to learn nothing about what is going on, put themselves into harms way, and film their last adventure with a video camera that only points to where the action isn't.

The characters are trying to die, they richly deserve to die, and its only a shame that they don't do it more quickly and make this a film short.

I wish we could at least have had one military character to tell us what is going on, like that general in "War of the Worlds" who says, "guns, bombs, tanks, they're like toys against those things!" But no, the military must trudge on with no more direction than this film has.
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Falling Skies: Death March (2012)
Season 2, Episode 8
Just barely a 7
8 August 2012
I keep waiting for the plot to advance on this show, and it just doesn't. Even though this is supposed to be a military unit resisting an alien invasion, most of the series seems to revolve around one character wringing their hands over the fate of another character, or characters sharing their feelings about each other. Its almost as if it had been written by Dr. Phil.

I've given it a 7 largely because it doesn't seem fair to give a lower rating to something I've continued to watch. Theoretically if I thought it was any worse I should be moving on to something better like, "How I Met Your Mother". The trouble is, I LOVE the premise, but find the writing mediocre at the best of times. You'd think a world dominated by aliens would be dangerous enough, but no, the writers have to think of ways to put characters in jeopardy that require them to be stupid, foolhardy, and just plain bloody-minded. I'm still tuning in hoping against hope that win or lose against the aliens, the human race will at least pay attention to the invasion more than who is dating whom.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
A bit too much Eva, and not enough Helena and Chloe, but well done
12 May 2012
I give this movie an 8, but if I could rate more discreetly I'd give it a 7.8...just under that. When I viewed the trailers, and I must have viewed nearly all of them and saw the TV adverts I was afraid that Burton and Depp had jumped the shark with too much comedy. They didn't, although there are a few scenes that go over the top. In general the tone is respectful to the original soap while managing to poke a bit of fun at itself.

They've taken some license with the original plot, but not in a way that detracts I think. Certainly, the movie successfully explores and exploits the sudden jump from 18th century to the 20th in a way that the original never thought to.

It moves a bit slowly at times, and there are some actors that are underused. Chloe Moritz and Helena Bohnam Carter could have been used more effectively even without expanding their parts, but by simply making them more integral to the plot.

I don't think I'm spoiling anything by mentioning the well advertised cameos of the original stars, but I will say that their appearance was much too brief...fleeting even.

On balance, if the movie performs well and they decide to make a sequel, I'm on board.
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Torchwood (2006– )
Great if you're looking for left wing propaganda instead of scifi
8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe what Torchwood has become in its move to an American network. I just got through watching episode 5 of Miracle Day, and its awful to see the drivel that an otherwise excellent write like Jane Espenson has written.

Everything in this telaplay is a left wing diatribe focused on promoting socialized medicine and anything liberal. The shots at the Tea Party...which is a political movement not a social movement is ridiculous, but then the list of the ridiculous is simply too long.

All conservatives are evil, all liberals are wonderful. Don't believe me? Watch Miracle Day.

The cast is excellent, and I've enjoyed the earlier series even though they often didn't make a lot of sense either. Really Starz...decide what you'd like to do: brainwash or entertain, because trying to do both isn't working.
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No Ordinary Family (2010–2011)
The family may not be ordinary, but...
21 October 2010
the writing is very ordinary. I don't blame the excellent leads in this rubbish, we all need a paycheck, but please, please, please ABC, hire a writer instead of a chimp.

The pilot show was a forgettable origin program that starts off with every family cliché possible, and then moves on to every superhero cliché possible.

Honestly, if you're going to use the word ordinary in the title, make an extra effort not to live down to it.

In short, you've got the actors, you've got the premise, but writing matters, which is why I won't be watching anymore.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Excellent Movie
19 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Disreguard all of the snobbery over an American remake of, "Let the Right One In". This movie was well made. Its true that much of the reason it is good is that it is largely a scene by scene reshoot of the Swedish film its based on though.

The two young leads also acquit themselves just as well as their Swedish counterparts, and this was certainly an excellent vehicle for Chloe Moretz.

Of course, the movie does add a car crash scene, so if you're looking for a reason to hate it because its American, that is probably enough for you.

There were script subtleties that appeared to make Eli a bit more of a victim herself than Abby, but there is enough ambiguity to drive a hummer through, and that is part of the pleasure of this movie as well as the original: you can project your own ideas into it.

The special effects were just enough...maybe even a little over the top. I actually liked the subtlety of the original more in that regard.
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Zulu Dawn (1979)
The movie: yes, the reviews: no
29 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is frustrating to see so many reviews here that insist on going beyond a review of the movie to comment on history as portrayed therein. Nearly everything I've read in a survey of the reviews here is rubbish. I've studied the battle for years, and have been to the battle site.

