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Power Rangers (2017)
Quite an amazing movie for what it is
25 September 2019
This is one of those cases which shows that movie ratings do not represent reality. To me, this movie offers so much given the type of movie it is meant to be. It's not meant to be serious, it's not meant to be dramatic. It's just meant to be a renewed version of the old TV series. And it delivers on that.

The movie follows the protagonists' to becoming Power Rangers and almost two-thirds of the movie is dedicated to that. The pace during this time is quite good. Everything, from the graphics to the directing and acting (not so much, but it gets a pass as these aren't well-known actors) is top notch.

The last third of the story is a bit rushed, but is still fulfilling. The villain's motivations are not so clear, and the same can be said about their powers. But this is Power Rangers; what do we even expect?

All in all, a very decent modern take on the Power Rangers. One can see that the film-makers have tried their best to add as many throw-backs as they could. I'm not that big a fan of them, but I got to say that this actually ranks as one of the movies that I had fun watching this year. Will definitely recommend watching, esp. if you want to watch a family movie.
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Decent but not the Rambo most will be expecting
21 September 2019
With the trailers of the movie, most people were expecting a 'Home Alone, but with hacking and slicing'. While the 'hacking and slicing' part is a part of this movie, Home Alone it is not. The movie is decent, but falls short of what most fans would be expecting. Most would also feel there is not much case for the movie to be made. The movie starts off slow showing the bond he shares with those he's left with now. We see a part of Rambo we haven't seen before: he seems to have developed a soft area in the heart. It's like Rocky is temporarily there somewhere. Things pick up midway, and that is where the violence starts. We see Rambo become Rambo the personality and the excitement starts. The problem of the movie is that the 'Rambo' part of the movie is very less. Parts shot in Mexico seem like they belong in some other action movie and not this franchise. Action is filled with violence and gruesome scenes but everything seems to happen very quickly. Even the last act is so swift that it is all over before the viewers have got themselves ready. Overall, the direction of the movie seems all over the place. The good part of the movie is the acting. Sylvester Stallone does a fantastic job once again. His fear-invoking capability hasn't diminished. The side characters were good as well. The movie takes some very bold steps, which do give more weight to the story and the motivations behind the characters. This is where the movie shines.

There aren't many throwbacks to the previous movies. As we know from the trailers, there's no mullet, no headband. But there is some good stuff at the end credits which bring in nostalgia.

Overall, the movie is alright. Directing is probably where the flaws lie, but acting is good and the story is decent.
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Aquaman (2018)
Unexpectedly great movie, with stellar visuals
18 February 2019
After the poor run of Justice League and a few other DC movies, there was little hope that this movie will do well. Add in the fact that the movie is about Aquaman, who is to many quite unpopular, and that most of the movie time is spent underwater, something that is very difficult to depict. Yet they have somehow not only pulled all of this off, they have managed to make it into arguably the best DCEU movie.

The story is about Arthur (Aquaman) gaining 'King' status in the underwater Kingdom of Atlantis, and his endeavours to stop the nation wage war against land dwellers. It is packed with amazing fights, adventure and a wonderful underwater world and its creatures. There is quite a dynamic in the characters, and it is good to see that some minor characters also get their chance to shine (Without going into spoilers, there's even a scene where nobody-soldiers have a say in the outcome of a major plot decision)

The area where the movie lacks is dialogue. It is sometimes quite cheesy, and it is clear that DC is trying to add a little humour to the movie. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work in this situation. In any case, it is not tooo bad.

Up until now I had considered Man of Steel to be the best movie of the DCEU. But this to me is much better. That means, to me, it is a lot better than most of MCU movies as well. A very high rewatch value and recommended for everyone
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Krypton (2018–2019)
Pretty solid story and enough to keep you interested
2 January 2019
The basis of Krypton doesn't seem that exciting on the face of it. It is a story revolving around a time way far in Superman's past, and, as the name suggests, it takes place on Krypton, a planet very distant to Earth. So it does not really have any superheroes in it. I will say that the first 2 episodes don't really do justice to what this series actually offers.

The series unfolds itself quite well from the 3rd episode. It story gets ever so meshed up, and yet so connected, that it is difficult to stop oneself from getting curious about how it's going to pan out. It starts out with a time/space traveller who comes across Seg (Superman's father) of the house El and claims that someone is coming to them from the future to destroy Krypton and they need to find a way to stop him/her. That being establishes himself quite early in the season, and, therefore, there's plenty of screentime for the viewers to feel dread from him. It's probably one of the best fantasy villains played on tv and everything about it is great: CG and acting.

