
16 Reviews
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest problem with this review is that i essentially have to review two shows. Season 1 and Season 2 are nothing alike, and for all practical purposes are two different shows.

Season 1 had its problems, but by and large, was extremely enjoyable to watch. I'll just leave it at that.

Season 2.....Locations are less "believable" (Season 1's Bay City seemed like a real lived in city.. Season 2's Harlans World doesn't, it feels like various sets with 20 extras). The story seems relatively easy to follow, its just a tad convoluted. The acting is far worse.... its downright cringe when it comes to the supporting cast. In Season 1 the supporting cast was very strong. In season 2, the supporting cast is a mix of cartoon villains, soap stars, and caricatures. It is an entirely different completely lacks the feel of season 1, and has nothing but blandness to offer.

They changed show runner between seasons, and by god is that ever noticeable...whoever took over is a clueless moron... completely inept at her job (i understand its a woman).. the height of her career should have been flipping burgers....
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Thieves of the Wood (2018–2020)
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is overall quite solid. It seems to be a clear cut "Robin Hood'esque" tale, just with guns instead of bows. Most elements from "Robin Hood" is there, from "the damsel in distress" to "the evil priest" and "bad people in charge" in general, down to the actual "good guys in the woods". The story follows a very predictable path (this far), and i am hoping there is a twist in the latter half of the season.

I watched the first episode twice, first in its native language (which i dont understand), and then with English voice over. It didn't lose much, so i stuck with the voice over for the remaining episodes (done watching episode 5 as of writing this).

Perfectly serviceable show, but it didn't "jump out at me" in any aspect.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Starts off great...
21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There shouldn't be any spoilers here, but i'll mark it off just for safeties sake... the series starts off great. I'd give the first few episodes 10/10, very engaging, interesting plotline, excellent acting, etc.

Then it starts tapering off, and by the time one is at the end of the first season, its just become stupid. This stupidity ramped up another notch for the season 2 premiere, and i cant bring myself to watch any more.. (at the time of writing they have released 3 episodes of season 2).

Such an incredible letdown after that firecracker of an opening....
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Blindspot (2015–2020)
Unfortunately quite weak
6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show seemed quite promising, although its premise was somewhat silly. Unfortunately they fail in the execution of it, the show seems "cheap", and the acting is surprisingly bland, considering my past experiences with Alexander and Stapleton.

Its difficult to explain without going into spoiler territory, but generally speaking, they seem to try to just find a premise where they can keep churning out episodes by the truckload without even having to bother aiming for story and plot consistency.

Its a show very much in the vein of "The Following" (a new follower or ten every week, with little or no explanation), or "The Blacklist" (new bad guy appearing every week, and magically, only Reddington knows about it).

"Blindspot" is a perfect duplicate of this premise, with a twist to its origin point. And to me, thats just not good enough...
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What were they thinking...
3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll try to keep the spoilers general and avoid specifics.

So, the premise of the Terminator plot is getting fairly well known as we are in the fifth iteration of the franchise.

Genisys puts a slightly different spin on it, unfortunately without it improving the story. If anything, it just makes things worse.

While i am generally happy with the CGI (most was good, some was OK, some was downright bad), i found much of the cinematography and sound downright distracting.. it was loud and flashy just because, which i found an overall detriment to the quality of the movie.

Genisys's biggest problem is without question its story. It is a mess, so massively convoluted and downright stupid at times that if you even begin to try to pick it apart, there are plot holes big enough to drive a battleship through.

This is a rather critical problem, as if the story isn't at least passable, chances are the movie is going to fall flat even if you have Oscar material actors.

These actors are NOT Oscar material, which compounds the story problem. The only actor i'd give a pass is Arnold, the rest are sub par.. well, except for Jai Courtney and Emilia Clarke which are both downright abysmal.

