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Rapa (2022–2024)
Interesting plots, gorgeous cinematography but a bit slow
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is great, as well as the background characters storylines, everything is nicely written and smoothly linked with no plotholes. Although sometimes it feels like nothing happens, some speed would make it even better. I especially loved the foreshadowing with some elements like the books on the shelfs.

Mónica López does an amazing job and Such a pity that they have placed the show in Galicia yet they seem to forget the language natives actually speak. It looks like there are not enough actors and actress who know how to speak Galician instead of those fake accents that make your ears bleed.
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9-1-1: Pay It Forward (2023)
Season 6, Episode 18
Was this supposed to be a finale?
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You're telling me not only did they write this as a finale of the season, but they also had suspicions that this may be the show ending if ABC didn't pick it up. Wow, I'm in shock.

They promoted the emergency so much that I thought it would be like the earthquake or something similar, but it was the animals on Hollywood all over again. No one was really hurt, nothing too dramatic and it was wrapped in like 15 minutes. Such a let down.

I'm happy for Bathena, although I feel like Athena and Bobby didn't have much going on this season. Except for those two arcs which were more about random characters than themselves.

Glad to see Maddie and Chimney happy. For a second there, I thought they were going to make them elope and I was ready to fight for their right to have a nice celebration.

They remembered Hen and Karen were supposed to be foster parents after two seasons? What a miracle!

Don't get me started on Buck. That boy has not learned anything in the last 6 seasons. The actor is talking about Buck 6.0 and it's literally Buck 1.0 time and time again. They just throw random bland girls at him and hope one of them will stick. To do so, they may want to introduce a character that actually has a personality, played by an actual actress that knows how to act, and with some development instead of of just picking any 'actress' with no chemistry with Oliver and make them date after 15 minutes. Who in their right mind asks a person who fled his house as soon as she saw he wasn't the nice perfect firefighter who died to go look for a new couch? He is literally a manchild and this is the same thing they did with all his previous love interests. It's just so boring.

And last but not least, Eddie. The poor guy didn't have a single storyline in 18 episodes, people were complaining so the writers were like: Ok, let's give him an arc about dating (again), let's pick some random latinas and choose the one who had the least chemistry or interactions with. It would have made more sense if he called Vanessa back, or even that woman from the Cursed emergencies, but this one? It makes absolutely no sense, and it is pretty clear that the actor just doesn't like having these romantic scenes, because he just looks so fed up every time they have him in one of these weird dates.

On a last note, so sad to see almost no May (although it is because the actress is busy, but I just love this character); and Chris once again being there only as a cute complement for his father or to make Buck look good. He deserves arcs of his own.

When the move to abc was announced I was pretty happy because I saw this show going downhill since season 4 and I thought this may change things. But you can't fix something that is rotten from the inside. Unless they change the showrunner, half of the writing team (all those new faces with no experience we have seen since the pandemic happened and the show started having money problems) and even some actors, then everything will just stay the same, but in a different network.

This show looked so promising back in season 2 and 3, I can't believe how it turned out. Imagine having this main cast (please, Angela Bassett is there!) and such a poorly written show, what a waste of talent.
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9-1-1: Love Is in the Air (2023)
Season 6, Episode 17
They decided to create our worst nightmare
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maddie proposing was the only positive thing of this episode, at least they finally got a cute moment.

But then, can please someone tell me what the writers were thinking? Such a horrible episode. I was willing to give it a chance even after they posted the guest cast list, but boy was I wrong.

Bringing Lucy and Taylor back for this? It wasn't enough with an actress with the emotional range of an ameba, they had to include two of the worst characters of the show just to confirm that the writers are misogynistic and they only see women as a complement for their single men.

Eddie playing gold was funny, but that last scene? It was bad. I really don't understand why they can't leave them single, when they don't know what to do with their arcs, they keep bringing random woman after random woman hoping for any of them to stick.

