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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Not boring but something is off
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a series with excellent production quality and good acting. It has everything on paper, the chemistry between the two leads, lots of other talented actors in each episode, nice picturesque venues, enough action, as well as really funny moments... it should work, but, somehow it doesn't really. I think the problem is with the plot. And I don't mean the holes in it, this genre has high tolerance for these kind of nonsense. I think, the problem is that this series doesn't explore the roads it can take with this idea. Each episode something intriguing starts to happen but soon we're right at the beginning where we started. A bomb goes off, unexpectedly, that doesn't change anything for our duo, they don't feel the need to hide for a while for example. A man dies in their apartment, they are not exposed although they have a nosey neighbour, which is Paul Dano by the way, criminally underused. Why call Paul Dano and give him nothing but a dog as content ? Anyway, they botch a job in my opinion by interfering with it while it was not on the mission description but apparently there are no consequences. The options are not narrowing, they never leave their comfort zone, the real threat of annihilation as a result of failure or mutiny we witnessed with the other couple at the beginning seems to lose its power with these two. Why? It could be much funnier to see them cracking jokes when in real trouble, running out of options. The other living John-Jane couple they met at the market looks like their story is much more interesting and three dimensional than our heroes. These two need their story arc. (Think Alias, which nailed the difficult mix of sexy spy action / soap comedy formula decades ago ) Are they duped into something sinister ? Are they going to wake up to see that there's no leaving the firm or will they continue merrily as it is? Are they going to fail and run? Will other people surrounding them - played by John Turturro or Wagner Moura for crying out loud! - turn out to have meaningful reasons for being there or the actors are just showing up for easy extra cash ? These things should be decided fast before the series dives too deep into this absurd half baked story of many inconclusive ends. I'm only at episode 4, so maybe it got better, I honestly don't know, but I'm losing my initial interest. And it's a waste for such good talents.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
Entertaining but I'm not sure ...
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This review is only for those who watched the show!

Firstly, not as deep as it used to be, like in the first couple of seasons. It's enjoyable but how much of it comes from the famous cast and how much comes from the script? I think Black Mirror was better with the less known actors, then the characters were like us, ordinary people caught in the web of confusing evil tech. The celebrities playing celebrities trick is just distracting.

But never mind that. My real problem is this, and it's very specific to this episode, ATTENTION, SPOILER: Am I missing something here? Because I can't understand why on earth the "avatar Joans" would smash the quantum computer because the real Joan, AKA the source, already did that. Yes she probably smashed it but because she wanted it to end simply. There wasn't any big revelation about how her life is an adaptation and her whole existence was deep fake cgi because it was not. It was real. And the computer generates a similar version of what's happening in real life, so the first version must be more or less the same scenario and the second one, and third one, and so on... there's no reason for the avatars to realize that they are avatars. The real life events wouldn't have a guy in the control room watching the real Joan rapping in the car because that recording did not exist and without it there wouldn't be a realization of the truth moment. That's not the truth of Joan so can't be scripted in the lifes of digital Joans. They wouldn't say that they should destroy the computer because that's already happened, determinism etc etc, because they would still be thinking that they were original. You see my problem?

Also, instead of doing that thing in the church, if I were Joan, my first solution to this problem would be getting rid of all digital devices for a month, not giving the algorithm content. Why would a character choose the crap route instead of the first, much less humiliating thing that comes to mind? Oh for cheap sensational scenes, ok.

I think whole thing was a bit lazy. If I had written that script, I would have ended the show with digital Joan destroying the machine without realizing that she was a version of Joan, therefore each Joan destroys CGI versions that come after them, (not themselves like stated in the show, that is just silly, computer is creating the next version, not the current version) leaving only real Joan left at the end, all happy at first, then starting a new season against her will, this time the story of her serving a prison sentence due to destroying that computer, because unfortunately there was a backup computer.

