
14 Reviews
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Spun Out (2014–2015)
Not at all funny
8 March 2014
This is a pretty typical and unfunny sitcom. Not much else needs to be said, really. With every moment filled to the brim with laugh tracks, trying to get you to think it's funny only insults my inelegance. If this was actually taped in front of a live audience then there must have been a laughing gas leak somewhere in the building.

It feels totally generic, it's just a bunch of people you don't really care about, working at some random office. The work they do is unknown, they just sit at desks and hang out. It should have something with more substance. With most good shows you can describe it with something that will set it apart.

On the up side, the acting isn't bad, so really it's just the little thing called writing, no biggy.

Was curious at checking this show out, as it does have Dave Foley in it, but even a Kid in a Hall can save this one. I just had to turn it off, I did make it more than half way, think there was about 8 minutes left and figured I'd rather take that time to write this review.

Shame that most Canadian content is just so poor. Maybe one day things will change.
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Horrible movie with horrible acting and horrible 3D
30 June 2010
I got the 'pleasure' of seeing this movie at a screening. It was in "3D" and from the first 'visual' the Paramount Logo in 3D I noticed something wasn't right. Things that should be close up made me felt like I was crossing my eyes, but luckily the whole move 3D was so pointless that it was barely noticeable. It only makes the movie hard to watch, the fast action scenes are blurry and the glasses make the whole movie darker. Few times I had to take my glasses off to be able to see what was happening and in most scenes the picture was normal.

Now on to the actual movie, I thought this was going to be a one off movie, but it's an attempt at a franchise, which from the looks of it will be another "Golden Compass". The acting is horrible! I saw a while back that some people were upset that the Avatar's character was played by a non Asian actor... I think they should be more upset that a horrible acting child was cast instead. Really the whole 3 main characters were bad actors, if anything those should be the best ones.

The story was okay but boring as hell, so many scenes were attempted to be made epic and such, but it felt more drawn out and boring.

My suggestion is not to see this movie... but if you absolutely need to, make sure it's in 2D. I believe this movie had the "Clash of the Titans" treatment and rushed the 3D in post for the extra cash grab. Save your money, just watch the cartoon.
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Spiral (I) (2007)
15 March 2008
This movie was strange... The premise of the movie is great, acting is good, and everything else is well done. But the main character's personality was way off, which at first you'll be wondering, "Who would actually like this guy?". Near the end it makes sense... but then the final twist throws it all out the window.

I understand that this guy was seriously disturbed, but the problem is who would actually come up to talk to him the way he acts, and keep talking to him after he acts towards you, if you actually decided to come up to him.

The final twist, although it's a good one in some way, the movie would have made more sense if it didn't have it.
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The Nines (2007)
Bizarrely cool
9 February 2008
There's a very neat story in this movie, and it's one of those movies where you have to put reality on pause and just enjoy the ride. At first it's a bit confusing and somewhat eerie, which is always good to see in a movie, it's nice to have to wait for an answer sometimes and put things together, instead of just be given an answer to everything.

The acting is pretty good with a few funny quotes in it. There was one part that stood out to me that wasn't really necessary, a little song routine. But it was pretty minimal in the great scheme of the whole movie.

Hope people will check this movie out, it might not be the best movie out there, but it's definitely worth a rent.
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Hackers (1995)
So over the top!
9 February 2008
But in a great way of course. I fell in love with this move back when it was originally released, but as technology goes, it didn't take long for it to seem out dated. But with it's over the top visuals, characters, and costumes it belongs in it's own world. It's a great fun movie, don't look at it for accuracy and realism, because it's not meant to be. It has a great sound track that was the best electronic music of it's time.

This movie gives such a cool style to hackers that after watching it, I think everybody wanted to be a trendy "Hackers" hacker.

So relax, and enjoy the stupid ride!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
So much camp it should have come with a bag of marshmallows...
6 May 2007
I had high hopes for the 3rd part, the trailers were very deceiving. That is nothing new really, most horrible movies don't put any clips of scenes that are not good in trailers. Really movie editors should do a trailer first and if they like that edit the movie to that feel, and leave all the campy over the top crap on the cutting room floor.

The story was pretty weak but it had a lot of characters that felt flat because there was no time to develop them into anything worth while. For me that wasn't really the issue, I could have lived with a weak story as long as it was believable enough, and the movie had the action to fill up our entertainment cup. Luckily after reading reviews and getting a phone call from a friend letting me know that he walked out half way through, I let down my hype and was ready to get disappointed. And while watching the movie, there were little "humorous" scenes in and around that could be easily looked past, but then Peter got Emo... er taken over by the symbiot, and made a real fool out of himself. I really understand where the script was trying to go with this, but it was executed so badly. It would have worked for sure in a comic book or even as a cartoon, but live action? Do people not look at these scenes after they're shot and see what a mess it is? Not sure if it's the actor's fault (Toby just can't pull of some things, like not looking so stupid when he's crying) or the Director's. Ether way there is no excuse for that.

