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Greedy People (2024)
Top notch acting and a great script make this worth a watch...
26 August 2024
This is a well written dark comedy that keeps you watching from start to finish. The A List cast doesn't disappoint...Gordon-Levitt has played a number of eccentric roles and does especially well in this one.

The film runs like a Coen brothers movie from start to finish. Each of the characters in their quests for greed see their lives take a downward spiral. This one definitely had some parallels with Fargo and Burn After Reading, both great films of course. Greedy People had its own twists and turns that'll likely keep viewers guessing as the story unfolds.

Each of the actors did a great job in their roles and you'll experienced everything from laughter to cringeworthy moments that happen when people decide to put greed above the things which are more important in life. Was surprised by some negative reviews cropping up as this particular film is one of the better-acted that I've watched in many years. Go see this one.
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Civil War (I) (2024)
Unrealistic, but quite entertaining
25 May 2024
Texas and California in an alliance? Not a snowball's chance in hell that would ever happen. If you can get past the unrealistic fiction and backstory, it's not a bad film overall.

As the story unfolds, you'll likely be on the edge of your seat wondering what could possibly happen next. There's plenty of action throughout, and more close-up combat sequences than Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. The end was a bit of a head-scratcher from a storyline perspective, but was exciting nonetheless.

A more realistic backstory may have made this film more interesting, but I'm guessing the director left politics out for good reason. A US Civil War would be most likely to erupt between Conservatives and Liberals...and it would probably be over in less than a day considering rural America is "armed to the teeth," much more so than city-dwelling liberals who are generally not in favor of individual gun ownership.

Aside from the rather far-fetched backstory (or lack thereof), I found this to be a great film to watch overall. If you're a fan of combat/action-packed war movies, Civil War fits the bill.
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The Titan (2018)
Entertaining despite the illogical story
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of critical reviews on this one...overall The Titan isn't terrible. It kept me watching from start to finish. The actors did a good job, the special effects weren't terrible. There are far worse movies on Netflix.

The story line is full of holes and illogical events that seem more Marvel-comic-like than science fiction. It is a fictional movie, but one would think anyone with half a brain could've come up with a more sensible story. Characters turn on one another seemingly for no reason. There's not enough depth to the story...the experimental surgeries literally transform the test subjects into gargoyle-looking alien beings overnight with little explanation. Just not a well-thought-out script.

The plot would have been far more interesting had it moved along and focused on how things develop on Titan, rather than the unnecessary drama of characters getting in petty fights on a whim, ending with Worthington looking like a Gargoyle flying around by himself on a desolate Titan, with no clothes on. There's really no sense in him being there. The second half of The Titan is a train-wreck story-wise, but it's still worth a watch and moderately interesting despite the nonsense ending.
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I.S.S. (2023)
Not a bad film, if you can get past the scientific flaws
28 February 2024
First and foremost, the nuclear exchange is entirely unrealistic, and poorly portrayed. There's talk about "EMP" and most the globe looks to be aflame as if a comet collided with seen from the astronauts' point of view as they look out the I. S. S. Windows. EMP only factors in when thermonuclear explosions occur at extremely high altitudes, in space, more or less. There are all sorts of documented films of ground and air-burst nuclear explosions that the US and USSR blew off from the 1940s-early 1990s (thousands of tests in total, many if not all were filmed and documented). Did the cameras filming within 20 or so miles from the explosion end up fried from EMP? What about all the electronics nearby...the instruments gathering metrics from the explosions, for example? How about electronics in nearby towns and cities a few hundred miles away? Nope. The whole "EMP will wipe out everything electronic" is a simple-minded scientific misconception, mainly from films like "The Day After" from the early 1980s.

While some damage would surely be visible from space after a nuclear exchange...2/3rds of the globe would not look like a lava pit, inferno from hell nearly a day later. Busses and trams were running in Hiroshima just hours after "little man" was detonated over that city. Most the fires from a nuclear explosion get put out rather quickly after the hurricane-force winds from the blast wave pass through. Maybe someday one of these nuclear-apocalypse themed films will contain accurate portrayals of a nuclear far that hasn't happened.