But I understand, it was not meant to be serious, it was a satire about AI threatening to take creative jobs in the industry and we got it and laughed about it but I still think it needed that bit of perfection in detail, a bad ass ending and a little pinch of dreadful pessimism to make it real Black Mirror material. The episode paradoxically resembles to be written by AI. I think Brooker could do better. No need to give ammunition to computers in the argument of humans vs machines, right?
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Boiling Point (I) (2021)
A fantastic film
5 April 2023
I was meaning to watch this film for a long time now and it didn't disappoint. It was very thrilling, I couldn't stare away for one second, not only because of the continuous real time technique chosen to film the events that take place, but also each drop of conflict and random misfortune accumulating to become the disaster that is to come keeps you engaged till the end.

There's no spoilers in what I say, the title says it all. Perfect choice of a title to a perfectly executed film.

I have watched films about the pressures in the kitchen before and this is one of the best ones. But although this film is obviously about fine dining and the torments of the talented chefs, I think it does a very good job of portraying burnout in general as well. The disagreements on how to perform tasks, the outside threats, personal circumstances, lazy or depressed colleagues, that feeling that no one is on top of their game, the deadlines, the anxiety, the pretense, the true meaning and joy of getting a job done lost in the process... the film takes all these universally applicable frustrations in any work environment and shows them via this high end restaurant's overbooked night, creating a successful allegory. It's poetic, tragic and stays with you for a long time.

It is also very respectful in portraying the challenges service sector workers, from bottom to very top face and have to endure in these chaotic times.

I give this film 9 stars as a result, would love to watch it again.
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Not a good movie
6 March 2023
This is such a silly movie, borderline insulting the viewer's intelligence. I understand that the story has been filmed before and maybe this much sweetness was the norm for romantic films at the time but in 2023 it is infantile and annoying.

Lead actress is someone I adore and I normally think that her gentle but firm acting which is full of emotional strength and clever humour works wonders. Unfortunately not this time. Here the story is so unbelievable and most importantly pointless that even in the feel good category it doesn't translate into something that is worth watching. Instead it looks like a commercial for a high fashion brand and a city, both of which didn't need this kind of endorsement for a long time now in my opinion.

This adaptation has nothing new to say or show and apparently it ruined the original ending, which was at least more inspiring for such a badly executed fairy tale. I should probably emphasize that I'm all for fairy tales when done correctly, but this is one clumsy advertisement masquerading as a fairy tale.

So sorry for the otherwise brilliant cast but this production is laziness in writing. Congratulations to the costumes department though.

Another special feature of it, can be watched in any language, just enjoy the costumes and decor, make up the dialogue in your mind, you will get 80% of it right.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Sadly not so good
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind the fact that this story has been used and overused many times before in movies with much better results. I am ok with the criminally few lines given to huge actors like Farrell, Malkovich and Davies and with the awkward moments when they speak and realize that they don't have any material to show their talents. But, I have a problem with how boring and apologetic this film is. Why is it trying so hard to convince us that Ava is suffering so much all the time? A small hint would suffice. But no, we need to know every ugly experience she had that drove her to this life. No! We don't need that at all! We came to watch badass female assassin kill with style and run from adventure to adventure while still looking good. The film is so obsessed with tortured soul bits that it forgets to show the actually important assassinating bits. Yes, there are two jobs in the beginning but they are not very critical to the story, one is just an example, the other one is quite predictable and unbelievable at the same time. Then they are both forgotten as we are asked to get on board with the outrageously ridiculous explanation that the boss has decided to eliminate the highly successful assassin because she talks to her subjects. No discovering a big secret, no killing wrong person, no switching sides, nothing serious like that, she just talks to them and she is emotional. I laughed aloud when I read one reviewer called this film feminist! This film is literally a male manager calling a female colleague hysterical when she raises her voice in a meeting :) I must confess, none of these would matter if at least the action was good, because we all watch these movies for the action. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Although Chastain and others do a good job and the choreography is not bad in general, since there's no urgency or real danger in those scenes, they look too staged and fake. And the dialogues during those scenes are especially awful. Some questions that came to my mind while watching: Who wrote this? Why? Who gave the go ahead? The only good thing about this film is Chastain. If it was someone else in that role, I would probably close it half way through. She deserved a better scenario.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Could be better
3 August 2022
I was really excited about this series. The cast alone was reason enough to watch it and they didn't disappoint. However, there are problems which are hard to ignore. First of all, although this is an interesting and poignant subject, I felt that the events described were a little bit forced. The beginning title gives us the information that the author was inspired by two murders in his home town. As I continued to watch the series I came to the conclusion that these murders were not enough to plot a whole six episode mystery. The fact that the mystery was not at all mysterious was not helping the matters. In the end, the conclusion of the only thing we the viewers were really curious about was handled badly and that left a bitter taste. My second reservation is about the tone. I can't possibly fault the acting of these finest of actors but the way the scenario is written was sometimes too didactic. I never mind a bit of a history lesson in fiction and I am glad that I got to learn about these events through this series but some lines spoken in some situations sounded unrealistic, at least to me. I can see what the writer was trying to achieve but they should have trusted the wonderful cast to convey their message. Lesley Manville needn't say a word to tell a thousand pages, she can just do that by giving us a look. Same with David Morrissey.

