
20 Reviews
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Apparently the inhabitants of Atlantis are all Mad Max rejects
2 January 2022
Apparently the inhabitants of Atlantis are all Mad Max rejects, dressed like they all belong in a 1980's gay leather bar! 😂

The eternal discussion if you can say you enjoy "bad" movies or not. Some people say, if you enjoy it, then it's not bad. I don't agree, some movies are bad, really bad, but I enjoy them as much as I do with a "well made" movie.

With "bad", it can be smaller things like a handgranate goes of half a meter from the victim but he's not effected at all. Instead of taking cover before shooting (a cover that is right there), they just stand out in the open and fire away ... and ofcourse with 0% recoil from the weapon. A car drives up behind them but they don't hear it until it's about to drive them over. Etc. Etc. Etc.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
They Could Have Done More?
15 January 2021
I Looooooove Amy Schumer! I think she's amazing in everything she does. Unfortunately here, I think they could have made much more of the "pretty illusion", like more uncomfortable situations.
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Witchery (1989)
I just loooooove this movie, but don't get me wrong it's trash ...
14 January 2021
I just loooooove this movie, it's awesome, but don't get me wrong it's trash ... wonderful, fantastic trash. I have probably seen this about 20 times and now the last time on a remastered blu-ray edition. I think this movie works better on a VHS. It kind of needs that gritty feeling.

It's made by Umberto Lenzi, one of my favorite Italian director. The man behind legendary movies such as Cannibal Ferox, Nightmare Beach and Roma a mano armata.

As with a lot of these older low budget movies it's filled with plot holes, ridiculous scenes and strange manuscript ideas, like why the hell would someone go on a camping vacation in the autumn to a random abandon house and not even have any interest whatsoever in the house in the first place? When Henrietta is shown lying in her coffin her legs are apart, but when it cuts to a shot of Paul pouring the gasoline in her legs are crossed.
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If you're up for a fast paced movie, you've have picked the wrong one!
14 January 2021
Directed by David Robert Mitchell, the director of 2014 most talked about indie horror movie, It Follows. Kind of charming movie, with some weird elements like barking people and a made-up conspiracy plot. As I said before I'm a sucker for these kind of slow-paced drama flicks and this one is just that. Maybe it has too much of a comedic touch for me taste, I would probably liked it more if it had played more serious.
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I like the darkness of the show ...
8 December 2020
I like the darkness of the show, but there are looooong stretches that is just plain boring and you just don't care. The story in itself is good, but as I said it just feels like we stand still the whole time and are supposed to "care" about the mental state of the detectives.
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Deliver Us (2019)
I'm a sucker for Danish movies and TV shows.
8 December 2020
I really like the concept with a town bully that people are feed up with, and I'm a sucker for Danish movies and TV shows. But for some reason I never really fell in love with this. The middle episodes where kind of slow and no really likeable characters. Plus point for some twists.
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High Tension Living Arrangements!
8 November 2020
I have probably seen this about 10 times and I really like it, although I probably would have given it 9/10 twenty years ago. Jennifer Jason Leigh is amazing as the roommate. They really could make good thrillers in the early 1990's.
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Abominable (2006)
Plastic Bigfoot Goes Wild
8 November 2020
I kind of like this Bigfoot goes on a rampage thing for some reason, although it's really a simple setup. I just wished they wouldn't have shown so much of the extremely plastic Bigfoot. It could actually be the worst one I have ever seen.
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Alias (2001–2006)
Is this a joke?
7 November 2020
This is beyond abysmal, not even close to have anything on any level near reality. I mean, she travels to the middle east, solves a mission and is home again by dinner time.
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The Perfect Movie!
6 November 2020
This is one of those perfect movies, you know the ones that you wouldn't change a second, the ones that you put on to have in the background but after 2 minutes you sit there glowed to the screen. The movie is an fantastic mix of action, adventure, comedy, drama and romance. The story is uniquely told in flashback as Jamal must reveal how he knew the Who wants to be a millionaireshow's answers. For instance, he knew who was on a U.S. hundred-dollar bill from when he was stealing from tourists and posing as a phony tour guide. The story of Jamal, his brother and Latika is so engaging that even the police chief questioning him wants to know what happens next in the story.

The acting is awesome, both as Jamal is a young boy, a teenager and as a young man. There is much empathy with him, though especially as a young man his actions speak more than his expressions or words. The directing is terrific, telling the story in a unique way but without drawing attention to itself. The music is fun and lively, and there is the necessary "Bollywood-style" dance number over the end credits 😂

Director Danny Boyle is also a favourite of mine with "Trainspotting" on my all-time 10-top list. Also "Shallow Grave" and "28 Days Later" are masterpieces.
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Channel Zero (2016–2018)
I'm guessing it's a show for 13-year old!
5 November 2020
Season 1: 6/10, Season 2: 4/10, Season 3: 5/10, Season 4: Haven't Seen!

An anthology series based on popular Internet Creepypastas Candle Cove, The No-End House, Butcher's Block, and The Dream Door.

Just watched the first season, and it's supposed to be creepy and I guess I also thought it was ... for about 10 minutes early on. But then as always with me and horror shows, it's hard to hold up the suspense for 6 episodes. Also, it was something about the film quality that made it look really cheap and I think it would have been more effective to show the toothmonster during nighttime instead of in broad daylight.

Season two is a big fail for me. Apart from when they are in the "house" in episode one there is nothing at all that's creepy about it or you feel any tension because of what's happening on screen.. Sure there are some mysterious things happening, but at no point do I feel threaten or spooked. For example a middle aged man dressed up in a old womans clothes with a whig is supposed to be scary? The concept with the house felt interesting but didn't deliever. Why draw out something to a full TV show when it could have been a movie without the long pointless conversations on what/what not to do.

