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The Unholy (2021)
Better than mainstream movies
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is it a complete waste of time? Not if you liked all the cape movies or the Hobbit, in fact this is a masterpiece compared to anything Hollywood comes up with these days. There are better (old) movies out there, and the special effects are worse than movies that are 20 years old, but compare it to the latest movies and it has a 10/10 everything, I'm only giving it a 8/10 because it's somewhat predictable. In all seriousness, it was OK-ish, not great, not terrible and at least the main actress can act, as well as Cary Elwes, unlike the rest of the cast that was meh at best but not quite comedy worthy although Dean Morgan's acting was yikes at times indeed. Would I recommend it? Only if you have nothing else to watch, it was midly entertaining, and I certainly don't regret watching it.
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Tuff Money (2020)
Actually good
2 October 2021
I know the city where they filmed this very well and I have to say the portrayal is very good, I was very impressed by the video editing and the video quality, the cuts, the angles, I haven't seen any movie do these things better, it was perfect.

The actors are also good and believable but some lines could have been better (like when they joke). I watched some Romanian shows before on TV and the quality between this and those is like comparing a 10/10 to a 2/10 (from acting to everything else). Hats off to the director and the crew.

The story is interesting and it works, it reminds me a bit of GTA5 but with Romanian cultural elements that were fairly well represented. I know people in real life that are as honest as the two protagonists, so although their behavior may seem a bit exaggerated, it's actually believable. I didn't quite enjoy the last episode because I believe it didn't add to the overall story, and I also didn't enjoy the portrayal of the priest (it can happen but I don't enjoy priests portrayed in the same way communists portray them, that's just meh).
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Decent but could have been good
10 May 2019
I gave it a 6 because it's entertaining up to a point but it could have been better, unfortunately it's oversexualized and that, I believe, can ruin it for many people that just want to enjoy such a movie, it could have been made more subtle, along with other vices shown. The special effects are OK, I mean I don't see people complaining about "From Dusk Till Dawn", and the story and special effects are very similar in many ways if you think about it. Furlong also should have asked for another role, not that he wasn't good at basically playing himself (which is sad if you know about it and I wish him well).
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Creed II (2018)
23 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Actually good-ish. In short: Good character development for Adonis, his girlfriend/wife and Rocky, decent main plot but the good training montages of the Rocky movies were like a character in themselves, in this movie the training montage isn't good enough for me, also the scrip lacks a proper villain backstory - both of which aren't overwhelming things to achieve since they were done properly before.

