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The Rape of Richard Beck (1985 TV Movie)
Great Movie, also known as Deadly Justice, available on DVD
22 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when it first came out on television. At the time, and still today, male rape is rarely spoken about. It is under reported even more than crimes against women. I found this little gem at Big Lots in Huntington Beach California for only $1.50...It does not come in the fancy book style DVD package, but in a little cardboard holder. Crenna's picture is on the cover, under the title Deadly Justice. Hearst owns the rights. It is in the video section. Richard Crenna was always one of my favorite actors and he had a lot of guts to take on this subject matter. Meredith Baxter has a small but important part as the rape counselor. At the end Beck becomes a speaker to graduating police cadets about how rape can happen to anyone, even a man, even a cop. Great movie!!!
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Hollywoodland (2006)
Boring; not enough Ben, too much Brody
14 September 2006
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I wish the filmmakers had spent more time on the life of George Reeves. Including his early years and the beginning of his career. Over half the movie seemed preoccupied with the skinny Detective Simo, played by Brody. His low rent life, and the second case he was investigating with the crazy man who ultimately murders his wife, were unnecessary and distracting. And why would a cute blonde actress hang out with a poor, unattractive, rude detective? Diane Lane did do a fantastic job, and Ben Affleck came across well in showing Reeves as a frustrated shouldabeen major star. In fact, Reeves is as well known, if not better known today, than many of the major stars of his time. I saw this at the Big Newport, a huge theater, and only about 15 other people were in the giant auditorium to watch it with us. Several left before the ending. I think Lane should get a nomination for her part, and that's the best I can say about this film.
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The Swimmer (1968)
Burned out, turned out gigolo swims home
2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Near the middle of the film, Neddy recalls how he met his rich wife, Lucinda. He was in steerage, sneaked up to first class, and there she was... I have seen this film 3 times, and still find it depressing, yet totally intriguing. I think I have finally, possibly figured out some of it, (not where Neddy has been for two years). Near the start, one of the wives he flirts with denigrates Lucinda as "President of the League of Women Voters", which Neddy does not seem to comprehend. He obviously is unaware of the passage of time, although his neighbors consistently refer to how long it has been. When he gets to the third house, an older woman there tells Neddy this is her house now, and that Neddy never visited or called her son in the hospital. Neddy does not seem to know what she is talking about, although this house belonged to his friend, this same woman's son. At another house, the hot dog wagon he painted for his kids has been bought at a white elephant sale. He still thinks it's his...Neddy has a big mind block, but what caused it? Janice Rule tells him, "You were thrown out of your golden playpen!" Which seems like his wife kicked him out of the marriage for philandering, but there is something else even worse... At the recreation pool, Howie and the other "working class" people speak of his daughters in the past tense. Not like they have left town, but possibly have died. I think Neddy lost his daughters, friend and wife after a tragedy, divorce and mental collapse. Not a happy ending. But Burt looked hot all the way "home"...:-)
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I watch this movie every time I see it on!
2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Barbara Stanwyck was in her late thirties when she played Phyllis, and wore a wig, but she looks every inch the seductive femme fatal. The only flaw I personally see in this film is the fact that Neff starts to fall for the immature stepdaughter, who is so daffy she already has a boyfriend that treats her like dirt. Phyllis's husband is also not the kind of guy that garners your compassion, even when they kill him. Although they don't show how Neff actually kills the husband from the backseat, or talk about it, it seem plausible that Neff broke his neck. After all, a knife wound would rule out the possibility of an accident, and there was no gun shot. I grew up in Glendale, Ca. and several scenes in this film were shot in the the same town in the 40's. Not everything has changed all that much geographically. I love old movies that show LA as it was. The obvious father/son relationship between Neff and Edward G. Robinson makes it so much more exciting. It's amazing that Robinson's character, who is so quick to feel the "little man" in his stomach when anything is wrong, would fail to notice the character flaws in Neff, even before the murder. I guess Phyllis just brought out the underlying dormant evil that was always in Neff. But her evil was never dormant, up until the moment when Neff has a gun at her chest and she tells him she couldn't pull the trigger on her own gun again to finish him off. Too late now, "lady"...
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Femme Fatale (2002)
The most enjoyable piece of trash I've seen in a while...
10 November 2002
I saw this movie in ultra-conservative Orange County, California. About one third of the audience (myself included) laughed in most of the right places, and just sat back and enjoyed the bodies of the gorgeous actresses and actors. The next third didn't know if it was politically correct or proper for themselves to do so, and the last third wouldn't admit they have an ass when they are sitting on it. Be that as it may, I always enjoy Antonio Banderas in anything, and Rebecca can actually act (if she can make it through this with a straight face, she can make it through anything). If you don't take things too seriously, then you will enjoy this film...but I do think that Brian DePalma has spent a wee bit too much time in France...oh, well, what the hell...:-) Fun for adults, don't bring the kids.
