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Madame Web (2024)
How did this get made?!?!
21 May 2024
I know you are going to watch it anyway so let me fill you in. You're thinking, hey it's Dakota "50 shades of" Johnson, and that chick from Euphoria, plus it's a Marvel and it was in theaters, it can't be that bad? WRONG! (TL;DR: Madame Web = hella doo doo)

At first I thought that maybe they had a super small budget, because of how cheap looking it is, but there are sooooo many blatant product placements that it's cringe to the max.

Then I thought that maybe the script was written by ai, because the dialogue is soooo horrendous... but honestly a Speak-&-Spell getting punched by a monkey could've written a better script.

The acting is awful and they had to have known it, so maybe they made this whole film with one-take scenes. Maybe they're training the younger generations to accept bad writing and bad acting as a way to boost profits. Maybe it's some sort of cinematic shrinkflation, it looks like a regular size movie, it still says Marvel, but the action is smaller and cheaper and more fake. The cgi is better than MS Paint and better than that craptastic Flash movie that just came out, but it's still a total rush job, and so you can visibly see all the corners they cut. Even the villain's voice sounds fake.

Also, keep in mind that half the movie is her having visions of the future, so you see much of the dialogue and scenes TWICE! - Meaning that this is basically like 58 cheap minutes of badly acted crap, repeated, stretched, and with a butt-ton of filler, to add up to a runtime of 1 hour and 56 minutes of plops, flops, and when will it stops?!

I suppose the one silver lining is that at least we all know that Sydney Sweeney and Dakota Johnson have done alot of nude scenes before, so we can take out our phones and google that instead of watching Madame Web.
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Doors (I) (2021)
This movie just convinced me that I should be an actor
2 May 2024
This movie didn't inspire me to be an actor, that's not what I mean. This movie convinced me to go become one because I am a thousand times better than the actors in this film. This is not a bad movie, but... This movie had a decent budget, pretty good cinematography and graphics, but film starts off with some young actors who are obviously quite new. They are not very good at acting like regular people or showing real emotion. Everything in the first vignette felt forced and sophomoric, but specifically just the first one.

Josh Peck (Nickelodeon, Oppenheimer) is a real actor and so are others in this, and they are talented and believable, but the first 25 minutes is filled with unskilled actors. They chose to start a movie, the first sequence anyone would see to draw them in, the thing that would entice people to keep watching, they chose to use subpar actors.

But if people like this can get cast in an entire opening scene in a real movie with a sufficient budget, and a few famous celebs, then I could be a highly sought after, award winning actor. I know I have some skill. I'm funny, moderately handsome, I used to be in a band so I am a performer who likes to entertain, but I've never thought this was an attainable goal until this exact moment. I can instantly feel and express any emotion, on cue. I can cry real tears on cue. I can lie better than almost everyone I've ever met, and that's really what acting is. Mirroring real emotions, lying, becoming a state of mind.

Here and today because of this movie, I have decided to start looking for auditions, I have decided to become an actor as my career. If I were to get in any film of the caliber that these bad actors landed, I would instantly be categorized as highly skilled and professional in comparison to the other actors. I guess when one door closes, another door opens. And this Doors been flung wide open and I'm going to jump through. This movie has made me believe that I am one of the most talented actors on the planet, and I'm just some guy reviewing a movie on IMDb. How's that sound?
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The Gentlemen (2024)
I really really liked this but...
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing that keeps irking me is that the skip over the best parts. Every scene of action and killing is told as a chopped up flash back. Yeah I get it, Guy Ritchie is a formulaic one trick pony. But I like his past work, but this is different because it's every single episode. You only get a quick half second of the action while some one else is telling the story of what happened. A battle with nazis and explosions... passed over quick. Three people on a hit list after a fixed fight... 1,2,3, done.

I don't watch a show to see the filler, I want the meat. Unfortunately, the meat in this is shaved down to scrapes, and all your left with is a lot of lettuce. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great taco, delicious in fact, but no where near enough meat.

