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The Bugs Bunny Show (1960–1975)
4 April 2024
I remember this show with great affection and strange that they don't continue broadcasting it. In reality, this program was neither more nor less than one of the best selections of the Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes cartoons but in a different format. The show began as a theatrical variety presented by Bugs Bunny and Duffy Duck, each episode was made up of 3 cartoons presented by a common thread of jokes between the protagonists and many times the other Warner characters also participated, the best of Road Runner , Duffy duck, Pepe Lepeu, Elmer, Yosemite San, the wild cat and twetty, Porky Pig and of course the great Bugs Bunny among many others. A true gem that even today is a fun series to watch despite the passing of the years due to its humor, creativity and intelligence in the scripts.
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24 February 2024
If we take into account that this film was made in 1985, when green backgrounds, CGI or computer editing did not exist and all the scenarios were real, the stunts done by stunt doubles, the technique was artisanal, we have to give this movie a 10. In addition to all this, the script is solid, the performances brilliant, Roger Moore was a seductive, intelligent and fun 007 at the same time, Grace Jones perfectly composes a lethal, intriguing and absolutely hypnotic villain. The action scenes at the Eiffel Tower, at the hippodrome, the chase with the fire trucks, the explosion in Sillycon Valley or the finale at the San Francisco post are incredible, exciting and full of suspense. It is necessary to highlight in the cast the performances of Christopher Walken as the villain Zorin, the legendary Patrick MacNee as a British agent collaborating with 007, and the beautiful Tanya Roberts as the Bond girl. The music by Duran Duran is superb.
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The Avengers: Split! (1968)
Season 7, Episode 5
24 February 2024
A secret service agent executed a colleague with a shot but later does not remember anything of what happened. The mystery appears to be connected to a hospital where he has had therapy and to an enemy agent named Boris Kartovski who was presumably killed by Steed in a previous confrontation. As always, Brian Clemens knows how to write stories full of mystery with a logical resolution at the end, the premise is original but the development is a bit slow, which produces a somewhat boring episode. At one point Tara is anesthetized and tied to a stretcher, when she wakes up she tries to scream but is quickly gagged, this scene quickly reminded me of Emma Peel, who would have been impossible to scream in any dangerous situation, on the contrary she would have made a ironic comment to her captor, evidently no matter how much Linda Thorson did a good job, her character was never on par with Emma Peel.
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The Twilight Zone: Where Is Everybody? (1959)
Season 1, Episode 1
28 January 2024
It tells the confusion of a man who tries to find someone in an abandoned city, where it seems that all the people have disappeared from the face of the Earth except him. Today it does not seem like a very creative idea since we have seen it many times both in film and on TV, but I understand that this was the first time that a story of these characteristics was shown, which was copied subsequently so this chapter has the quality of being the creator of this premise. Earl Holliman has the power to be the first character in this anthology series and his role is very well done. The setting and music create an absolutely distressing atmosphere.
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The Flying Nun (1967–1970)
11 January 2024
The friendly and restless Sister Bertrille has the incredible ability to be able to rise and fly using the wings of her cap and having a favorable wind. This means that she can often get out of the entanglements and problems she gets into. The story goes that Sally Field was very unhappy doing this sitcom which she considered a bit silly, however that is not noticeable since her performance is extremely funny, Madeleine Sherwood brings seriousness in her role as the Mother Superior and Alejandro Rey is very funny in his role as Carlos Ramirez, the playboy owner of the San Tanco casino and one of the few who knows Sister Bertrile's secret outside the convent. The series has a fairly innocent and light humor and its episodes are quite irregular in terms of script, but in any case they can still be seen with some nostalgia and have a pleasant time in front of the television.