I find it impossible to recommend this movie to anyone, and for people who has seen the earlier Terminator movies, my only recommendation would be to stay well clear of this abomination of a movie..
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
So much promise..
16 December 2014
I've only seen 5 of the episodes this far, but my take on the series is :

Fantastic scenery, costumes, sets, etc Practically an all Asian cast who all does a good job. A main character, for which the show is named, who is.. if i am being extremely charitable, very mediocre in his acting. As he is the main character, he is literally in half of the scenes..and he pulls the entire show down with him.

As for me watching the second half of the season, instead of rooting for Marco Polo and watching it because of him, i'll be watching it in spite of him.

Which is very unfortunate.
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The Cape (2011)
Summed up in one word, horrible
10 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was very interested in this, not because it was a superhero type of show, but because it had Keith David and Summer Glau in it, both actors i really like.

After torturing myself through the pilot episodes (yes, i had to fight the (at times overwhelming) urge to turn it off), i can easily say that i wont be returning to see the next episode.

To avoid spoiling any specifics for people who are planning on watching the show, i'll keep it to very general terms.

I found the acting of the entire cast (with the exception of Keith David, but he is far from a show saver) horrible.. beyond abysmal really. When you on top of that add corny dialog chock full of clichés, it gets unbearable.

There are some fun moments, but overall the entire thing was a huge letdown. How on earth could the TV execs green light this thing, was that the best they had ?
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Shock Waves (2010)
Season 11, Episode 1
11 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As season premieres goes, this has got to be one of the worst ones ever made (for any show). As a normal episode, it would probably rate among the bottom 10 percent of CSI episodes.

The show has been going seriously downhill for a good while now, and mostly to blame for that is Lawrence Fishbourne. I like him as an actor, but this role just doesn't "fit" him, he is abysmal in it. And as a bonus effect, he drags everyone else down with him.

Episode spoilers ahead, so if you haven't seen it yet, don't read on :)

I found everyone's acting to be very "wooden" in this episode, even veterans such as Sara, Nick and Catherine. They seem to just be going through the motions rather than acting. The "obligatory" replacement to the team is absolutely atrocious (pretty, young girl with what i think is an Australian or Kiwi accent). Seeing that she is a bomb expert, please let her find one she cannot handle ASAP, and write her out of the series :)

The guest cast is just as bad as the regular cast, and the story is unengaging and unbelievable (Langston directing from a hospital bed and what have you). In fact i struggle to find a single bright spot to the episode, i really found it that bad.

After 8 great seasons and 2 on the downhill track, maybe i should just call it a day :/
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
Summed up in one word....terrible
13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
May contain some general spoilers, but i'll try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible.

I've now watched 7 episodes of Spartacus, and withheld from rating it because fans said "wait, it'll get better". Well, it hasn't.

The acting is strictly average, with some highs, and a lot of lows. Hannah and Lawless do passable jobs, they are veteran actors after all. A few others also hold their own (Varro, Doctore), but the rest is just plain abysmal. The acting of the main actor makes me want to cry at times, i really find it that bad.

The series is filmed with a minimal set, using mostly CGI (i swear 90 percent of the scenes could have been shot in someones backyard). That is not initially a problem, but when the CGI is bad, then it becomes a problem. And when its bad not because their graphical artists suck, but because the director wants it to look bad, it becomes ridiculous.

The fighting scenes is very similar to the movie 300, with slowdown shots, flying limbs, buckets of CGI blood, etc (there were even some utterly ridiculous "inside the helmet" shots in some fight scenes that had me giggling in disbelief.

The show also has a monster budget apparently (4.5 mill per episode or thereabouts.. god knows where they put that money, it certainly wasn't in good actors, sets, passable CGI, etc). I've seen 10 year old video games with better and more believable graphics than this :) The progression of the show is basically fight - sex - fight - some stupid plot - fight. They throw boobs at you like you've never seen, not because it fits the setting, but because they can. Im male, and love boobs as much as the next guy, but that was interesting for all of 5 minutes. Its very much like the wet dream of a teenager who just hit puberty, which may say something about who they aim for as their target audience.

