
47 Reviews
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Disturbia (2007)
Unexpectedly entertaining
6 June 2024
I've been looking around for something worth streaming and most of the recent output just won't hold my interest. I stumbled across this and started it, and glad to report that, from the beginning, I was kinda taken in. It's not a super sophisticated movie; instead, it had just enough pacing, interesting characters, and plot set up to keep you watching wondering until the end. And it all take place in a relatively confined space. And tho he's gotten a bit of a bad rap these days, Shia was very good. His mom is played by the always nice to watch Carry Moss and David Morse played, as often, a very interesting character. I felt I'd seen him in a similar role at some point but looked back over his acting history and can't find it. Bottom line, worth watching some afternoon (on Paramount Plus).
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May December (2023)
A movie at the B level, in a poor country.
9 January 2024
Many reviewers have commented negatively on the music in this movie. They are so right. All of a sudden the music gets very loud, scary, dramatic and you think there is going to be some shocker coming. Or at least something coming. But no. ----And that's just the surface reflection of what I consider a poorly done movie. Under the surface is the problem of the plot -- if there is one, it is so very, very, very subtle you can hardly be aware of one. I recall that there are people known to gaze at their navels for long periods of time, and they must gain some insight from this. This felt like time spent just gazing like that but producing no meaningful insight. At least for me. A waste of three very talented actors.
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Ferrari (2023)
Such scattered, unfocused screenplay.
6 January 2024
I am not a professional screenwriter, but as I watched this, I kept thinking how I could have written a better screenplay. I'd start by narrowing the subjects, and make dialogue more to the point, easier to follow, as my partner and I kept having to ask, is he saying this, or that, and who is this and who is that. For good example, they could have focused on only one of his drivers rather than all almost equally -- I'd suggest De Portago (Spanish aristocrat, spoke 4 languages, interesting background who develops girlfriend) . Let viewers know he's part of a team, but make him distinctive from others by focusing on him enough that we care if he won or lost. Have Ferrari interact with him, not with so many people almost equally. Show an overhead of the 1000 miles to get an idea -- simply, simplify. Maybe leave out the long, slow scenes at the mausoleum. Or the long, slow scenes with other woman. Or whole deal with wife finding the other house. Interesting but for another story. Make Moss, the top driving competitor, a tad more than just a name in passing. In short, should have written a story with chosen distinct characters and a plot, not made a goulash of so many characters with pieces of plots. And re actors--love A. Driver, but zero spark here. Only Cruz seemed to have it. Watch Ford v. Ferrari for more interesting take, including, tho shorter, on Ferrari.
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Amazingly imaginative beginning, but then . . .
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Love, love the first third of this movie. Such great characters, interesting buildup, terrific interaction -- and then main character basically drops acid. For the rest of the movie, we more or less take the trip with her, with this and that hallucination (or not), characters seeming one way or the other, changing personality, dress, etc., midway and back and then again, then back. By half way through, it stopped holding me and I found myself becoming rather bored. Would have been much more interesting if it was my own trip but it wasn't, and I started fast forwarding little bits to see if I could see something else developing besides more hallucinations (or not). Effects were great, but to me was hard to make it to the end. Surprised at all the hype and best this and best that with exception of best actress.
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Bad Santa (2003)
Watch 2 hrs of profanely gross drunkeness and anal sex efforts if that amuses.
22 December 2022
Watched because it was on a list of supposedly funny Christmas movies. Well, if you find a character who, using "f" word every third word and is always drunk and drinking and tossing tons of bottles wherever to damage as much property as possible, taking drinking breaks to seek out women for anal sex in changing rooms - for the MAJORITY of the MOVIE! - this movie is for you! Can't believe this piece of trash has scored higher than a 3 if that. There was one second (literally) of laughing total. Maybe they put some clever humor in the sequel or was it just more drunken "f" this "f"ing "f"thing?
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How could they ignore child so?