Nobody likes them, and not because of ships or anything like that, but for the fact that except for a couple of them, the casting team has done a terrible job and hired actress that don't know how to act. And then the writers go and create the most boring characters with no personality that are there only to smile and that's it.

They have tried these storylines since season 4, it didn't work then, it won't work now. Let's hope ABC decides to fire the showrunner and half of the writing team, because they have really ruin this show. Tim should get the original screenwriters back, the show hasn't been what it used to be since he left and took them with him.
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9-1-1: Lost and Found (2023)
Season 6, Episode 16
Maddie and Chimney deserved better
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I could talk for days about Hen's part in this episode, but I'm just going to say that she didn't pass the vibe check. Someone who claims wants to become a doctor and acts that way about mental health and abusive relationships, red flag. And it's also quite ironic that she's the one judging Maddie's behaviour as a partner and a mother knowing her backgroun as a cheater.

I am happy for Maddie and Chimney and we all knew the next step was wedding. I'm just sad that after all the have gone through together, instead of having a romantic nice proposal, they are doing it for the taxes and everything is just a filler comedic scene.

Kind of tired of the dynamic of Hen and Buck, in the last season it has brought nothing but cringe to the show.

Also... did they really wasted half of the episode for that mall emergency? It was the worst, writers clearly don't know what this show is about.

Looking forward to seeing that network change (and maybe some screenwriter / showrunner modification), maybe it is the only way this show is savable.
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9-1-1: Death and Taxes (2023)
Season 6, Episode 15
Eddie and Chris saving an awful episode once again.
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is definitely done and there's no turning back. Bad episode after bad episode, same old storylines that didn't work in the past bringing them back because the writers and Kristen don't have one single creative idea.

Using taxes to make Maddie and Chimney marry is just so bad, they have overcome so many things and instead of allowing them to have a nice proposal and so on, they decided to use this excuse. I can't believe their relationship has been so poorly treated this season, cutting scenes, rushing through everything and just hoping cute scenes with their daughter would appease the masses.

Let's hope this means they will finally stop using Shannon as an excuse for every arc of Eddie and Chris. Obviously you just don't move on from you mother's/wife's death, but it feels like everything that has happened to Eddie and Chris (expect for the shooting) was because they missed Shannon, and it's just boring now. However, that scene at the graveyard was so emotional and Gavin and Ryan did an incredible job.

I can't believe they ruined it with having Buck there talking about a person he has only met who only cares about him because he died. I'm just sick and tired of Buck having useless storylines, and him being thrown down he dating road every time they don't have any new ideas. At least he used to have chemistry with the girls, lately it's just awful to watch (I guess Oliver is also tired of this, and he decided that we should suffer from second hand embarrassment).

The excuse is that he needs these arcs to see that he has people who love him, but they have been doing so in season 1, season 2, season 4, season 5 and season 6. One of these days, it would actually have to stick, I guess.

This guy doesn't need a girlfriend, he needs a therapist. They need to stop bringing girl after girl to develop his character, it's just plain misogyny. Women are not complements to men to help them move from one point to the other.

In other seasons, when the personal storylines weren't it you at least had emergencies to make it interesting. It's not the case.
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9-1-1: Performance Anxiety (2023)
Season 6, Episode 14
Speechless (not in a good way)
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I promised myself that I wasn't going to leave more reviews because lately they were all negative, and it just wasn't worth it.

But I really need to let whoever from the show is reading these things that they have lost their way completely.

Glad to see Ravi back, but the fact that some other characters got to explain why they weren't there and he just disappeared for 14 episodes and they were like: Oh hey, do you remember this guy?

I wish they would have done something similar to Eddie though. Not a single plotline in this season and the first time he has some screentime is based on racist stereotypes about latino families and the fact that Kristen and her new writers are obsessed with sex scenes and everyone having a relationship, even it is forced.

They are literally repeating Buck's arc from season 4, so I guess in some episode Eddie will find some random girl to date until they break up in the middle of season 7 (if they get one).