I didn't go in with high expectations so the movie was actually a lot better than I expected - I was expecting something akin to the Disney Star War movies or something made purely for commercial gain, it wasn't. The plot develops Adonis' story and character a lot but it lacked a developed "villain", unfortunately we didn't really get much of Viktor Drago, his motivation and his ambitions other than his dad, Ivan Drago, pushing him from behind and very few moments of his mother. I didn't like the training montage either, I feel like the movie didn't know if it wanted to be a classic Rocky movie or not. There was drama regarding Adonis' family but in the end it's not resolved in any way (it doesn't even seem to affect Adonis after Rocky simply told him a few words). Viktor Drago was played well for what the script allowed the actor to do but If the movie was 30 minutes shorter or if those 30 minutes were spent on developing Adonis' rival then it could have possibly be a movie of the year. Good effort.
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Dead Space: Aftermath (2011 Video)
Meh and more meh
17 October 2018
The animation is horrible, it's like watching very bad computer generated cartoons from the 1990s, it also changes from one format to another, breaking immersion. The plot is horrible, revealing almost everything about the grand plot of the series and not even having any sort of important consequences since it all happens on a ship nobody really cares about. The monsters are horrible, and not in a good way, they're not scary and the protagonists are never truly challenged, it's like a very bad case of plot armour. Will you waste your time? yes, very much so.
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13 December 2016
I've seen it in 3D, I don't know if there's a 2D version of this but I'd rather see it 2D because the 3D was poor. If you like lots of '90s and early 2000s style fighting then you'll enjoy this but for me it was unimaginative. Nothing new compared to the old Underworld movies and a oversimplified and predictable plot... hmm if I think about it now the "Super Sayan" transformations also involve changing hair color, not just eye color!! A big problem I had with this movie is that it's too dark, kinda like the AvP movies where you could hardly see anything proper. The plot line, like I said, was boring, but so were the characters, I didn't care about anyone. To sum it up: more of the same but not exciting enough, it needed way better villains and a much better battle... it is supposed to have the most epic battle between werewolves and vampires so far, from a 'historic' point of view, but the other movies' big battles were far better done, this was the poorest "grand battle" and boss fight that I've seen so far in the series. 4/10 but I can see why people that liked the series or fightin' would give it more.
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Like watching a potato boil for 2 hours
24 March 2016
Commercial campaign for this movie: 10/10, the problem with this movie is that it's a 4/10 at best, and very boring. Everything except for seeing Han Solo and princess Leia is insipid. Almost the entire plot is revealed from the start, character development doesn't happen (that too is spoiled from the start by revealing too much). The main characters are probably the worst, no sort of character development, the woman knows everything and does everything, because she prayed to feminism or something, the black guy's character is suppose to be indoctrinated and trained from childhood and then he turns traitor after the first battle because of the "horror" and then goes on happily killing his former comrades (*not a spoiler since it's in the trailers that he turns traitor). The main bad guy isn't as horrible but not something to impress or inspire either, and all of these new actors are ugly or average looking at best. The plot is very poorly written, it's like a small kid wrote it, it's as realistic as if you go to the USA, capture an army captain and he can then, ALONE, give you the codes to the nuclear rockets and at the same time fire them, ALONE. Boring, stupid and lazy plot, a lot copied from episode 4 but in a boring way. Like watching a potato boil for 2 hours, I had no attachment for the characters, for the "good guys" (none of them is played by a non-Jew white actor) or "bad guys" (you guessed it, all of them are white guys), so if you're a white-hating liberal feminist that likes to lie to themselves and would like to watch a movie as insipid and dumb as your political views, this is the movie for you.
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AfterDeath (2015)
Probably the first thriller that scared me
29 January 2016
So this movie plays on the idea of a Christian afterlife. In most Christian churches you can redeem yourself in various ways for your sins, but this movie has a much more dark and brutal approach to sinning. It actually is scary if you think about that it might be real, for me it was anyway. The acting was OK, the actors look good, maybe the atmosphere could have been more creepy, it was OK, but the general idea of the movie is very creepy, in any case. I don't know if you have to be Christian to like it, or get scared, but it probably helps. If you're not, at least you can think of this movie as another perspective on the afterlife and the implications of every action one does in his/her life.
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I know it's a cartoon but it's awful
1 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm unsure what the audience is suppose to be considering one can see people getting killed, regardless the movie has a very stupid plot, very stupid action and very stupid ending. To sum it up, interracial(interspecies) superhero versus evil misogynistic racist nationalistic dictator. I'm not even making this up, it's the writer that actually made it this, but it's even worse than I'm writing it, since it actually has a "magic negro" (look it up on wikipedia) at one point (I'm not talking about Cyborg).

As you might have guessed, this movie is full of bad stereotypes.

A few sub-plots and anti-logic events:

-Superman has the hots for Wonder Woman, kisses her then takes her on a date but as soon as Lois Lane appears he backpedals very fast;

-Aquaman looks in his mid 20s-30s and acts like a shy 15 years old kid when it comes to romance (the same with Cyborg);

-whales are summoned at the bottom of the ocean (in real life they would die from the pressure long before they reach that depth);

-a Megalodon is summoned;

-a giant tsunami is created bent on hitting the East Coast of the USA, but then is stopped on purpose by the same Atlantian invaders so they can just march in (what's wrong with letting the tsunami hit, drowning most of the surface dwellers and then killing off the survivors? my guess is the only explanation would be that they feared they would pollute the oceans);

-without explanation the US army waits for them as the tsunami is about to hit, then the tsunami disappears (I have no idea how they knew it would do that, even if they were warned by Batman about the Atlantian invasion), then they order the king of Atlantis to surrender... and we're speaking about a military force (the Atlanis army) that in the lore has no problem in conquering the surface world and killing the superheroes;

-the war ends by the stupidest deus ex machina plot I've seen: Cyborg records the king of Atlantis admitting that he killed their former queen;

-Aquaman, a bum for 20-30 years, suddenly wants to become the king of a civilization he has nothing in common with, other than his blood;

-Batman and most of the Justice League have no problem sitting at the bottom of the ocean wearing only breathing masks, etc. etc. etc. etc.

