
24 Reviews
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Completely idiotic
24 March 2022
I used to enjoy Jackass when I grew up. But now that I'm a little bit older I thought this movie was total bullcrap. I couldn't find the humor in guys getting themselves hurt on purpose. Some of the stunts where completely insane, why anyone would do this is totally lost on me. Before I watched it I was hoping these guys would have grown up a little by now but I was wrong, it's dumber than anything that came before.

I also thought there were way too many penisses. Now I'm not a fragile snowflake that can't stand the sight of a penis, but at least have the common courtesy to switch it up with a pair of boobs every once in a while.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can watch this and have a good time.
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Speed Racer (2008)
Cool esthetics
12 March 2022
I kind of liked Speed Racer. The movie is visually incredibly unique. But unfortunately the least interesting parts about it are the races themselves. I feel they were cut too fast, it's hard to tell what's going on, and they took some creative license with the physics behind it. I would have preferred the races to be a bit more grounded to reality.

I loved the chimpanzee and basically all of the characters. Animal rights put aside, you have to admit there aren't nearly enough movies with chimps.

The movie is pure entertainment, it's basically 2 hours of flashy colorful images stitched together. Don't go in here expecting Schindler's List.

Target audience would be, people who are still young at heart and/or psychonauts. I was sober when I watched it just now, but I can imagine watching this after you just ate a handful of dried muchrooms that you're going to have an incredible experience.
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What's with the constant singing?
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie looks great. Excellent production design, cinematography and costumes.

The characters were well cast I particularly liked the role of Anita, played by DeBose.

But I didn't like the constant singing and dancing. It took me out of the movie every time. You've got these though guy gang members who dance like gay faeries. Nothing wrong with that except for the fact that it breaks character.

I usually try to avoid spoilers in reviews but here I have to make an exception.

The lead character kills the brother of his love interest. And what does she do? She sleeps with him. I understand love is a powerful thing but this didn't make any sense at all especially considering the fact that they barely knew each other. She didn't grief over her brother for more than two minutes.

The movie could have been great if it were an hour longer, removed the singing and dancing and allowed for more character development. The way it is now it looks great but underneath the visuals hides a big turd.
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My least favorite movie of the year so far.
23 February 2022
Technically the movie was well made. It depicts the 70's very well. But it was so dark and somber. No bright colors anywhere. I much prefer the way Once upon a time in Hollywood portrayed the time period which takes place 4 years before Licorice pizza.

I have issues with the story, it jumps all over the place and doesn't seem to go anywhere. It just drags on and on. I kept thinking to myself when will this movie end. It doesn't help that the characters are ugly either. Not that every movie needs supermodels, but if your story is boring at least make the characters easy on the eyes. Or vice versa, if you want to portray realistic looking people then make sure the story is captivating.

I couldn't care less about the characters, I felt no emotional connection at all.

I honestly don't understand what the hype behind this movie is all about. It wasn't for me.
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Eternals (2021)
Could have been better.
22 January 2022
The cinematography looked great, no complaints there. Gemma Chan looked beautiful. The story was okay, it didn't bother me too much.

But the acting was terrible. Angelina Jolie in my humble opinion was miscast. I also didn't like that one of the characters was gay, it felt extremely out of place. Don't get me wrong I'm not a homophobe, I enjoyed watching sitcoms like Will & Grace or Modern family. But it didn't work in this movie, I didn't believe it for a second, it felt forced and didn't add anything to the story.

I also thought the ending was rather abrupt, it seemingly came out of nowhere.

The director probably learned a lot making this movie, but I doubt she'll be directing the sequel. I can't help but feel that she was in way over her head.
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Airport 2013 (2013)
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
29 November 2021
The one shot take doesn't feel like a gimmick, everything makes sense. There was never a dull moment. The characters are interesting and each very distinct in personality.

The humor is my kind of humor, but this is of course subjective.

There were a few scenes where the acting was a bit exaggerated but nothing to worry about.

I will watch this movie again in the future for sure, and I can definitely recommend it.
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Universum: Dschingis Khan - Reiter der Apokalypse (2004)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Too short and could have used a bigger budget.
12 November 2021
They try to tell the entire life story of Chingis Khan in 53 minutes, which is obviously not nearly enough. The result is that every thing is glanced over very quickly giving little valuable information and feels extremely rushed.

It's also obvious that they didn't have the budget to do it right. They talk about 100.000 horses but you only see about 100 of them per scene. The special effects are non existent, if someone gets shot by an arrow they simply cut to the person with the arrows already in their body. There's no blood or gore, no heads being chopped off either.

