
10 Reviews
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A Heavy Biased Doc In Favor of the Far Left
7 July 2024
Such a collage of lies, that what it is! At the time the far left party was ruining the economy of Brazil, high rate of unemployment, high rate of inflation, and the president saying nonsense and hilarious things all over the time! This doc don't show WHAT the far left party had done before with Brazil. Billions of dollars of Brazilians' tax payers has been stolen from the far left politics! Her impeachment was a BLESS for Brazil in 2016!!! The population of Brazil put out of the command the far left party, and two years later put behind bars the real criminal. Unfortunately now the far left is back, ruining again Brazil's economy.
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Two Hours Straight of Endless Speech and Boredom
29 October 2023
Just watched yesterday (Saturday) at a film festival Luiz Fernando Carvalho's second feature, 22 years after "To The Left of Father", his first feature. Before starting, suspect of any other extensive review considering this film "a masterpiece", comparing it to works of filmmakers known strictly to cinephiles such as Godard, Pasolini, Antonioni, Bergman and others. Summarizing in a few words: two hours straight of endless speech by the female lead and boredom. Almost the whole movie is shown in pan&scan aspect ratio (or 1:33 aspect ratio), the bored woman looking straight to the camera while speaking, crying, smiling. Endless blah, blah, blah on nothing. Sometimes alternate with B&W moments. Only very few moments to highlight: the maid, a young black woman, drawing in her bedroom's wall; the bored female lead destroying the drawings at the wall; and the close-ups of the living cockroach and its bleeding lymph. The director shot his own foot with his new feature. This movie is not for healthy and normal people. Not recommended.
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Cockatoo (2012)
Great Acting, Fun Short Movie
19 August 2022
Particularly I liked a lot this short movie, could relate to it! Matilda Brown's acting was surprisingly good, the plot is solid, even if the ending was kind of not so good, yet satisfying.
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Seeds of Love (2020)
Originality and Very Funny Short Movie
19 August 2022
No dialogues, only one character in an apartment, yet surprisingly great, very smart and creative! One scene I predicted it would happen, but it was still very funny!
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Bad and Sad Example
23 July 2022
Basically a movie without a story, with nothing at all! The filmmaker shot this crap with metaphorical meanings that only him/her understands, A sad and bad example of what happens when a bad filmmaker has powerful politics at the government that gives him/her all the money that it needs to shoot such a crap like this, with no worries if it will get the money back at the box offices.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
It's OK, Has Its Moments
5 January 2022
Overall I laughed at some good moments - when Meryl Streep showed up as President of US, I couldn't help but remember what would be like if Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris were President of the US - Hillary or Kamala would be exactly like Streep in "Don't Look Up".
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Great Short Movie
3 April 2017
I easily connected to this short movie, since I'm almost deaf too - I know how hard it is to have a "normal" social life being almost unable to understand what people are saying near to you. I too went through a surgery to "hear better". I thought the script was well written, very mature and to- the-ground feel, the direction is very good, and the cast is superb, especially the main character played by Ryann.
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A Rare Good Brazilian Film
1 December 2002
Here in Brazil is very rare to see a good Brazilian film, and Brant´s new film is exactly one of these jewel. There are some flaws in the film, of course, but they are very minimal. The directing and acting in this film are very good!

Can´t wait to see another Brant´s new film!
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Very Difficult To Watch It
1 December 2002
The first time I saw this film I didn´t like it very much, thought it was too "literary". The second time I saw it again I thought it was OK. At the third time (and last, until the moment) I am almost considering it a masterpiece. You literally dive in the soul of this film, its unique cinematography, the music go deep under your skin. It´s not a film for everyone, almost everyone thought it was boring, or you hate it or love it.

Can´t wait to see this film released in DVD!
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What Films Of Today Should Learn With This One
1 December 2002
One of the true masterpieces that confirms the genius of Stanley Kubrick. The opening of the film is brilliant, to say the least.

That stare of Alex (Malcolm McDowell) set up the tone of the film.
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