The entire plot is filled with stupid action and plot holes that could only pass if a kid was watching this, and I wouldn't let a kid watch this as it has people killing other people (shown directly).

Very, very, very disappointed by this, it's the worst animated movie I saw, even if I could forgive the plot and say "well, they're politically motivated to show things like black people at the bottom of the ocean, and it's just a cartoon about fictional characters (awaiting a black king Arthur for the lulz)", but I can't forgive absolutely 0 logic bs like whale and normal people (with no gear on) at the bottom of the ocean not imploding from the pressure (especially since even Cyborg admits at the start that he couldn't do it if he didn't remove his lungs, so wtf).
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Atheists should stop making religious themed movies
15 March 2015
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If you saw the newest Noah movie, with Russell Crowe, then that's what you should expect in this movie. It's not historical, it's not Biblical, it's not anything more than a twisted director's spit on what both history and religious documents say about the people involved and the time period.

The movie also has some idiotic elements: Sub Saharan blacks in Egypt ruled by Nordic Europeans, Jews building the pyramids (lol, the Great Pyramids were build at least 1000 years before Moses was even born, wtf), Jews burning (lol), Ramses (one of the best rulers of Egypt) portrayed as very dumb and as a stereotypical Nazi villain, etc.

What I'd say to the director: cool story br0, at least you tricked religious people into giving you money for some bs.
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The Pacific (2010)
24 January 2015
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It's not a historical anything, it's just a "personal drama" over 10 episodes, with little to do with real life fighting, or how real life soldiers act, it does show some brutal stuff but it's put there only to let the viewers know it was indeed a brutal war in real life, but these are raw elements in an otherwise bland 10 episodes.

The characters are not interesting and fake, the plot isn't interesting either, in fact it's typical American war movie: 1) don't show the real reason we are at war, fed the public some bs; 2) of course Americans get to have girlfriends of every nationality they want, because they're Americans; 3) personal drama and so called transformations on characters that clearly never existed in real life(and even by some miracle if they did, it's clearly not based on their actions); 4) portraying the enemy as SUPER STUPID(all the Japanese soldiers in this movie only know how to banzai charge and die like idiots), and SUPER EVIL, as if the poor Americans are hated for no reason at all; 5) portraying the Americans as fighting "a just cause", good vs. evil, and blaming the enemy for all the evil in the world, and brainwashing the average public that has no idea about history with this bs propaganda.

As I said, the characters, scenes, plot, action etc. are all weak, I feel like I wasted my time watching what some guy believes happened in WW2 and not what actually happened or at least firmly based on what actually happened instead of some irrelevant and fake drama of non-existing people.

Thanks for wasting my time, HBO.
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Gone Girl (2014)
A movie that should get people thinking
21 January 2015
The movie starts out as the story of a couple, and it evolved a lot, in a complex manner, but predictable(at least to me). The acting was very good, the plot was also realistic, what people should really get from this movie is that not everything they see on TV is true, and that appearances are deceptive, good and evil are concepts we shouldn't be hypocrite about or take for granted just because some other people tell us what the definition of those two words are, and I believe this movie has done a marvelous job of questioning our 21st Western society's moral dogma, more than offering us with an interesting story.

I would recommend this movie to all people, except minors, because of it's violent scenes.
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Vlad Tepes (1979)
More than just a movie
13 January 2015
The movie "Vlad Țepeș" presents us the life and deeds of Vlad the Impaler during his reign, the challenges he faces and the sheer determination he had to overcome them.

