
13 Reviews
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Transformers (2007)
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hey! This is an okay movie!

Strap in, though, because it only goes downhill from here...that being said, it's a cool "giant robots interacting with humans but also fighting other giant robots" movie. It was pretty much exactly what I came for. Personally I only have three major gripes with the movie: Optimus Prime's characterization, humor, and lens flares. The uh...the lens flares burned my eyes. Seeing one of those in the middle of a fight between two giant robots just...overloaded my brain sensors. The joke about Bumblebee pissing on Agent Simmons? Could have gone my whole life without seeing that.

Optimus Prime would not leave Bumblebee in the clutches of a probably evil organization. He would not. That is all I have to say for his character.
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*loud, intense, angry screeching*
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you've never watched the original Pacific Rim, this might be a fun movie for you.

If you have, however...then there's a good chance you'll either be indifferent or angry.

Warning: I have only watched this movie once. Take my words with a good sized pile of salt.

Pacific Rim was an amazing movie that had great special effects, characters, and story. This? What is this??? I'll tell you what it is: a cheap carbon copy, made to make some extra money off of the original movie's success.

Pacific Rim is a movie that didn't necessarily need a sequel. I won't spoil the movie, but what you need to know is that EVERYTHING WAS WRAPPED UP IN THE END. Of course, this doesn't mean that a sequel is impossible-but this movie nearly makes my statement void and null.

First off, I forgot this movie even existed for a hot minute. I saw Pacific Rim on Tubi and was like "wait a minute, isn't there a second one?" Yes. Unfortunately, there is.

Second off, in addition to forgetting about the movie, I can't remember any of the characters except for the main character, the little girl, and Mako Mori.

Mako? Dies in the first like, ten minutes of the movie. What the heck?

Main character?... I don't actually remember him much. Which is not a good thing.

Little girl? I liked her. I liked her a lot. I loved the fact that she actually made her own jaeger. I thought that was really cool--oh wait the main character ruined her. Never mind.

I did like that scene where the girl's jaeger was being chased by a much, MUCH bigger one, but that's one of the only scene I can remember. This is not good for a giant monster movie.

Liked the first one much better.
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I'm gonna get buried
3 April 2023
Well...seeing as there are 1K reviews for this (which does not surprise me), I highly doubt that anyone will see this.

Anyway, if you did, this is a pretty cool movie. It's got giant flying saucers, guns, fighter jets, the dog lives... The only problem I have with it is the (kinda) casual racism. Which I know was probably a product of its time, but it's still bad. Otherwise, Ian Malcom is always a win, and everyone else (i'm too lazy to look at names) is also amazing. Seeing the whole world unite was awesome, and let's not forget that speech!

...also watching people get blasted to atoms is always kinda fun...
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Souls Cannot Die
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My dad is a great lover of sci-fi films, and he loves this movie very much. He really wanted to show this to me and my little brother, but we were both too scared by the entry scene to watch the rest of the movie.

But when we finally did, I think it was one of the best movies I've ever watched.

The animation is amazing. It's a really good blend of 3D and 2D, and the robot feels lifelike. The characters are really well thought out, and when the ending came, I cried. I cried a lot.

This movie has a very important message about guns and gun violence. You don't have to be the gun. Even if you were seemingly made to be the gun, you don't have to. You get to choose who you want to be.

Hearing the giant say "Superman..." at the end hit me right in the feels. Amazing. 10/10, go watch it.
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The Hedgehog, The Fox, and the Kucklehead
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man, heading that there was gonna be a Sonic 2 with Tails in it was cool enough. But when I saw the trailers and saw KNUCKLES?! I could not believe that one of my favorite Sonic characters was gonna be in this movie. I thought it was just Tails!

This movie is one of the first pieces of Sonic media that I've seen get Knuckles so...RIGHT. He's not dumb, alright? He's just...out of touch. Out of his element. He's not DUMB for trusting Eggman, he's NAIVE. He falls into the trap of thinking that he CAN'T be tricked...and those people are always the people that get tricked the easiest. It was kinda sad to see him realize that Eggman was tricking him this whole time, and it was even sadder when I realized that he'd not only considered Eggman a partner...he'd considered him a FRIEND.

