
21 Reviews
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Riot Girls (2019)
Gory and fun
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Almost wish this movie was longer so they could add more characters and explain backgrounds on why people know each other and how things ended up they way they did etc.

Scratch was a punky rebellious character and made the movie feel like a total punk category. Loved the characters and the simple plot, a little more back story on Nats brother would have been nice. But I loved how the film managed to capture rebellion, love, fighting,apocalypse and gore into one seamless movie. Did feel like there was something missing and the end didn't fully satisfy me but for a low budget not so well known movie I loved it.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
3 September 2023
Stupid ugly hate it so bad it's so hard to watch I'm cringing please ban this show please I'm literally gay and can't even stand this show it's sk bad help I'm gonna actually start praying to a god because it's so bad I'm worried every actor might end up in some place worse than hell for those "acting" skills they are so bad part of my lifespan and brain cells have been burnt alive due to the cringe and absolutely horrible show please oh my gosh someone take this show off every streaming platform, burn any copies and we can all pretend it was never written I think world peace would arise, world hunger would be solved, equality would be rewatched and criminals would become angels if this show had never been written.
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What.the.hell. Bawling my eyes out rn
3 September 2023
Seen this show over and over, at least 5 times now. When I say I cry everytime I mean it. I'm not a cryer, for any show. But holy hell did the actors body Jamie and Dani and heartbreak and love and everything in between. Their love story was so beautiful that I will never recover. I quote this show often, the script and lines are absolutely beautiful. And for a show set in the 80s I feel like they made the lgbt love sorry aspect so beautifuly intertwined that everything just felt normal and natural. Jamie and Dani will always hold my entire heart, just have tissues ready for the end of your watching. The show was just perfectly splendid:)
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
Like greys anatomy, but fire, and worse.
3 September 2023
I rally went into this show thinking I would love it. And I didn't hate it. But I didn't love it either. The mix of greys anatomy and station 19 universe was...odd? It felt like either the two shows were in competition or were trying to be on the same level of career show with drama and action. In either case greys anatomy wins. The filler scenes of the firefighters actually doing their job was all. I skipped many scenes of grandmas falling or cats in trees or someone coming into the station with a wound. The rest of the show was fun, and the station itself. But they needed more lore, to build loveable characters. Did love maya and bishop tho <3 now someone tell Disney to upload season 5 in Canada. Been waiting years.
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Rookie Blue (2010–2015)
Late watcher
3 September 2023
I'm a few years late to the 10.... But the moment I stumbled across the show I binged every episode possible. A key component of a good show is a main character who isn't unloveable. And Andy McNally is exactly what I call a loveable character. She hits hearts with the role of a rookie in some less than ideal situations. And the writers devoured her character stability and left no crumbs. Finally a charecter who isn't in 100 relationships with drama left and right. Just a solid show, loveable cast and entertaining plot and scenes. Even the filler scenes while on duty, this show made me want to become a cop...then I remembered I never liked them to begin with....but the show made me love 'em! Until it ended.
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Dance 100 (2023)
Potential was there, presentation was not.
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Right away From episode 1 there are clear issues with the show, that even stand out to the audience: the first major issue is the dancer to choreographer relationship. The choreographers are all stressed and taking it on on the dancers and there are clear biases between the dancers disliking the choreographers, and then when the judges ask the dancers what they thought, they politely attack the choreographers as they smile and nod, this interaction is so awkward to watch as an audience. I feel like in watching bad reality tv. I clicked on the show out of interest in competition shows and stopped after the first episode, this show is made for a clear one audience, young dancers only. Watching these choreographers and dancers stress and freak out at and over each other is something non dancers won't comprehend, the amount of stress that comes with this. As a non dancer I find myself laughing watching this and confused as to what the hell the point of the show is. Reality tv? Actual dancing? Acting? Just the money? And the episodes are to long, they had an idea for a show and rushed it and that is very clear by the hour long episodes with barely anything included in them, just the dances and random clips in between. It's not very entertaining and the episode feels so long. Look it's not a bad show, but it isn't good either. I wouldn't recommend it.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
19 January 2023
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We're the ones who live. What an ending to this 12 year series. That ending, I felt, did the show justice and showed aspects of the walking dead that really needed to be highlighted for a series finale to be so impressive. I grew up with this show and still haven't comprehended that this was the end. What a monumental show. I started watching for my love of the apocalyptic theme worlds, and never thought I would watch 11 seasons. The only longer show I've seen was greys anatomy, but the difference is that these 11 seasons of the walking dead felt like 2. "Time goes by when your having fun" and truly it does, but this show not just kept a theme, tone and basis of a show while making it interesting, but also captivated attention enough to envoke so many different emotions. Essentially, this show is a roller coaster of emotions, you laugh, you cry, you scream at the TV, you get mad and upset and then your smiling again. Crazy how involved I got with this show, proving how well it grabs audience emotion. I will always temper the walking dead?... Although magna totally needed more screen time, I wish.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Nice to see a memorable movie like this these days!