The acting, costumes and scenery are all top, as well as the historicity of the actions in the movie, but the real thing that makes the movie special is Vlad and his deeds, it's more than a life lesson, it's a new moral understanding that he left his people as a legacy, that things can be different, that evil can be defeated, and by not only opposing but actually fighting the typical human weaknesses and wickedness, he managed to stay in the collective memory of his people and foes, thus becoming an immortal, and the personification both cruelty and righteousness and that the human spirit can indeed cleanse itself and get closer to perfection and justice by deeds rather than words.

This movie should be an inspiration for all humanity, willpower overcomes evilness and weakness, and sets us free.
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Propaganda movie
12 January 2015
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The idea of the movie is OK, but the implementation of it is horrible, so basically if you're interested in indoctrinating your kids with the idea/message that "all men are the same" and that all women that aren't educated act "stupid" and that women that have education must act like boys and consider all men as inferior(a farm animal being superior)/not needed, and presents a confusion of pseudo-religious and social concepts with the intent of preparing your kid for the next level of leftist indoctrination when he grows up, then, this is the movie for you. I gave the 4/10 because it's not boring but not good either(even with politics aside).
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
OK movie with a good message
9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is suppose to be the real story of an American prisoner of war in the hands of the Japanese, how he got to there, also his early life and the time spent as a POW.

I found the story acceptable and inspirational, as a real story could be, and I frankly appreciate that no "extra" elements were added, like the ever present romance we find in movies today, or political views, which would have made it a mediocre movie at best.

It really feels like the experience of a rebel individual, that changed his ways and grew up into a strong man, strong enough to return to his family with his head high, and in the end strong that he could forgive his enemies.

I also found that title is well chosen to represent the story of a man we should all strive to be like, unbroken.
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how about no?
23 December 2014
The whole point of Hitler's RISE TO POWER was his charisma and that he was worshiped/viewed in a very positive light by his followers, think of Hans Landa in "Inglorious Basterds" but even more so(almost all the people that met Hitler in real life were impressed). This is what the movie fails to do, Hitler is presented as the producers see him, not as tens of millions of people that followed him to the very end, his companions or his foreign contacts(see David Lloyd George, the former British PM and how he described Hitler after their meeting - hint, the total opposite of how this movie portrays Hitler).

The facts are that he was decorated 3 times as a war hero, he was voted by Germany to power and he was a very able politician and political figure(think that for 12 years, and long after they lost the war, many Germans still viewed him with the highest regard vs. today when politicians are hated in the first 2 years or so), and he created 6 million jobs in the first two years while in power VERSUS this movie -> "Hitler is chaotic evil clown, and I'm offended", cool story bro, with a lot of unhistorical elements and plot twists just to accentuate "the evil", but you fail to show us his actual rise to power and how he got the masses to follow him(otherwise nobody would follow him, no matter how evil/good you think a guy is). 1/10
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Casino Royale (2006)
Not as special as one might think
15 December 2014
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I recently watched the movie again, I have to say that I had a much more positive view on it back then as I do now(I was tempted to give it a 6).

Craig David is a new kind of James Bond, more aggressive, more traumatized by his past, more... barbarian, this isn't meant as a critique, I actually liked both Craig and the Bond he portrays. The problem is that it's the only novelty this movie and the new James Bond movies have to offer. As with every Bond movie you have a guy going on vacation in exotic places, having sex with beautiful women and "fighting bad guys"(which of course he does it openly, and in the most glamorous way possible, and everybody, especially the bad guys, know who he is).

I don't know what to make of the movie's love story, which is a main plot element of this movie and the next one, for me, let's say I find it hard to believe they instantly go from one scene where they almost hate each others' style, to being madly in love. While this type of inconsistent behavior might be easy to imagine for women, I would find it especially hard to imagine it for James Bond.

