
45 Reviews
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Open Season 2 (2008)
Direct to video for a reason
21 September 2024
My kids love the first Open Season and we watch it at least 3 times a day so I thought we would switch it up with the second one. Maybe if I didn't watch the first so frequently this one wouldn't be that bad, but when you compare them, you can see what the second one is lacking. First they switched a good portion of the cast and honestly it kills the chemistry and the depth of the original characters. You can't tell right away but it becomes very apparent as the movie goes on. Then they introduce the new characters, which would be fine if you liked any of them. But again they lack depth and real personality. They are so one dimensional and frankly stereotypical to the point of just being boring. There's no character you can really latch onto. And let's be honest the animation is strikingly bad. Distractingly bad. And the final straw is it didn't really hold the kid's attention so it's worthless.
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Longlegs (2024)
Nic is amazing...the rest is meh
2 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I had heard so much about it and am a big Nic Cage fan (good and bad). First off it's my husband fell asleep slow. The main character really doesn't have much depth. She's just weird but not even likable weird...just odd which I guess sort of makes sense later. Sadly there are a few plot holes that leave you thinking "why'd they even put that in there?" Like her being sort of psychic? Only plays a part in the first half and then isn't mentioned again. She's also a horrible FBI agent if we are honest. She literally stands there when long legs dies and again stands there when she knows what's going to happen at the end! You're telling me she couldn't have stopped that earlier like when she first walked in? Come on. Nic Cage is sooooooo creepy's worth it to wait till the movie is free and fast forward to his parts. I feel like this movie just took a bunch of ideas and threw them at a wall and whatever stuck went into the plot. Like Satanic Silence of the Lambs...sort of. Sadly even Nic couldn't save this one.
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The Traveler (I) (2010)
Could have been...but wasn't
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This had a really interesting storyline and Val Kilmer was always. Even the unknown supporting actors were good. Then there were the huge plot holes you could fly a 747 through and the dumb choices that were made with this script. You could have literally saved this movie by adding little things that maybe would have added 5 minutes to the whole movie and yet would have made it 1000 times more successful. Let's start with the relationship between the girl cop and the other guy, totally unnecessary and adds nothing to the story. Also with her character, if she's "one of the guys" enough to torture the drifter then she shouldn't be relegated to screaming and freaking out during key moments. Second, why does the desk guy pull a gun on Val like 3 seconds after he walked in? Seemed weird and unnecessary. Also, show the desk guy writing down that Val came in. It's a 3 second shot that would make something later on actually make sense. Next, don't have the state cops come in saying they are working an accident on the freeway and then show them in the woods in the middle of nowhere later, that's just lazy, if you want them in the woods then put them in the woods initially. Now comes my biggest issue and it seems like maybe this was a money issue like the production used all their money on Val and couldn't afford props? Why the hell are there NO radios in a police station?!?! They can't call anyone because the phones don't work but they don't even try a radio. Find one prop radio and be like "oh this is down too" THEN you can send the cops out to find the state cops. Then they get into the car to find the state cops...but still don't try the radio?! What?! Then she gets back to the station with the car and hits other cars...but they try and push that car out to get it going? Do they only have one cop car? Did nobody else drive to work? Again makes the movie not make sense and cheap. Also, why is the interrogation room in a bathroom? Then my last issue, they should have killed the last cop, let the nobody disappear and kept him innocent. The ending is just dumb. How do you kill a ghost? Come on. Anyway, could have been good...but it just wasn't.
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Chupa (2023)
Cute for family
14 April 2023
Definitely not the worst Netflix movie I've seen. However it's basically a Mexican E. T. knockoff. It's predictable and formulaic but it's a cute heartwarming story that you can easily watch with the kids. The chupa is pretty cute but it's nothing like the actual legend. The kid actors aren't great but passable, the grandpa isn't as stereotypical as some of the other reviewers made it seem, although if you know anything about dementia you'll find yourself wishing there was another adult around. Christian Slater's character could have been built out more. I really hope they don't make another one because it's not necessary. I say check it out, and if you go in not expecting much it will be mindlessly enjoyable.