Worth the watch, but I'm just saying. If it happened in only a few episodes I wouldn't have cared so much, but it's every episode, every action scene.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Not as good as the original grindhouse trailer
28 February 2024
Go watch the original 2007 trailer that inspired this, the one that pops up when you watch Planet Terror/Death Proof movies. The old trailer is gorier, funnier, and even shows hoots. This is so heavy on the cringe and you think that they'll balance it out by making it crazier. Nope.

This is such a fail on Eli Roth's part, I like all his other stuff but this was just lazy. Cheesedïck basically. I was so excited to watch this because I was such a fan of Planet Terror and Death Proof, and I was such a fan of this fake trailer. But here I am watching this movie and less then half way through I start to smell farts, the odor was rising. Did I step in something, no I checked... OF COURSE! That stench was the movie rotting like a big floppy steamer.
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An episode without Rick is like diarrhea stagnated in a public toilet... it stinks.
11 February 2024
This had potential but they flubbed it, much like the rest of this season as a whole. Honestly, yes, it would have been better if Rick was in it. He could have told everyone to shut up with the dead horse that was being beaten. This just didn't feel like a Rick & Morty episode. It felt like some lesser cartoon series that tries desperately to be edgy and fails.

I have rewatched the original 6 seasons multiple times, partly because they were so entertaining, but also because they were so jam packed with jokes, references, and hidden egg nuggets filled with meta double entendres. This season like it has no rewatchability. In fact, I had watched the beginning of the Kuato episode, then returned later to finish and decided to restart the episode. Within two minutes I regretted the decision because I remembered it wasn't that good. Certainly not good enough to see again so soon, and it was so void of the hidden gems we've grown to love.

No Rick, no laughs, no joy, no soul.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
If you read the book you'll be pissed from the start
8 February 2024
It's not the flashback that bothered me, it's not that they had to modernize it, it's that they changed little things that only a person who read the book would notice. I got real pissed off and I was only 7 minutes in. I kept asking why they do this, and my buddy says it's better for character development. I can assure you that it is not. I read the Uncut edition of The Stand that had like 300 additional pages of character development, and that's on top of the massive tome that was originally published.

This is obviously catered towards people who haven't read the book, because most people do not read anymore, and because those who do read still may not be reading 1,200 page books. But for anyone who enjoyed the story and actually became absorbed into the stories and the characters you will be mad. They look different then you imagined, they act different, the little bits of story that made them who they were have been changed. Why does every Stephen King adaptation just take a steaming deuce on the original?
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Extraordinary (2023– )
I could watch this show for 10 seasons
5 February 2024
The premise looked interesting enough, but it only took about 10 seconds of the trailer to know I was going to like this. Extremely likable characters, killer soundtrack, funny, and just enough emotional seriousness. I also happen to be a sucker for the Irish accent. What blew my mind the most was that this is technically a Disney show, Disney UK. This has lots of cursing, drinking, drug use, smoking, sex, lots of sexual conversations, and it's Disney. Beyond the show being great enough to sit down and binge all 8 episodes, it is great enough that I'll remember the names of these actors. This is the first time I have seen any of these actors, but I will looking to see what else they work on in the future because I enjoyed them that much.
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Reptile (2023)
A lot of build up, not much pay off.
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a great cast, very well acted, it sucked me in and held my attention... but then it just ends. It was almost like they looked at the clock and realized that they had to finish, so they tried to tie it up as neat as possible. Maybe I have been spoiled by the twists and turns of other thrillers, maybe I have been spoiled by slow-burn films that have huge endings.

This was a slow-burn, with no big flame, and it was immediately extinguished. I honestly feel like they could have condensed everything thing that happens, because the ending feels like the halfway point. Just as things start moving, it stops. Great actors though, I really enjoyed the movie until I realized they were going to rush job the ending.