They did their best with the resources they had, it's definitely not all bad, there are a few cool scenes but they could have been better.

The movie requires a large amount of viewer imagination to fill in the many blanks.
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Not as good as I remember
4 November 2021
The characters are caricatures. You call McFly a 'chicken' and you can get him to do whatever you want. It's as if the creators view the audience as children.

The series is called Back to the future but there's only a short period where they actually go to the future. They have the entire history and future of the world to play around with and somehow they keep going back to 1955. Which was fine in the first movie, but to revisit it again in the second movie is just overkill. If you have a time machine, would you not want to visit the dinosaurs, or want to meet Chingis Khan or Jezus, or perhaps see the world a million years into the future rather than spending Gigawatts of power to visit 1955? I get that it makes sense in the story, but the creators wrote the story... so why not make it interesting instead? I think this entire movie could have been set in the future and it would have been better.

I also find the entire thing too stressful and hard to enjoy. As a viewer you're constantly worried about what they're going to do next to mess with the timeline. The characters are constantly in a hurry despite the fact that they have a time machine. Doc Brown is smart enough to invent time travel, but apparently dumb enough to put the fate of the entire galaxy in the hands of a teenager that obviously doesn't have the slightest clue about quantum mechanics.

Also, the special effects are dated.

The movie is fun if you're a kid, but as an adult it's pretty lame in my humble opinion.
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I didn't enjoy it at all.
4 November 2021
I watched this movie because it starred Anna Kendrick. I didn't check any trailers or go to imdb before I put it on. I went in thinking it was one of those cheesy family Christmas movies and I was wrong, my bad.

The movie is shot in a way that you feel like a voyeur into other peoples lives. Which would be okay except that it might be a bit too realistic, meaning it's as boring as real life. I'm not the type of person that shuts down a movie after a few minutes in, I view bad movies as a learning experience. But I really struggled with this one, I watched the entire thing hoping something would happen and it never did. I fail to see any point to this film, why was this made? There's no story, no character development, no message, no emotion and no ending. Literally, I'm not even exaggerating, the most interesting thing that happens in this movie is a smoke alarm going off. I actually feel offended that the director expects people to sit through this.
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Immortal (2004)
A guilty pleasure of mine.
26 October 2021
I really like this movie, there are several interesting elements in it. But as you can tell from the other reviews, it's not for everyone. You will either like it or hate it and I completely understand if this isn't your thing. It's weird.

There are 4 or 5 characters that are supposedly human but where generated completely out of computer graphics, I find that a very odd artistic choice to say the least. The background CGI looks great, the CGI humans don't unfortunately. It takes the viewer out of the experience and I suspect the movie would have scored higher if they used real actors instead. I can only assume it must have been cheaper to render characters than hire a crew and equipment? Because if there was any other reason for doing this then it was completely lost on me.

If you can look past what I believe is a major flaw, and you enjoy weird sci-fi, then you might enjoy this. If you like your movies to be more grounded then you're probably better off to skip this one.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
For when your parents won't let you watch the original.
25 October 2021
I watched this movie straight after watching Total Recall (1990). And in all honesty, I don't understand why this movie was made the way it is. It's basically the same main storyline but set in a more futuristic cityscape. The city looked great in certain aspects, I also like the dark, rainy, Blade runner-esque atmosphere. But because there's no Mars sub-plot and no mutants the sets and setting tend to get boring after a while. What I don't understand is, if you're a movie-studio with $M125 burning a hole in your pockets, why not spend some of that money on a fresh story idea? To make an analogy, it's like making a cup of coffee and reusing the filter to make a second cup, it's a watered down version of the original poured in a more expensive beaker.

If they had made an original sci-fi movie it could have been fairly decent. But as it is right now I see no reason why you would spend your time and/or money on it.

The 7 rating is me being generous, technically it's not bad, the SFX are good, the cinematography is good, there were a few moments where I didn't believe the acting performances, editing could have been better and I had an issue with pacing as well. If I weren't in such a good mood I might have given it a 6/10 rating.
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Café Society (2016)
Every frame is like a painting.
17 October 2021
This movie looks so beautiful, you could watch it with the sound off and still have an enjoyable time. One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen in terms of cinematography.

The sets, costumes, it all looked great.

I don't have a fancy sound setup so I can only judge it superficially, but I thought the music was legit.