In the end, I am glad I watched it but that's mostly thanks to the cast. I heard that there will be a second season and if that's the case, I urge the production to create something hundred percent fiction instead of trying to knit real life events together with the hope of forming a coherent and interesting plot line because that strategy being successful is once in a blue moon thing, as Morrissey's character said in the series. Still I recommend it, it is not bad, just a bit disappointing.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Not as bad as some hardcore fans want you to believe
18 July 2022
I have never seen so much unjustified hate for a series. First of all, it is not reasonable to expect a video game adaptation to be exactly the same because then it is unwatchable. In games you're active, killing zombies and monsters and running; whereas in front of tv, you're passive and wouldn't want to watch the characters do those things only, there needs to be an engaging story. If you didn't like the story or acting, fine, it's a failed attempt then. But the haters have other issues. Why are there so many black characters? Why are the women so strong? Why are teenagers vegan? Why are there lesbians around? ... the list of "offensive things" goes on. Shame on you people! Representation of these characters are not against white male heros as you are insinuating. There should be place for everyone in life and in fiction. You're trying to make it look like forced but in reality it is your inability to accept diversity that forces our world to pretend that it's so monochrome. Stop the hate and find yourselves another hobby!

By the way, this series is watchable and mildly entertaining and only borrowing a few things from RE franchise and making up the rest. That's not a big crime for silly stuff. Get over it!
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Not a successful adaptation
25 March 2022
Some novels are very difficult to film. This is one of them. Even if the scenario was a well written one, it would be a hard thing to do. Unfortunately, the scenario is not good. It fails to capture the most significant moments described beautifully in the novel. I understand the necessity of leaving some material out, changing the sequence or nature of some events in a screenplay to make it more suitable to film, but here the whole storytelling feels rushed and empty of context. It does not do justice to the characters and events in the source material.

For someone who didn't read the book but only watched this film, the story must have looked like it is a simple love triangle drama with a dystopian background which is only there to make it interesting but doesn't really add up. In fact the book is far from it. The writer meticulously constructs the setting which is very much relevant to the events in the book and the moods of the characters. The book is a genre defying masterpiece in examining true human nature, love, hope and desperation. The film unfortunately can not achieve conveying these ideas. Emotion is there, thanks to good acting, but it is overall not a good film and the fact that the novel was such a beauty makes the matters worse.