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Gattaca (1997)
One of the finest films ever made.
9 November 2002
Gattaca ranks near the top of my favorite films. It never fails to make me feel like I should never give up trying to reach my own goals, despite the difficulties. And I love the way that Irene, after suddenly discovering Jude Law in place of Ethan Hawke, still stands up for her man, and helps him when the "Hoover" cop is after him. Gore Vidal is perfect as the ambitious, murdering Director. His remark to Anton, that "nothing that would prevent one from being a police officer, for example", when Anton questions him about the mental capabilites of the Gattaca workers always cracks me up. And the musical score is fantastic and suits the film perfectly. Lastly, I love the way Irene and Vincent wake up the night after being together, and as she washes her face, she believes (incorrectly) that Vincent has committed murder, yet she still loves him and protects him.
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Overhyped, never ending product placement, but thought provoking.
6 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, they sure wanna sell us that Lexus, don't they? I'll bet the car manufacturer was expecting people to be lining up around the block for a copy of Tom's car! I did like the scenes with the vertical freeway systems going up the sides of the buildings, (instead of aircars). I also liked the mall entrance retina scanner, that bombarded Anderton with "personalized advertising", sort of a verbal version of the spam that we all get in our email. But I thought it was stupid that the Gap sold exactly the same styles of clothes that we all wear now. I do think the movie should have ended sooner. *Possible Spoilers* I still can't figure out why Max VonSydow had Anderton set up to meet the fake kidnapper of his son. Why would he want Anderton out of the way? Anderton never knew VonSydow had murdered the mother of Agatha the precog, until after he was set up, near the end of the film. Also, who was the real kidnapper of Anderton's son? I think it was the "surgeon" who told Tom about how he had wanted revenge against him for being sent to prison, while he was under the drug influence just before the eyeball switch. All in all, far too bleak a future for me to live in...
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Unfaithful (2002)
There is only what we do...and don't do...
27 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Just goes to show you, if you have an affair with a married person, it's not a good idea to invite their angry spouse in for a drink... I enjoyed seeing Richard Gere and Diane Lane together again. Their last outing was "The Cotton Club" and both of them have matured very nicely, thank you. SPOILER ALERT I didn't find it believable that Lane's character would be so stupid as to leave sexy underwear that she's planning on wearing to her lover's house out in the open for her husband to see. I also keep thinking, that if she'd just given her hubby a good time in the bathtub, he would never have had her followed... The ending made little sense either. The police would never have been able to prove anything without a confession, so why give up their lives (and that irritating kid of theirs)by spilling their guts to the cops? If that is what they did...we never find out, do we?
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
A great film, in it's own way.
28 December 2001
I saw Vanilla Sky twice over the Christmas holidays. I must say I enjoyed the second viewing better, since everything fell into place. The film had a lot of meaning for me, in that you have to stop just dreaming in order to live a full and real life. And coming to understand the feelings of others, when we treat them carelessly. I think Mr. Cruise will definitely get an Oscar nod for this film. He deserves it. I also enjoyed Kurt Russell's performance, although he is much more handsome than they made him out to be, and buff of body, like he was in the film Soldier. Since I like science fiction, the way it turned out made sense to me. This was a great film, in it's own way.
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Could have been better...
9 November 2001
If everyone in Los Angeles ran around having sex in car washes, water fountains, public balconies, etc., I would know about it. (I live here.) The scene where the lady cop pulls her gun, then believes the young, skinny black thug is Barry White was utterly stupid. Chad Lowe does a good job as a rapist suit lawyer. I especially liked Peter Dobson, he has real charisma, and a voice exactly like Martin Sheen! Hilary Swank has come a long way since this stinker, both in her career, and her craft.
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A love story for adults...
10 September 2001
I just watched this film for the first time as an adult. I still have tears in my eyes. I wish they made movies like this now, without all the crass "sex stuff", that seems to be required all too often. Obviously, Jennifer Jones and William Holden (perfect casting) have great passion, but they have true to the mark tenderness. My favorite line is "The greatest strength is gentleness", and William Holden portrays an intelligent, gentleman. He and Jones looked fantastic in their swimsuits, and when she asked him to bring her a cigarrette behind the rocks, I thought for sure they were going to have a torrid make out scene. (Or at least torrid by 1955 standards.) But no, she makes him wait! Also, a woman physician, who is Eurasian, was quite an idea back then. This movie was way ahead of it's time in many respects. I intend to get it on DVD, so it will last forever, just like their love!
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