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2 January 2024
It is more than evident that this film was made due to the great influence of Halloween 1978. John Carpenter had had a resounding success in that film starring Jamie Lee Curtis, and Sean Cunninham decided to go one step further. The story is simple, a group of teenagers take a weekend off at a tourist complex located in Cristal Lake, and on the night of Friday the 13th they begin to be violently murdered one by one by a mysterious person, at this point we are not going to keep the secret of a murderer that everyone already knows, it is the disturbed mother of a child who drowned in the lake due to the carelessness of those in charge of the place and who, in the manner of Norman Bates from Hitchcock's unforgettable Psycho, He has a dual personality and speaks like his deceased son who asks him to commit the bloody crimes. What is interesting here and innovative for the time is the series of crimes, all different and each with its suspenseful preamble. The gore isn't as impressive today, but in the 80s it surely must have been brutal. The cast is quite weak, but the atmosphere and the music made this film become one of the most prolific horror film franchises.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
15 December 2023
The film starts out quite interesting and seems to promise a good development, but after the first half hour it becomes unnecessarily violent and absurd. The plot is simple, Rachel is traveling with her son on a highway and has a small collision with another vehicle, she refuses to apologize and this tiny fact causes an excessive reaction from the other driver, who not only begins to chase and harass her, But he begins a kind of macabre game to eliminate his relatives. It could have been an interesting chase movie but the scriptwriter wanted to innovate and ended up adding absolutely implausible things. The guy in question manages to steal his cell phone but there is no logical explanation as to how he gets the passwords to access his contacts, and even his bank accounts, nor the home addresses of his brother and friends. It's stupid to see how the guy kills a friend of hers in a bar and people film it with their phones, even worse that the police take so long to arrive at the scene and that they can't track his truck when everything was recorded by cameras and then broadcast on news channels. A whole series of inconsistencies to which is added the unprecedented stupidity of the protagonist who lends herself to the little game of the guy in question without warning the police in time. It is obvious that being a movie there may be loose things in the script, but Here everything is so incoherent that the result ends up being quite bad.
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Hart to Hart (1979–1984)
Robert and Stefanie at the top.
13 December 2023
He is a millionaire and she is a retired journalist, a perfect marriage where what abounds is love, and both are fans of unraveling crimes and mysteries. Many times they come across a strange event by chance and do not stop until they find out its origin. I think Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers were at their best when they made this series, she was a beautiful and modern forty-something, and he had his second hit after It Takes a Thief. Watching it after 40 years, the show may have aged and be a little slow compared to what it is now and even its stories are somewhat repetitive, but in the 80s it was an original, intelligent series without explicit violence, the chemistry between Wagner and Powers was extraordinary, anyone would have believed it was a real marriage.
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The Brady Bunch (1969–1974)
3 November 2023
A widower with three sons marries a widow with three daughters and to this team we add a kind maid who is almost part of the family. From the introduction song (which is a genius of creativity) we are already introduced into the show quickly. The theme of the series was simple as were the conflicts but even today it is still fun to watch. The characters were well stereotyped, and everything was resolved with a smile. They say that Robert Reed hated the series and his character, he intended a career in film and ended up typecast as the perfect family man, even so the series became a classic, a light comedy without major pretensions that managed to remain in memory. Of several generations. Obviously, despite being somewhat cheesy, it retains an appeal that makes it inevitable to stop and see it.

If one comes across it while zapping.
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The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
31 October 2023
You had to have a very creative mind for someone to come up with a TV series of these characteristics in the late 1950s, and Rod Serling had it. He also had enough intelligence to surround himself with other creatives such as Bert Granet, Charles Beamount or Richard Matheson who were some of the scriptwriters of episodes of the series and who understood the concept perfectly. Each episode presented an ordinary person who was faced with unlikely situations, which put the viewer in the place of the protagonist. Some chapters also addressed topics about aliens or historical events, but there was always a twist with an unexpected ending and sometimes even with a moral. Incredibly, this is one of the few series that does not age and can continue to be enjoyed almost like the first day. Absolutely recommended for audiences of all ages.