In my opinion, it should only be watched after reading the book to visualise parts of it if you need that.
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Not good, very disappointing on many levels
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They say that this is a parody. If that is the case, a very bad one. If not, I don't know what it is. As a person who appreciates all genres, likes cross-genre pieces, adores a scenario which pretends to be one thing but turns out to be another, actively searches for black comedy, this mini-series was a total disaster. It is bad, pure and simple. And no, it is not "so bad that it is good", just bad. Bad as in, "I want 4 hours of my life back" bad. So what went wrong? I think the first requisite of a parody (let's accept that it as a parody), is missing; it is not funny. If it is not funny, what is left of it, a drama? A mystery? It can't be those things, the events described or that took place were so outrageously absurd that you can't take them seriously. But the writers didn't put anything in it to suggest that this is an absurd, artistic imitation of something serious so it sort of becomes something cheap and stupid itself. Exaggeration does not induce a comic effect, on the contrary you start to expect something bigger, even more extraordinary or cleverly funny to bind everything together. However that resolution never comes. Not even an overused cliché, not anything! The only revelation is so childish (!) that we don't even care about that. And why should we, there are other things more important that demand an explanation! At the end, the viewer is left with the worst kind of what did I just watch feeling. I suspect this is another nasty move from the streaming service to cheat viewers by employing their favourite formula; take a beloved talented actor nobody can speak against, put them in a wisteria lane setting with gorgeous handsome men and women around, give loads of money to production, effects, wardrobe etc. And let the team of writers do whatever they want to do with it. I would be surprised if somebody took the trouble to view and approuve the end result before airing! (They probably checked if the whole thing is binge-watchable or not though, that's the only thing they care about, which is achieved by simple mechanical cliffhangers.) And no, it was not some sarcastic attempt to make fun of any genre, it was a sarcastic attempt to make fun of the viewers at best. Off all the mediocre things I endured over the years watching this service, there used to be at least something spectacular to even things out. Not only this is no longer the case, on top of it they dare come up with such garbage and ruin my fond memories of Kristen Bell from the Good Place... Well, I have no more words to say.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Why all the hate?
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to write this review because of the hysterical arguments going on about how bad that ending was.


I understand the complaints about Dexter not behaving like a Dexter to a point, but seriously, can't a man behave a little out of character when confronted by his son in that way? Is self sacrifice so unbelievable in fiction? Is choosing the way to end things in your own terms when cornered in an impossible situation so strange ? What is so unrealistic about those things? Would it be more realistic if Dexter went to LA to continue his life's work as if nothing happened? And is it what people really want to see? If so, I am sorry but something is very wrong about that.

Dexter was from the outset a delusional man's journey of trying to have a normal life while he couldn't shake the dark impulses in his mind. The code etc were his reasonings, not the spectator's. Of course we liked him, of course we didn't want him to get caught but his way was a flawed way with no happy ending. To me, the point of this finale was to show that finally he understood that too.

Overall this was a very good mini series that provided closure, even if the ending was a bit underwhelming, I dont see how else it could have ended.