Along the sides, there are other events taking place concerning the state of Krypton and the relations between its influential houses. That story adds to the stakes. The two things intertwine and there are twists along the way that really help the story. All this is capped off with a very convincing season finale.

With all the good, there are definitely some points which let this series down. The acting is sometimes a bit odd and many lines seem out of place, especially in the first few episodes. There is improvement in this domain as the season goes on. The sets used, especially of some areas outside the main city are quite poor. I feel that would give a bad vibe to someone watching the series just to check it out. It should also be pointed out that the show goes a great way to do service to social justice; a bit too much in my opinion. But I guess, since this about a different race and planet, it is a valid place to play it out.

I didn't feel this series much when I started watching it. But it definitely turned out to be one awesome show. Looking forward for more.
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Creed II (2018)
How much punch does the same concept have? Answer: A lot
16 December 2018
After 7 movies based on characters centred around boxing, you would think it can't go on further and whether they can come up anything refreshing to keep the franchise going. But no, they somehow do manage to keep it alive. Not just alive, they manage to make us yearn for more!

This is how good the movie is. It has everything: great fights, drama, acting heart and fan-service. Creed 2 is as refreshing a sequel a franchise can get you. The story is very obvious: every person who has ever watched a Rocky movie, or any boxing or sports movie for that matter, would know how it would play out. And the plot was already given in the trailers. It is the tension, the drama and the stakes that really rake you in. The fight cinematography is superb and the viewer can 'feel' every punch being delivered. The director and crew get a big thumbs up for all this.

Michael B. Jordan does a wonderful job as Adonis Creed. He really lets his emotions out when the scene requires. Stallone is obviously awesome as Rocky. The characters that really make this movie special are Ivan Drago and his son, Viktor. The interaction between the two starts out as simple, but by the end it turns into something so special, it might be the best part of the movie. Viktor is amazing: he's huge, he's fast and he definitely looks dangerous. He is, however, not the robotic character Ivan was in Rocky 4. Even though he doesn't have much lines in the movie, the actor is able to portray all his emotions in the character quite well.

It is lovely to see Rocky and Ivan together on screen after decades. It is something all Rocky fans would have wanted. To add to the fan-service, there are appearances of characters from previous movies that one wouldn't have thought would ever appear in a 'Rocky' movie again.

There are a few complaints I have with Creed 2. It seemed a bit too fast paced. The movie explores different characters and touches on their issues. On each subplot, it does enough for the viewer to get interested, but then it (fast-)forwards and goes to another. I think the movie missed an opportunity to explore these subplots further and to give the viewer more of a chance to immerse him-/her- self in it. That subplot of Rocky 2, where he waits and prays anxiously while Adrian is in coma, is how it should have been done (Ok maybe a little less).

All in all, Creed 2 is one beautiful movie to watch. The ending of this movie is one of the best in the franchise. It is a must-watch for family and especially for fathers and sons to watch together. It is powerful enough to make a grown man cry, especially if he's a Rocky fan.
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Detailed, but slow and uninteresting
8 December 2018
War for the Planet of the Apes picks up from where the previous two movies had left: the intelligent apes are increasing in numbers and the humans are afraid of them. Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the first installment, was a masterful piece of art. It mainly focused on two characters, Caesar, the protagonist of this movie, and his 'keeper'/friend. It was very detailed, focussing on the relationship between the two and all that fit well with how the narrative unfolded. The second installment had a similar formula of keeping the story detailed and it worked well for it was well.

That's why I had a lot of hope for this movie. Unfortunately, that very formula that made me love the previous parts, just doesn't work with this one. War of the Planet of the Apes starts out just fine, but then, just in a few minutes, the story slows down a lot: each scene is very detailed, trying to give its viewers a feel of its characters. The thing is, we already know about many characters from its previous parts, so we're not that interested about that any more. Many apes haven't developed speech, so most of the movie is in sign language. While it is 'realistic' and I give plaudits to the makers for this, it adds to the slowness of the movie, making it boring, as one just can't understand what's going on. On top of all that, the movie is quite predictable. Add up all these factors and the fact that the movie runs for more than 2 hours, it becomes slightly difficult to watch. I literally had to fast forward a few scenes because I just wanted the movie to end.