They never even explain what happened to his hand in the beginning of the film. He does injure it again at the end, and then they have the silly wax dip so the can tie in this forced notion of a reptile shedding its skin. Meh.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
This makes sharknado look like an Oscar winning drama.
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This deserves zero stars. My whole time watching the first episode I kept asking myself how could this have possibly gotten greenlit. This is a fairly bad concept, but it's the execution that kills this. Terrible CGI, bad acting, horrendous writing. Had they actually tried they could have turned the concept into something worth wild.

I loved Natalie Zea in "Detour". She was hilarious and I fell in love with those characters. So this was really painful to watch, because I'm guessing she knew what a steamer this was and still had to take it because she wasn't getting much work. Anyway.

Episode one starts bad right away. Bad acting and bad writing that is so cringe and forced that it hurts. You would think they would want to make the pilot episode look great but the CGI is awful. Looks like a syfy channel movie from the year 2000.

I knew going into this that it was about a Los Angeles sinkhole that opens up to a prehistoric hollow Earth type of situation. It becomes quite evident that they are trying very hard to make this like "Lost" and "Land of the Lost" had a baby... and then crapped on it. As if extinct animals, sinkholes, hollow Earth, or possibly a time traveling wormhole weren't enough, the father figure starts developing psychic powers! WHAT?!? Oh god, this acting is unbearable.

Now I'm absolutely floored that this got approved for a second season. I'm disgusted that the creators thought this passed as entertainment, but i am really upset that the ratings were high enough to keep the show going. This should have been canceled after 3 episodes tops (really the network should have passed on this). Viewers should be ashamed for supporting this.

I don't think you or any human should watch this, but if you have doubts then watch the first 15 minutes... if you can. Natalie Zea deserves better roles than this. I'm sure she likes the money and attention, but "Detour" was a billion times better than this and it didn't get renewed for a 5th season. And it ended on a cliffhanger!!

I'm angry I gave this a shot. We need to stop watching bad tv and force them to keep making the good shows.
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The Afterparty (2022–2023)
Season2 fails to capture the magic of season1
18 August 2023
I almost watched season 2 first because it had all the actors I had been seeing in the advertisements, and I didn't even know there was a first season. I kind of wish that I had watched in reverse, because season 1 was so good and season 2 fell flat. While season 2 appears to have a bigger budget, and it is more cinematic, it just doesn't have what season 1 had... humor.

Actually if I had watched season 2 first, I probably would have just turned it off. Season one feels like a real murder mystery, but it's also funny, the characters are likable, the music is great (Xavier's closing credits track is a legit banger), and it pulled me in so well that I binged the whole first season in a day.

Season 2 has been difficult to get interested in. After finishing an episode I have no desire to watch another, so I turn it off for a few days. You do not feel as attached to the characters as S1, so you don't really care who is the killer. In S1 I found myself guessing, but also hoping that it wasn't a character I liked. Also, in S1 I felt that any one of the characters could potentially be the killer, same way I felt watching Scream as a kid. But in S2, no one's motive seems strong enough to kill for really, and again, I don't really care enough because you do not feel as attached to the characters as S1.

Maybe it is because S1 takes place after a high school reunion, so the bonds feel more real. The story of these people having history and long term grudges is more believable and better explained. S2 takes place at a wedding where virtually everyone is a stranger, even the bride and groom. The relationships are flimsy, the grudges are silly to none existent, and the sense of urgency is gone.

As of writing this, only 7 episodes of S2 have been released, and I've watched them all. By the 7th episode (not counting the whole S1 I just watched) I should care about the characters and the story, but I don't. This is not to say they're bad, because they aren't. The actors are great, and they've done some cool episodes which are each a nod to a style of film, but the magic isn't there.