That's why I gave 9 for the series and 7 to the finale.

And lastly, in general people complained a lot about Debra, forgetting that it is Dexter who is doing all that talking in his head. Very funny display of zero patience for a complaining woman's sight or sound !
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Even stating the genre is spoilers, mixed feelings about this one.
5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this show 6 but probably it deserves much lover if I could be more rational. The thing is even with all of its flaws and silliness as well as some questionable acting, the series managed to capture my attention. This I think is a success in itself. Usually I can pinpoint what a series gets right to do so, but this time, no, I can't pinpoint it. Baffling. Maybe the actress playing Adele, that is the closest I can think of. Otherwise I normally enjoy cross genre but here it is a bit cringe inducing and really hard to watch both emotionally and due to stupid effects. The whole thing is a bit soapy as well. Oh I don't know , still just so watchable , not interesting , but watchable. I don't know how they managed to do that!
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The Expanse: Winnipesaukee (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
Haters are ruining the show
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was not about Naomi at all, she had so little screen time. Despite that, the haters could not stand to see one minute more of her. It is unbelievable. If I had to complain about something, I would say that the shuttle takeoff screens were a victim of budget or time issues. Why did not they show Clarissa's fight ? I can't think of anything else other than they must have run out of money to produce the visual effects or maybe there was no time to show it. Same for the battles between parties that we hear taking place. The whole season seems to try to tell too much without enough episodes I think. That is why we can't see some characters as much as we want to or some events are only mentioned but not shown on screen. This is a real issue. But I doubt that the creators have control over this. Earlier seasons had more episodes . It seems to me that even the opening credits were longer :) I was enjoying that abundance. Having said all these, I still don't think the season is bad. I did not read the books but I imagine these things also have to happen to carry the story forward so I really have a hard time feeling empathy for the haters who expect die hard kind of situations from every episode. This is a rare sci-fi story which is not about the battle between the good and the bad, but normal people just trying to do the "good thing" according to them. They are sometimes right, sometimes wrong and it is interesting to know where they come from. If people think that this is soap, then they should just watch something else and stop ruining the show for others.
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The Expanse: Hard Vacuum (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
Not getting fair reviews
24 January 2021
I find the so-called fans of the show who trash the last couple of episodes because they committed the horrendous crime of focusing on the struggles of a female character really pathetic. If it was Holden's story it would be epic ! But since it is Naomi, they can't stand it. I agree that it was slow, I also missed Holden, Alex, and Amos and also Bobbie too. Thus I think the episode was average but for sure not deserving 3s or 4s! In such a saga sometimes some characters shine, some story arcs are over stretched. But you must be in for the long ride and not try to get it cancelled. Shame on people I say. The show's essential qualities are intact and I hope Amazon could see it too.
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Vivarium (2019)
Disturbing and depressive
5 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you choose to watch this, don't do it in lockdown.

