
8 Reviews
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Catwoman (2004)
The Worst Movie I've ever seen
1 June 2007
When watching Catwoman, it is justifiable and understandable to enter a fit of rage for seemingly no reason. Subconsciously, this is your body using its animal instinct, fight or flight if you will, in an attempt to get as far away from this 'movie' as possible. This is the worst film ever made. Halle "I won an Oscar for sleeping with Billy Bob Thornton on camera" Berry pretends to act here, portraying Patience Phillips (Selina Kyle anyone?) a loser who works at an evil makeup company, wherein she stumbles upon an evil makeup plot by Sharon Stone and her evil homosexual sidekick. I guess it makes sense, especially to a man simply known as Pitof, who directed this mess. Direction would allude to clarity, which this film does not contain, most likely due to the fact that does not speak English. If he could, there is NO WAY that he would have read the script and felt that it was appropriate to go ahead and make this into a film. Lets not even get into specifics here, because the cinematography, soundtrack, CGI, and especially the acting is the worst I have ever seen. If you don't believe me watch the basketball scene and see if you don't want to hurt people. Watching this film is like someone punching your mother in the face. I tried, I desperately tried to finish the film twice, and neither time my intelligence and dignity simply wouldn't let me. Its just that bad. I could go on and on..... the scene where the cat lady explains to Halle that cats choose one woman like Neo from the Matrix and that cats are magic and whatever else was said while I wasn't paying attention....the laughable fight scenes, the fact that she becomes cat like and licks herself clean and chases crickets etc.... I'm mad at myself that I'm even writing this review, maybe its like Freddy Krueger and we can make it go away by not fearing it. Awful. Disgusting. Disgraceful to all of film. Catwoman.
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Rollerball (2002)
Random noise
31 May 2007
OK IMDb junkies, if you've read any of my reviews at this point you should notice that I enjoy "bad" or b-movies. Rarely, and I mean Catwoman rarely do I turn off the DVD player. But when I saw this film, well lets just say I began to contemplate the afterlife. It all comes down to one scene, a battery of nonsense imagery set to noises that clearly lack any true direction. I seem to remember an alarm clock, a rooster crow, a ninja "heeee-yaa" and bowling pins being hit, followed by a reporter asking LL Cool J if his mother was a crack head. I immediately began slapping myself in the face, asking if what I had seen was real, or whether I had eaten the wrong pill and found myself in the 'real' world where God-awful films like this actually get the go ahead and budget to be produced, shot, and released to the public.
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Gladiator (2000)
Worst movie ever?
31 May 2007
I got this DVD for Christmas one year and I cursed at my mom for buying it. The action scenes are so frenetic that they are unwatchable, the dialogue is so clichéd and cheesy that I vomit in my mouth when I overhear my meat headed friends watching it. The special effects are lame (chariots have engines in them that explode?). If not for Alien I would think less of Ridley Scott, but maybe he needed a couple bucks or something. This is modern film-making at its worst, and one of the early signs of the current mess that is Hollywood. The double disc collectors set now serves as coasters in my room. But who knows, maybe there will be a sequel. What schlock. I'd rather watch romantic comedies.
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Under rated
31 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched Invincible Super Chan when I was roughly 14 years old, and it was one of the earlier wuxia films I bought. I've seen many, many more now, and yet years later I always go back to this one. Maybe its the fact that it was banned in 34 countries. Maybe its the fact that human beings are randomly brutalized in multiple forms of bloody dismemberment. I think what really keeps me interested are the special effects: for 1970 this one really is quite technically impressive. Chan seamlessly jumps off cliffs while throwing bombs at hordes of baddies, he teleports, and his arch nemesis even surfs across a river on a flag! It ultimately ends with him beheading him, and yet somehow his head keeps functioning while its on the sand! How'd they do it?!
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Hulk Hogan in Space!
31 May 2007
Shep Ramsey is forced to land his ship in the suburbs, hilarity ensues. But yet this film is so much more. Brilliant execution and top-notch acting from Hogan and Christopher Lloyd are examples of what propel this film to the top of cinematic history. There is a sadness in Hogan's Ramsey; a feeling of alienation. This is perfectly exemplified in the scene where Ramsey must play an arcade game. He truly believe he is saving this virtual world, and he plays with such veracious intensity that he ends up forcing the machine to explode, causing us the audience to look on in empathy for this lost soul. A truly heart wrenching experience, and a masterpiece I shall never forget, this one haunts dreams folks.
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Dolemite (1975)
Film was never the same.....
30 May 2007
Citizen Kane....The Godfather Part II....D'Urville Martin's Dolemite. This is the single greatest piece of celluloid ever created and unleashed upon humanity. Rudy Ray Moore, in a role that transcends Academy Awards stars as Dolemite, the baddest cat in the universe. He clearly does not take any jive from no turkey (I myself am unfortunately a turkey) and proves it with his powers of rapping, pimping, and karate chopping. This is blaxploitation at its absolute finest, a shining example of the genre with its low budget, continuity errors, and hatred for rat-soup eating honkey expletive expletive. The true Godfather of Rap (not this new Ali nonsense) Moore is something of a juxtaposition of acting technique; somehow managing to be the most charismatic awful actor of the 1970's, and thats saying something. This one is HIGHLY recommended folks, if not for the one-liners alone.
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Lionheart (1990)
Van Damme's Finest....
30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to write this review in a using a new form that I've invented, known as process of watchability. I'm going to single-handedly point out every reason why it is impossible to not watch this movie. Are you a man? Do you like people getting kicked in the face? Do you like Van Damme? Do you like watching him punch a Scottish guy in the privates in front of a crowd of bloodthirsty yuppie scum? What about avenging your brothers death by participating in a series of streetfights, eventually earning the love and respect of your sister in law? Telling the French Foreign Legion where they can go stuff it? Hot rich ladies with early 90's haircuts? Lets be serious here folks, what is in this film that makes it unwatchable? Van Damme (also a co-writer) is actually given a REASON for his Belgian accent, he does Van Damme kicks on a lot of people, and avenges his brothers murder. Perfection, sublime.
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Wild Thing (1987)
Lets set the record straight here.......
30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
True, this is not John Sayles finest film (Brother From Another Planet) but it is not entirely forgettable either, if not for any other reason than its message. Like Batman, Wild Thing's parents were murdered in front of him, leaving him to fend for himself in 'The Zone,' a corrupt section of an unnamed city where greed and violence reign supreme. Instead of falling in with the likes of Chopper (Robert Davi) Wild Thing fights for justice, using his powers of Tai Chi and eerie cat impressions, occasionally lighting himself on fire. He becomes something of an urban legend, a modern day Robin Hood, and a hero for the ages. 1987 at its finest, WILD THING LIVES
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