I highly recommend season 1 and the song from it "Imma live Forever" by Xavier. Season 2 is neat but meh.
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65 (2023)
There are no good movies being made anymore.
13 July 2023
Don't let the blurbs and trailers fool you, this is not an action sci-fi and there is very little to no suspense. This is just another guy and kid with language barrier on-the-road type of movie. This is really a movie that they could've filmed over a long weekend and then the rest of the effort went into the CGI, but there isn't a lot of that either.

I turned this movie off 3 separate times because it was so slow and worthless. Seriously, I turned it off at around 20 minutes in, then gave it another go later in the day from where I left off. On attempt number two I got to 47 minutes and I just asked myself why am I still watching this steamer? I couldn't answer, there was no reason and no redeeming qualities. So the next day I bit the bullet and said let me finish this hot-flop, maybe it somehow saves itself. It sure didn't.

I envy Adam Driver though. I read he never, NEVER EVER, watched his own movies, and I am so jealous that he didn't have to see that his waste of time and I did. Screw you Hollywood.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Watch the 1st episode and you won't stop
2 May 2023
Seriously one of the most enjoyable television experiences I've ever had. The concept of an 8 episode, essentially prank show is next level. It does have the fun and friendly documentary air of The Office but it is actually so much more. There are many moments that I forgot that I was in on the joke, because the interactions are so real and honest.

I put this show on last night and before I even realized it I was on episode 5. It flew by because I felt so wrapped up in the characters and the story. And as much as this is a comedy, it also tugs at the heart, especially the last episode. It had a very unique feeling of friendship, because we actually witnessed an extremely unique moment in all there lives. I don't think they could get away with doing this show again, at least not based around a court room. But I would be up to see this experiment tried again with a different driving premise, in a different setting.

That said, I don't think they'll ever find a more perfect subject for this type of television experiment then they did with Ronald. This was a one of a kind show.
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Kill Boksoon (2023)
It is not the action the trailer makes it seem
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
More of a action drama than the movie you're expecting. While this was a well made movie, and it didn't have some really excellent fights, I expected more. There's really only about 5 five fight scenes in the whole movie, and then the rest centers around a mother daughter relationship and the politics a killer for hire corporations.

When I saw the title "Kill Boksoon" and then watched the trailer, it looked to be a movie about a bunch of people trying to kill this lead woman. Maybe my brain thought Kill Bill, Kill Boksoon, but it isn't - Kill, Boksoon. The woman's name IS Kill Boksoon. The movie is just about this aging all-star assassin who is great at killing, but hasn't quite figured out her teenage daughter. She works for a company that gives missions for hits all over the world, but we don't see any of that really. We see what goes on at the company meetings and hear the rules they set as guidelines more than we see the hired killers kill. It is a good film and the characters are likable, and I thought the fight choreography was really cool. But, I went into this thinking that it was going to be a gory martial arts action about assassins killing each other and it wasn't. It just wasn't want i wanted in that moment.

Also in the beginning she does this weird flash forward that makes you think maybe she's psychic, or maybe that we'll see her play out the fights in her mind before they happen. But then early on they completely drop that idea until the end where it becomes a big component in the final fight. Weird. They should have either done more with the idea, or dropped it entirely.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
A really enjoyable binge
6 April 2023
I put this off for so long, in fact, I've tried to watch the show 3 separate times. When it first came out I tried it because it seemed to have all the elements that I enjoy in a show. It was supposedly a bizarre funny action about people with special powers, and based on a comic. It also had several actors I knew and trusted to be good. But I guess I wasn't in the mood to wait for it to pique my interest that first attempt, because after that first episode I didn't watch anymore. Some years later Netflix was recommending it to me again so I tried, honestly tried, but I lost interest after half-watching 3 episodes. Friends kept telling me it was so good but I didn't get it... until now.

The mood you're in really changes your experience with a show or movie I think. I realize now that I had a hard time getting into the show originally because I thought the characters were jerks and I didn't like them and the bickering, and in the mood I was in I didn't have time for that. But this time I was looking for something multi-season to binge, I set out to really watch it. I realized how important this jerky attitude of the characters was to setting up the entire story.