SPOILERS AHEAD: This is a difficult one. Don't be fooled by the cuteness of the lead actors, the film is not funny. It is very depressing and disturbing. But not bad. I will talk about this later. But let me tell you this; in fact I could have given a higher note to this film because there is no specific fault in it but somehow it is difficult to rate higher. Maybe because of the fact that it is pointless. And I am not saying this as an insult. The film itself is saying that right from the start. The little girl in the school yard was asking "why?" and her teacher answered that it is the nature. The same thing can be said regarding the motivations of the aliens (I presume) in the film. Actually their actions are the mirror images of the bird in the opening scenes. So this film is not a mystery, it is an open book. There is no great philosophical meaning behind. It is just their nature to behave this way. I guess if one tries really hard, they can find symbolism here and there but to me the main theme was only this.

And as a low budget - low concept science fiction film it is rather successful in its genre. However, oh boy, it is so depressing. So long. Excruciating in some ways. If it were a short that would not help much either. Because the idea is so unpleasant, it would still create the same negative sensation. To sum up, it is not bad, just hard to look at. I would have liked to meet the creators of this project and have a long discussion about their mental health , kidding;)
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Salt (2010)
Good action spoiled by stupid plot
23 August 2020
Hollywood's idea of Americans and other nations (rest of the world, miscellaneous, whatever...) has always been insulting. Bad Russians trying to blow up the world against patriots etc. Here it is no different although there are insanely a lot of (predictable) twists which try to dilute the idea a bit. Normally I would not mind as long as it is entertaining. However Angelina Jolie was trying really hard and very much invested in this movie that I felt sorry for her. All that stunts and tough acting for this absurd story? This movie could have been great if only the writers of the script were not lazy. Shame. Still 6 for action and three lead actors. Because I like them.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Really good movie especially if you like your music to go with it.
4 August 2020
I really liked this movie. It has a special aura and I think the director captures that feeling very well when a song with a rhythm appropriate to the situation or the feeling comes up, all of a sudden you start to act like you are in your own musical or sometimes move or dance with it not necessarily thinking about others around you or include them in the experience. That exhilarating feeling of sharing a song with someone who appreciates it is also well portrayed. And not just among lovers or friends, but with strangers too. I think the people who thought that the movie is just a video clip or all style and little substance were not getting these things. Fast and furious it is not. It is something that offers much more in my opinion. I very much appreciated all the effort put into selecting the music and creating the accompanying scenes . The main plot should not be taken too seriously but it is as entertaining as it could be. And I found the backstories of the characters more or less interesting. No fault there. The main irritating factor was the Doc and the way Spacey played it. But I will not dwell on it. The other actors were enjoyable to watch. Lead actor was a discovery for me. Although a bit stiff I can see that he is multi talented. I really adored the little Samm played by Hall. He is going to be a big star I hope. Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx were absolutely stunning I wanted to watch them endlessly. Unfortunately Lily James was just a pretty face. I think she should have given more depth. I would've liked to see more scenes with Jon Bernthal as well. On the other hand Flea was a nice surprise. To sum up, I think the movie is successful and refreshing, although not a masterpiece, a unique and cool directorial achievement which should be seen and enjoyed without prejudice. I can watch it again tonight! (And definitely discover all of the soundtrack )
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Good movie, disrespectful reviews
15 July 2020
I found the movie enjoyable and well made. The father daughter relationship and the motives of other characters, despite being cliches, work in this film. The plot is sincere in its portrayal of events without being ridiculous or overly serious. I really really liked it. On the other hand, I invite the reviewers to show some respect to the women in this film. This schoolgirl/cheerleader conversation created here is just sexist and disrespectful. It is not even a big plot point , one of the characters being a schoolgirl, so what? I thought teenage (underage probably) girl fantasies were unwelcome in this post "me too" era but apperantly many people still think the other gender only as a "gift to men". That character has an important role in the film other than wearing a short skirt but some people can only see that. Just disappointing.
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1917 (2019)
Should be compulsory viewing at schools
8 July 2020
Yes it is a cinematographic masterpiece. And brilliant storytelling. Touching acting. All the praises are well deserved. I agree with them and would also like to add that this film achieves a very difficult thing to achieve: it takes you to the 1st world war and force you to understand the true horrors of it without being didactic about it. --spoilers sort of-- It is a true eye opener. I have never imagined anything like this in my 40 year life while watching a war movie. 1917 shows that the real horror of it was not the body parts, imminent death or the terror . They are very real and horrible of course but no other film managed to shook me with the meaninglessness of the whole concept of war and the madness of nations to put all that effort (digging that trenches !!) to efficiently exterminate each other's most precious assets, meaning their children, to the point that it is their own children and their own future that they waste abundantly at the end. They tell in the movies people go to war to protect loved ones but it is a lie. The loved ones were dying horrible deaths in this movie . I see now that the heroes exist but they should not need to be and the lives that might have saved by their heroic acts were maybe lost the next day anyway. No other film to my knowledge plainly put it this way before . It made me cry to think that we repeated the whole thing again in WW2 and to a lesser extent in all conflicts and smaller scale wars in the world since then. When will we ever learn?