The movie is excellent, and it is superficially accurate with respect to the battle, but much is left out, and still more is injected that doesn't belong.

First of all, there is an anti-war sentiment throughout the movie that seems to be pinging off the end of Vietnam. Newman Noggs for instance appears doggedly anti-war in spite of the fact that the real Newman was completely pro-war and rather blood thirsty.

The conclusion is made much too strongly that tight control of ammunition led to the disaster, although it was an issue. One Lt. of the 24th took a box of ammo only to have Bloomfield shout at him not to. The Lt responded, "you don't want a bloody requisition now do you?"

However, the real slowdown in ammunition came because the troops were all spread out up to a quarter mile away from the camp! You have to see the hugeness of the battlefield and how incredibly spread out the troops were.

Then try carrying an 80 pound box of ammo a quarter of a mile during a pitched battle! They were too far away to keep supplied, and by the time Pulleine figured it out and sounded retreat was it was too late.

They were mostly cut up trying to get back to the camp.

The movie blames Chelmsford, which is fair enough. He was arrogant. By the way, he didn't just split his command in two, he split it in 7 parts! However, ISandlwana should have been able to defend itself if look-out watches had been properly kept, and the troops arrayed nearer camp. Col Pulleine was an administrator and had never been in a battle.

He was caught flat footed, spread out, and was cut up piece-meal, although according to the Zulus it was still a close call...for a time the British were winning, but they couldn't hold.

Notice BTW in the movie, the man Chelmsford sends with a spyglass to observe ISandlwana comes back and says, "The tents have not been struck.". Any British commander knows what that means. If battle is coming you strike the tents immediately, first so that the men can see clearly behind them as well as in front, second so that if battle enters the camp they won't be tripping over guy wires, and finally so that anyone outside of the camp will see tents struck and understand that battle is at hand. This Pulleine failed to do.

Durnford by the way is held completely blameless. Its true that Chelmsford and others tried to blame things on him at the time. His orders were misplaced, and they weren't found until the 1950's, and even then they weren't readable. It wasn't until the 90's that new forensic techniques allowed them to be read. He had been ordered by Chelmsford from Rorke's Drift to the East end of the battle plain (ISandlwana being on the West end). When Durnford passed through the camp, he knew Pulleine had been specifically given command, and that he altogether wasn't to take charge, but to keep moving through. Instead, he stayed to help Pulleine.

So you see, although the movie is essentially accurate, some of the conclusions you draw from a 100 minute film don't necessarily give a clear notion of what, where, and why, even though I do think the movie is excellent.

Finally, for those of you wondering, Verriker was never in the fight to save the colors. He was killed elsewhere. The colors were dropped in a gully, and recovered some months later downstream from the bodies of Coghill and Melville. The person who Verriker was essentially portraying, was Lt Higginson, but he actually did survive and is the reason why we know exactly what happened in the fight to save the colors.

I recommend this movie strongly, but if you want the real history, look further.
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A fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously
6 December 2009
I never realized while this show was running what a homage it was to the original TV series with George Reeves, but it truly is in so many ways. There are dozens of little touches that echo the original show.

For example, there is a character called Inspector Henderson, and at the end of the show the Superman cape is shown with a red "S" just as it was on George Reeve's costume, whereas Superman's actual cape has a yellow "S".

Notice that Dean Cain's hairstyle as Superman is swept back just as George Reeve's was, even though the character never wore it that way in the comics.

The very title is the NEW adventures of Superman, whereas the original was properly called, "The Adventures of Superman", and not merely Superman.

At least one episode was a remake from the original series by the original writer, and both the original Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen appeared at least once each in the series.

It has been pointed out that later in its run it began to unravel, and this is non unusual for any series, but this affectionate homage to both the characters and the earlier series is a fun romp that still holds up fairly well 15 years later.

I might add that Smallville has continued the tradition of alluding to the original series countless times, and has even had Dean Caine appear, among many other actors with a Superman history.

All in all, this series is a solid entry in the Superman story. I recommend you watch this, and not that dreadful Euro-Superman they tried to foist on us in Superman Returns.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
I Was a Teenage Stargater
11 October 2009
Here is the formula: lots of young pretty (but angst ridden) young people who couldn't possibly have passed the simplest psychological profile, toss in a bit of Lost In Space, Star Trek Voyager, and make their space ship look like BattleStar Galactica, because even though nothing of the Ancients ever looked that way in other Stargate series, it was a popular show, and hey, this is a business after all. Oh, and since these are young people, don't forget to add in some MTV music at the end, during which they can all make faces at the camera.

Result? An embarrassment that will haunt an otherwise successful franchise.