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Moonlighting (1985–1989)
2 September 2023
It is difficult to classify this series in its entirety since the 5 seasons that it lasted were very different from each other. The first season was very short, both Cybill Sheppard and Bruce Willis were trying to find their respective roles and the series was slowly finding its way. By the second season the cast was much more comfortable, each one doing their job to perfection and an amazing chemistry began to be noticed between Bruce and Cybill, the writers were improving with each episode and the stories were intriguing and funny at the same time. Season three was undoubtedly the best, Cybill and Bruce exploded on the screen, their characters had reached perfection, the scripts were intelligent and unpredictable, the dialogues between the protagonists were brilliant and witty, during this season the relationship between the two was intensifying. Crescendo until at the end and after so many twists and turns they consummate their love relationship. In the fourth season the decline of the series begins, Cibyll becomes pregnant and makes sporadic appearances, everything falls on Bruce's men who do everything possible to cope with the series alone but without his counterpart it becomes an impossible task. The scripts also begin to decline, it was the beginning of the end. For the fifth and final season, the problems between the production, the scriptwriters and the actors are transferred to the screen and wear and tear on everyone is noticeable. The production makes one last attempt to resume the course of the first seasons but it's too late, Maddie's character becomes insufferable, David's is absolutely blurred and stops being fun. The series loses spark and to make matters worse its last episode is a real disaster. This is the sad end of one of the most entertaining and intelligent series ever made and which established Cibyll Sheppard as a great actress and catapulted Bruce Willis to fame.
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The Time Tunnel (1966–1967)
12 August 2023
The prolific Irwin Allen brought a string of science fiction series to TV in the mid-1960s, The Time Tunnel probably being his most ambitious project due to the high production costs. The studio where the Tunnel scenery was set up was truly impressive. The stories were pretty straightforward like all Irwin Allen series. Two scientists are transported in time through the famous tunnel to prove that it works and prevent the United States Government from funding the project, this is how both are lost wandering through different times while a group of scientists does the same. Possible to return them to the present time. Supported by archival material from historical Fox films, Tony and Douglas go through the Titanic, Nazi Germany, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Wild West and are even transported to another planet. It is said that despite the success obtained, the series did not get to have a second season since the archival film material had run out, this was noticed at the end of the series since the last episodes dealt with invaders of extraterrestrial beings, which which allowed the scriptwriters not to have to adjust to historical facts and to have more freedom to invent stories.
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One Step Beyond (1959–1961)
12 August 2023
It could be said that One Step Beyond was the mother of The Twilight Zone and that this series ended up giving shape to the one that just a few months later made the great Rod Serling famous. This series produced, written and presented by John Newland intended to recreate supposed real events of supernatural events. The stories were presented as dramas where generally the theme was about ghosts and apparitions, the production and staging were really good and as the episodes went by the cast was varied and with great actors like Cloris Leachman, Warren Beatty, Joan Fontaine and Christopher Lee among others.
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The Avengers (1998)
28 July 2023
It was a real shame what happened to this film that could have become a saga like James Bond. To begin with, the film is not good, but it is not so disastrous for the bad reputation it has acquired. Unfortunately, the chemistry between Una Thurman and Ralph Phines did not work out despite the fact that each one was perfect for the role separately, I understand that Warner did not have confidence in this product and they modified it several times, so their argument became something strange, To make matters worse, in many countries it was not even released in theaters, but was released directly on DVD, which caused a wave of hatters who thought in advance that the film was bad. The most salvageable thing for me is that the writer printed several scenes in honor of the original series and these homages were very clear, like the scene with the flying insects inspired by the Small Game for Big Hunters episode or the scene of Emma Peel locked in a house where the stairs always led to the same place, in homage to the great episode The House That Jack Built, among others.