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For the first 5-10 minutes the movie plays like it's going to be a decent film, but quickly jerks away from that road, with so many problems (including this sudden jerk in time). But I'll just discuss one issue that made me cringe. Maybe it's the mother in me, but writers and directors who use babies as things in their movies, inanimate props, like precious lamps or china, given almost zero loving attention, really offend me. Here a baby in this movie doesn't even seem real, just a thing to play a role and otherwise is in the way, handed to this person, to that, left over there, taken somewhere, but most the time off in a crib somewhere ignored. Not only is it hardly given any attention but in a moment of immense importance to the baby, there is no MENTION of what would be best or worst for the baby, again as if it is a lamp. Such neglect if not abuse! At least the Ed Hopper cinematography was appealing to look at. So a three star.
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Socks on Fire (2020)
Work in progress, not final film quality.
29 October 2021
Nice idea, but had major problems. First, it was quite confusing with shots going back and forth among three generations with stand-ins for some older relatives in their youth (I'm assuming) such that it was not always clear who was who. Second, it was so chopped up as to be almost stream of consciousness which kept it from driving to any point or even sustained ambience. And third, it could have told the same super simple story equally well (or better) in one-third the time, i.e., In desperate need of an editor and organization. Showed the same old home movie scenes numerous times, and really started to drag after a bit. Interesting characters, as southern characters tend to be. Needs a rework.
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4th grade humor
28 October 2021
If a movie makes you laugh by naming a town "Ennui", this is a movie for you!. Not even as funny as a silly French farce (although close enough that this must explain the alleged standing ovation at Cannes). Main challenge must have been trying to see how many stars could be worked into the tableaux. I've rarely walked out of movie, but left this movie after an hour and had started wanting to after 15 minutes. Amazingly stupid. Only reason I didn't give it one star is that spot is reserved for the recent movie Black Widow.
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Black Widow (2021)
Worst movie ever? Hours of nonsensical cgi fighting,
8 August 2021
I gave this a two for the possibility that there is a movie I have seen in a theater that is worse and I have forgotten it. Within first 15 minutes, you know this isn't making much sense, and it goes downhill from there. No consistent plot, everything just thrown in as if an afterthought. Would give examples of how insultingly horrible and boring this was but guess would be spoiler and want to help others out there not waste hours and money watching what was more boring than my corporate law class. So bad, companion and I couldn't help laughing uncontrollably through much of second half. Bill Hurt -- how could you let yourself be in this (almost)? P. S. I very much enjoyed Ironman, so it's not that I can't get into a comic book movie.
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The Vanished (2020)
,Loosy goosy unbelievably bad script and almost comically bad acting
22 January 2021
Really? Hollywood let this pass? Oh, my, where to start. First --from the first scene, embarrassingly bad acting by the two prime characters which bad acting lasted throughout. Not seen a Hollywood movie in a long time with this high school level acting. Second, the "story" -- wasn't really a story at all. There was an initial premise, but then it went all over the place making no sense, totally unrealistic and with major consequences that then just get forgotten in the script like they never happened. I wanted to like anything with Jason Patric, but couldn't, not even his acting (or nonacting) in this high school play with his boring lines. Somehow made it through the film, assuming at least some things might tie together somehow, but no. I'd explain further but would be a spoiler. Maybe not as bad as, but more lightweight boring than, Battleship Earth.
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Can only say a movie you'll enjoy
28 October 2020
Had no idea what to expect when I started to watch this at the Virginia Film Festival. It said "comedy" which evokes "Hangover" type silliness. But no -- not a goofy comedy if really a "comedy" at all. More a quirky, offbeat movie that touches so many good and warm spots. You don't see it coming. It starts with serious-seeming vulgarity by the main character. But as it develops, it just gets better and better until the end and you feel you've eaten a large, delicious meal. Probably the most enjoyable movie I saw at the Film Festival. Whenever it comes out, I will definitely watch it again. (Not want to say too much specifically so you can just let it develop without a clue where it's going.)
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Twist, yea, but motivation?