At any rate, if you can get past the scientific inaccuracies in I. S. S., it's not a terrible movie. Definitely better than a typical low-budget "B" movie...many "B" movies have subpar acting and terrible scripts. This one wasn't bad at all. Overall the script was decent, the interactions between the characters were believable, and the film was suspenseful throughout. It's not a 9 or 10 out of 10 Oscar-winning prospect, but it's entertaining and worth a rent.
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Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar - undoubtedly a stellar film
24 August 2023
Amazing Hans Zimmer soundtrack, beautiful cinematography, cutting edge special effects, top-notch acting and script...most reviewers have praised all of these aspects already.

I've always liked the saying "It's the thought that counts." That is how I would best sum up this film. With Interstellar, the amount of thought behind the physics, theory, and science contained within the film is most impressive. This film will catch and grab your attention...very rarely have I sat through a 2.5 hour film thinking only 30 minutes had passed. I wanted another 2.5 hours. When the film ends, you're likely to think you might've been caught up in one of those gravity anomalies where 7 years can pass in just one hour...

My only criticisms were the logical leaps...for example, how would solving a gravity equation suddenly allow humanity to create a giant Ark for a mass exodus? Maybe a little more explanation there would've been nice, even if it were made-up fairy tale style. Seems like the end was a little rushed...would've loved to see more exploration through the planets and other side of the worm hole near that black hole, as I thought that was the most captivating and interesting part of the film overall.

This one definitely one of Nolan's best...thought-provoking no doubt. It doesn't disappoint. Stop reading the reviews and watch this film.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Way ahead of its time, better than the original
2 May 2023
This is more than a Superman re-tells the entire Superman story in a much darker tone, with a stellar cast, brilliant script, with an amazing Hans Zimmer soundtrack, and enough action to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire film. I watched Man of Steel numerous times shortly after its 2013 release, and it's as good today as it was in 2013. Very entertaining from start to finish. Not a dull moment. Flows beautifully from beginning to end, begins beautifully and has an incredible action-packed ending. Even if you were a die-hard fan of the 1980s Superman originals, Man of Steel is an entirely new, darker and more exciting experience compared to the originals.

Zack Snyder created a masterpiece with this film. Amy Adams is an excellent Lois Lane, Henry Cavill fits the Superman role like a glove. Russell Crowe is the perfect Jor-El, and Diane Lane/Kevin Costner further add to the excellence of the acting and cast of this movie. Man of Steel is up near the top of my favorite DC movies. It's the most polished, best scripted/acted, and most action-packed of any of the DC movies, in my opinion. I grew up as a kid watching Superman in the 1980s, and Man of Steel blew me away almost 30 years later. This adaptation of Superman is the by and large above the rest. One of the most rewarding aspects of this film was watching my oldest son fall in love with this movie when he was just 6 years old. It remains one of his favorites to this day, as a 13 yr old.

Bravo and well-done to Zack Snyder and the entire cast of Man of Steel. It's a Legendary film. If you haven't seen, rent it asap. I have not rated a film on IMDB as a 10 until this review, Man of Steel is well deserving of it.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Great series if you can get past the cliches and bad acting
24 March 2023
This series is filled with cliches and amateur style acting. It's the kind of acting you'd expect from a 1970s porn movie. Some of the emotional outbursts of the characters make no sense at all, and it's almost comical how quickly these characters can randomly show up to respond to calls or take care of incidents. It's like they're all flying in space ships or warping around inside the show.

I didn't really choose to watch this one, the wife found it on Netflix and I sat idly by half paying attention to it. Couldn't help but laugh at some of the scenes and cliched one-liners that you thought would've died during the disco era.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Not a bad horror flick...similar to Fallen (1998)
8 March 2023
Docked this movie a few stars simply because the plot has been done before...Fallen (1998) starring Denzel Washington had nearly the same premise. An evil spirit that can jump from one body to the next. Smile follows a similar plot line, with some minor variations (the evil spirit in Smile looks a lot like Marilyn Manson, which in and of itself is quite frightening), making the whole story somewhat unoriginal.

