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Thank God they didn't interfere with James Gunn.
7 May 2023
This is why you don't see many good movies anymore... this is why the Golden era of film is the 70's... 90's... and some big franchises came out in like the 80's.

Because companies and their distributors get too afraid with ballooning movie budgets, and it creates a too many cooks in the kitchen atmosphere.

And movie studios are just too nervous to take a risk, or they just make the same crap because it's guaranteed to make money.

There is no art, there is no love or passion. It's just cold calculated money, and that's it.

There's a reason there aren't many new generation directors... and even if there are talented people... they pretty much all do television. Because of control.

This movie is BY FAR and away the best movie in the series... and the best Marvel movie... probably ever. And the reason is they just let the director do his thing. And it works... it will always work if that's what they do.

But they rarely do... and this movie is proof positive what happens if the big wigs with no talent just step back and allow the artists to create art. Like they used to... in the 70's... some 80's... and the 90's. Thank you for a trip down memory lane James Gunn... DC should be in good hands... Disney is a bunch of morons.
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The Last of Us: Endure and Survive (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Thank you for not making it gutwrenching like the game did.
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Easily... by far and away... the most heartbreaking part of The Last of Us game, is the storyline of Henry and Sam. When I saw the end result in the game, it shook me to my core, I cried, and felt like crap for awhile.

The Last of Us show, on the other hand, already gave us episode 3 -- which anyone with a soul -- will admit, made, and still makes me cry to this day.

I couldn't take another heartbreaker of an episode like that. And even though, yes, this episode absolutely made me cry. It could have been WAY worse.

First off, I figured (like in the game), Sam and Henry would have stuck around for a little while. At least a couple of full episodes.

Instead, after last week's fantastic, and very necessary, build up episode to this week. They essentially crammed a fair amount of storyline into one VERY VERY excellent episode.

At first, I hoped they filmed what happened to all the people who lived in the underground school, in what could have been, an amazing standalone episode. Which I always wanted to see after playing the game.

But... they explained right away, why they didn't do that. When, the most insane part of this (or any other episode of a show featuring the undead for that matter) happened.

The scene with the run of clickers coming out of the ground was absolutely terrifying; more terrifying than ANYTHING The Walking Dead has ever done, and even more terrifying than the white walkers in Game of Thrones.

For the first time ever you see these monsters, and realize just how helpless you are against them in this world. They don't feel like they can be inevitably beat like on other shows, or somehow weak against our main characters.

Joel and Ellie get away because they're lucky, and because they know clickers are an ABSOLUTE last option. It's an amazing change of pace.

When, the inevitable happens with Sam and Henry, it's just as sad as it was in the game, and if you've never played the game, it's probably just as heartbreaking.

However, they also ripped the band aid off almost immediately, and for that I am eternally grateful. They could have dragged it out (something I probably would have done, especially with how wonderfully cast and amazing the actors were portraying Sam and Henry), thus making us more attached to them, but they used them as more or less another cautionary tale for Joel and Ellie on their journey.

Ultimately, The Last of Us, is about them, and the show never forgets that, even if they take us on a few side paths.

Again, somehow... this episode was done better than the game. I don't know how they keep doing it, I don't know how they keep threading the line so well between keeping it the same, and enhancing it. But they do.

From the amazing acting, cinematography, writing, directing, music, tone... etc. It proves time and time again, to be the best show on t.v. And yet again, proves, it's already my favorite show of all time.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Like "Up" Only a million times better.
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode absolutely blew me away.

I've played the game, I know Bill is a fairly important character, and Frank is already dead.

What they did instead is why "The Last of Us" just became mine (and I'm also sure for a lot of you), our favorite show on television (and if this episode is any indication, favorite series of all time).

I won't get into specifics, but all I can say is this episode is so beautiful, so genuine, so poignant, and so heartfelt that if you have an open mind, even a macho homophobe can be changed.

I'm not ashamed to say I cried, and will probably cry everytime I watch this episode.

Thank you to everyone who is responsible for this episode and series as a whole... you actually make the world a better place.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Just a perfect ending.
16 August 2022
There really isn't a lot more to say than that. It was just done... perfectly. Everything and anything I could have asked for they gave, and did it in a way that felt so rewarding.

One of the best shows ever ended again like Breaking Bad, the best possible most satisfying way possible. Congrats to everyone involved. You made me very happy.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Did the Boys just become the best show on T.V.?
11 July 2022
Yup. The answer is yes.

And now I am only writing additional things right now because to submit this review I have to write one-hundred and fifty characters. Which I'm hoping I just did. Thank you.
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Love love love Soldier Boy!!
2 July 2022
By far and away one of the best additions to any show mid-series. His addition adds so many nuanced elements, and makes the show just work and fire on all cylinders. It's no coincidence universally the best episodes have happened after Soldier Boy comes into his own.