5 March 2020
Motivation must underlie any good movie, of any genre, to have any legitimacy. Why does a character do something bizarre must have some reason; otherwise the author is just playing with you, doing a 52 card pickup with possible plot twists. This movie has great actors, of course, and has a bit of the "Momento" issues going on. But the key development, an action by one of these actors, has zero reason behind it, just wham, out of the blue when things were okay. I gave a five, cause worth watching, I guess, just to see what the twist is, and to watch these fine actors, except that I think the fine actor at the center of the twist ought to have insisted on some apparent motivation for the sudden turn in behavior.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
Interesting idea poorly executed, at least the part you could see in the dark.
23 January 2020
So I have to assume film producers save a lot of money if they minimize the lighting in their movies? -- don't have to worry as much about details of the rooms or environment, don't have to worry as much about plot holes, etc. I assume this because I cannot fathom why otherwise someone would go to the trouble of writing a screen play, getting actors, filming, but turning down the lighting so much that about a fourth of this movie was an almost total blackout, especially during the climax when a lot happening but couldn't really tell who, when, how and where, and had to deduce by subsequent scenes. Turned my browser (seeing on laptop) all the way up, yet could not make out who was doing what to whom exactly during the last, oh, fifth or sixth of the movie, and for the entire movie there was that frustrating desire to see the actors better, see what the scenes looked like better. To the extent I could see the actors as they were emoting, or supposed to be, they were either over-doing it in the case of one star, to the point of cartoonish, or not emoting at all in the case of the other star, at least so far as I could tell in the twilight. And another prime character just kept saying the same thing over and over. And this dark goings-on progressed very, very slowly. Yay, made it to the end. About all worth saying . I gave it a 4 just for the overall idea which might have been executed into a worthwhile film.
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perfect horrible ending to a perfectly horrible season
27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season just got worse and worse, and more and more clownish and cartoonish (aside from the insertion of actual cartoons). And then, to cap it off, at the end, when it's night time long after the end of a work day (if they have those anymore on this show) and Lucca presumably needs to go home SOMETIME to see her TOTALLY MISSING baby, Lucca is offered by our friendly investigator -- the way you'd offer a breathmint -- some acid. "Want some?" "Sure" Lucca says without hesitation and pops it in. Does she ever plan to see her baby again or does she plan to do so while hallucinating on acid? This ridiculous, dangerous, hopefully unrealistic moment is as representative of the entire absurd-in-a-bad-way season as any in this final episode to which I celebrated not the end of the world -- but the END OF THE SEASON!!! YAY! And promptly then cancelled CBS All Access I had only for this.
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
Season One good, Season Two great, Season Three -- ghastly, dull, off point.
27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the Good Fight as I had the Good Wife. Watched Season One, enjoyable enough -- 6-7 stars. Moved to season Two and was blown away by the complexity and interaction of current affairs and their ironically often conflicting facets. Absolutely terrific episodes and acting. 9-10 stars. Then comes Season Three -- gone are any legit court fights, replaced entirely by silly cartoon judges, gone is any realism in court (three partners at the table?), gone is any of the wonderful Diane fighting ANY court fight, gone are any good fights at all -- but whole series spent on faux squabbling over intrafirm made-up racism and the "plot" of a deceased former partner's "rape" of women (no forced rape, btw), and the constant presence of the most offensive, loudest, clownest character ever -- Roland Blum -- who really added nothing good to the show but took it down to his level. I literally had to force myself even to make it all the way through Season Three so that I could cancel CBS all access. Let's hope they return to their roots for Season 4, some or at least one good actual, non-cartoonish, case where the audience gives a darn, where the lawyers act like lawyers, where real issues are dealt with. Such a sad filler, this season 3, after the magnificent Season Two. Worse than filler -- made me tired of the whole show and characters.
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Blood, blood, blood, drinking blood, blood on teeth, blood dripping from lips.