Overall the movie is entertaining, I definitely don't regret watching it, it fact I will probably watch it again at some point in the future, but seeing people say this movie is for James Bond movies what "The Dark Knight"(or any of the Christian Bale Batman movies) is for the Batman movies is a overstatement, as it doesn't revolutionize the story and dynamism of James Bond in such an extreme way, and the new James Bond movies lack the great villains that Batman had, especially one of the caliber and charisma of the Joker. Although acceptable, none of the villains Bond faces will remain in your memory.
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Fury (2014)
2 December 2014
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A solid, realistic, first half of the movie, with good action and dialogue, but I feel the 2nd half is too unrealistic, and again we have the typical American portrayal of German soldiers as being stupid(and the belief that somehow German women are all prostitutes willing to sleep with Americans). The only character that I didn't like was Brad Pitt's character, as in other movies he is some maniac "killing gnazis" and being that fanatical about it that he sacrifices almost his entire crew and himself towards that goal, although they could have easily live to fight another day. My favorite character was Shia LaBeouf's character, he seemed the most believable of all(a loyal friend, a fighter and a Christian).
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Ardennes Fury (2014)
Awful, with sci-fi fighting scenes and tactics
11 November 2014
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4 minutes into the movie, and you're already presented with the Germans driving a T-34-85 without any German markings, in fact it still has the Soviet Red star. Worse is the fact that the German infantry is, unhistorical, fighting: 1) in front of the tanks; 2) too close to to the tank; 3) German tank crews using the commander's cupola during a fight and getting shot, which is both down right stupid and unhistorical 4) German tanks fighting American tanks in 20 meters radius or less in open ground. I don't mind about the visual effects that seem to be from early 2000s PC game about World War 2, in quality, but I can make a recommendation to the producers in using a real life Hetzer and/or Panzer IV H instead of a real life Soviet T-34-85 to depict a German real life vehicle, as the Hetzers are cheap and readily found and still made for historical reenactment events all over Europe, and along with the Panzer IV, were one of the most produced German vehicles in the entire war, and it also makes no sense to depict (computer generated) German Tiger 1 tanks standing so close to each other. So besides the stereotype in American movies that German soldiers are some idiots that can't fight, you can also see things like most of the actors being a bit too old and fat to serve on the front as they are presented(normal, low ranked, soldiers), a guy having a cigar in his mouth but without being lit; a Wolverine(M10 tank destroyer) being called a tank, while it's trying to flank the T-34-85 which is spinning it's turret 360 degrees for no apparent reason; a German Volkssturm sitting in from of a German tank that's trying to fire at another Wolverine 20 meters ahead of them, and said Volkssturm troops shooting a German soldier and American soldier with his pistol apparently unconcerned about the battle(the T-34-85's gunner and the rest of the crew also seem unconcerned about the infantry fight right next to them); a tropical(*sarcasm) rain in France stopping 1 second after two soldiers finish talking, the camera changes, and they decide to attack; said soldiers throwing hand grenades into the T-34-85's driver's hatch and commander's cupola which the Germans were nice enough to leave open in battle, against all logic and military tactics; the Wolverine then decides to go solo inside heavy forested enemy territory with no prior scouting, and again the Germans dumb enough to shoot them with light rifle fire and from the front, as soon as they spot the Wolverine, instead of waiting for the Americans to pass by them so they can shoot from behind; then the Americans doing a Rambo and killing off every German they meet in the forest with no effort, as they keep moving, and apparently none of the Germans had a grenade, a Panzerfaust or anti-tank grenades(considering it was an open top Wolverine, any grenade would do, regardless); the Wolverine magically remaining without fuel although it has an operational range of almost 200 miles; the Evil German™ military, in all it's wisdom, starts prioritizing an orphanage's nun over the American army, because the Evil German™ is also a Very Dumb Chaotic Evil German™; then followed by Non-Evil American™ airforce about to liberate™ and bring tons of democracy™ via strategic bombardment over a forested area, surrounding countryside and the said orphanage, then the black US soldier trying to convince the sergeant to save the ORPHANS from the tons of democracy™ by saying "they might not be our kids, but they are someone's kids", then the Americans suddenly start caring about the safety of random civilians(while the US government historically ordered the bombings of most cities in Europe and Asia with massive civilian deaths) that the Evil Germans™ hold hostage(although with no real value for any sides to do so), etc... 1/10 don't bother with this.
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29 October 2014
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I don't mind that much that the movie has little to do with history(Vlad wasn't a vampire, he was born in Transylvania but he ruled Wallachia, he fought the Turks for more than 3 days, the Sultan never died etc.) but this movie doesn't have much logic to it: he turns against the Turks on a whim(because, apparently, his wife would rather see a war with the Ottoman empire, than her son be taken hostage) then thinking he can't win, without even trying, he instantly tries to cheat his way out by going to the vampire(not knowing if he will insta-kill him or not, like it almost happened the last time), without making any defense preparations in his leave. During this time, the Turks magically summon an army and are already attacking Vlad's Castle, although the border distance from Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire, at that time, was over 200km(that would make Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian, the architects of Blitzkrieg via Armored Warfare, jelly), not to mention that the Turks would have to attack fortified mountain passes to even get into Transylvania...and that neither Transylvania or Wallachia payed tribute to the Ottoman empire at that time. It would make me think the Turks have supernatural powers that include premonition and super-fast travel speed, which they make use again to send an army over the border and catch up with the Transylvanians(moving away to another castle where "they would be safer") although they take precautions and move fast, in less than 1 day(my guess is that the Turks were using hax). Anyway, Vlad catches up to this 2nd Turkish army and destroys it, then the next day the Turks again pull a Flash and start attacking the castle, but this time they make use of another hax, they went through the castle walls as Vlad was busy killing their 3rd army, get to Vlad's wife and push her over into a massive fall from the castle, Vlad tries to help, fails, and the wife, instead of thanking Vlad for the sacrifices he made and realizing how stupid she was, she again asks Vlad to do something stupid, and drink her blood(to permanently become a vampire), which he does... the end disappoints me the most, it took 600 years for the Master Vampire to call for Vlad's aid, but, although the movie makes it undeniable that it uses the Christian dogma, and that there is heaven and hell, demons and vampires, apparently Buddhism is also there, as Vlad's wife magically reincarnates... facepalm material. The story is poorly written, it always feels that a lot of the plot elements are missing, I'm thinking they cut a lot of scenes out, which would have made it a more decent movie, but because that it has nothing to do with history(even less than Bram Stoker's Book), Bram Stoker's Book(at least it's a story about a Vampire named Dracula, which relates the two), logic and that the characters themselves seemed to be plagued by emotions and stupidity, I can't rate this higher than 4 out of 10. You gain nothing and lose nothing by watching or not watching it.
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Awful(small spoiler)
6 August 2010
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If you've seen the 1st movie then you'll be very disappointed by the 2nd! the 1st movie had, as plus, hot women(there are some in this movie too but they seem like cheap escorts compared to most of the girls in the original) and it had charismatic actors(even if some actors were not so good, I'm talking about the three "northern guys" who were friends) and it had some cool death scenes, and I really enjoyed the first one with Miss Pussycat.