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Heartwarming with plot holes
3 April 2023
This is the kind of movie you need to suspend your belief for and just enjoy. There are some huge plot holes, one big one just in the first two minutes of the movie (the house becomes that dilapidated in just one year? Come on.) But generally the movie is sweet, funny, and worth the watch. It's got an E. T. Type story line with ghosts. I think they could have gotten more into the family dynamic but they alluded to it enough that you got the picture. I think they wasted time with the Jennifer Coolidge part and really only put her in to get more people to watch, obviously she was great in the part, but it still seemed like an unnecessary detour in the story. The acting was solid, story was nice, and even with the plot holes I enjoyed it.
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You People (2023)
Netflix trash
9 February 2023
This is Netflix woke trash at it's finest. This movie could not be more California woke garbage if it tried. I'm not sure what was more offensive, the lack of chemistry between the actors or the boring script that has a theme that has been so overdone. Every single character was a stereotype but not to the point of being funny, just blah and awkward. The whole movie makes you cringe. It has so many lines meant to be "funny offensive" that fall flat on the funny and end up being super preachy. And the ending? Give me a break! I disliked every character in this movie. This movie was obviously made by people who want to pat themselves on the back for by inclusive. Hollywood would be more inclusive if it made movies about normal people and treated everyone equally across the cast without having to point out how the put this race or that gender or that sexual orientation in the movies. ESPECIALLY Netflix. They are famous for that. They keep putting out unwatchable trash and canceling good shows and then have the gall to try and raise the rates. Skip this movie and save yourself an hour and a half of eye rolls.
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Hereditary (2018)
Did not see that coming
3 February 2023
Man this movie will keep you on your toes! First you think it's going one way, which is like wtf, but then it gets worse. Unbelievably sad. Then it goes in another direction and you're like oh my god!!! Then by the end it goes in a different direction! There were a couple problems with this movie. First they don't explore enough of the grandmother's story. It's all implied but it would really help if they dove a little deeper. The second thing is why is the daughter so weird? Does it have something to do with the grandmother or what? Then there's the son. Let's face is Alex Wolff (I think is his name) cannot cry . His cry is jarring and fake and takes you out of the moment. Also the ending...where they expecting a sequel because it makes only 1/4 sense. So I recommend just because it's not often I don't see twists in movies but I didn't see these.
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Old (2021)
Typical M Night crap
3 February 2023
I don't know why I continue to watch M Night movies when they always fall short. Just like most of his other movies the story is interesting and could have been really good but the script is trash. This movie has some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard. The characters have no depth. The acting is only good from the guy who plays the doctor. The rest of the actors are totally one dimensional and look like they are acting in a high school play. His movies have so much potential. I really wish he would tell someone else his ideas and let them write the script. I also don't know why they cast this kid who plays Trent in movies where he has to cry. He is THE WORST fake crier ever (I'm looking at you Hereditary). All that to say skip this movie unless you want more M Night disappointment.
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Sadly overrated
28 January 2023
This is such a classic and I sing the songs all the time, but I had never seen it. I will start by saying I'm not a musical fan but I have seen a few of the big ones from the 30's and 40's. I mean Fred Astaire is amazing. So I figured I knew what I was getting into. This one is soooooo boring. It's disjointed (probably because they wrote the songs first and then the script). But there really isn't a story. Gene Kelly is good in this, but he's not GREAT. I mean Donald O'Connor is just as good. Debbie Reynolds is also underrated. I found myself doing other things and having to rewind it. I was pretty sad at how much I disliked this film. There are much better musicals out there honestly.
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Obviously the best movie in a very specific genre
6 November 2022
Obviously the best movie in a very specific genre. Seriously though the people that rated the movie low obviously do not get Weird Al. This is unapologetically Weird Al and gloriously so. All of it is over the top, and hilarious. I need to rewatch it just for the cameos alone. Daniel Radcliffe really does a great job as Al and so do the other actors (but I don't want to give any spoilers). I feel like you have to know Weird Al's material and some general music pop culture references to really get into a lot of his jokes, but I think all his humor is like that. It's a fun watch and I highly recommend it.