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The Avengers (1961–1969)
27 July 2023
The title of The Avengers was originally due because the plot was based on the search for revenge of Dr. David Keel (Ian Hendry) for the murder of his wife, he allied himself with the investigator John Steed (Patrick MacNee) to find the criminal . After the first season, the series changed its scheme to the adventures of John Steed trying to solve the most mysterious crimes, always accompanied by a beautiful assistant, among whom Cathy Gale (Honor Blackman) stood out. The series thus began to enjoy success in several countries in Europe and this aroused the interest of the United States who proposed to co-produce the series and broadcast it in their country. Honor Blackman was leaving the series at that precise moment and after an arduous and complicated search to succeed her is when the one who would become the most remembered avenger of the entire series appears, the one who would take the show to the peak of popularity, Diana Rigg slips into character as the fascinating Ms. Emma Peel, and all the planets seem to align to propel the series to cult status. Added to the explosive chemistry between Patrick and Diana was the technique that by then already had a high budget, the writers were inspired and wrote the best and most intelligent stories in this period, unfortunately after two glorious seasons, Diana Rigg decides leaving the series in pursuit of a film career and is replaced by the young actress Linda Thorson, the show thus begins to decline both in ratings and interest and is finally cancelled.
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Jesus (2018–2019)
22 June 2023
Anyone can think that a biblical story can be tedious for modern times. Jesus is so wonderfully told that it doesn't bore you for a single second, when you start to see it it's impossible to detach yourself from the screen. In addition to being a great super production, with a superlative staging, it has a wonderful cast, they all shine in their characters and are convincing at an extraordinary level. The narration and direction is so effective that here we find stories full of suspense, adventure, action but above all a lot of heart. There are scenes that will truly move the most die-hard of viewers to tears. The writers were extremely smart to make each character and each story a masterpiece. No matter how much one knows the story of Jesus or has seen movies like King of Kings, Jesus of Nazareth by Zefirelli or The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. This series will pleasantly surprise you because it is a different and truly wonderful show, a top quality product in every way.
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The Collapse (2019)
24 March 2023
The highlight of this mini series is its realization. Each chapter is shot with a handheld camera and in a single continuous take without editing, which makes it a novel product and very difficult to film. Another feature of the series is that the last episode could be considered the first, since the final chapter tells the origin of how the collapse of the world began. Each episode is independent of the other and tells stories of ordinary people in an environment in which the planet has collapsed and there is a lack of food, energy services are scarce or failing and people try by all means to find a way to survive, as they As the episodes go by, there is a progressive count of the days that have passed since this collapse, so as the stories progress they are increasingly crude and violent. We can see how people are desperate to get food that is missing in a market, fuel to escape to a safer place or simply people with a lot of money who have hired special services that will take them to special bunkers so that they are safe. A very entertaining, innovative series, very well directed and acted, and with a message that will leave more than one viewer thinking about the real possibility that the day of the collapse can come true.
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12 March 2023
Landon is a wildly popular and rebellious boy at school. One day he meets Jamie, a shy and beautiful daughter of an evangelical pastor. Both are literally opposites but when they both have to perform a student play together they become a great friendship. Little by little Landon discovers Jamie's innocent and good world and falls in love, but her father opposes his daughter dating a bad boy. He does the impossible to show that he has matured and that thanks to her he has completely changed his rebellious character. But one day Jamie confesses his terrible secret, and that is that he suffers from terminal leukemia. Destroyed, Landon fulfills one by one all the dreams that Jamie had in his heart as they share the last moments of their lives. A Walk To Remember is a beautiful, humane film, full of noble feelings and despite being a romantic drama it is also a hymn to life. The most important thing is that the director does not appeal to any kind of low blow or cheesy dialogues or scenes to impact the hearts of the public. Mandy Moore is perfect playing the sweet Jamie making a charming character that crosses the screen.