Don't let the similar plot line stop you from watching Smile is fairly well acted/directed, it has a number of scary "jump out of your seat" moments that make this film a great horror flick. It's fun to watch. Although this film did not have the A-list cast of Fallen, the actors did a great job nonetheless. If you enjoyed Fallen, you'll certainly enjoy Smile. Give it a watch.
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Violent Night (2022)
Cancel the Oscars, Violent Night should win every one of them
27 December 2022
I'm going to save everyone a lot of time and money on the 95th Annual Academy Awards by just coming out and telling you this movie is going to win, hands-down. No point in watching the Oscars in 2023 because one movie alone will dominate the Oscars in every category...except drama, because A. Nobody watches drama and B. It's not a category.

This was among the best adult-oriented, bad-ass Santa, violent, dark-comedy, skull-crushing Christmas movies ever made. It deserves every bit of the 10-star rating. Any ratings with less than 10 stars were probably written by pansies who couldn't handle the constant hammer-to-the-face action scenes that this movie packs. This movie stomps so much ass that they'll have to import rectums from other countries just to keep up with demand.

The placement of Christmas music during the face-smashing scenes was downright brilliant. You'll laugh your ass off throughout this entire movie. It's insanely fun to watch. Pure comedic genius. The cast was perfect. The acting was spot-on. The catchphrases were unique. The script was an absolute masterpiece that should go on display at the Smithsonian Institute. Ho-ho-ho-ho-hoooooly sh**. This movie is the gift that keeps on giving every time you watch it. Buy it for your family, your friends, your neighbors, spread this holiday cheer to everyone you know.

I know you're thinking "This movie sounds awesome, so why even go on?" Why indeed? Stop reading these reviews and go see "Violent Night."
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Gets a C+, just like Ralphie's Theme in the Original Film
24 November 2022
Don't raise your expectations so high that you expect this sequel to rival the original (most sequels fail in this regard). However, it's not bad and worth a watch. At the very least, it was great to see that many of the original cast members were brought back, 40 years later.

I was a huge fan of the 1980s original, grew up watching A Christmas Story (1983). In fact, i watched it so many times as a kid that the VHS tape was literally worn out beyond use, to the point where the sound and picture quality had completely deteriorated. Good thing modern digital media has truly preserved the film, so that I can enjoy the movie to this day, as if I was watching it on a brand-new VHS tape in a quality VCR.

While this 2022 sequel captures nostalgia of the original, the nostalgia seems a little forced to the point where this movie crosses the threshold of being a tad corny, akin to a "B" movie. It's not great, and the forced nostalgia gets a little old halfway through this film. Some of the scenes are moderately entertaining and somewhat unique...this sequel clearly tries to become a comedy as it progresses, but I didn't find anything particularly hilarious. I think the writers/directors/etc. Could've been much more creative with this film, taking full advantage of the film being set in the 1970s. This form feels more like 2022 clashing with a 70s set as the background and fails to properly capture the time period, a stark contrast to the original which captured the 1940s time period so well.

This one is not an A + + + film, it's also not an "F." It is worthy of a C+, has its entertaining, nostalgic moments, and overall is a fun movie to watch. It could've been a lot better.
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Plot has already been done (Click w/Adam Sandler), but still a decent watch
12 June 2021
Long Story Short, as another reviewer already mentioned, this movie is really the Australian version of "Click" (Adam Sandler) using a tin can instead of a TV remote. If you liked Click, you'll most likely enjoy this one. Regardless of the plot and storyline being more or less the same, Long Story Short is still an interesting movie nonetheless. Fun to watch, great dialog, well acted.

So, long story short, no pun intended, this movie is a variation of Click. Worth watching overall because as a RomCom it's probably one of the better ones out there.
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Cancel the Oscars, Willy's Wonderland wins it in every category
19 February 2021
First and foremost, to those who are expecting a Best Picture film, this is it. Nic Cage doesn't have to say a word, he delivers a best-actor-worthy performance by shredding up demon-possessed Animatronic Chuck-E-Cheese robots with his bare hands for nearly the entire film. What more can anyone ask for? The film is entertaining and keeps you watching right into the ending credits...that's more than I can say for most of the films released over the past year. This one's a masterpiece and should be at the top of everyone's must-watch list.
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