I really fell in love with the characters in this, some more than others (Klaus, Number 5), but I loved the whole journey. They were all extremely believable as a family, as people who grew up together and knew each other's ins and outs. The characters actually grow as people as you watch, which makes the family aspect of this feel more real. The action and fight scenes were all awesome. The graphics were good and enjoyed the story lines, especially season 2. Season 2 was spectacular. Loved the whole thing. Even though season 1 didn't instantly grab me, and I think that is because I thought it was gonna be too hyped, I very quickly got hooked. Season 3 i worried about after seeing a lot of negative reviews, and it had a very strange start. But season 3 has many interesting character developments.

I watched all 3 seasons over the course of the weekend and I really believe binging is the proper way to watch. If you watch all 3 seasons back-to-back you get sucked in more and the seasons feel more connected. The people I spoke with who didn't like all the seasons watched them at completely different times. You need to binge yo feel connected to the characters and to be aware of how they are changing and changing each other. Also, being that the show has different elements of time travel, I think it's is important to watch as a whole so that you don't forget anything. This way you can see the ripples affecting time and the people.

I almost wish waited for season 4 before watching, because now I feel this emptiness and longing for more, and for closure. But in a year or two when season 4 is released I'll probably just binge it all again. I really enjoyed this, and that is a delightful surprise after I had stuck up my nose for so long. If you're gonna give it a shot, do yourself a favor and buckle in for the long haul. Go into it with the plan to binge 3 seasons (30 episodes) and hang on if you're unsure after the start of season 1. Before you know it you'll be hooked and googling "Umbrella Academy Season 4 release date".
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Kleo (2022– )
One of the most perfect shows I've seen
23 February 2023
This is an odd-ball action thriller mystery, set in Berlin before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I honestly loved every second of this, but watch it in German with the subtitles. At the beginning of first episode it reminded of "Atomic Blonde" in a way, but then I realized that it was very different. If you are a fan of "Killing Eve" then I really recommend this for you. They are both about quirky females who are trained-killers, and that's where the similarities end, but it's still for you.

Now, when I say that I loved every minute, I meant it. The story takes many turns so at first I was worried that I wouldn't like this different direction. But every twist and turn I loved the show more. The acting was great and I really fell in love with these characters. At the end I wanted more, more seasons, and I'm happy to have found out that a season 2 is in the works. The music is excellent also, and at least four times I had to shazam the song.

If you do not know much about the history of East & West Germany in this time frame, this show will actually give you a good understanding and a little history. As I said before, watch it in German and do not waste your time with the dubbed version. I switch it at the beginning of one episode just to see, and the American voices were emotionless and awful. The original actors are what make this so amazing, so watch them act and speak or you will miss everything that makes this show so great.

Anyone who knows how to read and says they can't read subtitles is a liar... seriously. If you are that lazy that you need to watch the overdubbed version, just don't watch it. You'll be one of those people who says it wasn't that good, but you didn't do it right, so it's your own fault. I will probably rewatch this again.
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Black Adam (2022)
Can you count how many times the rip off Marvel?
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Black Adam... more like Whack Shat-am! So yes, there is a lot of action, and super powers, and advanced tech, an ancient tech, but it doesn't make up for the poor story writing. There's a lot of over used tropes and unnecessary moments who's sole purpose is to force the story along, and this is because they didn't do a good enough job writing (or maybe were too lazy). There are the scenes that seem cringy and redundant, but without them they would have no way to tie this jumble of action sequences together. A better writer (or even a mediocre novice writer) would connect these moments with "therefore" or "but", but this whole movie seems connected by "and then". They wrote the big budget prerequisite Hollywood action sequences and filled the story in after.