Season three is a little step up from the last season, but not much. I like the sisters, the weird midgets and the psycho man in blue costume, also the scene in episode three with the masked "upside down" crawler. But again I think they show a little bit too much so it fails in being scary, for example Rutger Haurs character and the stairs in the park.

So I don't think I will watch season 4 since the first three didn't impress me at all.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
... but as I always feel with Horror TV shows it's hard to keep that creepiness!
5 November 2020
Season 1: 8/10 Season 2: 8/10

First season started out really creepy, but as I always feel with Horror TV shows it's hard to keep that creepiness, mysteriousness and suspense for an entire season. Extra point here for Bill Skarsgård awesome performance as "The Kid". Season two I found most interesting following the storyline of Annie and her daughter Joy. The "death cult" or what you want to call it without spoiler not that much. Also here and extra point for Annie (Lizzy Caplan) amazing performance as the "crazy" woman.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
The Funniest Show in a while!
5 November 2020
Very funny comedy show about a police district in New York. When writing this there is 6 seasons out. Highlight actors are the lead Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and the new commanding officer Ray Holt (Andre Braugher)
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Barry (2018–2023)
Awesome first season, then ...
5 November 2020
Season 1: 8/10 Season 2: 6/10

Disillusioned at the thought of taking down another "mark," depressed, low-level hit man Barry Berkman seeks a way out. When the Midwesterner reluctantly travels to Los Angeles to execute a hit on an actor who is bedding a mobster's wife, little does Barry know that the City of Angels may be his sanctuary. He follows his target into acting class and ends up instantly drawn to the community of eager hopefuls, especially dedicated student Sally, who becomes the object of his affection. While Barry wants to start a new life as an actor, his handler, Fuches, has other ideas, and the hit man's criminal past won't let him walk away so easily.

I love the parts when Barry is involved with the gangsters and mafia and especially the hitman parts. The theater lesson parts I could mainly do without,

Bill Hader is a favourite actor of mine, his kind of awkward persona really makes a lot of situations extremely fun. Anthony Carrigan as the bad guy NoHo Hank is amazing, and so are the theater class teacher played by Henry Winkler. Last but not least, Barrys (Bill Haders) employer Stephen Root I think is the best of them all.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Important show!
5 November 2020
Great show in the aftermath of the #metoo movement, and it shows how important it was that it all was dragged out into the spotlight. Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carell are awesome as always. I have kept myself far away from Reese Witherspoon before, ever since I watched her awful Legally Blonde movies, but here she's just amazing. I can't wait for a season two, although I have no idea where it would go.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Production companies ... Stop it with cliffhangers!
31 October 2020
So, I'm guessing this is a show for 10-13 years. The characters are all warm and likeable, but there are too many annoying things throughout the storylines, like solving World war crisis in 40 minutes, referring to themselves a million times in each episode as geniuses with a straight face, made up technological/scientific solutions that have no real life basis.

... and one last thing and this is not the shows fault ... STOP MAKING TV SHOWS WITH CLIFFHANGERS OVER SEASONS. The show is now cancelled, but it ended with a real cliffhanger. Please production companies, STOP IT.
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Relic (2020)
A Slow Burn.
26 July 2020
Love the soundtrack and the creepy atmosphere, but that's it. All characters are charmless and not much is happening through out the movie. I love me a slow burn, but please give me something.
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Cold in July (2014)
Not Convinced!
26 July 2020
I love Michael C Hall, and I heard a lot about this one on movie podcasts. But I have seen this twice now within 3 months and I still think it's just OK at best when it comes to the plot. Mr. Hall is amazing as always.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Faith in movies restored!!!
25 March 2020
After seeing several 5-6/10 movies the last couple of weeks I have begun to fear that I had lost my passion for movies (this has happened before). But holy crap this changed my mind and really took me by surprise, what a masterpiece. From the first minute till the end it keeps up the suspense and you're emotional invested in Elisabeth Moss character Cecilias fate.

Some might think, 10 out of 10, isn't that a little high? I say NO! It kept my interest up for the whole 124 minutes without even once looking away, there are Oscars worthy acting from Elisabeth Moss, that's simply amazing and now after watching the movie it gives me goosebumps just thinking about her performance. So there's not a single thing I would change in the movie. My biggest problem is that I can't wait to see it again! It's equally amazing that the director, Leigh Whannell now in my book have two 10/10 movies in a row (Upgrade was the other one), I think that's a record.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
I kind of love this movie, original, funny, but o'boy was the lead women Betty Gilpin as Crystal, miscast!
21 March 2020
I kind of love this movie, original, funny, but o'boy was the lead women Betty Gilpin as Crystal, miscast. To me she completely destroyed the whole thing. Her body language, her way to deliver the lines all felt extremely constructed and absolutely 0% feel genuine or natural. Apparently she has 38 credits , but I have only seen her in the smaller role in the TV show Nurse Jackie, and if I remember correctly, she did that just great, so I don't think she's a bad actress but sure as hell this was a miscast. So this could have been a 8-9/10 but since she has such a big part and killed it (not in the good sense) it goes down several steps. They should have gone with Hilary Swank as the lead instead.

But if we focus on the other parts, the first 30 minutes really have some original ideas and surprise moments. And then we get more or less non-stop action for the entire movie.

From what I understand this was much talked about before being released as controversial politically. First, why? This thing they talk about you read about 100 times a day on Facebook groups. Second off, is this an American thing or? There seem to be only 2 viewpoints on each topic? Black or white! Nothing is that simple in life, especially not politics.
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