I thank the director for making this film with all my heart.
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Bloodride: Ultimate Sacrifice (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Nordic twilight zone
27 June 2020
I only watched this first episode so far but I am pretty sure I will like the rest of it as well. I am very comfortable with the short span of time given to the story. In fact you can guess easily where it is going so there is really no need to drag things out. I think this show is not a very serious mystery horror show. It has a very simple promise, which is to present the audience an urban legend, twilight zone sort of idea to enjoy and maybe think further before you go to sleep. What would i do kind of questions came to my mind. It does not ask you to suspend belief or commit so seriously into anything happening on the screen. For this episode at least, the fast unfolding of the events in this story actually provided some comic relief and softened the heavy dramatic aspects. Just sit back, watch it and toy with the idea yourself. It is a folk tale after all, need not be realistic! And one more very important thing : USE THE SUBTITLES ! the episode did not work with dubbing . It was unwatchable. Really decreases the quality of the acting . Definitely should be watched with original Norwegian conversation. That is usually the case with all Nordic cinematographic pieces anyway (unless the Nordic actors themselves speak English for international audiences) but here the english version's quality is so low that the whole atmosphere is lost.
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Does not take the viewers seriously - takes itself very seriously.
8 June 2020
I smell plagiarism . The AI, the cube/monolith whatever, the server room, year in the title, anyone? It is totally fine to take inspiration from a cult film but one should do that if they have something new or interesting to say. This film has none of those things. It is as if the creators of this project thought that long enough time has passed since the release of the 2001 space odyssey and probably 20 somethings won't bother watching it, therefore they can replicate all the ideas with zero budget, zero acting and zero intelligence for that matter. Maybe the secret originality of the film is that the scenario is generated by an AI. Who knows? In any case, the film is not entertaining, not thought provoking -as it should be if not entertaining-, not technically perfect, so why this project got the green light anyway? And please , to all the sci-fi film makers in the world : enough with this "unknownness" . If you don't know and can't imagine what is out there , don't try to make a film out of it. The literature can execute it because in the pages it works. The reader imagines it in his/her mind. Sometimes does not even have to, the feelings about it, the attitude of people in various circumstances, they matter more than what the far away universe physically look like. But when you translate these sources to films you have to be super talented to create something formidable. Kubrick did it, Tarkovsky did it. These people who worked in 2036 origin unknown did not have a clue. Not only them , actually latest bigger budget versions of the same genre (interstellar, arrival) also failed to some extent in my opinion although not that spectacularly as this one. The problem is that in the earlier sci-fi films directors went freestyle, they did all kinds of silly stuff, invented weird aliens, imaginary planets, all kinds of interactions between species. But the whole thing worked as a narrative device, there were emotions, consequences, allegory of human nature, messages, philosophy, even practical advice to get from. Now, our modern understanding of universe does not let us make the silly versions but instead directors try to be super serious , super accurate about the whole thing and that does not work at all because , as the lead character says in this film, " if only we understood that we were so very fragile." We are fragile, small and ignorant of our place in the universe. This reflects in the emptiness of the plot in this film unfortunately.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Very entertaining, give it a try
24 May 2020
First of all, I want to make a comparison. This one is bugging me for a couple of years now. Every Belgian sci-fi series I watched was better than the French ones. I apologize from the sensitive French audiences but sorry it is all about pacing. The French took themselves too seriously, The Belgians just go with it. No matter how interesting, accurate or relevant your story is, if you can't master pacing people just get bored. Belgian productions really know how to keep you interested. And in this one it shows; the story is just another airplane catastrophe/end of the world cliche, the scientific facts are, well let's say they are like a middle school student got inspired from his/her science books. But it keeps you hooked. You wander what will happen next. There are no emotional blah blah. Acting, not award winning scale but not disturbing either. I don't understand why some people are bothered by the politically incorrect behaviours of the characters or the religious or national conflicts. They seem pretty realistic to me. And I have lived in Brussels, there they are always talking about which European country is such and such, which NATO ally is solid, are Walons or Flamands better, which immigrants are more successful, etc etc. In a situation like this one, it is probable that they won't act like the united crew of Starship Enterprise. And yes they are idiots. Actually it is the most realistic aspect of it. Look at the situation out of your window: is not all of humanity acting like idiots in the face of this virus crisis? In my opinion majority of people (inc myself) tend to disappoint in a similar situation by not accepting the reality, going after petty gains or uselessly betraying the ones in charge because they thing they know better. I just found one thing about them that bothers me; the grieving process of the characters are somewhat short but then again it should be because of the short episodes. No time to grieve I guess . So I think the picture drawn here is pretty realistic (I mean for an impossible scenario) . And most of all entertaining. It is easy to watch. Not a classic maybe but rather successful. Congrats to Belgians.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Not good but still keeps you watching
9 February 2020
Ok; to me, this story was unbeliavable. In a way that there is no way one can believe the events described in the series. Even if we suspend belief for the entertainment value, there are too much inconsistencies, twists and coincidences that start to bother right from the beginning. In order not to give spoilers I won't go into detail but there are some major moments which are too soap opera that I forgot I was watching a thriller/ crime mystery adapted from a novel by one of the most successful writers of this genre. Then I remembered that the only novel I've read from H. Coben was not to my taste either.

Adaptation was also basic. Whenever something significant happens we are kindly reminded of the moment that is related to that revelation by flashbacks, why? I guess because we are too stupid to make the connection by ourselves.

