
13 Reviews
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The Avengers: Brief for Murder (1963)
Season 3, Episode 1
Steed "murders" Cathy Gale
24 January 2019
Steed goes undercover to discover how two elderly attorneys routinely get their obviously guilty clients acquitted, by plotting to have Mrs. Gale murdered. This is the first episode of series three and there is an updated opening theme as well as a marked improvement in the film and sound quality over the previous series, which gives the production value a more polished feel, although there are still the annoying extreme closeups. One of the best episodes of the Cathy Gale era, with a solid well paced plot and plenty of dark humor sprinkled throughout courtesy of stand out performances by John Laurie an d Harold Scott as the elderly defense attorneys. Humourous bit during the courtroom sequence where Steed is asked to try on an oversized bowler hat, presaging the OJ Simpson trial. It was good to see a predominently "dark" side of Steed for a change.
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The Avengers: Traitor in Zebra (1962)
Season 2, Episode 11
Steed is a naval psychiatrist, Gale works in a lab.
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steed and Cathy Gale investigate who is selling information on Britain's tracking satellite at a naval base. Routine whodunit involving many townspeople and naval officers. Many red herrings, but it was obvious from the beginning that the accused was innocent and shortly thereafter, who the actual traitors were. Solid performances from the supporting cast, particularly Richard Leech (Franks) and William Gaunt (Gaunt). Good to see Steed in a navy officer's uniform.
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The Avengers: The Sell-Out (1962)
Season 2, Episode 9
Protecting a foreign diplomat and finding a security leak.
11 January 2019
Steed is put in charge of protecting a foreign diplomat attending a security conference while the Ministry attempts to discover who among several suspects - including Steed - is a mole. Good straight forward plot with many suspects, but no red herrings. Solid performance by Patrick Macnee and Jon Rollason as Dr. Martin King in his second of three appearances. Mention to Arthur Hewlett as Steed's superior One Twelve.
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The Avengers: Death of a Great Dane (1962)
Season 2, Episode 8
Poor production values ruin this episode
11 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
£50,000 in diamonds is found in the stomach of a victim of an auto accident. A pretty good plot about illegally transferring money overseas was ruined by poor production values, namely muffled dialogue that made following this story nearly impossible. I suppose this was a reason why it was remade nearly verbatim as The £50,000 Breakfast in season five with Diana Rigg/Emma Peel. This was mostly a Steed vehicle, Cathy Gale had little to do. Good performance by Leslie French as a seemingly bufoonish butler, Frederick Jaeger as the ambitious business manager and John Laurie as the doctor.
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The Avengers: The Mauritius Penny (1962)
Season 2, Episode 7
Neo Nazis Stamp Collectors
10 January 2019
A stamp shop and auction house are the cover for an international neo Nazi movement. Well done, if wellworn, despite containing several plotholes and suspensions of faith. The episode is notable for Steed being waylaid twice: once in his apartment by two police impostors and the second time in a dentist office reminescent of Marathon Man. Numerous evil bad guys in the episode, foremost of which was Sylvia Langova as the German accented Miss Gray in the aforementioned dental scene. Several poorly choreographed fight sequences, one involving Cathy Gale disposing of an opponent with one wimpy karate chop.
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The Avengers: Mission to Montreal (1962)
Season 2, Episode 5
Agents must retrieve a stolen microfilm.
10 January 2019
Steed and Dr King must retrieve a microfilm of defense plans from an actress aboard a cruise ship. The first appearance of Jon Rollason as Dr. Martin King who carries the bulk of the action; Steed makes his first appearance midway through the episode, as a Steward, in a secondary role. Fast paced screenplay and goood production values, not a given in the early episodes, and good performances by Patricia English and the supporting cast.
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The Avengers: Bullseye (1962)
Season 2, Episode 4
Steed and Cathy investigate illegal arms shipments.