Now, let's talk about how many times they chose to rip off Marvel. Was it to try and draw marvel fans in with familiarity? Was it to trick you into thinking it was good by the tying your memories to better movies? Was it because they're trying to hop on a stylized bandwagon? Yes to all. I won't expose all the rips, because I didn't care enough to count. The most obvious ones are:

Their jet coming out of the underground hanger at a mansion and the jet's shape is completely ripped from The X-Men.

The atom rearranger guy is a rip off of AntMan. And while I don't know who came first in the comic world, I can tell you that Ant Man has always been more famous, and the fact the he's been in at least 5 Marvel movies means DC should have picked a character with different, more unique powers for this.

This atom rearranger guy's mask is completely ripped off of the design of Deadpool's. The same tight leather with flat white eyes. There's a million ways to construct a mask that is based on a drawing, and countless materials. They specifically chose these to piggyback on the love for and success of Deadpool.

The chose a character who reminds us of Storm, and a character that is similar to falcon. During the first introductions, they surround this Hawkman character with super advanced technology and dress him if traditional African patters and colors. This is to tie him to the success of Black Panther, an so you remember how much you loved that movie while watching this steamer.

Not a marvel reference but they make the van look like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo.

There are many more but I'm already bored. I do think Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has jumped the shark on this one. His acting and characters are always the same, his movies are all slices of cheese, but they've always been a good time. I did not enjoy myself watching this and it made me hyper-focused on the fact that The Rock doesn't actually act. He just says lines and has muscles. If he can act, then so can I, and so can a bucket of paint.

DC needs to quit while they're behind... their movies are behind... their movies are butt.
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Y'all wanna get weird?
23 November 2022
I was very sold by the trailer for this movie, so much so that I started the film before the trailer ended. It just had a lot of the right vibes and it look well filmed. Well I was correct. This movie was funny, dramatic, dark, very heartfelt, and had one of the sharpest left turns to come out of no where.

I honestly think the best way to go into this movie is not knowing to much (do not read any spoilers) and do not talk to anyone who has seen it if they're going to tell you the give away. That said, watch the official trailer and base your decision off of that. This movie has a great cast. Most of the actors I have seen in other works that I've really enjoyed and enjoyed their performances in. I have given this an 8 based on how genuinely surprised I was by how well done this was (and the great surprise). I will be verbally recommending this to friends and to anyone who says they will not be seeing it, I will be spoiling it for them. It's just to good.
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Avenue 5: What an Unseasonal Delight (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Season 1 = gold, season 2 = mold
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the characters that you had come to love... well they aren't acting the same, and not in a god evolved character way. Judd seems smarter and more aware, but just enough that the jokes are t as funny and no longer land. It's as if Josh Gad just didn't want to play the dumb guy. Iris is sadder an more weak and human, which means she's not iris. That captain is bo longer witty. And the absolute best character of season one, Max, only has like two lines in the first two episodes. He's not being as weird and funny, he's just waiting to say his line. It really feels like they waited too long, didn't have the original writers, and the actors forgot who their characters were.
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If I could give a negative score I would
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My friend talked this movie up for days and recommended it five separate times when I was searching for a good movie. I gave in tonight, and what a hot flop. It has a retro feel, but did not take any tips from the classics. The film had an extremely long unnecessary set up. Not much dialogue but the dialogue it had wasn't remotely interesting. Zero tension, almost zero foreshadowing, zero character development, and no likeable characters.

