
54 Reviews
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Now, now.....everyone just relax and enjoy the film
27 July 2007
Reviewers act as though we should be en guarde lest such fascist control creep into our lives on cats paws. And yet, it is happening all around us. My taxes have been going up and up. Gubment spending on socialist programs to get themselves re-elected increases steadily. We frogs have yet to jump out of the pot of slowly heating water to protest. Heck we don't even demand term limits for socialists like Kennedy and Barney Frank. Next Hitlery Clinton will nationalize the health care industry and force you to pay more for know, for "the children's sake!" America the free, indeed. As for the film, for my taste, it is overdone in the homosexual and scatological shock categories. Certainly don't rent it if you want to see nude chicks. Rent Swimming Pool instead. This review written 7/27/7 before Evita Clinton's rise to the presidency.
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Scarface (1983)
f.... him, and f...... him, and f..... everybody else!
18 June 2003
Oh boy, if you view this flick as harmless ultraviolence entertainment with misplaced casting and anachronistic music etc, it is an ok ripoff/ remake of Godfather complete with Pacino.... but set in drugrunning Florida. As for the acting, well let's just let M.Pfeiffer sum it up in her own words, "I still think people will find out that I'm really not very talented. I'm really not very good. It's all just been a big sham." Yep, and she delivered just that in this flick. Still, the film is worth a dvd rental. 5/10.
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Timecode (2000)
blue donkees. 3/10
17 March 2003
I give it a three outa 10 rating. 1 point is for a cool concept....which was unfortunately developed poorly. 2 more pts for Salma's racque......which is awesome and the only reason, really, to bother renting this video. Since it rates below my minimum cutoff of 5 pts......I can't even recommend seeing it on video rental. The concept of starting with 4 screens is great....but duh, as each story reached its connection with another screen, the border between those two screens should have disappeared. Eventually all four screens should have become one and the ending should have mattered. For that matter, a plot and a script would have been welcome relief from the mess this film is. I love the way the director realizes in the editing room that the film is a he tacks on the excuse that the actors were ad-libbing the whole way through. Um, yeah....we could tell. The resulting mess is proof that a script is a good thing.
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prrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... 7/10
18 February 2003
Get it? To CAT-ch a thief? The film is not going to rank with Rear Window as Alfred's best, but it is thoroughly enjoyable nonetheless. If only for Alfred's blatant symbolistic use of the black cat, silly double entendre puns (eg, "how do I get out of this GRACEfully" says Grant to Grace Kelly). Heck, Alfie could almost be directing a Bond film! If you agree that GK is the robobabe of all time, you will love gazing at her in this movie. And, for the real kicker, if it weren't for this film, GK might probably be alive today. Yep, that's right. Read her bio, she fell in love with this coastline while making this movie. That led to her introduction to the Prince of Monaco. Eerie indeed that "the scene after she speeds along the Moyen Corniche to quickly get to the "picnic grounds" -- and away from a tailing police car (car accident in background no less) -- that she had time to look at the Mediterranean and the countryside along the coast" ends up being the area where she really does die while driving. The movie is also visually pretty, and clean, and everyone has a maid....right?
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Bill Murray's best film. Period. 10/10
28 January 2003
BM's underrated masterpiece is one of those rare films you will want to watch many times. Only a handful of films rate that way with me. All guys nod along that, "yup, that IS what I would try to do if I had the same day to live over and over again..." It is funny, droll, touching, thought-provoking. I have probably seen it a dozen times, and I still am able to pick out overlooked gems from this perfectly cast movie.
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ok vdo rental 5/10
21 January 2003
mainly for the high quality writing. kudos to coen bros. they gave good script for the lawyer. great use of lighting and facial expressions to paint the picture of suburban ennui. BBT was a joy to watch in his role. And Scarlett is a babe as Birdy......I wish I could see more of her! :->
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ah crikey, hong kong kung fu phighting all over again. 5/10
21 January 2003
laughable dubbed dialogue. silly supernatural schlock. a comicbook of hu flung pu fighting scenes. just cuz fatso Ebert has jumped on the popularity bandwagon and sung the praises of this flick and genre, don't be is more of the same ole ting. What saves this movie and makes it worth a rental (albeit barely) is the visually stunning scenery. There are many simply gorgeous landscape shots I wish I could print and hang on my wall!
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way dated. 4/10 worth watching if pops up on tv.......