The guy is doing perfectly fine, therapy is clearly working, he's loving his life with his son and the 118, why do they need to force him to have a romantic relationship? Not everyone has to be in one all of the time, being single is great too.

I really don't understand why these writers that have never written before, only since Kristen started being a showrunner keep getting episodes because they clearly don't know how to create fluid storylines.

Buck's sperm donor has vanished and it will probably be back in a couple of episodes to fill in some time. They really need to stop creating small arcs and making them appear and disappear however they wish. What happened to foreshadowing? What happened to pace?

And the problem is that it isn't only on this episode or this specific arc. It has happened to every single storyline they have created for the last 2 seasons.

At this point it will be better for them to get cancelled, because I'd rather remember how good season 1 to 3 were, instead of watching these newbies (both writers and directors) messing this show up.
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9-1-1: Recovery (2023)
Season 6, Episode 12
This show was supposed to be about first responders
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's a quote out there that says that if something is working then you shouldn't change it. I guess the 9-1-1 writers should apply this.

I'm happy to see more of Bobby's addiction, but I would love it if it was about him and not about some random characters whose names we won't remember in a couple of days and that have been in just one episode.

This investigating episodes are just boring and more times than not a way to portray copaganda.

Buck's arc was weird, I guess... Just some scenes about it without really talking about his recovery or lack of it.

It's been a long time since the show lost its essence, but the last few episodes it's just as if it was a different thing.
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9-1-1: In Another Life (2023)
Season 6, Episode 11
And we're back with the filler episodes
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was no need to include a whole episode about the Buckleys as if they were in some way redeemable. I don't this showrunner's obsession with having people appear 2/3 seasons later and act as if nothing had ever happened and now suddenly everything is good.

I was not expecting a big presence of Eddie because they usually just ignore him in this kind of episode, but to have Buck to talk to everyone at the 118 but his best friend is just enraging.

I really don't understand what the show is doing anymore. Even when I think this couldn't get worse, they go and prove me wrong.

The only good thing about this episode was Gavin (Chris) being the best thing that has ever happened to this show, once again. That kid is going places.
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9-1-1: Red Flag (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Boring episode as a midseason finale of a season full of filler episodes
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It really has been 9 episodes and nothing important has happened. Buck's storyline makes no sense at all, if they wanted him start thinking about paternity and whatnot there were many interesting ways to do so (not whatever this is).

Maddie and Chimney's development has happened mostly off screen. I'm happy that they're good again but I would have enjoyed more if we actually saw them working to get together, they literally were slipt up one episode and then everything was great again, with no in deep conversation or anything important happening.

Athena has mostly been a side character this season, and that feels like such a waste when you have Angela Bassett.

Eddie's arc has been a way to fill in some minutes when they don't have anything else. Midseason finales were usually about bringing everyone together, and they literally didn't include two of their regulars in there.

It feels like the Wilsons are the only thing that somehow makes sense anymore. I would have loved if most of their scenes went pass that cute family portray, but at least they are amazing together and their storylines are not as horrible as the rest.

And lately: The (lack of) emergencies. Not only have had to watch 10 minute emergencies about the lamest most boring topics that when they finally have a decent one, they wrap it up in less than five minutes. The Santa Ana winds could have totally be a big emergency like this show used to do, but of course they don't take the opportunity.

At this point I don't really know what they're doing with the show anymore. The arcs involving the mains are boring, they don't have a purpose and instead of flowing through the season, they just come and go as a swing. The emergencies are too long and boring and they are only related to the title because they say the name. And the overall feeling of the episodes is just like a brick of information that won't go anywhere and it won't mean anything.
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The Bear: Braciole (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Great season ending that gets you excited for the next one.
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Considering how anxious the last episode was, this one was a great way to end this season on a somehow happy note. I'm so thrilled to see what the next season will bring.