19 May 2019
Blood, blood, blood, drinking blood, blood on teeth, blood dripping from lips. Over and over and over. Perhaps there are people who enjoy watching (presumably fake) blood all over faces and gushing out of mouths and wounds and pouring into mouths. In fact, given the rating of this movie, I have to assume there are a lot. Hopefully there are some like me who find it totally sickening and repulsive. You hang in there through the first scene or two of ti, thinking there is obviously going to be much more story than there will be more blood scenes, scenes getting more blood, especially given the terrific (otherwise) cast, but the story otherwise is very thin. The spine of the movie is getting blood, drinking blood, gouging blood, seeking blood. Yum.
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Shoplifters (2018)
First movie we ever left cause just too boring to make it to the end.
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is only vaguely about shoplifting, which you only see rarely, at the beginning and a few more times. It shows poverty, child abuse, some dismal things, and a lot of slurping. . But as the tiny sliver of a plot finally shows up, the camera, for example, shows one of the stars rubbing her face and her hair in distress, over and over, saying something like "wow" (forgot exact word) two different times, interspersed with more hair rubbing -- for I bet 5 minutes. Or it felt like it. Finally both my friend and I just were so bored -- I mean, there IS a world with things happening outside the theater -- that we left about 7pm (movie plus previews started 5pm). No clue what was remaining and no interest. Got it. Poverty. Child abuse. Things aren't fair. People do bad things for money. I have no idea whether what I just said is considered a "spoiler" so I'll say yes.
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Incredibly beautiful movie, in structure, acting, directing, soundtrack
11 January 2019
One of my all time favorite movies. Can't get any better acting than by Tim Roth as Vincent and Paul Rhys as his brother. Intense, intense. Gritty. You can sense the madness-making of the katydid-bedeviled Arles region. And carelessness with the paint didn't help. For Vincent, almost all is conveyed just by Roth's subtle facial expressions. The irony at the beginning of the movie. The deeply discordant soundtrack and little touches by the director, when added to all the above, make for an absolutely beautiful (darkly) masterpiece. You can feel Vincent, and you can feel his brother Theo and their connection in producing, in a very short span of time, the incredible and incredibly original art which is Vincent Van Gogh's.
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The Enemy Within (1994 TV Movie)
Not really anything like the wonderful Seven Days in May except beginning concept.
17 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Too bad everyone doesn't watch the masterfully done, incredibly suspenseful Seven Days in May. Valuable concepts re our country. And was interested to see that it had been remade. Unfortunately, it really hadn't been. Although the initial concept is the same, it goes completely hollywood/unrealistic, even involving Russian spies and all this extra not needed for the original movie because the original was so tight and sharp and suspenseful without. In addition, The Enemy Within has many just absurdly stupid moments. Spoiler here sort of, but if there are incriminating tapes in a safe, rather than set them on fire there in the open safe, why not just take them? And why would Whitaker's character, after the woman he was talking to was just shot dead by a sniper out to kill all adversaries, then meet alone in the woods with numero uno enemy without backup or even looking over his shoulder? And of course there are folks out there to shoot him. Duh. I like Whitaker and his effort here, but the rest was junk. . Doesn't hold a candle to Seven Days in May.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
8/10 to allow for wherever this will ultimately take me
14 December 2018
It's fun finally to have a show that feels as if it is taking you for a ride, definitely somewhere you've not been before, with mysterious droppings all over, back and forth time-wise, and so far great acting. The handmaid did that at the beginning, although this has enough confidence to drop a bit of humor into the mix, an overstuffed leather chair that a sitter can't quite get comfortable in. I am puzzled though by the soundtrack as I looked for but saw no credit to Brian de Palma, and yet several episodes have clearly copied him (early episode had very Carrie-evocative music, and episode 5 has the exact same VERY weird soundtrack he used in Body Double). If nothing else, this tells you what this show would like to emulate. So far, it is doing so, if not perhaps quite up to a dePalma. Look forward to more (but hey, give credit where credit due, how about it? De Palma picked out this music).
