
4 Reviews
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Semi-Pro (2008)
Save your money...
2 March 2008
As a huge Will Ferrell fan, I was incredibly disappointed with this flick. Plain and simple: it sucked. The comedy failed to deliver the quotable lines, punchy comedy, or even slap-stick humor. It is very obvious they forced this rating up to 'R' with the addition of as many F bombs as possible, making the dialog choppy and reminiscent of junior high. I typically don't mind language if it's funny or appropriate, but this was neither. I give it one extra star because of maybe a couple chuckles.

All in all, don't bring your kids, don't even bring yourself. Save your money for the Step-Brothers movie they previewed before this one, which had me laughing harder in 30 seconds than this entire movie did.
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The Village (2004)
A Piece of Work, No Matter How You Slice It.
7 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone interested in an entertaining, suspenseful, gritty psychological movie should see this film. Don't listen to the people on here that say "it was so predictable" and all that B.S. They're full of it. There is no way that, unless you are the director himself, you could see all the plot twists in this film. And there are plot twists. However, I would advise not even trying to look for them, just sit back and let the story unfold. Everything in this film has it's meaning.

~~Spoilers beyond this point, please do not read unless you absolutely do not intend to see this film~~

I will attempt to answer for some of the criticism Shyamalan is receiving for this work.

"The dialogue is dry and over-the-top," "The performances are weak."

As to the dialogue, I believe this to be intentional. The over-the-top feel is intentionally there to make you see the effort that has gone into fooling an entire village into thinking they are in colonial times. It's one of those things designed to stick out before ("Why are they talking like that?") and after the plot twists ("It was a detailed sham pieced together by a history professor, I get it").

As to the performances, they are first-rate. William Hurt and Joaquin Pheonix are superb, and Ron Howard's daughter Bryce is phenomenal. The porch scene is gripping and touching, and regrettable after later events. This is acting at its finest.

The symbolism in this film is extraordinary. The "bad" color, the one that caused all of the elders to create a village in the first place. There are some very interesting themes running under the surface that I think people would enjoy if they were not so intent on trying to predict the twists, albeit impossible.

I have a feeling that the majority of people who shoot down the film just don't get it. That is not to say there aren't valid criticisms to be made of the movie, but just that the majority of "save your money" critics probably thought highly of Catwoman until someone with sense told them it was terrible.
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The Punisher (2004)
Marvel delivers, but suspension of disbelief a must...
16 April 2004
I really loved this film. It has all the elements of a great vendetta flick, with elements of humor, drama, and gut-wrenching pity all rolled in. But suspension of disbelief is a must for this film (as it often is for an action picture), for without it, one could easily and flippantly cast this movie aside. This is a comic book on film, and Hensleigh most definitely delivers in this respect. This is an "OH $hit" action flick, as you'll find yourself saying it over and over again as the violent acts become increasingly creative. Back it up with comic relief and you have a thoroughly enjoyable, testosterone driven artistic representation of the gut feeling almost every guy has thinking about someone hurting a loved one.
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Not For The Average American Viewer
19 April 2003
Upon first viewing It Happened Here, I was struck by the poor quality of the film. However, further viewings revealed the use of poor quality to be intentional. After reading of Brownlow's financial struggles in making the film, I'm awed at his creative use of available funds. I say that this film is not for the average American viewer for two simple reasons. One is that the average viewer does not typically appreciate ideological/experimental films, and this film is most certainly that. The second is because of the internationality of this film. The typical American viewer is used to seeing a quick plot development, usually intertwined with some sort of attention-keeper (explosions, comedy). The British of this film can be seen in its careful (and to most, slow) development.

If one, however, wishes to view an artistic film (and has the patience and culture to do so), I would highly recommend It Happened Here. I applaud Brownlow and Mollo for their vision and for their talent in presenting sensitive and critical issues in a such an appropriate manner.
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