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a movie! I sat down as it was recently released to Netflix and thought, I'll check it out as see if I want to watch it or not. Never expected to sit down and watch every last second. It was a heart pounding movie with beautiful suspense and implementation. The thing that made it a palm sweating movie? With a simple row of characters, easy to follow plot and one setting. You felt as if you were part of the movie. Thinking along with Shiloh and Becky on how to get down or what to do next. I know many people say they were yelling at the TV when the girls weren't doing the un obvious to get down from the tower. But these are regular characters, and I'm glad they did not make them rocket scientists , thinking of every idea to get down, makes the movie so much more real. Many movies I've found in the recent few years have been something I watch in the background and think "decent movie, glad I trekked it." But never feels like a memorable one for the books. "Fall" 2022 takes the title and my jaw, dropping with it. Great movie ! I give it an 8 stars because there were not to many visual elements that wowed me other than high views. Sure they are great high views! But that's all they are. Despite the cinematics I thoroughly enjoyed the plot twist, though I caught on to it a bit too early, understanding that Shiloh did not catch the back pack and did not actually know what wrestlers she was talking about becuase it was Becky's min, and ruined the moment of reveal for myself.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
Broadway musical outdid this modern attempt.
13 January 2023
Should have stopped at the original musical. For people who didn't see the original musical wether on broadway or not , this movie may be incredible and a great way to put a movie into song and dance. But as someone who's been a die hard Matilda the musical fan since the broadway musical came out, I was so upset watching this movie. Whilst it had potential that was taken by the choice to cut songs, scenes and characters for no reason other than producer preference. The 2010 musical gave me chills even watching through video and left an everlasting impact on me. This movie was extremely disappointing and was a sad attempt at modernizing a musical that did not need modernizing. If anyone cares well enough, do yourself a favor and listen to the broadway cast recording track, and experience the brilliant songs you have missed out on. While the movie was not a terrible movie, compared to the actual musical , it was (as miss honey would say) "pathetic".
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"Critic" reviews shock me.
7 January 2023
Some of the critic reviews I've read have shocked me with hidden Homophobia. I hope those reviews are taken down, seeing as they are supposed to be written professionally and we're not handled in that manner. This is a historic piece of a film and presented a true story in a dramatic time piece while capturing a beautiful authentic connection of love. I love this film and rewatch it to understand the hardships, passion and unconditional love between Elisa and Marcella. Still shocked by some of the critic reviews. Lovely film of you have the patience to understand and watch it. If you can't handle a romantic time piece based on a rue story, then this isn't for you so be on your way. But don't leave homophobic reviews.
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Unique and loveable show and cast
29 December 2022
Mostly writing becuase I'd do anything for a season 2! Just binged season 1 and feel in love. So many different aspects of the show are loveable from cast to the game to the feelings created. Felt so many different emotions and feelings while watching but kept me smiling every episode. The cliffhanger leaves me dying to know what happens spoilers! The realism of the show is also amazing showing history like events taking place while reeling a beautiful story through the peaches team. Totally hope there will be season 2, but with the rate lgbt shows are cancled, I won't expect one right now.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Killed Lexa and ruined show
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers

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Heartbreak High (2022–2025)
As a gen z, yes.
10 December 2022
As a gen z teen who watches all the latest I find myself cringing at a lot of teen shows nowadays. It's too 80s with the whole vibe, or painfully older than teen years. I wanted to hate this show but I think it's the best gen z rep I've seen. It just has so many true aspects to it of being a teen nowadays and even how they presented romance in the show for teen years. Wish we could have seen more to be honest, it's a show I would watch a few seasons worth if they came out but still loved it even without the extension. Good show and felt like someone from my generation helped write it , very relatable.
