
31 Reviews
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Homeland (2011–2020)
31 May 2020
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In fact, she is not perfect at all, or even a serious shortcoming. Congenital bipolar disorder, suspiciousness, impulsiveness, nonchalant, easy to offend people, loneliness and so on are all reflected in Carrie. Perhaps it was a keen sense created by congenital disease that made her often able to see the light of hope in the darkness. There are often amazing predictions and convincing thinking. Sometimes, in order to achieve her goal, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her comrades in arms, or even her own teacher. But this is also her valuable. At a critical moment, Carrie is not ruthless and ruthless, but is more able to take care of the overall situation than ordinary people, and leaves grief to herself. In his daily work, Carrie is often outspoken, full of personality, unspeakable, even emotional, and offends the leader. Some people suppressed her, some were jealous of her, and some doubted her, but no one did not admire her.
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Little Women (2019)
Little Women
31 May 2020
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A beautiful and moving story, you will immerse yourself in it and find a different kind of warmth. Whether it's quarrels or conflicts or life trivia, you are not just an audience but a participant, who will regret Joe's refusal and be sad for Beth's departure. Following the lens of the movie, I feel the rise of female consciousness, and feel the equality of gender. No one is destined for what it is. I have n't seen the original book, but the movie is really good. It 's not just shooting trivia and memories. It 's shooting people 's emotions, love, affection, friendship. Isn't this what we have ?
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Zootopia (2016)
30 May 2020
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This city called zootopia tells us a story of a gentle counterattack to the world, embracing the blade with kindness. The protagonist of the story is a fox and a rabbit. Disney has made these two animals that are naturally enemies a pair of good partners. The lively and clever rabbit Judy and the cynical but very gentle and attentive Fox Nick have solved a complicated case in a city that seems to be peaceful, but it is choppy and hidden in conspiracy.
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Shutter Island
29 May 2020
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Some thoughts and opinions of the film are very thought-provoking. When the protagonist is the most sober, it is actually the time when he is the saddest. His wife killed his child, and he ended his wife's life by himself. It hurts. Whether to choose to face such a tragedy in the outside world, to live a painful life, or to live in shutter island, paralyze yourself, and lose yourself. Whether to be a murderer or a kind federal judge, the protagonist has made his own choice. Sometimes people can forget the past and forget things that are hard to forget. In fact, it is a kind of happiness. If so, why do people have to go back to the origin of tragedy and start again!
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
A Story
29 May 2020
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I really like the pure friendship between men and women before they found love, even if they will not be the other half of each other's soul fit, but also the people who accompany each other to the end. Paul is really distressing. When Chu was laughed at, he repudiated loudly and forcefully. Even though Chu's last love was not him, he still helped Chu to confess to her favorite love. What is true love, what can it be if it is not true love? I was soaked with tenderness, but it was a sour taste. I wish everyone can meet someone in their lives, even if they know they ca n't catch the train, they will run to see you for a while.
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A Beautiful Mind
28 May 2020
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This movie kept surprises people for two hours, originally thought it was just a movie about schizophrenia, which made people watch the broken heart, and finally found their beautiful soul. Alicia's tolerance and perseverance, John did not give up in the face of ridicule, he defeated himself through hard work. What a touching story, there are also many places that are worthy of our study and many issues that are worthy of our thinking. It tells us that we should know how to integrate into the collective, open our hearts and make more friends. Faced with patients like John, we should give more care and tolerance, rather than ridicule. What's more important is to face up to your own defects like John, fearless, and constantly overcome difficulties.