Its difficult to describe it properly, words simply escape me when i try to express how bad it is. As a series, the only thing it can be compared to is Rome, and while Rome had lots of nudity and fighting, it was always when it was appropriate to the setting. Spartacus does it "just because", and tons of it. If one adds movies to the comparison, the natural thing to compare it to would be 300 and Gladiator.

It is very similar to 300 in fight progression (but 300 had far superior actors), and it would be a gigantic insult to Gladiator to try to measure Spartacus up against it.

So in short, to sum it up, this literally... sucks
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OP Center (1995)
An excellent miniseries
6 January 2010
The 170 minute mini series is excellent, i've seen it several times on TV, and it does an excellent job of keeping the viewers attention. The unfortunate thing is that it is next to impossible to get a hold of, it doesn't appear to ever have been released on DVD, and the VHS version is a completely butchered cut lasting 114 minutes.

The cut version is still able to convey the main plot, but will leave viewers scratching their head throughout the movie as parts are obviously missing. Very unfortunate as it falls well short of what the full length brings to the table.

My rating would be: 170 minute version : 9/10 114 minute version : 5/10
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Overall excellent show
6 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Might contain both general and specific spoilers (although i try to keep it to a minimum), so be warned if you haven't seen the series.

The Terminator saga is sort of holy ground when it comes to movie-making, which was why i was initially quite skeptical to the series. The skepticism was largely unfounded, as the show hit the ground at running speed, and while having some slowdown moments, really kept up a rapid and focused pace throughout the entire first season.

This was amped up even further in the start of season 2, then it had the most idiotic mid season, and finally picked itself back up towards the end for an excellent finale and major cliffhanger that ended in..well.. cancellation.

There were many things i disliked about the show, like the seemingly unstoppable mass of people and machines traveling back in time, loose plot ends (mostly from S2's mid season), easily predictable plot lines and so on, but one cannot have everything i guess.

There were even more things i liked about the show. The effects have to be mentioned (and as i've understood it, they ultimately killed the show as it was expensive). The acting is very solid all around from both mains and extra's, but special mention to Thomas Dekker, being mostly scared in S1, and mostly an angry kid in S2, to Summer Glau (when will poor Summer have a chance to act as a normal human, hehe), and to Brian Austin Green (after 91210, i didn't think he had it in him). Also an honorable mention to Garret Dillahunt, in particular as the John Henry character.

I really liked most of the series, but felt that the writers continually wrote in as much drama and "soap" elements as they could to extend the longevity of the show rather than focus on quality. Then they seemingly just threw in a new machine every now and then to try to keep it from getting stale. Shortly summed up, they knew the beginning and the end, but how to get there was a very bumpy road. All in all a good series, but some episodes would have been best left out.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Anything but "awesome"
3 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There are some general spoilers here, but should be nothing surprising to people knowing what the show is about.

The basic premise of the series Chuck is an interesting one. Take one helpless nerd and insert him into numerous action sequences and life and death situations.

Sadly, it brutally fails in the execution, as the bumbling idiot that is Chuck requires a suspension of disbelief that beggars belief. Sure, it can elicit a laugh or two.. for the first 5 minutes, then it just gets helplessly old. And when you base the entire series on how someone can be by far more incompetent than one ever thought possible, the show completely fails for me.

The Buymore aspect of the series, makes you stretch the suspension of disbelief a whole lot further even, if that was possible.

The acting on the show however, is stellar. All the main actors (Zachari Levi, Yvonne Strahovski and Adam Baldwin) performs brilliantly, the supporting cast is also generally very good. Sadly the script isn't up to par to keep pace with them.
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V (2009–2011)
Looks promising
17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen the original, i naturally had high expectations for this remake.