All that said, the movie does have its positives. The CGI is amazing and the apes really look as if they exist. The movie might be boring, but it is still a good piece of art in terms of story-telling and one can tell a lot of effort went into it.\

Recommendation: don't watch it if you can't stand slow movies and don't have your hopes up based on the previous two installments
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Wonderful piece. Full of action and suspense
12 March 2017
First of all, I would like to say that I have watched all 3 parts of the The Purge. The first part began the concept of the Purge and, hence, it was a pretty good movie. What made it stand out from the next two movies (and this is how it probably should be) is that it focused on normal people fighting for survival. The second part shifted from this a bit and we got a 'hero' type of protagonist named Leo, who is also the a main figure in this latest sequel. The issue is with such a character is that it becomes more of an action movie. The second part was, therefore, not that enjoyable comparatively.

This new addition to the franchise, though, corrects some of the mistakes of the first sequel. Leo's job now is to protect a senator who wants to end the Purge. Due to her stance, she obviously is an important target for the opposition. Surviving against the advanced weaponry of government forces adds some intense flavour to the movie, and, on top of that, they also have to be cautious of the other purgers. We also get to meet other important characters, all of whom have a great role to play in the movie. One's a shop owner, and the two are his friends. It makes a good watch, because the chemistry between all of them is pretty good.

Somewhere along the way, all these characters cross each other and aid each other in survival. One thing that I liked in this movie, which was absent in the previous part, is that Leo is much less like a 'hero' now. He isn't as flawless, and often it is the other characters who get the job done. Another thing that I really found nice was the innovative ideas in purging, and in the way purging can be used for personal gains.

All in all, a solid movie.
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From Straight A's to XXX (2017 TV Movie)
Wrong message
2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about a girl who starts out with porn in order to pay for her tuition fees. The acting is quite ordinary, but the movie does a relatively good job stating both sides of the argument. It throws light on the high college fees and the difficulty that students face in order to pay for it. It also states how people see porn as bad for society, but then there are others who state that a person should not be shamed for it.

The problem here lies in the message that the movie sends, which is that is doesn't matter what you work in as all jobs are 'good' jobs. Porn is definitely not a great thing. I also disagree with the argument that people show double standards when they watch porn themselves, but don't like a person doing porn. This is because even those who watch it know that it is wrong. In the movie, the protagonist knew that everyone around thought such as well, and she kept crying throughout the movie. She also knew that her family won't accept it.. yet she went on to do it. This is the very thinking that is plaguing this generation and supporting it will only burn society.

If the point of the movie was to give a message (which I believe such movies should do), it should have been that a living can be earned by doing much more respectable jobs.
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Amazing, simply amazing. Must watch for fans of CG and game-based movies
3 September 2016
Wow! Just wow! There was a time when I thought Resident Evil and Beowulf were good CGI makes. But this just takes it to a new level. This is what superhero movies and co. should look like. It gives a lot of license to use reality with graphics.

I must also say that I know nothing about Final Fantasy games, so I can't say if the story is coherent with the games or not. But I still liked it and the story wasn't so difficult to follow. Everything is fully explained.

This movie was not just CG, it had the story, the heart. You could feel what the character was feeling, and everything made sense. Have to give a 10/10 for direction as well.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Fun and engaging
15 June 2016
Gods of Egypt is simply a 'popcorn flick', and a very good one. Don't let the title make you feel it has a similar mood to 'Clash of the Titans'. It doesn't take itself too seriously, yet it manages to provide some kind of 'wow' factor.

The story is pretty straightforward: a god is jealous of king brother and decides to end matters when the king doesn't consider him to be the next heir. Things never get too complicated, but it is interesting to see a 'new' take on such characters. This is probably where the movie is so good. The fascination of how things are shown gives one even more to look forward to as the movie goes on. The CGI looks great most of the times, but sometimes it just looks OK.

Where the movie does lack is the acting department: the characters don't show enough emotion when they're supposed to, and the jokes aren't too original. Gerard Butler does great job and overshadows the rest in my opinion.

All in all, a great movie to watch in the theaters and to have a good time.
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Very engaging
24 December 2015
I am one who has never read the books, and so cannot (and do not want to) weigh if the movie is true to its source material. But I did watch the first part and was really looking forward to this one. I found the movie quite engaging. 90% of the time there was some action going on and it was always an interest in what will go on next.

