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The Boys (2019– )
Exhilarating superhero series
18 May 2023
I call this a "superhero series" ironically. The reason for this being that the series centres on a bunch of corrupt superheroes. They are corrupt to varying degrees, with some more noble than others. There's a corporation behind them with sinister intent. The series revolves around a bunch of "boys" who are hell-bent on taking this corporation and one particular superhero down, Homelander. The acting in this show is nothing short of impressive. There's some great special effects in here. The action sequences are pretty gory and violent and the show won't appeal to everyone because of that. I'm on the edge of my seat for the next season.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Great standalone series
18 May 2023
Great show. Each episode in this series deals with misadventures with technology, essentially showing how technology can screw humanity over. As a result, there's not overarching narrative here, but more of a unifying concept. The episodes are variable in their quality and shock-factor, certainly the original seasons where better. There's some less appealing episodes (e.g. The one which features Miley Cyrus) and more climactic episodes which result in some shocking revelations at the end. All in all, this is a show you can easily tap in and out of, but there's a good chance you won't be able to resist binging it anyway.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
18 May 2023
This is a whirlwind Netflix adult comedy series that borders on ludicrousness. The show follows a crazy scientist and his grandson as they adventure through various science fiction-inspired scenarios. The scenarios are pretty absurd, right down to Rick turning himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy. Such a novel idea- who comes up with this stuff!

The voice acting, music and visuals are top notch. I think there's something in this show for everyone. The latter seasons aren't as punchy, but that can't distract from what is otherwise a fine and long-running series with lots of laughs to be had.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Not everyone will enjoy this
18 May 2023
This show revolves around a washed up actor who has dysfunctional relationships - oh and he has a horse head and lives in a universe with various characters having animal heads. It all sounds a bit unusual - and it is. The first two episodes will have you in hysterics. The show takes a rather unexpected turn that may not be for everyone. The show deals with issues like depression, anxiety, substance abuse and childhood trauma, to mention a few. The central character has a dysfunctional relationship with his friends, has troubles maintaining friendships and you slowly start to realize there's some serious narcissistic traits going on that result in his unraveling. It's not a comedy at its core, but a drama with a lot of unnervingly relatable stories.
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Mulligan (2023– )
Not great
18 May 2023
This is yet another Netflix adult cartoon comedy that tries to deliver comedy but falls flat on its face with juvenile simplistic humour. The premise itself about an alien apocalypse and survivors trying to make the most of a difficult situation just isn't particularly exciting in itself. The show starts off on a very weak footing. There's really nothing groundbreaking about this series and I could barely get through the first episode, though I did persevere. It's such a shame, especially given the presence of Hollywood heavyweights like Tina Fey. It's a real shame, as I do like the adult cartoon content that Netflix tends to come out with, but there's been notable flops and this is likely to be added to the pile.
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Big Mouth (2017–2025)
8 May 2023
Love this cartoon - it's an adult cartoon akin to say, South Park in terms of it being taken from the perspective of children and the content is very adult. But- the distinguishing factor here is the details. Big Mouth follows the trials and tribulations of kids undergoing puberty.

The other unusual and distinguishing factor here is the presence of characters having their own imaginary/real monsters that guide them through their struggles and journeys. There's also some rather entertaining songs performed by the actors rather musically. All in all, I found this show edgy, funny and oddly relatable. Recommend.
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Hoops (2020)
Depends on your sense of humour
7 May 2023
Hoops is quite the short lived bungle of laughs. It depends on what your sense of humour is as to whether you'll be enthralled or underwhelmed by this adult comedy cartoon.

The show follows a dysfunctional basketball coach who I'm sure has antisocial personality disorder...or Tourette's at the very least.

He's a moody coach with a bunch of no hoper teammates who lose nearly every game. Never the less, that doesn't stop him from fighting for his team and for glory. He'll stop at nothing to achieve success and the measures he goes to are pretty hilarious and questionable. I don't know why this show was cancelled and would love to see it return.
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Superb parody/docudrama
7 May 2023
This film tracks the making of a film that literally is a disaster piece, having watched both myself. The original film is a bit of a train wreck that is actually now funny after seeing this film.

The original film is so bad in terms of acting, script and production values despite its surprisingly large budget. As a result, Disaster Artist has a fair bit of content to play with. Beyond this, the acting and comedic timing by the likes of James Franco is priceless.