I get this feeling his appearance is supposed to be short lived. But I know I'm not alone in that he's a fan favorite and I hope they keep him around and let him have some kind of character growth. I don't know how they'll do it, but I hope they find a way. I like being genuinely surprised when I watch a t.v. Show, because too often I see what's coming. So keep it up guys!
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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Best episode of the best season yet.
30 June 2022
I loved season 1, especially the last episode, that was the real hook that got me into REALLY loving this show as one of my favorites on television, especially Anthony Starr, and enough so that I watched all 4 seasons of Banshee in about three weeks.

Season 2 kind of lulled a little bit, it was still very good. But it didn't make me excitedly wait for every episode to come out. It was building towards something, but ultimately there were too many opportunities where you just asked yourself "how are the boys still alive??" Without ever getting a good enough answer.

Season 3 on the other hand started fairly slow, but has picked up to blazing levels.

There are now real stakes, real threats, and the character arcs are fully developed through the process of the entire series. And this last episode was the masterclass, masterpiece we've all been waiting for. I literally can't wait for the final two episodes of season 3 of what I consider one of the two or three best shows on television right now.
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The Problem with Jon Stewart: War (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
You can tell it's gaining its footing.
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I trust whatever Jon Stewart does, I think most of us do.

I like the format, but you can tell they're still figuring out the right process, and they'll get there.

Solid start though.

I did like the interview he did with the secretary of the V. A. he made it an honest and open conversation, asked tough questions, but was respectful, and made numerous follow up questions.

You could tell the man he interviewed had his hands tied, he was frustrated, and he didn't have answers, because he couldn't give any answers without creating career suicide.

I think a lot of people have that issue, because they know if they don't have the job, some other guy will, and then maybe the problems will never get fixed. So this guy just plays the game hoping eventually he can make change.

That was probably the best part of the show. I personally wish he did what John Oliver does, I know he wants to get away from daily topical coverage. But his input on those topics are very revered. And if he just took the beginning of the show and discussed current topics I think it would be a lot better.

I know it seems like it's tacky and drawn out, but it's a format that works. Hopefully they get there eventually.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Surprisingly good.
21 September 2021
I rated this a 10 because I don't think it was fair the episode was a sub 7 by the general consensus. In reality I give it a solid 8.5.

When I found out they were doing an episode exclusively with the beard character I hated it. Because he's easily the worst character on the show.

But before watching it I realized what a great idea it was because the character never had an opportunity to grow or for the actor to show himself.

And between him and the other fanatics they always show in the bar it was nice to see then given the opportunity to get out from others shadows.

They'll never be the best characters on the show. But given this opportunity they won't stand out as sore thumbs either.

Watching this episode reminds me of watching Everybody loves Ray. Robert was just a bad character at first, they just made him stiff and weird. And then he found his place and became the best on that show.

I don't think this is a spoiler but the episode is very rooted in the movie After Hours. So pretty good.
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Ted Lasso: Man City (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Hits you hard, just what we needed.
15 September 2021
I rarely write reviews on here. Like maybe once?

But this episode MADE me come on here and write a review.

This show is just fantastic on so many levels. It's funny, it has heart, it's genuine, great characters, and incredible chemistry amongst everybody involved. You just want to root for everyone involved but the show is baked in realism. It's not a fantasy sports story, it's just sincere in its characters.

And this latest episode is the absolute perfect example of everything this series is trying to do. And it succeeded in it's efforts.

It made me cry, and I'm not ashamed to say it. I'm not the most emotional person, but it's impossible not to watch this episode and feel something.

Don't listen to anybody on here with a negative review. They're either haters, or I genuinely feel sorry for them not being able to feel real emotions.

Just the best television has to offer. Done to perfection. Go in with high expectations, and leave satisfied. Thank you everyone involved. I loved it.
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Black Swan (2010)
Black Swan is a must see event!
5 February 2011
I can't describe what I saw. Days later its all I can think about. In all of its creepy crazy goodness I found myself pleasantly lost in this movie, gripping my girlfriend's hand like a little teenage girl grips that of her boyfriend's during a cheesy Saw movie.

To say this movie was anything short of phenomenal is a gross understatement. There is a reason it is nominated with 13 Oscars, and I guarantee it will win at least half that for a reason. Never has a movie (and I consider myself quite the movie buff) captivated me so much afterward and during. If you have a desire for great movies, and appreciate the art form and quality of movies. This is one movie you can't miss.