Tina using the blue apron was so touching, I have been waiting for this moment since the very beginning. Marcus coming back made me so happy, we'll see if he finally has his amazing doughnuts next season. And although Sydney had some questionable actions in episode 1x07, her presence in that kitchen is so interesting.

The scene of Carmy in that AI-Anon meeting was heartbreaking and Jeremy did an amazing job all season, but especially there, you could see his guilt and pain from miles away.

Very excited to see what changes will see with 'The Bear' and which problems they'll have now that the main one has been solved (or so it seems).
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9-1-1: What's Your Fantasy? (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
If it isn't Eddie saving the episode, then it is May.
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to know what has happened on the show this season, because next episode is the midseason finale and Chimney has been there as a comic relief, everything that has supposedly happened on his relationship has happened off screen, Bobby has been there (I guess), Eddie hasn't had much going on (just a couple of scenes with Chris), Maddie is literally just being a mum, Athena had one episode about the past and then she has disappeared.

At this point the only thing that can save the show is Kristen being gone with the four writers that are now credited for all the episodes and clearly don't know anything about the storylines as the most experienced ones (and yes, I'm talking about Nadia, Stacey, Nicole Barraza and Taylor Wong).

The way they have split Eddie and Buck is so noticeable now, and it's not just as a shippers pov (I don't ship them), it's just that they used to be friends and have scenes together and now Buck's suddenly having scenes with Denny just so they can justify their decisions. But what can you expect from someone who has brought back an actress that has said horrible homophobic things against the LGTB+ community for scenes that could have totally worked without her there (and yes, I'm talking about Cocoa Brown).

The only good thing about this episodes was May'a arc and Eddie dealing with Chris' first crush. I just hope they don't make May become a police officer, because we have enough copaganda with Athena and I really don't need them using another black one to make the police look like the good guys.

We have come to a point that even the ones who used to be good writers don't even know what to write anymore. Because if I haven't talked about the emergencies it's because they were so boring there is nothing to talk about.
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9-1-1: Cursed (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Eddie Diaz the saving grace of this show.
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They should make a spin-off of Eddie and all the women of the show (Karen, Linda, May, Hen, and so on) living their life and spending time together because the rest is just wrong step after wrong step.

The emergencies were once again bland, the actress of the main storyline didn't help. Thankfully Eddie and Athena did the hard work and were able to pick the slack up.

Buck's storyline is pure nonsense and I don't know why they didn't talk about it for a month and now it's back. The couple is being very manipulative and Buck is being naive. The poor guys has been having terrible arcs for almost three seasons now, no wonder Oliver Stark doesn't promote the show anymore, he clearly deserves better.

I'm so mad that we didn't see Chris at all in that last scene and we only saw a random woman that will never appear again, which looks like the type of woman Kristen likes.
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9-1-1: Home Invasion (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
Filler episode to introduce next week's
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty boring overall. This show is just so predictable right now that nothing is exciting anymore.

The firefam dealing with Hoover was a comic relief, Hen and Karen are too good for this show. And it looks like Hen's doctor arc is finally getting somewhere after years of going on circles, although I don't think I want to know the end, because if Aisha is leaving then that's just utterly bad news.

The main arc was anticlimatic and pretty boring, including all the emergencies.

Maddie and Chimney has solved all of their problems off screen.

The only exciting thing about this is that last scene of Karen being in danger, she's just so good and she'll rock next week's episode.
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9-1-1: Animal Instincts (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
Once again the Diaz family is the saving grace of the show
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understan what they're doing with Buck's character anymore. He used to have decent arcs and now it's just like he's going to puberty at 30 years old. He was obviously going to regress after being so self-destructive for the last season and a half, but he's just acting so annoyingly.

Totally ignoring the fact that he said yes to the couple without even telling them that cancer runs in his family, that such a horrible move. Let's hope at least the clinic does its job and they don't allow him to donate. Because if the do, that will be just bad writing.