In terms of story, I wasn't overwhelmed by the ending, but overall it was okay, nothing mind blowing but everything seemed realistic. The dialogues were funny, typical Woody Allen style.

My only 'issue' I have is that I have never really been convinced by either Jesse or Kristen's performances. I'm sure they're lovely people once you get to know them, but I rather spend my 10$ watching someone else. If you like them, more power to you. But you know how they are, Jesse is quirky, Kristen is like a wooden ventriloquist puppet, I've never seen either of them transcend into something more than that, and it's no different in this movie.

I did enjoy Steve Carell playing a more serious role, he did a great job in my humble opinion.

Would I recommend this movie? Yeah, sure. Even if you're only watching it for the pretty pictures, you won't be wasting your time.
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Se7en (1995)
17 October 2021
I watched this movie when I was around 11 years old, which was not a good idea, I should not have done that. This movie scarred me mentally. I'm now mid 30's and I'm afraid to watch it again, that's why I purposely didn't add a score to this 'review'. To this day there are at least 3 scenes in this movie that I still remember vividly.

Directed by Fincher with an IMDB score as of writing of 8.6, there's no doubt that this is a well made film. I just wouldn't recommend it if you're sensitive or can't handle a punch in the gut.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
I didn't understand the story but I still enjoyed it.
17 October 2021
From the first scene this movie had me hooked till the end. There wasn't a single dull moment. The characters were interesting, had good acting and sound design.

I'm rating this movie a 7 after my first viewing. The problem I have with it is the fact that I don't understand the story, I blame this on my own limited intellectual capabilities rather than being the fault of the writer/director. Last thing I would want is for movies to dumb themselves down to appeal to a wider audience. So the 7 score might be underrated to the true value of the movie but it helps me to keep track of how my perception changes in case I decide to watch it again in the future. I hope whoever reads this can understand.

All that being said, I would recommend this film to any adult fan of cinema, it's well executed and entertaining.
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It's neither bad nor good.
15 October 2021
Rating this a 7 feels too high, rating it a 6 too low.

I saw this movie when it came out in theaters and I remember thinking to myself that it didn't feel like a Spielberg movie. Now I've just watched it again and I have the same feeling. Then I realized something, in 2001 Spielberg made A. I., in 2002 it was Minority Report and Catch me if you can. So when exactly did he do the preproduction for Minority Report? If you compare that for example with James Cameron who basically needs a decade per movie, then it becomes clear that Spielberg probably relies a bit too heavily on his production team. He's obviously a competent movie maker, I don't think anyone is going to deny that, but Minority Report feels as if he thought to himself "Let's shoot this thing and get it over with." I found the sets boring, the acting mediocre and I completely disliked the cinematography. That probably makes it sound worse than it really is, it's an okay movie but nothing extraordinary or spectacular.
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Not great, not terrible.
14 October 2021
I found this movie hard to rate. I kind of feel like I want to rate it slightly higher, but then I might be pushing it. The movie didn't bore me, even though there wasn't much going on. The dramatic climax of the movie didn't come across as dramatic on screen. Everything felt shallow. Other than the leading actress, whom I thought looked quite attractive, there wasn't really anything memorable going on.

I also want to say that for a movie made in 1980 on what must have been a small budget, it never felt dated.
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That Darn Cat (1997)
Not bad for a kids movie
13 October 2021
I haven't watched the original 1965 version yet so I can't compare.

This is a kids movie so you have to view it for what it is, and I thought it was quite alright. The cat was well trained, I don't think it was easy to do this.

In the beginning I thought the acting of Doug E Doug was terrible but as the movie went on I started to like him more.

The movie has its funny moments although a bit slow perhaps at times.

If you have young kids I'm sure they would enjoy this film.
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Outdated VFX, sub-par acting, but oh so wonderfully unique.
10 October 2021
I found the acting performances a bit lacking, this is probably due to the fact that the entire movie with some exceptions was shot in front of a blue screen. The VFX have become outdated and the CGI backgrounds are pretty obvious in certain scenes. That being said, this movie is incredibly unique. The setting, atmosphere and general feel of the movie is unparalleled. The writer/director did an excellent job of world building.

I can recommend this movie to everyone simply because it's like nothing else you've seen before.
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Sully (2016)
There's a lot of talking and hardly any piloting.
16 July 2021
Technically this movie is fine, nothing to complain about. But I really didn't like how the story was told. I think I would have enjoyed this movie more if it was cut chronologically. The first opening scene already made me dislike this movie straight away. Then it took 25 minutes before the movie actually started.