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Just a fun movie -- quite rare these days.
10 March 2018
Treat yourself to a couple hours of fun. The writing, the plot, the dialogue and characters work very well, with a number of memorable moments. Like any movie, there are slower times and less imaginative scenes than others, but if you don't laugh out loud at least a few times, you definitely need to talk to a shrink. No politics or stupid college pranks or jokes. Just well designed, entertaining plot for grown-ups. .
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Big Little Lies (2017–2019)
After 3.5 episodes of Season One, big let down. Kidman non-actor outside sex scenes.
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Starting watching series after the Golden Globes and the first episode was incredible -- the tension, the reality, the personalities, the plot. But that was it. That was the plot, right there in the first episode (so far, and I've watched 2 and a half more episodes). Now finding it irritating and hard to continue. Continuing with the whole Kidman soft-spoken spousal abuse issue and camera repeatedly showing Kidman naked or doing graphic sex and almost no other form of acting (how on earth did she win and not Rene?). And so far, no new twists on the horizon and already tiring of the other personalities as well, the whole Ed and Nathan thing and Madelaine and Bonnie thing. The whole play with puppets being banned what is subbing for a sub plot. Stupid. Perhaps it gets better (Homeland had its season 3), but have to watch through more Kidman "here we go again" sex scenes (which, I am sure, is completely fine for a hetero male but I'm a hetero female) and boring Ed and Madelaine and Nathan scenes to find out
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Get Out (I) (2017)
First 2/3 interesting; last 1/3 stupid cliche trash
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie kept you going with intrigue as to what was up exactly -- clearly something beyond merely a black boyfriend visiting white family. The main actor was very good, and it is unfortunate he's found himself in this movie that then resolves its mystery by turning into a cheap, error-filled slasher-type film. Errors such as -- when Chris (star) dispenses with attacking brother by smashing his skull so that brother immediately bleeds out profusely from the head on the floor, guess what? Brother soon after -- surprise! -- attacks him again, with no sign of blood or injury. Cheap. The whole operating room scene really made little to no sense, just added some creepiness (father didn't even stay sterile) and the whole film degenerated so entirely into a feeble, predictable horror attempt that I had to force myself to finish the last third because it was all so predictable and gruesome and boring. Would have liked to have seen a more thought-out resolution to this peculiar initial set-up, but screenplay lets you down entirely (unless you like seeing decent films degenerate into stupid slasher type films -- in which case, enjoy!)
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Whiplash (2014)
A real emotional ride, superbly done.
26 August 2017
One of the most surprisingly simple yet incredibly intense movies I can recall, with incredible acting, incredible cinematography (no wasted visual moment, just cut right to where you are meant to be for the next development, and snappy, non-typical focus). It leaves the viewer with deep questions, especially for driven people such as artists, if not everyone. It very much catches you up from the first scene, and carries you through to an ending which is emotionally satisfying yet philosophically questionable.

All of this is in addition to some absolutely unbelievable drumming.

To me, a perfect little powerhouse of a movie.
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Shouldn't say much beyond "gotta see it!" because anything would undo something
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I realize that I have to write at least 1000 words (or 10 lines) in order to give a rating to this movie, I just got out of the theater after seeing Manchester by the Sea, and feel still a bit blown away but also feel that I went in knowing nothing about the movie or the plot, and believe my lack of any expectation likely contributed to the profound effect this movie had on me. As did the ending. And for that reason, I feel any review to people who haven't seen it should reveal little to nothing about any aspect of the plot, as to do so would be a spoiler of sorts. It is, instead, a movie to be experienced. The acting by Affleck was outstanding and do not believe any actor will be able to top his acting this year or anytime soon, meaning he SHOULD be Oscar bound (and I've seen quite a few contenders, was even in Cannes where I saw the wonderful Toni Erdmann, not yet released, and other popular choices.) In conclusion, this movie, to me, was a small but powerful must-see movie with incredible acting by Affleck
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