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Catch me if you can
28 May 2020
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This is a living example, and of course the protagonist is a genius. In fact, although he went the wrong way, the roots were not caused by him. Moreover, knowledge can change fate, but it cannot be changed because there is too little knowledge. Although the movie seemed dull and long at the beginning, but after going through the beginning, I found that I couldn't really skip it. I thought this movie could compress time, but later I found it was actually more difficult, and even the ending could be more abundant. The works of the male protagonist in their peak period are full of handsome and absolute performance.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
Modern Family
27 May 2020
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It is a really wonderful experience to see the modern family. In the first second, you will be nervous that you may not be able to bear the responsibilities of those families. In the second second, you will be amused by the naive fantasy that each character cherishes the same responsibility as you and the embarrassing situation that they hit directly. Lean back and forth. The tangled role of the previous episode makes you feel so heavy that you are so disappointed in life. After a few minutes, you are relieved that every problem you are worried about is being undertaken by everyone at the same time, and they are also deeply deeply Lovingly. What makes people cry the most is the instinctive love and support for each other. Perhaps for a pessimist, innate instinct and acquired moral barely match the mess of life, but the real beauty of life is that we can still choose to work hard. After that, a kiss, a glance, a touch and yet not a touch, are all making a difference.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
27 May 2020
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Sherlock Holmes, a household name, has been moved to the silver screen countless times before, and the world has been convinced time and time again by this clever, proud, and lonely talented detective. Watson, the same person as Holmes, is also lonely, and no one understands that they have become friends for life. Compared to the Holmes I saw before, the new version gives me a different feeling. The same person moved to this day in the 21st century. I have to say that the writer and director handled this relationship very well, so I didn't think Holmes had any unsuitable place in modern times. After watching this TV series, I always feel that it is a spiritual enjoyment. British humor often makes me laugh and the tense case development often makes me hold my breath. I really like Sherlock and Watson. I really hope that there can be such people in reality. What I even hope is that I can find good friends like Watson like Sherlock.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai
26 May 2020
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In the film, I saw the reality of human nature and the cruelty of history, the fate of the samurai, the helplessness of the samurai, the sadness of the samurai. The selfish peasant and the warrior fighting against life and death form a stark contrast, exposing human nature and alerting people.
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Under the watchful eye of the soul, the world is naked
26 May 2020
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The film is full of extremes, and the appearance is completely opposite to the reality. Violence and sex are staged. When everyone takes off their disguise, they seem to be confused, but they are extremely calm and smile. The state of everyone in the movie is very similar, so chaotic that there is no protagonist, but why should the movie be described from the first perspective? Lester was the only one who died, his soul was free. When a person is about to die, the brain will look back on life, and the soul will stay above the flesh. I think this movie is about gazing at the world with the eyes of the soul. Under the gaze of the soul, the world is bare. The movie perspective previously mentioned is actually the soul's eye. When I first watched the movie, I was thinking that human beings are too keen to pretend to be ill. After careful thinking, I feel that the director will not just want to bring us this emotional and extremely pessimistic thought. I think the director wanted to tell us that our soul and body should get along well, not bullying, not occupying, let alone abandon each other and hurt each other.
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A Separation (2011)
A separation
23 May 2020
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I really like this movie so much that I do n't know what to say to evaluate it. This is my consistent state of embarrassment in front of things I like. Keywords Iran and realism, stacked together was originally a blank area that I haven't known too much, but after watching it, the just plain bland throat was choked, and my heart slowly became calm again. The story that the movie tells is the kind that everyone may encounter, and like many things we experience, in the end, I do n't know or say no one is right or wrong, and there is no happy or regretful ending to define whether it is comedy or Tragedy, because it does n't matter, our life continues after each decision. What kind of decision does not seem to change the life itself. For example, the last daughter said the name of the mother or father. The ending may be separation. Reality is added to the color and temperature of the movie, and the director can also present it as it is. The clothes hanger he saw in his daze and the corner of the clothing were slightly raised by the wind. These empty mirrors have nothing to do with the main line of the movie Instead, it presents life itself.
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Braveheart (1995)
Brave Heart
23 May 2020
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Scotland 's mountains, forests and villages, the pitiful Scottish bagpipes and the stern cry of the Scottish people in the pain of poverty have already felt the real life and history, and Scotland has put on a breath of freedom. The film tells the heroic deeds of the Scottish national heroes against the colonial rule of England. At first, he was fascinated by a melodious Scottish bagpipe, and the protagonist also appeared. A boy who prematurely touched his life and parted with death. In the dream, his father told him,"Your heart is free, and you must have the courage to pursue freedom". The male protagonist of the film lay on the gallows and tried his best. "Freedom!" Can't help admiring this brave heart.