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Love, Simon (2018)
11 March 2023
Simon is a teenager who hides from everyone that he is gay. His life goes by normally between school, his four inseparable friends and his family. One day Simon starts chatting with a mysterious gay guy who knows and likes him. Intrigued, he tries by all means to find out who that secret admirer is. But one day he leaves the chat open on a school computer and one of his classmates accesses the secret conversations and posts them on the school's open social networks, revealing Simon's true orientation, who is forced to confess. His feelings to his parents and ends up being teased by the other students. When everything seems to collapse in his life, things begin to change, he receives an apology from his classmates and his parents lovingly accept the new phase of their son. But she still needs to discover the identity of the boy she fell in love with in the chat. Afterwards, it all ends in a very romantic and happy way. Love Simon is a charming, human, romantic and very entertaining film. Unlike other gay love stories that focus more on queerness and excesses, this film goes straight to the purest love, to the confusing moments that teenagers go through when they decide to come out of the closet, to friendship and love. Family above all else. The entire cast works perfectly, highlighting the moving performance of its protagonist Nick Robinson.
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Lili (1953)
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lili is an orphan descendant of French immigrants who, in search of her father, reaches a circus. Despite being a teenager, she is extremely naive and is captivated by the tricks of a handsome magician, this arouses the jealousy of the young and grumpy puppeteer who had been a great acrobat but an accident cut short his career. One day the young Lili, abandoned and alone, decides to commit suicide by throwing herself off a trapeze, but at the moment she is about to climb on it, she is interrupted by the puppets that call her and make her forget that intention. Lili at no time realizes who is the person who manages the puppets, she simply continues her conversation with them with naivety and amazement. Without knowing it, Lili begins to be part of the puppet show and night after night her conversations with these nice characters delight the public. Until one day, when she decides to leave the circus, she realizes that the man behind her puppet friends is none other than the grumpy man who has fallen in love with her and has used her puppets to express all his feelings. The young woman feels deceived and when she leaves down an almost fairytale path, she begins to imagine that she is accompanied by her beloved dolls, this makes her reflect and understand that behind her wooden friends was her true love, that man who tried to protect her without for her to notice, and finally runs into her arms. The film is extremely charming, subtle, it's like a fairy tale. Leslie Caron is perfect in this role, and despite the fact that the actress is already an adult, her portrayal of a virginal and innocent young woman is absolutely wonderful and believable. Mel Ferrer accompanies it in an outstanding way. A film to recover the innocence of the purest loves of our childhood.
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
5 January 2023
After being fired from her job and fighting with her boyfriend, the flamboyant Fran Fine ends up getting a job as a nanny to the three children of a famous and wealthy theater producer, who can't hide his crush on his light-hearted and funny employee. . This provokes the constant jealousy of his partner, Ms. C. C. Babock. The Nanny is adored by the children of the house, but his mistakes often cause funny and crazy situations. The cast is completed in an outstanding way by the butler Niles and part of the Fine family, his mother, his grandmother and his best friend. His scripts are crazy and witty, the entire cast is truly wonderful. Fran Drescher is outstanding and funny as The Nanny in a role that suits her perfectly. It should also be noted that thanks to the success of this sitcom, top-level celebrities were invited, among whom we can mention Eartha Kitt, Michael Bolton, Dinah Merrill, Cloris Leachman, Ray Charles, Pamela Anderson, David Letterman, Elizabeth Taylor and even himself. Donald Trump among many others. A comedy to enjoy and laugh.
