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Dirt Music (2019)
Some Arsty fartsy movie
2 October 2021
I don't know it could be the second bottle of Sauv Blanc, Kelly McDonald does a really good Australian accent, the scenery is beautiful, but I don't know what the hell this movie is about.

I came to IMDb so I could understand why I am watching this movie... I still don't know, encouraging my dogs to do toilets is more understandable.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Umm why
30 December 2020
What is this take on starting a story out of chronological order, I love the novel the Stand, I loved the 90's mini-series to the point it made me want to read the book, I devoured the book over and over again because the story was so great, I went back to the mini-series to revisit those wonderful characters. My review isn't dissing the actors in the roles for The Stand 2020, I am positive they are suited but why.,. To quote A sound of Music "let's go back to the very beginning". Whatever executive thought it would be fun to let people guess how people got sick in the middle of a global pandemic about the start of a Stephen King made pandemic I would mark that person up and sell them on.
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Melancholia (2011)
I tried again with wine and drugs (Advil Pm)
11 October 2020
I thought I didn't give it a fair go when I first saw it and was depressed, I read that the director Lars Von Trier had alcohol and drugs when he wrote this, I thought I should do the same - don't do the same
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This movie helped me say goodbye to my beloved puppies
11 February 2020
I have seen this movie many times over, I cried through my first watching and I will continue to relate and cry to my last. Losing your fur or feather or scale baby is at some point in your life and their very short lives is heartbreaking inevitable. It's such a good and lovely movie, the tears are happy and sad. Having lost both my darling girls who had been with me for 14 years within the space or 10 months from each other, we used to watch this together every couple of weeks. I hope to believe that one day like Bailey we will be together again. This movie not only helped me say goodbye but the hope that we will find each other again.
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The Lion King (2019)
Visually exceptional but lacks soul
11 February 2020
I have just adored this story and animated movie since seeing it the first time in 1993, I loved it many times over, loved the music, the characters. I have watched the new version a few times, the artists are amazing, the cgi wonderful, but there is a disconnect. It lacks the soul of the animated version
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Yeah I am Australian
24 September 2019
Ok I said it, I am Australian and I am biased, but having lived and worked in New York this gem of a movies from 33 years ago is timeless. I loved it then, I loved it a few years and seeing it again on YouTube, I really love it now. It's fun, lighthearted & typically a good Australian Bloke
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Anne with an E (Edge - that didn't need to be there)
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I am a big fan of the books and did love the 1985 take on this (of course Anne of Green Gables - The continuing story was dreadful), however I always welcome a fresh look at such a wonderful series.

Like most others who have rated this, I really wanted to embrace it and felt that the first episode was a great start. I thought most of the casting was great, scenery beautiful and OK somethings were changed/added but I didn't mind so much in this episode.

It was when Episode 2 went completely off the rails with Anne being returned to the Orphanage, Matthew trying to find her and then her deciding to make her own way to Halifax, I mean wasn't there enough in the Novels to make up garbage like that. Did it add to the story - no.

Now we are in the 21st century I am sure we can appreciate that Anne certainly had a distressing history being passed around from family to family, OK fine to perhaps explore that her past was not always sunshine and roses. Yes, I am sure as well as an angsty teenager she would be prone to lash out. But the new series argh!!!

Anne became a social outcast, rejected by the community and other students at school until she rushed into a burning building to save some of the Gillis family. By this stage I was tempted to turn it off but decided to see it through for the remaining 4 episodes.

Other items of disbelief was insinuating Diana's Great Aunt Josephine had a female life partner and her great love whom she was mourning (of course this would happen in the 1800's but did she need to have a backstory?). Gilbert becoming an Orphan and leaving school to work on the docks with a view to joining a steamer so he can travel.

The final episode of Season 1 ended on a "cliff hanger" with two men with the intention of robbery/violence/kidnapping moving into Green Gables as borders, it did cross my mind whether they were intending to set up a Meth Lab in the Green Gables Barn for Season 2.

I don't think I will be going back for Season 2
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Just gets better and better
28 August 2016
I used to love John Oliver on the Daily Show, and when he filled in as host for Jon Stewart during his 2013 absence he really was excellent (initially stiff but settled into the role).

So when he moved to HBO with his own show, I was sorry to see he leave the Daily Show but eager to see what he could do. The first few initial episodes were good and showed promise, but then John and the writing team hit their stride and week after week provide some of the most insightful and educational exposes with humor.

Best Comedy/News program on TV at the moment and I would love to see them win the Emmy next month.
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Open Slather (2015)
I truly want to enjoy this....
16 June 2015
It was with great excitement when I saw the adverts for this on Foxtel that I ensured that my IQ was set and ready to record. Being a fan of "Fast Forward", "D-Generation" and "Kath & Kim", then more recent "Summer Heights High", "We can be Heroes" and "Please Like me" - seeing some of my old favourites come back in "open slather" well I was very much looking forward to this.

OK so we are now 5 episodes in, I really, really want to like this, I want to support it. But I am at the point of nearly deleting it from the Series Link. There are some mildly smile on your face but not LOL moments, maybe its still finding its feet. But to be honest 5 weeks in after watching todays episode I am about the point of just giving up.

Thankfully in a way its on Cable and so Foxtel are not going to pull it off the air, maybe my sense of humour has changed over the years and stuff I used to find funny is about as entertaining as my 2013 episode of Cholera.
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Excellent - Star Wars is back!
15 May 2002
I'll be brief as those of you reading through the reviews would have already read the plot synopsis many times prior to my review.

I went to the 12.01 screening of Episode 2 last night and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

After reading the critics negative reviews, much anticipation on my part and three years wait, I thought it was excellent.

I loved digital Yoda, however could not notice any visual difference in the fact that the movie is filmed in Digital (of course it may not have helped being seated 4 rows from the screen).

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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