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Up (2009)
22 May 2020
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As a child, the girl may live in the heart of the fairy tale Prince Charming, looking forward to the vigorous and prosperous love. However, as we grow up and lose, we are also experiencing the sweet and bitter life of life. We are also told by people around us: there will be thorns under the blue sky and white clouds, and there will be all kinds of maliciousness in the smile. This is the ideal world of utopia that we dare not think about. But in fact, life can be insipid, knowing one person, loving that person, staying with that person, staying together until the death separates the two. What a wonderful thing. In the film, Carl and Ellie's time is always sweet and indifferent: build a house of love together, go to a picnic together, watch the sun rise and fall, and the ordinary lens is very warm.
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Personal Feelings
22 May 2020
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After watching this movie, it is difficult for me to define whether it is a comedy or a tragedy, but I tend to define it as a comedy in a tragic atmosphere, with tears in my laughter. Because the background of the story is that the daughter of the hostess was raped but no real tragic event can be found. The development of all the plot of the story is based on this background. Although there are many black humorous elements, they are all In a depressed environment, ridicule life. I described it as a comedy because the development of the characters in the story is towards warmth and reconciliation. In the last scene, Dixon and Mildred went to Idaho to track down the real murderer. The result is no longer important. The important thing is that you will find that their relationship changes, from opposition to cooperation, from evil to good, no relationship is the only one. It is always full of uncertainty. Just like the complex human nature, you can never guess what time humans will perform in what time period. The last line of the movie: Let 's decide on the road, the road of life is to decide one by one, but do n't decide easily, because. What you see may not always be what you imagine, there may be other stories behind it. In fact, I do n't think the film has a very profound theme. It just shows the life situation of ordinary people. Regarding anger, maternal love, the rare thing is that the characters in the play have been redeemed and reconciled with life.
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Green Book (2018)
Green Book
21 May 2020
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Using a gentle pen to show a profound theme, such ironic discrimination is a solution to the problem. Prejudice is indeed difficult to eliminate completely, you can fight and resist! But in the end it is to use human light to infect, penetrate, and understand. Overall it is warm, bright and exciting! The most touching bridge is the last affectionate embrace of Dolores and Donald! That is complete acceptance, approval and thanks! Letting go of prejudice and embracing what you think is right is the greatest progress.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Gone Love
21 May 2020
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The two-line narrative is a narrative structure that crosses the narrative between the bright line and the dark line, the main line and the branch line. From this film, it can be seen that the male is the bright line, the female is the dark line, the time is the main line, and the diary is the branch line. The narrative structure breaks the previous single-line narrative structure. The shooting skills of the two lines are intertwined. On one side is the police officer 's investigation of Nick and Nick 's review of love. On the other hand, Amy 's diary records gradually lead people to Nick as a murderer. The murderer's facts, under the continuous emergence of evidence and clues, the audience constantly doubts and corroborates his judgment and reasoning about the entire missing event, the interweaving contrast between the main line and the branch line, the two clues support and contradict each other. This means that the audience must constantly overthrow their prior experience with the film, so as to establish another kind of reality in the process of viewing the film, to achieve the reconstruction of the event and the film, and ultimately judge the story's organization and morality. Let the audience truly integrate into the film while enjoying the film, conduct in-depth thinking and interaction, guide the audience to explore the truth, and give the story a unique tension. Here the narrator emphasizes not an independent plot or situation, but the relationship between different clues, different events, and different characters reflected in the lens or paragraph, and the story mostly shows an open ending. Reflects the function of double-line narrative and its full charm
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3 Idiots (2009)
3 Idiots
20 May 2020
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I think this movie is a very successful movie. As a comedy film, it will bring people funny points when the audience is surprised. The movie's narrative plot is also better, interspersed with flashbacks. At the same time, the film also reflects a lot of more realistic content, such as inequality between classes, as well as differences in educational concepts and learning methods, values, etc. In that school, Rancho seemed to be a different kind. He didn't think that learning was to be memorized. Learning required thinking and creation. Overall it is enlightening.