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The Prisoner (1967–1968)
1 January 2023
Kafkaesque, claustrophobic and intelligent, that's how this strange TV series from the 60s is that has become a cult series. Patrick MacGooan starred for several seasons in the spy series DANGER MAN, which narrated the adventures of secret agent John Drake, but Patrick had an elaborate and psychedelic idea for a spin off of the character, thus THE PRISONER was born. It all begins when Drake, for unknown reasons, submits his resignation from the English Secret Service, and when he is about to finish packing his bags to take a vacation in a drugged with gas by a mysterious character. Later he wakes up in an identical apartment to his but located in a remote and strange place called The Village. Disconcerted by the unexpected events, he ends up meeting Number 2, an enigmatic character who is dedicated to observing with hidden cameras all the movements of the inhabitants of The Village, his intention is to break the will of John Drake (now called Number 6) so that he confesses the reasons for his abdication and the secrets he keeps. In The Village you never know who the real prisoners are and who are the double agents in the service of Number 2. From now on Number 6 will be subjected to all kinds of psychological experiments to break his will, while he will try to use all the resources at his disposal. Scope to find a way to escape and return to London. The series is a bit uneven in the quality of its episodes, the first half being the best and with an exceptional creative development of the scripts. The theme of the series also hid many subliminal messages criticizing freedoms, presidential elections, the use of peoples in the hands of the powerful. The location where the story takes place is a small and beautiful Welsh town called Portmerion, with a mixture of Renaissance and Baroque design, full of domes and labyrinthine streets.
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Get Smart (1965–1970)
Hilarious sitcom that does not age over time
26 December 2022
Most of the sitcoms of the 60s and 70s have too childish humor that have not stood the test of time and when you see them today they are a bit silly. Get Smart is still entertaining and great despite the fact that almost 60 years have passed, and that's thanks to the smart scripts and the performance of Don Adams, it's impossible to imagine another actor impersonating the clumsy but effective Agent 86. They accompany him in such a way outstanding Barbara Feldon and Edward Platt. In the 60s, the James Bond films were a resounding success thanks to Sean Connery, television could not be left out of the spy fashion and thus appeared The Saint, Burkes Law, Man From UNCLE, The Avengers among others. . Mel Brooks created a parody of the spy series and the result was deliriously successful. Agent 86 and his beautiful partner Agent 99 were dedicated to combating the diabolical forces of the criminal organization KAOS, one of their most prominent agents was Sigfred, played brilliantly by Bernie Kopell. Even with the passage of time, most of the gags are still funny and effective.
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The Letters (1973 TV Movie)
26 November 2022
The 1970s was one of the most prolific in terms of TV productions. Cable channels and VHS rental did not yet exist. Films for cinema were strictly for cinema and television had its own production, with a smaller budget but with great ideas and actors. This film narrates three different stories, the first about a middle-aged couple whose husband decides to run away with a young lover, the second about two sisters who fight for the same man, and the third about a young couple who are very much in love who have to face the refusal of her mother. The three stories coincide in that their protagonists have written letters that end up reaching their recipients 1 year later than expected. This detail gives a dramatic turn to the resolution of each segment. The film is simple but charming, the cast is wonderful, Barbara Stanwick, John Forsithe, Dina Merril, Ida Lupino and Pamela Franklin are just some of the established figures that participate in the telefilm. It is a pity that this, like many other productions of the 70s and 80s, have been practically forgotten.
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22 October 2022
I saw this movie on television back in 1976, I was about 10 years old and I never forgot it. Something had mobilized in me to vaguely remember her until now I looked for her and saw her again. It tells the story of two fugitives, an orphan boy adopted by a cruel marriage that subjects him to punishment, and a man who, in a fit of jealousy, murders his wife's lover. Fate causes their paths to cross and together they begin an anguished escape from their past lives. At first, Chris tries by all means to abandon little Robby on the way to a certain shelter, but the boy feels protected by Chris and does not know. Takes him off Little by little, a relationship of father and son love is born between them that will culminate in a dramatic but successful way. It's hard to imagine this movie starring actors other than Dirk Bogarde and Jon Witheley, as both are perfect in their roles. Bogarde manages to convey all the feelings that his character goes through, indifference, anguish, despair, love and sweetness and little Whiteley is absolutely wonderful. The chemistry between the two is superlative. Director Charles Crichton did a superb job perfectly creating an atmosphere both haunting and romantic. A movie that is a real gem.
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