First some criticism.. That its a remake really does not entitle the writers to throw the original plot out the window, and make it into a "its us against the Al-Qaeda lizards". That is, at best, idiotic, and in my honest opinion shows a general lack of intelligence. In this fiercely competitive market that is TV series though, i cant help but wonder if the network didn't want a slow buildup, but wanted more of a "straight into the action" setting. Whoever thought it up, shame on them.. stupid stupid idea.

Everything from the original plot is pushed on the viewer in the span of the first episode, making one wonder where exactly this is going to go. I guess we'll have to find out over the coming episodes..

On to the positive, the story is good (if you haven't seen the original and disregard what i've written above), the acting is mostly solid, my nitpicks would be the kids and their love interest visitor, which comes across as fake across the board, with at times abysmal acting. Elizabeth Mitchell does a passable job, it varies from great to bad. Dialogue she generally handles well, displaying emotions however, is obviously not her strong point. The rest of the cast, what little i've seen at least, is very solid.

Difficult if not impossible to give a more accurate analysis until i have more to digest. Thats my take on the new series at least :)
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Firefly (2002–2003)
Best show i've ever seen.
4 June 2009
This is easily the best show i've ever seen. Sadly, it didn't last very long before being pulled by FOX.

The acting is all-round very solid, all main characters come across as believable, from the captain that is trying to hold his crew together and keep flying, his second in command Zoe, Zoes's husband, the ships pilot Wash, the morally dubious Jayne, the "companion" (read prostitute) Inara, the ship mechanic Kaylee, the priest Shepherd Book, to the gone insane River and her brother trying to keep her safe.

Not much i can say that hasn't been said already, i'll just say that i really enjoyed a diverse crew that was easy to identify with, with an apparent genuine chemistry between them, something that is very rare.
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Castle (2009–2016)
Strictly average (sadly)
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason i am giving this 5 stars is because of Nathan Fillion, without him it would have been 2 at best.

The show is massively rehashed, doing nothing that hasn't already been done to death multiple times over. This is just a mix of various other series like Poirot, Murder She Wrote, and even Hart to Hart, Moonlightning and whatnot.

As to what i actually like about the series, both main characters (Nathan Fillion & Stana Katic) are very solid, and seemingly have a very good chemistry between them. Sadly thats more or less where it ends. Castle's "home" aspect simply stinks. I don't know if they are supposed to be the comic relief, the moral conscience, the "lets stay grounded in reality" part or what, it simply doesn't work (well, for me).
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Very disappointing
2 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't consider this to contain any spoilers, but it does cross somewhat into the progression of the show, so if you haven't seen seasons 1 and 2, be warned.

How do i begin.. i heard about the series from several friends of mine, and as TV in general has very little of quality to offer, i decided to give it a whirl.

In the last 3-4 days, i've watched the entire season 1, and i am currently half way through season 2.

Coming this far has been a struggle, i find the show to be simple (simple as in it being a derogatory comment, not "easy"), predictable, juvenile, overall ludicrous, and some of the plot lines are downright retarded. Whoever writes for this show needs to find a better career choice, like cleaning restrooms... I mean seriously, the writing is bad.

I doubt i'll manage to watch the rest of season 2 (not to mention season 3), the show, which has some absolutely amazing inconsistencies, seems to degrade further every episode, and their solution is simply to throw more new stuff at the viewer in a continuous fashion. That gets old really fast (well, it does for me, i'll not speak for anyone else).

I have no major complaints when it comes to the acting side of things. While its not exactly Oscar material, most of the actors are solid in what they do (if i am to have a complaint, it would have to be the two most stereotypical Japanese people in history, which i guess in itself is a compliment to the actors, hehe).

To get back to the "story", at the rate they are introducing new people with "special" abilities, if this keeps up for the rest of season 2 and season 3, they'll be plenty enough to fill a mid sized country by the end of it.

Sounds like being special isn't quite as special anymore :)
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