Eddie and Chris' arc was the best as always. Eddie dealt with Chris' attitude the best way possible while showing he's still learning and even asked his dad for his opinion. It's such a joy to see them getting well together, Ramón, Helena and Isabel need to move to LA so we can see them more and have the good kind of drama.

Maddie's emergency is probably the only interesting emergency of this season. The little girl was amazing and the storyline was heartbreaking.

Hen's arc seems to be going back in circles, let's hope we see more interesting stuff about her. And also Chimney, who has been on the sidelines for far too long.
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9-1-1: The Devil You Know (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Must have watched the wrong show since I thought 9-1-1 was about firefighters
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They tried it last year with Harry's kidnapping and failed, but they needed to confirm it 100%

As much as the story could have been interesting, at least in season 5 we got to see the rest of the team and Harry was a character we cared about. But I have absolutely no interest on knowing aboy a murder that has nothing to do with the main cast, in a different city and that's probably going to be forgotten as soon as Athena and Bobby get back to LA. Given that Kristen's favourite hobby, as runner-up of destroying one of the best shows on TV, is to have things happen off screen.

I wish I was disappointed, but this is something I totally expect as long as that woman keeps the reigns of this show.

As much as we all love Angela and Athena, we don't watch this show for the copaganda. It's time some lets the writing team know.
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9-1-1: Crash & Learn (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
Average episode
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Still not getting it right and at this point I feel like they will never do until Tim is back and Kristen is gone.

It's better than season 5 for sure but they keep having very long and boring emergencies. The cheating arc was literally 10 minutes long and it was definitely not necessary at all.

I'm happy that the 118 is together again and they at least have some cute scenes, but thye keep missing the cue in most emergencies and their personal storylines are not that emotional yet (let's hope they get better with the episodes).

Eddie and Chimney are back to being side characters and I definitely don't like that at all, especially when it looks like we'll have a whole episode of copaganda (but in Florida, diversity, right?).

Only positive thing about this episode is that Buck's arc looks better than his past few ones, and we got some Wilson scenes.
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9-1-1: Let the Games Begin (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Glad to have the original firefam back.
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved seing every family together again, although as always the Wilsons didn't have much luck with their screentime. But this feeling of the working together had been missing for a season.

However, the episode in general was quite underwhelming. The blimp emergency was a blink and miss, just like the animals last season. And the rest of the emergencies had no significance at all, I have just watched the episode and I can't really remember any of them.

I loved Hen being a captain. Buck storyline looks interesting, let's see if he finally find the right couch. And the scenes of Buck and Eddie with Chris, and Maddie and Chimney with Jee were the cutest thing. The Buckleys deserve to be happy with their family.

The part about Lucy breaking her leg was so unnecessary and offensive, and dare I say a bit racist.

Any of the 118 were more qualified than her, especially Chim and Hen who have more experience than her and have been working with the 118 since the very beginning, even if Chimney decided to decline the offer they shouldn't have asked her first. Wasn't she the one crying for an emergency were nothing bad happen? Is she really the person that should be a captain? Kristen Reidel really needs to stop with her obsession with her. Let's hope that at least this is the last we see of that horrible character.
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9-1-1: Starting Over (2022)
Season 5, Episode 18
A filling episode as a finale.
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing happened in like the first 50 minutes of the show. The emergencies were all underwhelming and they have already happened before, you would think they'll take advantage of a finale and try to be creative but instead they brought the maggots out again.

It was not necessary to hearse minutes on extras when some of your mains hadn't even appeared in a scene yet.

The only good thing was Bobby's arc and May and Eddie trying to help him, it's lovely seeing them as a family. This kind of scene have been severely lacking this season and that's part of the reason why it was so bad.

Even the wedding/vow renewal was a let down. Did they really have to have Lucy there? Once we finally gotten rid of one misogynistic female character we need to bring the next one. This is just so boring and this telenovela needs to stop.