9 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steed and Cathy investigate a gun manufacturer that is involved in illegal gun running to Africa and whose Board members are being killed off. Nice combination of international espionage, corporate chicanery and an old fashioned whodunit that displays Honor Blackman's acting and physical talents. This is a Cathy Gale vehicle as Steed is shunted to the periphery for most of the episode. The plot was short on suspense as the murderers and their motives were obvious from the First Act, but a great supporting cast led by Ronald Radd as the corporate raider, Charles Carson as the stuffy Brigadier General, and Judy Parfitt, Felix Deebank and Bernard Kay as the corrupt corporate insiders.
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The Avengers: The Decapod (1962)
Season 2, Episode 3
Balkan leader is threatend with assassination
8 January 2019
Steed is put in charge of protecting a visiting Balkan leader who is trying to extort money from the West. Typical confusing and non-circuitous plot emblematic of the early episodes. No Cathy Gale in this episode. Julie Stevens was effective as Steed's assistant Venus Smith, who contributed two musical numbers. The members of the Balkan delegation were stereotypically arrogant, brutish and corrupt. Too many wrestling sequences slowed the progression of tge plot.
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The Avengers: Mr. Teddy Bear (1962)
Season 2, Episode 1
Steed is used as bait to trap an assassin.
7 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A plan to trap an international assassin by having Cathy Gale putting a contract on Steed's life. The first appearance by Cathy Gale as Steed's permanent partner. Amusing device of using a talking bear to communucate with Mr. Teddy Bear's clients. His method of execution - gadgets in close proximity to the victim that induce instant death - was very Bond like. Bernard Goldman was effective as Mr. Teddy Bear, although he only appeared in two scenes. The act of capturing him required a leap of faith.
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The Avengers: Dead Man's Treasure (1967)
Season 6, Episode 4
Steed and Emma enter a rally race.
7 December 2018
When a courier is murdered, Steed and Mrs. Peel wrangle an invitation to a rally car race in hopes of finding the missing dispatches. The clues are included in the race map and instructions causing several humourous moments between Steed, Emma, and their respective partners. Ivor Dean, who portrayed Inspector Claude Eustace Teel in many The Saint episodes, guest stars as the butler Bates. Valerie Van Ost steals every scene as the ditzy blonde whose numerous past fiancees had all met with tragic and comic ends.
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The Avengers: Return of the Cybernauts (1967)
Season 6, Episode 1
The Cybernauts are back.
5 December 2018
Clement Armstrong's brother resurrects the Cybernauts to achieve world domination and get revenge on Steed and Mrs. Peel. Nothing original here, but a decent fast paced plot nonetheless. Peter Cushing guest stars as Beresford.
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The Avengers: The Joker (1967)
Season 5, Episode 15
Good plot, but was done previously.
4 December 2018
Mrs. Peel is invited to meet an eccentric old bridge player. Steed is incapacitated so he can't go. This episode has many of the same elements as "The House That Jack Built" from season 4: Mrs. Peel is lured to a desolate house by an enemy bent on revenge, no Steed to help her, Emma the only onscreen character for much of the episode without dialogue. The original was good, so was this episode, but it would have been better with more original plot twists.
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Comunist Plans to Take Overthrow USA
18 June 2009
Dana Andrews plays a returning Korean War POW who learns that his public polling partnership was sold out from under him during his captivity. During the course of the film, he comes to realize how his partner was murdered by Communist sympathizers who turn the the firm into a public relations lobbying firm for subversive left-wing causes. We see the intricate web of scientists, intellectuals and fellow travelers who use K Street lobbyists for their plans for destroying America's defenses.

This 1958 film exposes how public relation and lobbying firms manipulate public opinion to meet their aims and how a gullible public can be coerced. Fifty years later, this was successfully executed to perfection during the 2008 Presidential campaign.

This film is ripe for a remake, although sadly the fifth columnists portrayed in this film, now firmly control Hollywood and would spin a tale about Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, FOX News and other fair and balanced voices.
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