21 January 2003
but mainly for the howlingly funny 1970's garb. Witness the knee length trenchcoats! The mega-fros, big sideburns.....and more polyester and vinyl than you can hold a match to!!! The car chase might have been innovative at the time, but is no big deal to watch today. Hackman is pretty good in his role. But don't spend good $ to rent it, not worth it.
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I, like cheated on you with that scum, like ok? 1/10
6 January 2003
I was going to give this movie my first 0/10 rating. But in the words of Fat Bastard, Rose does show off her "greeeeeeeeeat tittties." So, I will give it a 1/10. The dialogue makes you embarassed for the writer, actor, director and viewer. Saying f**k a lot and loudly is not is like watching a bad rock band that PLAYS REALLY LOUDLY cuz they suck, and if they turned the volume down you would realize it.
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5/10 good chix, decent Connery
30 December 2002
Ya gotta love the ample nippple effort that Basinger gives in this bondflik. And Klaus is a great evil dude. As always, you don't take bondflix seriously, you laugh your way through them and imagine yourself on the set design crew constructing big red buttons that say, "Emergency Detonation Interupt Switch" ... endless hoots.
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good chix 6/10
30 December 2002
None of the Bond flix are to be taken seriously. Ya gotta love this film for Bouquet's beauty and Lynn-Holly's body. Ok, ya gotta hate L-H's voice, but just hit the mute button and enjoy her body. This flick has it all, silly scuba and skiing scenes, helicopter rides.
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4/10 ok, but too much Jaws and Babs Bach already...
30 December 2002
Why do they have to reuse these two actors? Bach has a good body, so use it once and toss it aside......don't reuse dreary, dippy chix in subsequent Bondflix, it cheapens the franchise. Al Broc....are you listening? And enough Jaws already, he bites! This is the weakest of the bondflix, but ok for free on Bondweek on tv.
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5/10 good DVD rental. Golm developed well....
27 December 2002
Yes, they certainly did a good job with the Golm character and computerization. All of the computerization landscape and animals etc were well done. And the acting is as good as can be expected with such stilted dialogue. Don't worry if someone is kicking your seat, coughing, or crunching candy next to you.......missing any of this dialogue doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, I wore earplugs through the second half of the movie to save myself from the headache that the endless parade of battle scenes was giving me. I guess when the producers lay out so many millions they want the surefire draw of bombastic Hong Kong kung fu broadsword swinging noise that will bring back 11 year old action patrons over and over. I suggest you rent it on DVD so you can skip forward past much of the battle scenes which should have been cut to shrink the movie by 30-40 minutes. But you would be better served to buy and read the books instead. Authors don't have to resort to noise and battle scenes to sew a great story together. And movie producers only think they can.
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From Hell (2001)
taint..........hell, but taint great either. 4/10
16 December 2002
Not worth renting on vdo. But worth a watch if comes on tv for free. Heather is wasted cuz she doesnt get naked. Depp is ok......but can't save this movie from itself. The flick is very good on an art student level with interesting directing techniques/visuals. Unfortunately the cutting makes for an uninteresting plot development. By the end.....I just wanted it to end.
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pacino sux as usual.....4/10
11 December 2002
People give Pacino way too much credit. The guy doesn't act, he plays himself over and over again. And he doesn't even do that well anymore. And don't get me started on Keeanu.......oh man, is he painful to listen to. Anyway, as a movie, DA is basically a poor version of The Firm......which was no great movie either. But hey, at least Connie and Charlize are great eye candy. This movie is not worth renting on video, and barely worth watching if on tv for free.
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Waking Life (2001)
dude, hit that light switch for me........ 5/10
27 November 2002
Very cool animation work in this flick. Unfortunately, the endless existential angst theme grinds thin half way through. By the end of the movie (I saw it on vdo) I was reading a magazine. That enabled me to be both wake walking in video world and also sleep walking in the waking world at the same time. You can control that if you work on it and develop it as a skill. Linklater has creative he needs to move past the slacker angst crap and do more interesting thematic material.
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I was gonna watch this movie, but then I got high....8/10
25 November 2002
Chris Rock turns in a masterpiece cameo......"got more white chix in my trailor than the first lifeboat off the Titanic." He nails this sort of role. All the cameos were very well delivered. Gotta luv the gratuitous cleavage chix bending over for that is the sort of shot we should be seeing of Hoolia Roberts, then she would be worthy of exposure too. And Jay is so comfy in front of the camera, makes me wonder if he can cross over from this character into another role. Or is he just playing himself? Dunno. Agree with most other comments so far, Banky should have had more lines, you will love this flick if you like Kev Smith's previous films, etc. Great video rental so you can rewind to catch some more of the funny lines.
