
9 Reviews
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A safe ending to the trilogy.
24 December 2019
While it wasn't perfect, they managed to clean up the mess left behind from TLJ. I went in the theater with terribly low expectations and perhaps that's why I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I was having a good time! It was funny, emotional, and had a classic Star Wars feel. It could have been better, but I think they played it safe with a bit of fan service- which I'm okay with for this film.
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Cats (2019)
My brain is stained.
24 December 2019
It's hard to believe a movie can be THIS bad with a 100 million dollar budget. There's a lot to complain about, but the worst part of all was the written-in song that stuck out like a sore thumb.. I wish I could forget.
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Joker (I) (2019)
27 November 2019
Joker portrayed the slow decent into madness in a phenomenal way. This was more than a DC movie- it was a psychological rabbit hole.

There were so many moments of deep cringe- it was almost too much to endure. But that's exactly why it was such an extraordinary film.

Movies often glaze over and glamorize insanity. This movie highlights the uncomfortable and disturbing moments that others don't touch.
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Midsommar (2019)
Perfect in every way.
27 November 2019
This is the best movie I've seen in years. It restored my faith in modern films.

I was entranced throughout the whole experience. It was shocking, devastating, and beautiful.

I loved the subtle details placed throughout, especially during the tripping scenes. I've never seen psychedelics portrayed so accurately.

Over and over I was amazed by what I was seeing. This film instantly took the spot of my favorite movie, which has never happened before.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
So many loose ends!
27 November 2019
What were all of the mysteries and secrets leading up to?

What was all of the character development for?

Nothing about the ending made sense. The outcome was unfavorable, but it could have been acceptable had it not been rushed. We were suddenly thrusted into this ending without appropriate build up.

It feels like a waste of time to follow a story this long to have a rushed ending. It's truly devastating to the long term fans who spent years hypothesizing all of the possible outcomes.

Shame on you D & D.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: Web of Dreams (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
The casting makes no sense.
27 November 2019
Seriously, who is in charge of casting?

Did you even read the book? Did you even read a summary of the book? Why didn't anyone involved protest this casting? Did this actress pay her way into the movie? I'm so genuinely confused.

Book-Leigh is supposed to be INCREDIBLY beautiful with silvery blonde hair.

Hair aside, the movie would have been much more believable if they casted someone angelic in appearance. This girl was quite sturdy with dorky hair. I just- I don't get it.

Did anyone else notice the tatterton doll in the first movie had long red hair exactly like movie-Heaven and it was supposed to be a replica of her mother. And in the second movie Tony mentions Heaven has her mother's hair? WHY DOES SHE HAVE SHORT BLACK HAIR IN THIS ONE? It's bad enough to change the hair from the book, but at least be consistent in your own movie adaptation. How the heck would Luke Casteel keep confusing Heaven for his precious Angel when they look nothing alike?

I am appalled at the execution of this series. It's insulting to those who loved the books. It's confusing to those who didn't read the books.

Lifetime needs to never make an adaptation of ANY book ever again.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: Fallen Hearts (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
We demand a redo.. from someone else!
27 November 2019
I laughed out loud at grandpa suddenly existing.

He wasn't in the first movie. Not even mentioned.

He wasn't in the second movie- and there was that scene where Heaven has a fever in her old cabin that is clearly abandoned- with no grandpa in sight.

I skipped through the rest of the movie and called it quits halfway through. It was too terrible.

Lifetime, please keep your hands off any further book adaptations.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: Dark Angel (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
So rushed.
27 November 2019
The disaster continues. I don't even think I could begin to list all of the flaws.

Let me complain about the hair color again.

This movie is called "Dark Angel".

Her mother was Angel with silvery blonde hair. Heaven looked exactly like her mother but with black hair. Hence DARK angel.

Sigh. You suck Lifetime.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: V.C. Andrews' Heaven (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
27 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Surely there are hundreds if not thousands of actresses who would be available to cast in a lifetime movie. WHY did they choose the girl they did for Heaven? Was it really that hard to find a small, beautiful, and black haired girl to play Heaven? Honestly the movie was killed for me in the first minute. Heaven did not fit the description and it's such a vital part to the story. The red hair could have even been moderately acceptable if the girl was more angelic in appearance- but this girl was quite large. She looked huge next to everyone. No offense to the actress, she's beautiful in her own way- but in no way does she fit the description of Heaven. She should have been cast as the stepmother.

But god, the hair. I truly don't understand. Why did you do this Lifetime? You KNEW the audience would be almost entirely those who love the books. Was this a big joke? The hair was so so important.

Aside from the main character being a disaster, every other character lacked depth and would make absolutely no sense if you didn't read the book. The acting was garbage from everyone.

Where was her teacher? Grandpa? Luke Casteel is only demonstrated as being abusive once when he shoves Heaven outside- it was a laughable scene. The Casteel family's extreme poverty was not demonstrated. And one of my favorite parts of the book was left out- when the children had to fend for themselves for months and months and had to steal food from neighbors.

Oh god I could go on and on. I could probably write an essay about this.

I surely hope the memory of this movie won't stain the books when I reread them. I wish I could bleach my brain of this horrific film.
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