Jokes were good, other characters were good, yada yada--OH WAIT IS THAT SHADOW?!

Good movie. I can't wait until 2024 for the third one to come out.
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Gotta Go Fraggin' Fast
29 November 2022
I like Sonic. I like basically all of it.

Here's the problem, however...SEGA has been terrible at making good games/media for Sonic. When people heard that there was gonna be a Sonic movie, they were either like, "Oh no, not another cash grab..." or they were willing to give it a chance (that's the impression I got anyway).

After the whole fiasco with Sonic's design, the movie finally came out.

And it...was good?!

Basically no one expected it. I didn't really expect it. Man, this was actually a good movie. Sure, I may be a little petty in taking off a star because it was shorter than it had to be, but MAN this was good.

Go watch it if you have the time. It's worth it.
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The Transformers (1984–1987)
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(props if you get the reference in the title) I am not this old. I was not born when this came out, nor was I born when it finished. I was not born when the movie came out, even.

...I love this show. It's a really good one. Even though it has it's downs, like all shows (I'm looking at YOU, B. O. T), it's mostly ups. It's pretty funny and cool, and the animation errors sometimes make it even funnier. (See:FIRRIB on TFwiki.) The characters are kinda basic, but this was a period in time when it was all kinda basic, yeah? (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, once again I wasn't born in that era) It isn't that great to start, what with the low budget they had at first, but it gets BETTER. Bro, the idea of a giant transforming robot city? Sign me up! Transforming dinosaurs? Bet! Literally being able to combine giant robots to make larger robot that kinda has its own personality? OH MY GOODNESS, YES.

I love it. Go watch it. In fact, it's on my list on this website of giant robots.
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Cool! Worth Checking out (I think)
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jeez, all of you really hate this show, don't you?

Personally I find almost nothing wrong with it. It's a kids show. Sure, it ain't to the level of Rescue Bots (although I highly doubt that ANYTHING can top that), but it's pretty fun. Some of the motivations feel a little forced, especially when the same character was seemingly fine a couple minutes ago.

I like good guy Megatron. Even though he's a good guy, you can still rather clearly see that it's definitely MEGATRON. I saw one review in here that says that we never find out WHY Megatron switched sides. First off, it's only the first season. We'll probably get a proper explanation later. Plus, I can see why he'd switch sides. All he wanted originally was for everyone to be treated equally, and he has some conflicting feelings about working with GHOST because of this. He feels...normal, and that's okay.

The female Bot's are really cool, and really well represented in this show. I like them.

Honestly, it feels like a show that has a lot of potential. It did some things right, and some things not so great.

I like this show. It's okay. Also, I fully support Wheeljack being Dad 2. I want to see more of him.
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Giant Gorg (1984)
My Savoir
29 November 2022
Now you may be wondering, "How did this show save you?!" The answer is that I have not found a sentient robot anime--no, SHOW, in FOREVER. The best I can do is rewatch the original Transformers on Tubi and hope that I can find something.

That's where this anime comes in.

Here I am, scrolling though Tubi, bored out of my mind, when suddenly--out of the blue--COMES THIS.

I love it. I just can't express how much creativity this show has. Gorg's design is amazing, and be fair when I hopped into this show I only wanted to see the giant robot. The humans are pretty cool too, and the main character (cannot currently think of his name, and I'm too lazy to look it up) is a pretty stand up dude. Animation isn't that bad for when it came out.

In fact, I only have one complaint--I want more Gorg.

Pretty good overall.
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Alright, This Exists
29 November 2022
When I watched it in theaters, it was REALLY GOOD. I saw the design changes, and accepted them because it was for the movie. Sometimes they do that for movies *shrug*.

...However later, watching it at didn't work. I realized that it wasn't quite as good the second time through (kinda like the first live-action Transformers movie). I LOVE Ninjago. It's really cool. It's really good. not it.