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10 things I hate about teen flix 5/10
25 November 2002
not worth renting on video, but an ok flick if it comes on tv and you happen to be sitting in front of boobtube mending your sox. nothing wrong with these simplistic teenflix that having the chix get naked wouldn't fix!!
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Mary Reilly (1996)
Hoolia Roberts fails to get naked........again. 6/10
25 November 2002
Anyone who reads my reviews (ok, both of you), knows that IMHO Hoolia Roberts is the the most over-rated, over-exposed, mediocre, self-important actress Hollywood has ever dumped on us. That said, she did a good job of underplaying the part in this flick. I am choosing to overlook her horrendous attempt at an Irish/Brit waif servant accent. Ok, let's face it, Hoolia couldn't act.... sick if she were dying of leukemia, rich if she hit the lottery, shocked if she were hit by lightening......etc. Crikey, hire a frikkin linguistic coach for a while before the film. But at least she looked kinda the part in this flick. They should have muddied up her teeth a bit for authenticity, but you know Hollywood and Hoolia! Anyway, the plot doesn't move much......but the house looks good and the upstairs/downstairs dichotomy is well done a la Gossford Park.
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GoldenEye (1995)
oh james.... 6/10
25 November 2002
Ok, let's settle a couple of things right up front. Tim Dalton blew donkeys as 007. Connery and the earlier Moore were the best. No further discussion necessary. While Brosnan looks the part, his deliveries as Bond are all variations of plywood. Plot, jeesh, what are you people thinking? We don't need no stinkin plot! This is a product placement Bond film. All we need is a bunch of over-the-top action scenes, a couple of cool spy toys, reasonably witty double entendre dialogue stuffed with sexual innuendo, and a couple of hot Bondchix to complete the multi-variate commercial. Goldeneye gives us that, so it gets a full score of 6/10. Not 10/10.....not 2/10. These are decent video rentals, that's all. U don't even need to rent, they get shown so often on tv. Scorupco is a flat-out babe, Famke is hot also. Done.
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purrrrrrrr. ok vdo rental 5/10
18 November 2002
Kirsten Dunst is hot.....but if she had been topless, this movie would have been better. As it is, you will like it if you like Agatha Christie movies/books and perhaps Gosford Park type movies. Some of the scenes bring a chuckle. Some of the dialogue is sorta witty.....but much of it difficult to hear clearly. So, not for too old folks. And not for the young punks either!
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Heat (1995)
good vdo rental 7/10
12 November 2002
A collection of fine performances turned in by all. Good plot, decent action sequences--if a tad Holly'd up and over the top. Only negative, and it is fortunately a minor one, is the silly Hollywood screenwriters' insistance upon inserting the ubiquitous and unnecessary "baby" at the end of some otherwise very clean and entertaining dialogue. I mean, really......who says "baby" with a straight face these days? If you want a really bad case of stilted dialogue, rent Heist by David Mamet.....truly cringe-worthy. Better yet, don't rent it......just take my word for it.
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Fear (1996)
Fearful bawston accent...wicked
25 October 2002
Wallyberger does a great job acting. I give him a 9 for his performance. And as for the predictable plot......well let's just say the producers were smart enough to show lots of Alyssa, Reese, Amy underwear and swimsuit shots. Way to hedge guys!!!!! Worth watching when it comes on tv.......and it does, frequently. Not worth renting. give it a 4/10.
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Who's a girl have'ta blump to get a drink around here?
25 October 2002
Linda F. nails the role as femme fatale. Also, Bill Pullman at his peak......perfectly cast both. Memorable lines, intelligently written. A great rental. 8/10. The whole culture clash of city chick on a mission meets country blumpkin is very amusingly done.
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Heist (2001)
burnt money 4/10
15 October 2002
Someone really needs to beechslap Dave Mamet to wake him up. And since I am in beantown, i guess i cant delegate that to anyone else. His dialogue is so over-written that it takes away from a few fun, clever lines that would have shined if they weren't drowning in dreck. Too many twists and turns (I won't go into why some don't work logically) and way too much dialogue full of crook jargon that sounds so un-natural it makes me cringe. Give it a miss, not worth the video rental. DeVito and Hackman do a good job trying to work with Mamet's mess. But the film cant be rescued.
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