It's more about the air crash investigation than the actual crash. There's never a moment of suspense, never a moment when you feel that people's lives are at stake.

It's not what I expected at all.
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A refreshing take on the wrestling genre.
16 June 2021
First I need to point out the high score I gave to this movie. You shouldn't compare it with Shawshank redemption or Schindler's list. This movie doesn't take itself too seriously and neither should you. You have to view it in the genre and time period when it was made. Technically this movie might be more accurately scored at a 5 or 6. The fight scenes aren't always pixel perfect, the acting is mediocre and sometimes shows some Japanese style exaggerations. However that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed it from the beginning till the end. It's lighthearted and funny and I could have easily watched another hour of this without getting bored. If you're a fan of wrestling then I would highly recommend this. However I do feel obliged to point out that certain scenes might not be suited for younger audiences.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
I never read the comics, so I review this as a stand-alone movie.
14 June 2021
I think the main issue with this movie is the script. It's all over the place, it kind of makes sense when you realize it's being told from Harley's perspective but that doesn't make it good.

The action sequences felt a bit too clean and choreographed for my taste, it's like watching a ballet performance.

I never felt any connection with the characters. And I never had the feeling they were in any real danger.

Although I'm no expert on editing, there was one scene that I think goofed up a little. I'm not sure if that was the editor's fault, the director's or simply because of budgetary reasons but it screwed up the flow of the scene to the extent that I feel like including it in my review.

Then there was a scene where Black Canary showed some true super power level stuff but it felt extremely out of place with the rest of the film. In the cut that I saw it was never explained either, it just came out of nowhere.

I personally didn't like the art style, but other reviewers claimed they liked it so that must just be me then.

Other reviewers have also stated that this R rated movie seems more targeted at young teenage girls, and I completely agree. The rating seems out of place with the target audience. Comparing this to a female version of Deadpool kind of makes sense, however it's not nearly as funny. This movie might get a single chuckle out of you, maybe.

There aren't a lot of really good movies out there lately, so it might be worth a watch to pass the time, but I personally wouldn't pay to see this.
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Flimsy story, terrible dialogue and horrendous editing.
13 March 2021
I could live with the lack of story if the movie was good. But the dialogues are terrible as well, there's hardly any dialogue to begin with, and what they have looks like it was written by a 5 year old. What bothered me the most was the editing, it's just cut after cut after cut, it's worse than a Michael Bay movie. The movie cuts so fast you can't see anything. There's no character progression whatsoever and the most interesting characters have barely any screen time. I found the monsters very uninspiring as well, the creators had the entire MH-universe to choose from and this was the best they could come up with?!

I wouldn't necessarily recommend this movie, but I guess some people can enjoy such mindless nonsense.
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Your children might like it
10 March 2021
It's not nearly as good as the original. There's a lot of dancing, some recycled clips from the original movie and only a handful of funny moments. I chuckled about 4 times or so, and 0 LOLs.

The plot is as thin as ice and highly predictable.

Eddie Murphy plays more of a supporting role I would say rather than a leading role. The movie is a bit more about his son, whom I felt no connection with at all. There's one character that I just found to be plain annoying. And Wesley Snipes was cringy. His whole character was a joke, but not in a funny way.

There's some CGI in this movie and it is bad by today's standards. I'd say it's on par with Jumanji from 1995.

It looks like the majority of this movie's budget went to the cast and there wasn't much left for anything else.

If you're an adult that loves the original, watch the trailer for this movie and spend your time on something else instead. Even if you're an Eddie Murphy fan you'll probably be disappointed.
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Switched (2020)
Poorly directed
6 March 2021
I feel that this movie wasn't directed very well. Some scenes were a bit cringe to watch. The bodyswap genre doesn't need to be hyperrealistic, but at times the characters just lacked any form of common sense. And some scenes could have used a few more takes to get the best performance out of the actors.

The 'unpopular' girl is the most attractive, they could have at least made an effort to make her look like she wasn't popular. The movie is a bit too religious for my taste. I don't mind religion in movies but in this movie it felt a bit too preachy. There's no humor in this movie either. It's not that the jokes felt flat or anything, there aren't any jokes to begin with. It's just not a comedy nor does it try to be.

I did like the end credits, it was different from the standard white text on black background scroll and more movies should explore this approach. The movie has a positive message and it's definitely aimed at a younger (Christian) audience.

If you're an adult who likes the bodyswap genre then you might want to save your money. There's nothing in this movie you haven't seen before done better.
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