I genuinely recommend this film to anyone who wants more than a chuckle. You'll find that this film is entertaining, regardless of whether you've seen the original.
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The Room (2003)
I didn't mind it
7 May 2023
That is to say, I didn't mind it once I decided to not take this film seriously- at all. The film was parodied in James Franco's Disaster Artist with good reason. It doesn't make sense, it's put together with bad cinematography and editing despite its large-ish budget.

The actors simply cannot act and are incredibly melodramatic at times and rather unexpectedly to the point that it jolts the viewing experience. There's truly not a lot of redeeming qualities in this film until you loosen your belt, recline the chair back and simply passively absorb the train wreck that is playing before you. Then you might have a laugh.
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South Park (1997– )
Grown over the years
7 May 2023
If you have a fragile ego or are otherwise sensitive, I would avoid this show. It's a cartoon about 4 kids and their respective families who get up to no good in the town of South Park. It's a pretty hilarious show if you aren't easily offended.

Often episodes will parody or satirize certain issues like world events, popular culture, social norms and celebrities.

I will admit, I found the original seasons a little simplistic and brazen in their critical satire regarding certain issues. There's more nuance and playfulness in the latter seasons that has made this adult cartoon blossom over time.
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Fences (2016)
Decent adaptation
6 May 2023
So I just watched the play version of this (it's originally based on a play) and had mixed feelings about the film adaptation. Denzel is a fine actor but unfortunately I feel it's some of the supporting cast that didn't bring this to a 10. It's a great story about a lower-middle class worker in southern America somewhere about a century ago. You can tell that the man is a product of his upbringing and dishes the same out onto his family, notably his son.

It's a film about love, redemption and not repeating the same sins of the past. "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself."
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What did I just watch...
6 May 2023
I just watched this film by virtue of it being a multi-Oscar winner. I was well rested and of clear mind but still found the film difficult to follow.

It's a film that focuses on a migrant laundromat owner who in essence, I can only deduce, is trying to patch up the relationship with her daughter while also experiencing a faltering relationship with her husband.

The core of this film is sweet and well-intentioned but the way it is filmed is nauseating and difficult to follow. Some might say the special effects are part of the appeal, but personally I did not find the experience pleasant at all. The film is also far too long for what it aims to deliver.
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Sleeper Cell (2005–2006)
Multidimensional take
6 May 2023
The conversation of extremist attacks and ideologies hasn't left our society since this show was made and tragically canceled. The exploration of what compels even ordinary men and women to pursue something so violent in the name of religious ideology is fascinating to watch.

Sleeper Cell did a fine job of showing a balanced viewpoint with balanced characters. The series follows a secret agent who infiltrates a sleeper cell group of unlikely militants planning a big attack. The tense situations our protagonist gets himself into is gripping but also endearing as you see what a more moderate believer is like. Definitely worth watching!
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Office Space (1999)
The dangers of burnout
6 May 2023
This film is not at all related to The Office, as a newcomer might expect. Though it is a comedy, the film focuses on the narrative of an office worker experiencing burnout and progressive hatred of his job and boss. This is a story many of us could relate to. Despite the serious subject matter, the film is exceptionally funny with some very quirky characters. The actors and director do an outstanding job of keeping the laughs and narrative moving in tandem. There's also a pretty cool soundtrack, inclusive of one of my all-time favorites called "Damn it feels good to be a gangster". And yes, it does.
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Monkey (1978–2004)
Loved this
6 May 2023
I was surprised to find out this is not a series spawned out of Hollywood. The show tells of a monkey man on his quest to India to retrieve some sacred scriptures in a bid to save the world. He recruits a rag tag bunch of travelers including a fellow with a pig face. There's a lot of laughter to be had during their adventures as well as some pretty comedic fighting scenes.

The show is of course dubbed, but the English voice actors do a great job of drawing you in.

I truly hope Hollywood can pick this series up and produce a modern day take on what was a unique narrative. 2 series simply wasn't enough.
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Outsourced (2006)
Okay comedy
6 May 2023
This show wasn't the best- it could have gone a lot further given the content. Outsourcing and call centre life is a common way of life for people and corporations around the world. There's certainly some comedic moments, but for a series that's meant to be set in a country as culturally rich and diverse as India, it fails to showcase this. You can easily tell you're not in India- besides the fact that most of the actors aren't born and bred in India, which has some bearing on their performances and characterizations.

Never the less, if you've got a bit of free time and want a few chuckles, the show is watchable.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Great crime series with a repetitive tone
6 May 2023
Dexter tells of a blood splatter analyst/scientist with a dark secret or as he calls it "his dark passenger". He's somewhat of a vigilante - think the Punisher but in serial killer format.