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Amélie (2001)
20 May 2020
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These people are the mainstream and the protagonist in this film. Although they have various problems, they are not insurmountable obstacles. For example, it is full of grief all day long. In this film, the daily experience of the mainstream people is greatly diluted, and even the pen touches the heart of the marginalized people, touching their pain, and taking care of their lives equally.
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The Lives of Others
19 May 2020
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The writer in the film is a man with fierce feelings, simple kindness, integrity and courage, and a firm patriotic defender. He has the sense of social mission that ordinary scholars have and is a representative of some advanced intellectuals at that time. Wiesler is an excellent supervisor with wise and principled principles. Even if he seems to have no cold feelings, he is influenced by the common passions of mankind, and finally realizes that noble feelings are superior to everything and discards his own. Work and honor maintain the people and things he thinks are right and protect an artist. It is precisely because of the change of his emotions that the continuous development of the plot of the story. The writer 's wife is an excellent opera actor. Her ultimate betrayal reveals the weakness of human nature and the fragility of feelings in the face of trials, but the guilt and pain she displays also make people feel heart and sympathy, and make people hate society even more. The oppression, its tragic ending is even more tearful. There are also colleagues who are in sharp contrast to Wesler. They have become insensitive under the pressure of social politics, and they are only thinking about their careers, which makes people feel disgusted and deeply sad. The portrayal of these characters is undoubtedly a typical of that era and a microcosm of society.
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18 May 2020
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Before meeting him, she was a 12-year-old girl Matilda. She was rebellious and rebellious, ran into a drug dealer's father, quarreled with her mother and sister, but when she saw her younger brother, she was uniquely mature and gentle. Before he met Matilda, he was a street killer Leon, wearing a black trench coat, a hat, and black trousers with ankles exposed. He used murder as a profession, but never killed women and children.
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Thought cannot be overthrown
18 May 2020
Hidden under the mask is not just flesh and blood, but the soul, the thought, and the flesh can be defeated, but the thought is continuously passed on, and history has proved this. They were carved into the soul word by word by their believers, word of mouth, and endlessly. I can't find a beautiful vocabulary to describe the inheritance of this kind of thought. The thought itself is already the ultimate beauty. It is the only work of art that cannot be engraved. It is thought by thinkers and practiced by actors.
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Black Swan (2010)
Black Swan
17 May 2020
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Paranoid schizophrenia manifests as thinking that others are secretly monitoring and conspiring against them, delusion that they are great, and others are jealous of them and regard themselves as gods or saviors. It is not difficult to see that she suffers from mental illness due to her hallucinations, self-mutilation and other behaviors. It may be caused by the trauma caused by her mother 's control of her childhood and her childhood experience. Dopamine will be released to make you feel happy, and may also be inherited by the mother's genes. She appeared goal-oriented behavior of pursuing the perfect black swan, making her more paranoid. Some people with milder bipolar disorder can use this feature at work to pursue career success.
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The Silence of the Lambs
17 May 2020
This is a suspenseful reasoning commercial film with a strong sense of horror. There are many gloomy and bloody scenes in the film. While making the audience shudder, the audience was deeply impressed by the brutal and violent visual stimulation and the exciting tension. . After reading it, the first feeling was bloody and scared. After all, I found that everyone seemed to be a silent lamb, and everyone had to face a dilemma. If you don't run, you must stop; if you don't make a sound, you need to be silent. Externality and internality can never be unified, often divided and hostile.
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1917 (2019)
15 May 2020
Sad songs, cruel war, beautiful world, people's lives! The peace of the world, the age of peace, the advance of the age, the world of advance! The war brought life to humans, and it started to feel boring, but when the flowers fell and the song of the woods came, the sense of involvement was super strong! The ruins of the war are in sharp contrast with the beautiful environment. Hope the world will always be peaceful! War has brought us too much decline, cherish everything in front of us, peace is the greatest victory of this era!
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