The pace of the movie was adequate, even with around a 2 hour run-time and the acting was good. One of the few problems I have with the movie is that it doesn't really give an insight to its prequel. One has to have watched the previous movie to understand what is going on. They also don't really explain what certain terms e.g. Scorch, mean. This is probably surprising given that they did give quite a lot of answers to questions that were springing up in my brain while watching the movie.

Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Having read other people's reviews, I feel that the ones who have read the books will be disappointed. So my suggestion is not to expect too much in that regard
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
This is something special
23 April 2015
I don't write reviews much. Nor do I think I'm good at writing any. But I think this show deserves one. Penny Dreadful is an exciting spin on a few mythical characters we know e.g witches, vampires, Frankenstein's monster etc. All of them added into the mix and their interaction paves the way for an over-the-board storyline.

Do not confuse it with takes such as League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. This is much more graphic, adult, and in the course probably not for everyone. While it may be regarded as horror, I think it is more of a thriller.

The best thing about it is the actors and characters. I have been watching a few more shows in parallel, but the characters in this are on a different level. It is like each character is taken from its own novel (if there is any) and has a personality always tinted by it. The actors play their roles as wonderfully as possible, with Eva Green (having the most difficult role to take) performing hers with unparalleled skill.

A definitely recommended watch, although it might not be suited for everyone. I for one didn't find a single episode boring or wasteful.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Amazing movie. Must watch for everyone
23 June 2013
Well, I must say, with all the TV Spots and trailers that preceded the movie, I was very excited for it. That would mean that my hopes were high and it could have easily been disappointing.

But no! Man of Steel to me has given the Superman character the movie he deserves. After Superman Returns, everyone was complaining about the lack of action in that movie, but this movie delivers it. Not just a little, but full-packed action, exactly (or better) than how we witness in the animated versions! All of Superman's abilities were handled perfectly.

The story is simple and straightforward. Well we couldn't have expected a ground-breaking story when it's an all-start for Superman. It is more of a save-the-world-from-extraterrestrial-attack kind of movie, and very well done in that sense I can assure.

The movie has a serious tone to it. It hardly has anything to laugh at, but that's how I personally think Superman should be done.

One part where the movie lacks is the character development. But the rest of the stuff does cover for that.

So here it is. A movie worth watching and worth going to the cinema for.
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Poor in many ways
14 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looked good till I saw it myself. So much strong language (I don't mind that) and jokes only on which fools would laugh over (now that, I mind).

The characters sucked. Can't imagine a guy who portrays Iron Man in one film (Robert Downey Jr.), portray such a stupid character as in this, though his voice acting was pretty good. Jack Black portrayed another cheap character who's trying to make us laugh on farts. Come on, this is childish stuff. Get some real comedy going. Can u imagine Tom Cruise doing the character of Les Grossman. His acting okay, but that character was not his type. I hate to see him doing these things. Matthew McConaughey had a good role to play as Speedman's friend, and Coogan was fine too. Other characters were okay.

Other than that, there were lame jokes e.g. the directors head picked up by Speedman who was also drinking the blood that oozed out from it. Disappointing.

I've rated it 4 only cos of some good acting, most of it by Stiller (including the Simple Jack part, which, I have to say, was great)and few good jokes. The final 'battle' was OK. Other than that, it was junk.

Don't buy it unless u have plenty of money to waste
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Smallville (2001–2017)
A series worth remembering
18 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Smallville has shown a great portrayal of Clark's early years. It shows the struggles he and the others have to make to make sure he fulfills is destiny (although he denies that his destiny at first).

His powers are seen developing one at a time. X-Ray vision, heat vision, super-hearing and super-breath all develop in different seasons, and in different scenarios.

I liked the concept of Kryptonite-freaks. Kryptonite acts as a good source of mutant abilities. Without this concept, they would've found it difficult to bring enemies with powers, and would have had to give another reasoning (e.g. radioactive waste etc)

The talks b/w Lionel and Lex are just great. They're never boring.

There were many episodes that weren't up to the mark, like the one in which Lana becomes a kind of vampire, or like the one in which Clark gets hypnotized, and Facade But there were also really good episodes. My top favourites are Exile, Justice, Reckoning, Descent, Oracle, Transference, Sacred, Commencement, Blank, Exodus and Insurgence.

I would like to see Clark go on to become Superman now, and want more of the JLA members to be shown. Hope Season 8 is up to my expectations.
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