Take me to heart on this, because I have never endorsed another movie like this or been this adamant about a movie before. But quote me on this "If you can only see one movie all year, Black Swan is the movie." I'll probably never watch it again because it took so much out of me, and is not much of a re watchable movie unless you're really sick in the head, but everyone has to watch this movie once. Don't deny yourself the joy that this movie will bring you. You'll regret it if you don't.
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Tarantino Delivers!!!
23 August 2009
I must admit when I saw the preview for "Inglorious Basterds" I gave myself big expectations. THIS FILM DID NOT Disappoint.

Rarely when I watch a movie with such high-expectations do I have those expectations met or exceeded; this film did that and more. Even more rarely do I clap at the end of a movie, this I and everyone else in the theater did.

I have to say I am a little biased towards Quentin, I grew up with "Pulp Fiction." I watched it when I was 12 and it is still my favorite and most influential film.

However, since then Quentin has not really lived up to his billing. His style was getting a little predictable instead of familiar, the quality honestly wasn't there (I never watched Jackie Brown, and then there's Grindhouse). That is until "Inglorious Basterds." What Quentin did was exactly what was needed for the war genre, a spaghetti western feel that could only be done by Tarantino or Sergio Leone, but seeing how Leone is dead, Tarantino's the self appointed guy on this masterpiece.

So let's look at the movie which I won't give away. The writing was spot on, a beautiful transition between using not one but four different languages in this movie. Not to mention this movie was set up in the classic Tarantino mold, great scenes of rich meaningful dialog and sudden shocking action.

The acting was superb!! Christopher Waltz deserves an Oscar, seriously. I don't say that often, but honestly the man should get one for this movie, he spoke every language in this movie, and delivered with such amazing touch and poise. He stole the show in a movie that everybody was amazingly impressive.

I have no problem building this movie up, because this movie is the best film I've seen all year, and probably all of next year. Quite frankly the more I think about it, this movie may crack my top films of all time, and is Quentin's best movie since "Pulp Fiction." Take it from me, watch this film. I loved it doesn't do this movie enough justice.

I watched it yesterday and I'm still blown away. Thank you Quentin from the bottom of my heart for you making this movie. You're back on top again buddy. I can't say enough for "Inglorious Basterds!"
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Theodore Rex (1995)
I thought they destroyed this movie?!!
24 March 2009
I must say that during my childhood I'm quite proud of a lot of the movies I've rented. The exception being Theodore Rex. Talk about the all time swindler movie in any actor's resume. Could you just imagine what Whoopie's fired agent must have told her to sign on to this piece of crap "Hey Whoop, you ever seen that show Dinosaurs, yeah well they're making a movie out of it, and you get to see Germany!" After that that agent must have referenced Star Wars a lot.

This movie was so bad I figured Whoopie must have bought out every copy of this film and had it destroyed. I just wish she could have done the same thing to my memory, because my sister still gives me crap for watching that movie. I mean c'mon, I'll even admit I watched Mr. Nanny and Kazzam in theaters (good reasons why I gave up on both Hulk Hogan and Shaq for awhile), yet this one sticks out in my mind as the worst of my childhood, and the biggest rental regret of my life, and that was 16 years ago. I'm 24 now if you want to do the math.

Whenever I think of my all-time list of worst movies I don't even mention this one, because like a raped step-child, I try hard to repress that it ever happened. Screw you Whoopie, just be glad people only acknowledge Eddie and Sister Act 2 as your worst you lucky stiff.
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Fairly Good Movie
24 March 2009
I read the review as posted by another person in regards to this movie, and I felt it wasn't giving Strange Hearts, Road to Riches ... or whatever it's called, the proper justice. (Which makes me think, why do people ever make up multiple titles to a movie. Whenever I think of that I think of the movie White Water Summer; save yourself some time and don't look it up folks, Kevin Bacon will probably thank you).

Anyway, I know my opinion may be a little biased considering I just got done watching the movie, but I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. Robert Forester did such a good job in this movie it actually made me come here and write a review for the first time. I don't want to build the movie up or anything, but it was a nice character movie.

Be it as it may that it did have unrealistic parts, but the direction was great and very original. It had many great moments to keep my attention. Like at the beginning when Forester's character gets screwed on a $100,000 dollar pyramid rip-off and he swears himself off the set. Apparently it only takes two seconds and two guesses to get "air propulsion", but it takes ten seconds and more than the obvious hints of birds and airplanes to make a clod guess "things that fly"(yeah, I'd be really angry too).

Sure, Rose McGowan could have used a couple of stripper classes or two, and if I hadn't already seen her naked I'd wonder if she had silver dollar nipples with the size of those boobie tassels she was wearing. However, I must say it was a good movie I enjoyed watching. I'm not going to buy it or anything, but if you're up at eleven o'clock at night and you happen to see it on, It's well worth your time. Especially to find out just what Forester's character will do with that empty soda can.
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