At 34 minute mark I was about to turn it off when for a split second something cool happens, a cool kill. Then another 40 agonizing minutes before anything worth watching happens. The end is sloppy, rushed, and doesn't look good. Since no tension was built you really don't care what is happening. And then the ending pisses you off.
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Feels like a rough draft
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did you see the movie Looper and think that the CGI faces of their younger selves was horrible? Well strap in because the uncanny valley is back. This movie feels rushed, and I'm guessing because the rushed the writing, filming, and special effects. The story is not very good but don't worry because they don't spend much time talking about it. They ignore many of the well established rules and tropes of time travel, but they also ignore the rules and tropes of a good film.
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The Feast (2021)
Don't be fooled by the trailer
27 February 2022
It looked promising and the trailer made it seem like it had received rave reviews. I will say that it was very well filmed, a great location, and fair actors. Now, according to Rotten Tomatoes "The Feast" grossed $8,000... do you need to read that again? Grossed eight thousand dollars. That said it does an excellent job making you feel anxious as the awkward character has some cringey feeling moments. Yet it misses the mark and the scenes shown in the trailer that look scary or bizarre are pretty much all out of context. Sadly, the best, and my favorite, part of the whole film is the song that plays as the credits start to roll. If for no other reason watch so you can hear the song, and then if you like me, Shazam it so you can listen later.
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How did this fail so bad?
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It had a big budget, it had major celebrities, it had a story that seemed like a grand space adventure. But what happened? The story seems to be missing chunks and they just half-assed it. It had such potential and the trailer looked cool... and that's were they stopped. Zero effort. This movie is great if you're under 13 years of age I'm guessing but otherwise be prepared to say "wtf mate".
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Wrong turns were made
6 January 2022
I was looking for something to binge and I came across Chuck, a show that I had remembered hearing some good things about. The first few episodes really drew me in. A little comical spy mystery with a splash of action. This started to wear very thin by the third episode of season two. Of course the premise was cheesy highly implausible, but in season one that was enjoyable. By season two I realized that every episode was, and would be, the same formula, the same predictable outline - something happens, Chuck doesn't listen to his handlers, his brain does the thing, crisis averted, and the whole time there's the sub plot of him and her will they won't they. A big slice of cheese.

I realized that there was no way I could sit through that another episode, let alone multiple seasons. They had something good with season one, but for season two the just tried to photocopy season one, add extra cheese, and replay it on an infinite loop.

In short, watch season one but remember Chuck quickly turns into UpChuck.
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Hosts (2020)
Don't be fooled by the trailer
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a good looking intriguing trailer, and very good production. Other than that it has nothing and sometimes too much. This movie starts off with a supernatural occurrence that may also be aliens, so you aren't sure if the characters are possessed on inhabited by balls of light. The movie then tries to be like a home invasion feel, an invasion of the body snatchers feel, it even tries to be The Ring.

The writing is terrible, so combined with the poor acting you are left with moments that completely unrealistic as to how a person would behave.

Spoiler: after witnessing the brutal murder of their mother and not trying to stop it in any way as it went on amd on (oddly the only scene worth watching) the family barely cries, no one gets sick, no one fights the attacker.

When held captive the daughter grabs her phone and calls her boyfriend instead of the police to tell him what happened. He then argues with her to call the police. She says she can't and he doesn't offer, the latter seems to be that he too is infected with this light. The characters are locked in their own bedrooms yet no one tries to climb out the window of this one story home.

At one point a story is told about a dinner party and guest. The story is about a selfish host who wants everything for themselves but the guest were in disguise. They had been kicked out long ago and were now sneaking back into the garden. Okay so now they're demons I guess, but you get infected by watching the tv show a shot of... a well (the ring), or maybe a cave.

Just don't be fooled by the production quality or the trailer, this is a real hot flop. I gave it a 3 based off the one scene that made me think the movie was gonna get better before it got waaay worse.
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One of the best shows ever
25 July 2021
Hands down this is one of the best shows I've ever watch... or could have been if it wasn't canceled after one season. It was canceled because not enough people were watching not because it wasn't good. Well written and extremely well acted. A comical crime mystery that becomes more absurd and intriguing with ever episode. Everyone I've spoke to who has seen this, binge watched. That is because once you start watching, it pulls you in and you need to know what happens next. Alas, I am still wondering what happens next. While there is no season two, last I read they were planning on releasing a few episodes as a finale to try up all the cliffhangers and loose ends.
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