He picks up the crimes where his police colleagues failed to secure a conviction. He will do his own investigation, be the judge, jury and as the case often ends up being, the executioner as well.

There's some very hard scenes to watch and while there is a compelling undercurrent narrative, the episodes can become repetitive. Never the less, given the content and charisma of our protagonist, we can't help but tune in for more.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
6 May 2023
They simply don't make television this way anymore. The series takes on the issue of drugs in our society, and its impact on people at every level- from children to the drug dealers to the drug users, to the police, to the media and the people who are bringing the drugs in from the port.

The writing in this show is brilliant and the characters are all exceptionally unique. The performances are nothing short of excellent. I haven't seen a TV show or film tackle this issue as holistically as the Wire does- I was sorry to see the show finish, but all good things must come to an end. Well done to the producers.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Irritating waste of money
6 May 2023
I think what annoys many viewers is the sheer wastage of money that goes into these big blockbuster films. You can bring together all the A lister celebrities but you can't make them manifest a bad script. That's what happens with this very mundane movie. There's so many corny attempted comedic moments in the film that when the time comes for it to be taken seriously, it simply can't be.

The second installment does a better job- who knows, maybe because they learned from their mistakes and dropped a couple of characters. Whatever the case is, this is an original that proves the sequel can do better. Much better.
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Tom Hardy though
6 May 2023
What a brilliant end to the dark knight trilogy. We all know why we keep tuning into these Batman films- it's never for Batman/Bruce Wayne and always for the villains, portrayed in such unique and fascinating ways. They can be sometimes hyperbolic, but in this trilogy, it's never done to the point of lack of believability. Or distracting to the point of comedy. The tone is one of darkness and Tom Hardy delivers Bane to us in such a menacing way. He's big, bad and oddly enough has such a gentlemanly English accent. Such is the paradox that works and makes him all the more unnerving to watch in this otherwise great film.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Akin to breaking bad
6 May 2023
This show follows a similar formula to Breaking Bad, headed by Jason Bateman, who plays the "good guy who does bad things" so well. He and his family become money launderers for drug cartels. This is at odds with them wanting to be the "happy family next door".

Life just wasn't meant to be that easy. There's some "middle men" characters who come into the picture that complicate things for our protagonists. And then loyalties are tested, even within the family.

The show is a bit derivative. But that's television for you- doesn't detract from this being a great piece of modern television that you'll want to binge in a week.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Brilliant show
6 May 2023
This is the perfect marriage of dark comedy, crime and drama that the modern day television so sorely needed. The show tells of Walter White, a science teacher with some bad news for his health, being diagnosed with a terminal illness. But he's got good intentions, including wanting to provide for his family and leave a legacy. So what does he do? He starts producing hard street drugs and becoming a household name amongst drug dealers everywhere.

It's one of the best antihero series that I've seen and the performances and writing are nothing short of incredible. If you haven't seen this, please do watch!
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Oz (1997–2003)
Not for the faint hearted
6 May 2023
This has got to be the grittiest thing made by HBO. It may well also be the grittiest prison show I've ever seen. It's the ultimate antihero story of a character who makes some poor choices in life, ends up in prison and finds himself being the villain he never thought he'd be.

There's a lot of dark characters, sudden character deaths and some pretty unpleasant "don't drop the soap" moments that will make most viewers incredibly uneasy. But despite the fact that this show clearly isn't for everyone, it's so well written and acted. You'll be fully immersed in the dark world of the Oswald penitentiary.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Good prison drama
6 May 2023
I won't say this is the best prison drama, but it's up there. The story tells of a fellow who commits a crime to deliberately get imprisoned so he can break his brother (wrongfully imprisoned) out of prison. Naturally things don't go according to plan and so our protagonist is instead left to simply learn to survive in this hostile prison environment.

The show has numerous Hollywood cliche moments but this keeps the show moving. The characters are all unique and darkly fascinating. The level of malevolence is not comparable to the likes of the HBO series Oz, but it's a fun ride never the less.
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less than ideal
5 May 2023
After Ragnarok, I was really looking forward to this film. We waited long enough. But sadly this film was not to going to resurrect the franchise. Instead it buries it far into the ground. The film just indulges itself in its own reputation and glory, with a bunch of A-lister actors. Putting aside the tedious narrative that tries to be meaningful, the film simply lacks the level of humour of its predecessor. There's a lot of poor attempts at humour, almost bordering on juvenile. Ultimately, what really bothers me is the sheer budget that went into making this substandard film. Here's hoping big studios become more responsible with the quality of content they produce in the future.
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