I don't like how Zane didn't have NEARLY as much of a personality as in the show. I get that it's a movie, and you can only fit so much into it, but like...give my boy a bit more, yeah? And same for the rest of the ninja (though I did like the idea of Jay being more shy and nervous in this universe.) Also, they had SO MANY SONGS that they DIDN'T USE. If you look at the soundtrack on Spotify, you can see that there are some songs that you wouldn't have heard unless you sat through the credits.

That being said, the jokes were pretty funny, and the Lego sets we AWESOME. I want a giant shark mech that shoots sharks...The idea of Garmadon being a dad to Lloyd is cute, and I liked the joke about Lloyd's name and how it's pronounced.

Not as good as the Lego Movie, but pretty good.
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Jump up kick back whip around and spin
29 November 2022
Who--what critic disliked Ninjago?! This show was part of my childhood! And even then, I don't consider myself biased because I didn't actually watch it for a long time. I only got to watch it one day when my brother was sick and he INSISTED on watching it.

And I am glad he did.

The characters are all really well done, and the voice acting is superb. The intro songs are all actually variations on the original one, and they are amazing. The Ghost Whip has to be my favorite.

The story...THE STORY.

This is not just a Lego show for kids. This is a Lego show that has DEPTH, that has FEELING. Season 3 actually made me CRY, and that usually only happens in movies. Bro, this show was ACTUALLY AMAZING. I was extremely invested in the characters arcs, the main focus of the season, and the final battles at the end of each one...? BRO THEY WERE AMAZING. The humor is on point, and it makes me laugh about 98% of the time.

I love this show. This show is good. Do yourself a favor, go watch this show.
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Kirby: Right Back at Ya! (2001–2003)
29 November 2022
THIS IS ADORABLE. (I have it on YouTube thanks to a guy who went through and translated it. Props to him.) I'm sure that the english dub holds a lot of fond memories for older people, but I personally prefer sub over dub any day.

Man, considering that this came out when Kirby didn't really have a concrete story, it's pretty good. The "Demon Beasts" are pretty funny and creative, and I'm 99.9% sure that this is the only show that can get me attached to a snowman. Dedede and his assistant Escargoon are a riot, and having an entire town made of Cappies (the mushroom dudes that get depressed if you take away their hats) is GENIUS. Fumu and Bun are actually pretty cute, and Meta Knight is everything I want and more. Customer Service (yes, that's his actual name,) is pretty funny too.

This show tries it's hardest to combine 3D and 2D at at time when 3D was kinda hard to do, and it doesn't look to bad...usually. There are some kinda bad 3D parts (like when they try to use assets that are too big and look kind of like trash) but it's still pretty good.

All in all a well rounded show, and you should go find it on YouTube and watch it.
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Tobot (2018)
Oh Boy
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So let's start with the good (which isn't much, don't worry.) The premise isn't bad, although it's been done before. The robots are actually pretty cool, and their combined forms are also pretty cool.

Alright, now onto the bad.

First off (although this isn't necessarily a BAD thing,) it's very much obviously a Transformers rip-off.

Second off, you can see very clearly where all their money went-- the robots. The human's character models are all bland and the mouth animation isn't that great either. The voice acting is... sub-par, but that's okay for a show of this standard.

But you know what really grinds my gears?


I came here to see a Transformers rip-off with sentient robots. Did I get what I wanted? Yes, but only until the idea of "Titan" is revealed, and then suddenly the robots have almost no personality of their own, and now they only exist to make a new robot that makes toys.

(which i guess is the whole point, but sue me.) I have to admit that the whole arc leading up to combining Titan is kind of interesting, but only just barley.

And then came Tritan, a combination of the Tobots X, Y, and newcomer Z (who has some kind of accent that I can't quite place and it's MADDENING) therefore erasing the need for the robot's need for individual personalities at all.

In the end, I can see where they were going. And in the end, my review will amount to very little compared to the effort that went into this show. It's not a bad idea, it's just implemented not so well (I'm pretty sure) because of the budget.

Edit: One more star for trying.
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