Kristen Reidel really thought she would save this season by writing and directing the finale and she was capable of creating the most boring finale of the whole franchise.
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9-1-1: Hero Complex (2022)
Season 5, Episode 17
The Diaz dynamic is so interesting.
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved their scenes and I hope they keep developing Eddie's arc with his family because I feel it is an important topic to many latinos as well as other inmigrants with similar family history.

It made me so happy to see Eddie's growth and finally standing up for himself and doing things for him and not his son.

The rest of the episode was a big let down to be honest. They hyped it up and I felt like it was too obvious that Monday was the bad guy, so it wasn't shocking at all. The overall writing of that arc was pretty cringey and I suffered from severe secondhand embarassment in some of the scenes.

It definitely wasn't the worst episode of the season, but it wasn't good either. The writing department is severely lacking lately, this isn't the show it used to be.
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9-1-1: FOMO (2022)
Season 5, Episode 15
Are we ever getting back to the good old days?
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Average episode with nothing much going on.

The only interesting thing has been Hen and Karen (I wish they'd focus more on side characters we know and love instead of others), May and Eddie at dispatch working together, the two seconds we got of Maddie and Chimney and May's storyline.

The emergencies just don't feel like the same, there's a weird aura around the team and Lucy being there just makes everything worse. She has like 5 lines and none of them makes sense. They are telling us she's a badass woman (still haven't had the pleasure to encounter that) but since it looks like they are lost, I'll lead them in the right direction. A little hint, Karen, May, Maddie, Athena, and Hen are badass women, whatever they are doing with Lucy isn't.

It's sad that a fan favourite like Buck has been reduced to a white boy that does nothing other than deal with his toxic romantic life. It's just disappointing and it literally throws away 4 years of development. If Taylor and Lucy aren't there he doesn't have anything to do, and it's just boring, let him have some interesting arcs.

Can they please focus on Maddie and Chimney, and Eddie again? They are the only interesting thing that has happened to this show since the premiere of season 5.

Whether it is the new co-showrunner or just the format being burned out, this season has been nothing like what this show used to be, and instead of sticking to what the audience likes (main characters and recurring characters we have known for seasons) they keep bringing new people with no acting talent to portray boring characters. I'd rather watch 42 minutes of the 118 going to pick cats from trees, than whatever the hell this is.
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9-1-1: Dumb Luck (2022)
Season 5, Episode 14
Better rating than the rest of the episodes because this time around it felt like the good (Eddie Díaz) outshined the bad.
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie Díaz and Christopher Díaz continue to be the best thing that has ever happened to this show, their plot this season is great and Ryan and Gavin are doing an outstanding job portraying their characters.

I also love how Buck can perfectly be in a healthy relationship for once, ironically it's not with Taylor. He has some issues that he needs to take care of that come from his trauma of being a neglected kid, and it's nice to see that when it involves the Díaz family, he can look pass all that trauma.

I couldn't care less about Lucy or Jonah. They are unnecessary and annoying. It doesn't make sense that an older woman (the guy that was in charge of the light in that scene with Buck hates her) with experience on the field (or so they implied in episode 5x11 and 5x13) is having a hard time about an emergency where they nothing happened.

I still don't understand what she brings to the show, she's not the daredevil they said she'd be, she doesn't have any chemistry with the cast and everything she has done could have been done by Ravi (or Albert if Anirudh couldn't be there as much).

Glad to see Karen back, I missed her so much and she's such a great character that should have been given way more screentime.

That scene with Taylor was not needed at all, nobody but Kristen Reidel and Arielle Kebbel like this love triangle, please stop shoving it down our throats. We'd rather watch any of the main characters doing laundry.
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9-1-1: Fear-o-Phobia (2022)
Season 5, Episode 13
The only stars this episode will get are because of Eddie and Ryan's acting
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the good, because Ryan did a terribly good job in that final scene and his arc is the only thing that's looking good this season. It's been building for the last 3 years and you can see that he understands his character very well and wants to do him justice.