So that is what basically ruined the movie for me, taking that whole section out and if you haven't seen the movie you will know what it is when/if you see it, would make for a better film. Still weak, but at least not a 5 out of 10, at least a 7.

My suggestion to people seeing it for the first time, as soon as you see Emo-Peter walking on the street like a Greaser. Get up of your seat, go get a refill on your 2 liter cup of soda, take you're time in the washroom, make conversation with the staff and come back in about 10-15 minutes. It's definitely a better use of your time.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
A great addition to the first...
21 May 2004
This movie was really funny and just worked great with the original. Of course nothing compares to the first but after all it is the first and original. But if you liked the first you must see the second just to see what happens and to laugh at all the great little spoofs of old tails and even some of the more recent movies. Its totally worth seeing in the theaters no matter what age everybody will find something funny and worth while. So if you haven't seen it already go... now...
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Even in a world gone Stupid this movie wouldn't make sense...
14 February 2004
I totally hated this movie. Just watching it made me feel instantly stupid. I'm not really sure what the whole point of it is or was. But there are some props to give. The 2 guys that did this, I'm sure it wasn't easy to do all this so thats kind of cool even though the movie is horrid. And the only cool scene is when a fight is happening between the 2 cops and the one bad guy and his robot. It's all in darkness but each person and what they are doing at different times are showen in full light even though they are in total darkness. Other then that. Bad movie with bad animation. Stay away... wish I had...
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I wanted out of the Matrix as well...
7 November 2003
After the 2nd and 3rd movie I was sure that this was all done to make money. And thats all understood but when it comes to movies its been a while since I've been happy with a movie I've seen. And with how much I hated the 2nd one I had some hope that the 3rd would be all that much better because they are leaving all the good stuff for last. And if that's the good stuff I'd hate to see what is crap. So if you really liked or loved the 2nd one your not really a true fan of what the matrix is so go see the 3rd you'll be happy. If you didn't like the 2nd you'll just as much not like the 3rd. So skip it and buy or rent the Animatrix its better than those movies combined. Here's hoping that. I can't wait until Lord of the Rings Final movie so I can forget that the whole 2nd and 3rd Matrix happened because I'm sure in a short time people will all forget it.

And thats it...

Game Over...
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Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996 Video)
The Best Comedy EVER!
26 August 2003
When I rate movies, I rate them with the way I expect them to be and how they actually turn out to be. And this movie was all I expected... but it actually does have better acting i expected. Horrible and pointless story line with horrible sets, and Computer Generated Special FX stolen right from an Atari game. There is no way that the people responsible in making of this movie were serious in making it into a Horror movie, unless they are as dumb as the storyline.

But I'd totally suggest renting this one out for a cheep movie night with friends to laugh and this ... masterpiece... come on! it even has this mad scientist that is always seen on a cheep TV scene in a close up angle of his face and a funny germen accent!

So have a good time and just expect the worst ...
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Why me?
15 May 2003
I was so excited to go see Matrix Reloaded, to see what happens next, but was so dissapointed. They thought lets make a very beautiful movie and worry about the story later, so thats what they did. It's basically an hour and a half of pretty fight scenes and such with a story in the last half an hour. Not worth my time or money. For the third one I'm going on a cheap matinee and a cheap theater.
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My Big Fat Mistake...
24 February 2003
I just finished watching the first episode, and... well I wish i could go back a half an hour and find something better to watch. The movie was funny and a good

time to watch. But this is just trying to ride of the success of the movie. If this show makes it and ends up lasting a long time, it means that the whole world is gone to hell. If you didn't get to catch this show, than don't bother, if you liked the movie your more than likely be dissapointed by the show. So instead pop in the movie and watch it instead.
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Felt more like a parody of Austin Powers, by Austin Powers... (Spoilers)
2 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Well this movie was good and bad, really funny, almost worked for me, but had alot of things missing and gone wrong, I think. First what happened to Heather Gram's character? Why not just end it with her before you start another movie. And all the cameos were cool, but did we need to hear "Hey look its Briteny Spears!", that was pretty annoying to say the least. And they added a little extra to this movie than the rest, the thing that made you snap out of the movie, out of the fantasy of Austin Powers, and snap back to reality because they keep on reminding you that "its just a movie". I think they could have done without that. It's a movie, people watch movies to be immerse in it, and those little things made you come out of it. Don't get me wrong this movie has some good laughs, but real fans of Austin Powers, might be somewhat annoyed with some things that happen within this movie.
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Family Guy (1999– )
The show only Fox can get away with showing...
27 December 2001
This is one great show, that it makes me wonder why it got pulled off the air so many times. But I believe its now here to stay! This show cant compare to any other, Before Simpsons was pretty "on the edge" and than came Family Guy, and they are stretching it out to go off the "edge". The things this show gets away with is incredible. Totally work the watch! If you like the Simpsons you will LOVE Family guy!
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