The acting; I really enjoyed watching Anthony Head (Although I must admit his acting is always the same acting since Buffy, which is fine by me). Kaye was good, Dooley was good, so were all the actors/actresses in the second roles, the children especially. Husband was ok. I had a problem with Kirwan's adoring mother portrayal . It was just not convincing . And the lead dedective Jo (?) character did bother me . I think the ending was an insult to her , a quick fix in her personal and professional life. The actress was trying hard but there was no purpose or depth in her character.

To sum up, very superficial, meaningless, like an AI generated story ... that I could not stop watching because it had a junk food quality to it. Everyone likes to watch beautiful houses and cars and people with beautiful clothes on, with the exception of the bad guys of course. They were not fashionable :) I also kind of wondered what will happen in the end , not to the characters because they became so annoying that I did not care anymore , but I wanted to see how they will tie everything up. It was done quickly .

So a success despite all the flaws. A crowd pleaser. But if you are serious about crime fiction, watch Hinterland instead. I wish there was more of that one.
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Frozen II (2019)
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
!!! Spoilers for the 1st movie ahead; I know should've reviewed the 2nd one but this proved impossible without revealing my feelings for the previous movie. !!!

First of all; I extend my respects to all Frozen fans. As a parent of two children who adored this movie when they first saw it several years apart, I get it. It has become a classic and a joy to children and parents worldwide. Therefore I'd like to underline that I mean no offense when I say that I liked Frozen 2 more because it was, to my view, better. In fact, I was surprised to see that the story was more interesting and the characters were not annoying. Yes, unfortunately I thought that Elsa was a bit of a drama queen and Anna got pushed around a lot in the first movie. The whole story had too many disturbing details that basically it was a melodrama with many loopholes. (What was Elsa planning to eat in her castle of ice for the rest of her life?, why this lonely fate should be a cause for celebration of freedom ? , why is she the victim in all this while poor Anna constantly gets struck by her careless sister ?) But nevermind it had this song and Olaf and billions of toys that kept children happy enough. So when I went to see the "Second One" with my little ones, a 9 year old boy and a 4 year old girl by the way, I was ready to embrace more melodrama and caprice from Elsa with bravery. Instead, i found it quite enjoyable. I believe that by not trying to resemble Andersen's fairy tale anymore, the scenarists managed to create an original story and it is overall more successful. I reconnected with Elsa and especially liked Olaf's parts. I also like to congratulate Disney for choosing brave endings instead of clichés. They made a habit of it recently. I witnessed this in the latest toy story movie as well.

Anyway, I say thanks for the pleasant experience. A parent who haven't seen enough adult films in theaters for a decade now could not appreciate it more. It is not earthshattering (hence the disappointment of diehard fans) but the fact that it is not, makes it better. P.S: 4 year old daughter got a bit scared of the giant rock men but overall enjoyed it while 9 year old son did not get bored of it which is an accomplishment in itself.
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The Irishman (2019)
There was no need for that, sorry.
28 November 2019
I know that Scorsese is like a god for most people and all main cast members are semi-gods themselves but this movie is just not good. The nostalgia for the times when tough Italian- or irish - guys with over inflated egos rule the world leaves a bad taste. The ludicrous ageing process of the actors does not help either. If this was done by Ed Wood, it would at least be funny. Here I could not keep watching because I cringed so hard looking at "young" De Niro. The others were not in better shape. It was just distracting. I think by insisting on casting the same actors for every stage of their lives, the director wasted the oppotunity to really pay tribute to those brilliant gangster movies from his earlier career. In fact the Irishman was like a parody of them. So sorry to witness this pointless effort .
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
The good place is good for people!
18 October 2019
After watching the first season I thought that this show was a rare gem. The acting, the subject, the lenght of episodes, the jokes ... everything worked. Also the ending really caught me by surprise. Since then I am still watching and not complaining. Although as seasons go by the show becomes more predictable, I think it is still one of the most awarding experiences on tv. And admit it people; isn't it just free therapy? I watch this once a week and save on the therapist's bill, feel so much better and less anxious about living and dying. The good place is good for people.
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