The rest well... it just continues to be bad, the emergencies were boring and such a let down.

Maddie and Chimney coming back was cute, but I honestly don't understand why the writers are obsessed with doing things out of our screens. It doesn't make sense that they broke up and we knew just by a single sentence, the same way the solved Buck and Chimney's issue and we didn't even see an apology. At this point we'll have to assume/imagine half of the show.

Buck's drama is worse than a telenovela, and the acting on their fighting scene was just horrible, so uncomfortable to watch. They always acted as if Taylor was a badass woman that fought for what she wanted and she literally didn't care about being cheated on, it's so out of character and they always write women from misogynistic pov, it's tiring. I don't know why they keep prolonging this.

Lucy and Jonah bring absolutely nothing to the show, other than being boring and thinking they are someone. Who does Lucy think she is to talk about Chimney's height? Can they stop bringing unnecessary people who are badly written. I mean, I still don't understand what was the purpose of Albert and it's been almost three seasons.

I thought once Chimney and Maddie were back we may start seeing the old show back, but sadly it hasn't happened yet. At this point it looks like this season may not be savable at all. The only way would be if they made the whole show about Eddie and Chris, because those two are the only ones who kill every single storyline they are a part of.
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9-1-1: Boston (2022)
Season 5, Episode 12
Good episode of a terrible season
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When you have actors/actresses like Kenneth and Jennifer is hard to do a bad job.

It was a very well done episode with interesting storylines, but I feel like even if Jennifer was on leave in season 5A they could have developed this arc way better in there instead of throwing it all in in one episode with no one else.

Yes, it was good, but I miss the 118 ensemble, and not seeing any of them for 42 minutes just before a hiatus of two weeks is not really a good thing.

Overall the acting and writing was nicely done.
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9-1-1: Outside Looking In (2022)
Season 5, Episode 11
The Díaz boys saving a horrible premiere
22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The emergencies were meh, including the one based on Speed, it was such a let down.

Then they decided to destroy Buck's character and he took Hen down with him. This cheating storyline makes no sense and it's just disgusting. I don't even like Taylor and I hated how Buck acted.

He gave me secondhand embarrassment throughout the whole episode, but that was just horrible. And then instead of feeling guilty he asks her to move in. This guy was lecturing Eddie 10 episodes ago about how to treat someone you love.

I don't know if the show will ever recover from this horrible season. They're literally copying what they did in season 3 when Buck was out of work, but making it worse.

Bobby making the same mistakes again, Eddie is now Buck in season 3 and Buck is Eddie. I've got to say that Eddie's fighting arc was more intersting than this one, at least he didn't cheat, lie and then acted as if nothing happened.

Jonah, the new guy, was kind of funny but it won't bring too much to the show since he'll be gone in two episodes or so.

Lucy, Arielle's character, was awful and as a woman I'm tired of these writers creating misogynistic female character to develop men and then throw them out as if they were a trash bag (see Tatiana, Shannon, Taylor, Ana, Lena and Ali - these last two are the least problematic ones to be honest -). I can't believe they thought this was a good idea and someone would like her.

And finally, it's worrying that they keep replacing poc for white people who don't even know how to pronounce their last names. They have Ravi, Jamal, Linda, Karen and the main characters and they keep bringing new people that aren't interesting. Kristen Reidel should just give up because after two seasons it's pretty clear that she doesn't have a clue on how to run a show.
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Encanto (2021)
Average disney movie with great animation.
24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The colours and design are amazing, and Colombian culture references are beautifully done. The story is captivating and the songs are catchy as ever.

Overall the definition of generational trauma and how everyone has their role inside a family which create big expectations that can take a tool in their mental health is great and has a lot of potential to normalize how hurtful familial relationships can be. However, it feels like the ending was a disappointment and quite rushed.

The story had way more potential than they showed.
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