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The Northman (2022)
Great actors in a boring movie
1 November 2022
I watched this movie because it had a great cast and I like Viking movies and shows but for an action revenge plot movie it was so slow. This movie literally feels like it's four hours long. The main character makes horrible choices and although you know his motivation, you aren't sure why he makes some of the choices he makes except to try and drag out this story for about forty five minutes too long. The acting is good, the action is ok, but it just didn't make me care about the story or the characters. I found myself walking into the kitchen every now and again and then having to rewind it ten minutes just because I got so bored. It's sad when an action movie is boring and makes you want to walk around and see what's in the fridge instead of watching it. Sadly I can't recommend this one even with the great cast.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
Simon Pegg makes this worth the watch
14 October 2022
Simon Pegg makes this worth the watch. I will admit the rest of the characters are a little one dimensional and not well developed, including the main character's, but Simon Pegg is really good in this serious role. There are a few plot holes but nothing that really distracted me. I really didn't like the main character (Lily), she wasn't likable but again it didn't distract me. A lot of people are saying the script was bad but I didn't think it was as bad as people said. I mean it's not a Tarantino or anything but it's definitely not the worst script I've seen lately. I wish there was more Patrick Warburton in it especially in the flashbacks.
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The Munsters (2022)
Movie makes more sense when...
5 October 2022
So I was ready to slam this movie as total crap around the halfway mark and actually turned it off, but then the next day I read an article about it. I was expecting a Rob Zombie take on The corpses style...and was totally disappointed by the flat dad jokes and honestly horrid script. However, the article was Rob Zombie explaining that he was inspired to do horror by The Munsters as a kid and wanted to do a movie that showed how monsters didn't have to be scary...FOR KIDS. He made this as a movie to watch with your kids. The not great jokes and super color make WAY more sense when you watch it with this in mind. So I finished the movie and ended up enjoying it more. But don't go into it thinking normal RZ take...go into it thinking this was made for 10 year olds and you'll be able to enjoy the bad script, over acting, and super visual movie.
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The Oak Room (2020)
Hope you don't like actual stories
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Do you like movies without endings? Because this is a movie without an ending. There are multiple stories that interconnect, supposedly, but you won't get an ending on any of them? Who's Timmy Johnson (or whatever the guy's name was that the killer asked about)? No clue. Why does Stevie owe money all over town? MAYBE because of his dad...but again...not sure. Who the hell is Stellie and why do we care? No answer there. Why did the guy have his hand cut? Who knows? Why is the killer so bad at his job? Who hired him? Why is none of this on the news? All questions you won't get answers to. It's too bad because the movie had me sucked in just to let me down.
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I really wanted to like this
20 September 2022
I really wanted to like this but I just couldn't. Honestly it's just boring. The family seems nice and after seeing Maloof and the daughter on Fastest Car I was really interested to see this. I was hoping it would show them building some cool cars and more importantly seeing how the stunts are planned, practiced and carried out. Car build shows are a dime a dozen so that aspect interested me less than the stunts. The problem is it's all so scripted and with no meat to any of the segments that it's completely unwatchable. They only show you some graphics about how they fixed up these cars, with no real context. Most people don't realize that a $5000 build on a race car won't get you far, but they never explain that so it just looks like they added an air filter and some tires...boring. The stunts are 15 seconds of this is what we are going to do, then 30 seconds for the shot you saw in the movie, then the daughters patting themselves on the back. The format is crap, the script is boring, and there are about 200 better car shows out there. Skip it.