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It grew on me
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went and saw it in theatres and I was a bit young when it initially came out but still loved the movie. It has such a mind boggling theme too it that you are always questioning everything all at once. Plot was easy to follow if you are paying attention, and felt like a physiological challenger. Now that I look back on it I hear "this is a life" everytime I think about the possibility of what could have been in my life. I would love to rewatch the movie but don't have prime and I also feel that I would get more emotional the second time watching than the first. The full circle moment of just peacefully living doing laundry and taxes fills every part of my heart that it could possibly have filled. I will forever love this movie as it made me mature and I find myself questioning everything, everywhere all at once now.
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Do Revenge (2022)
Gen z Teen movie fs
10 December 2022
This movie is really accurate with its references, style, hooks and just overall vibe. It's very gen z oriented and I kind of love it. Lots of movies that try to capture gen z just end up overly corny, clearly created by someone who doesn't get gen z. But as part of the controversial generation this movie mixed some fun things were actually into with some cool twists and some extra typical teen movie stuff like drugs , love and violence. Anyways felt like a cute movie for teens and I appreciated the lack of cringe. Felt like there could have been a bit better romance or at least the way romance was presented but overall good job.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Season 2 plz
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I truly enjoyed this show when I didn't think i would. Fighting nuns usually isn't my go-to-show but Ava was such a unique character to choose, and alba babtista captured Ava in a way no one else could. As a victim to social media, I tend to have short attention span for tv shows unless I'm hooked . And while warrior nun kept me on the edge of my seat, I was never indulged in the show, I would usually watch it in the background as I studied or cleaned. Fight scenes still don't interest me all that much but I give props to the physical work put into some of the epic moves in the show. Do hope to see season 2 even if it's the last season as I want to see is Beatrice finds ava again/what happened to her.
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The Prom (2020)
Little me would sob over this
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. First discovered the prom through the music in early 2020 and then watched a bootleg version of the musical on YouTube later in 2020. It hit me hard and I have never connected to something so much. I cried the first time I watched the musical and the first time I watched the movie. And every time I rewatch it I still cry. As an LGBT teen the unruly heart scene with all the people connecting to Emma's song truly renched my unruly heart. I spent many quarantine nights quietly singing , dancing and crying to this musical.

The ending prom scene always gives me goosebumps and leaves me smiling so hard after. I truly can't put it into words how the prom has impacted me but it changed so much about me and made me so confident as a young teen.

The prom has been in my life for 2-3 years now and as an almost adult now it still sticks to me and reminds me of how I connected so hard to the prom and felt so much like Emma. Totally met the target audience and I'm so lucky I did. Even with the musical tours over and this as the final prom production, the prom will always be a staple of my teen years and something that made me feel seen. Thank you prom, you happened and turned my life around entirely.
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Good show, worse than terrible hosts.
6 December 2022
The show has potential and the competitors are actually very funny and sweet! But oh. My . God. The judges drive me INSAINE. They are so unlikeable and their behaviour drives me absolutely insaine. They have a severe lack of humour and any humour they have is cringe worthy, the poor competitors are so clearly fake laughing at each hosts "jokes". Sure they have their scripts , they just make the whole audience cringe intensely. They don't have the right energy or behaviour for public speaking, public entertaining or anything to do with hosting. As you can tell these hosts were a bad choice. I found myself skipping over each hosts talking often being annoyed by the nasally screaming at the screen. Even the way they are randomly fidgeting during their few standing scenes is so awkward it makes this hard to watch. Almost looks like they chose random people for the roles and went with it. Could go on and on but they are just trying to do their jobs, they were just the wrong choice for this particular job.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Had Potential
4 August 2022
Loved the idea but it was just portrayed terribly and stretched on forever, so hard not to skip ahead out of boredom. Very predictable plot and feels very copied. Characters were so annoying, very un likeable. Maybe Netflix should stop canceling good shows and start listening to their audience.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Good Potential
28 July 2022
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Season 1 was one of the best seasons I've seen for a show. Season 2 however was so extensively disappointing that I wouldn't be upset if it was canceled after that. Season 1 created a perfect set up for a decent plot to follow the girls after the island and instead chose to go against what almost every fan wanted and added a group of boys to the once feminist show ? It made no sense though their story's weren't bad. Wasted potential.
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Rebelde (2022)
Mezmorsing and enjoyable
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Such a different kind of show you don't see often, draws you in and you just can't stop watching. Season 2 was 8 stars, more depressing. Hope to see Justice for Emilia and andi in season 3, seeing as most people watch the show for them.
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