Where is Dr. Smith and the robot when we need them???
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Stargate: Atlantis: Vegas (2008)
Season 5, Episode 19
A Breath of Fresh Air - Woderful1
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This the next to last episode in the series to date is a trip to a parallel universe, that will at first leave you wondering what on Earth the franchise is up to, but the answer to that lies at the end of one of the best episodes the series ever fielded.

The story revolves around Detective Shepard in Las Vegas, and we soon realize that this isn't our Shepard, but one in a parallel reality where things happened just a bit differently. However, all the characters are familiar. The episode is filled with irony and pathos, and wonderfully sets up the finale episode.

Joe Flannigan should have won an Emmy for his performance as a Shepard who is basically the same person we know, but who's life took a tragic turn.
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All Time Sci Fi Great
10 September 2009
I was tempted to give this movie a 10, and in fact, I think it only loses that point from age. The effects, once state of the art, are now only acceptable.

Nevertheless, this movie has it all, scifi elements, an engaging story, and characters that develop rather than merely appear.

Alan Young shines as Georges friend David, as well as appearing as his own son, and Rod Taylor is a joy.

Show this to your kids, and watch it again yourself!

The actual time machine is such a classy design, that Carl Sagan actually used it in the production of his science series years later. Boy would I love to sit in that seat and pretend!
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Star Trek (2009)
Makes Independence day look smart
9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For Star Trek fans ONLY. This movie is as visually stunning as it is stupid. Why? Simple: Time travel plots usually have holes large enough to drive a star ship through. This movie proves it.

In this case you have a planet blow up, Romulus. A Romulan captain with a very low IQ and a very powerful ship is plunged backward in time. He decides to kill everyone for destroying his planet. The problem: he's in the past so his planet isn't blown up yet. You'd think he'd want to phone home, warn the folks, maybe even contact the government and tell them what's on the menu in a century or so...but no: This guy has only one mission, to wait 25 years for Spock to show up, and then start the killing everyone in revenge for...uh...what hasn't actually happened. Even Spock seems to have forgotten that since Romulus isn't blown up yet, maybe he could have a chat, explain it, and everyone could go home happy. Nope...Spock has lost his marbles too. So now we have alternate reality Star Trek where EVERYTHING you've ever watched before now never happened even within the framework of fiction! What is worse, pompous scenery chewing Kirk has now become Kirk the young punk. Spock, sucks face in elevators, and Scotty doesn't wash. What a waste!
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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Nixon as viewed from the Far Left
1 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Slow moving account of the drama behind and in front of the cameras surrounding the Nixon Frost interviews. Interesting at times for the outstanding performance by Langella, but otherwise hampered by a script that is so left wing it was apparently written by

The film leaves you with the impression that Frost won and Nixon lost, but in fact both men profited. Nixon's effort at rehabilitation largely succeeded, as both the Washington Post, and Newsweek acknowledged.

While his record was tarnished, he finished his life as a successful author, and elder statesman.

If your a liberal, all of the above is sauce for the goose, but if you're a conservative you're left with a slow moving film that for the sake of drama isn't always as honest as it ought to be.
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Confused garbage
21 August 2008
The setup: No children have been born for 18 years, and for some reason this causes almost the entire world to crumble except for Britain, which since it is already a welfare state, has hardly noticed any changes.

However, inundated with refugees, the country becomes an even more repressive place than before, which strikes me as odd, because I always understood they were a democratic society.

This is dreadful mish-mash of a movie is filled with only two kinds of people, the unsympathetic, and the truly despicable. This movie that actually had me rooting for the repressive government.

If this is a "thinking man's movie", then thinking men are confused, depressed, and can only see gray.
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Earth dumb, Mars dumber
22 November 2005
Cardboard characters, artificial conflict, big effects, and swiss-cheese plotting make this just the sort of fun you're looking for, if you're 7 years old or younger.

If you thought Independence Day was good sci-fi, you might just enjoy this remake of the 1953 classic sans any intelligent life either here or from Mars.

Tim Robbins, has a quirky role as self described survivor with a self destructive streak, which btw makes as much sense as any other part of the movie.

Gene Barry has a small non-speaking part. Apparently they were afraid if he talked, the movie might be mistaken as a think piece. They needn't have worried.
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Bones (2005–2017)
Unfortunately, its boneless...
13 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was very disposed to liking this drama. I'm a fan of Dave Boreanaz, but not THIS big a fan.

Emily Deschanel plays the genius scientist that knows everything, but can't get along with people, and Dave Boreanaz plays the gumshoe FBI agent with a heart of gold, who doesn't let those pencil pushers get in the way of justice.

Add in a side-kick computer expert that has somehow developed a more sophisticated holographic device than anyone else in the world, and you have characters that don't matter solving crimes you won't care about with equipment that doesn't exist.

Surely demons are responsible for this mess. Angel, get Spike and the gang together and kill this thing!
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