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Maysville (2021)
Wasted potential
18 September 2022
The kid's acting is the best part of this movie. It started out good and all of the sudden turned to dialogue that sounded like it was written by a 12 year old. The sets are nice, the kids are good actors...and that's about all I can say about this movie. It could have been good....but it just isn't. I honestly don't even think it's the actors, they had total crap to work with. People are saying it's like a hallmark movie but that's being generous. I'm also shocked that they act like there's no depression during this time where everyone has a job and a car to just tool around. Skip this and spare yourself.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Creepy girl
13 September 2022
I will admit this story is a little predictable in parts...especially the teen drama. It's almost like a cultish single white female. But man is the cult girl creepy. She did a pretty good job of being totally weird. The family is a mess with the mom making some horrible decisions (although it's nice to see she wasn't just forgiven by her family like s lifetime movie). The sisters acting is ok, although I could have done without the youngest...she added nothing to the story. I wanted to explore the oldest's motivations more. I was also happy to see that she didn't play the part like a Nones spin off. Overall enjoyed it and think it's worth the watch.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Decent but a little all over the place
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting show (I don't know the comic). The acting is pretty good some of the sets are very cool. I liked the story for the most part. However it's a little all over the place which makes the episode transitions jarring. It's like cool story for a couple episodes...then random story line....then another cool story...then cats. I also am not a fan of the new Netflix trend of making half the characters gay. Not because they are gay but because they are soooo stereotypical with no depth. Also this show made it seem like if you are gay you'll just jump from sack to sack. I kept watching even though I wasn't really sure if I liked it only to see a couple story lines just fizzle, like the whole thing with desire and despair, or the part with Lucifer. I feel like they could have cut out a couple random episodes (I'm looking at you serial killer conference or muse episode) to explore those stories more.
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Dope (2015)
This could have been good....but isn't
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this might be a fresh take on the coming of age story with a nice 90's hip hop soundtrack but it totally failed. The characters are flat and you never get enough depth to find out what any of their motivations are. The fact that this kid basically con's his way into Harvard (maybe? You never quite get an answer to that) doesn't seem to fit his character. The 90's hip hop angle is cool, until you figure out it's just something said in the first 5 minutes but is never developed. And these kids are obsessed with 90's hip hop but start a mid 2010's punk band...what? And did anyone else think it was creepy AF that two women over 21 are trying to get with a 17 year old kid? Ew. Story threads that start but get left commentary that is just thrown in randomly...friends that have no chemistry together. This movie was trying to be too many things at once, but there have been at least 6 coming of age movies that have done these concepts better. Super disappointed.
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This Fool (2022–2023)
Hilarious with some depth
22 August 2022
I wasn't sure what to expect but it is hilarious especially as you get to know the characters. The characters are built with good depth throughout the series and (I hope) there's another season to go deeper on some of them. The chemistry between Luis and Julio is exactly like real cousins. Everyone has real, but funny flaws. The situations are also based in real life but have that funny spin. I was very surprised by this show and hope to see more.
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The Lost City (2022)
Predictable but fun
22 August 2022
The story is predictable and there are some plot holes but overall the story gave much more depth than I thought it would. The characters are likable although I thought they could have developed a few of them more. It's enjoyable to watch if you don't expect anything but a mindless rom com.
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Uncharted (2022)
7 August 2022
Not totally unwatchable but totally predictable and with some rather large plot holes. The story has been done (better) 100 times so don't go into it thinking it's going to be new and groundbreaking and you can probably enjoy it for what it is.
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Carter (2022)
It's more of a video game
7 August 2022
This story and especially the way it's shot is more like a video game than a movie. It's at least a half hour too long. It's very much like watching someone else play a first person game. The story lost me about 30 minutes in, I had no idea who was working with who or why. The action scenes are pretty good if you can overlook how outside reality they are. I can't recommend this one at all.
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Is this even a Bond movie?
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh. What a boring mess. The writers took every Bond tradition and threw it out for this garbage and didn't even bother to give us anything in return. The chemistry between Bond and his girl friend is non-existent. Bond would never let someone ruin him for every other woman, that's ridiculous. They just throw in the kid because they need a plot device but there's no depth to that. Too many plot points just thrown in with no reason. The villain is honestly boring and why does he want the kid? It doesn't make sense. The fact that they drink to bond with scotch instead of whiskey is just offensive. This was just a disjointed script with some explosions.
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The Innocent (2021)
31 January 2022
There's a lot going on in the story so you will have to pay attention. I liked the way the characters were interwoven. You really feel the pain they experience and it's well acted. A couple of minor plot holes but nothing to prevent you from enjoying this one. The only thing I really didn't like was how impractical the cop's shoes were, it was a little distracting. Worth the watch though.
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