So what does "2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams" have to offer? most of the original actors(talking about those in the ghost town) are not present in the movie(a very big minus), in fact it's very lame, since the new actors can't act at all! You'll also hear lame swearing and other lame stuff, the death scenes are also lame in this movie, in fact the whole movie is boring! If they wanted to kill up a good horror setup and a promising 1st movie then CONGRATULATIONS! this movie ruined it.

PS I also enjoy that in this 2nd movie they can't make up their minds if the mayor's eyepatch goes on his left eye or on his right eye.
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24 May 2010
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No wonder this is rated the worst Austin Powers movie, I still wonder how it got so much money, probably from a lot of people expecting to see more of what was in the first two movies of the series, which isn't the case.

For me, LAME is the perfect word to sum up this movie.

The next few lines will contain the few spoilers I'm prepared to give: The start of the movie couldn't get any worse, the "celebrity appearances", the faces of Austin Powers and Doctor Evil, such as Doctor Evil's changed eye color, not to mention Austin Powers looks like an old pervert that had botox injections(you could argue that it's to add to the comedy but he still looks different from the other movies), rater than a middle-aged secret agent, and ,the fact, that it's weird for a British secret agent to wave American flags, especially since he never did it in the other movies and it's unrelated to spying or comedy(what this movie is suppose to be about).

Also, let's not forget the main plot: nothing special, funny, smart, well made or original about it, "son goes to find his father".

It's unlike the first movies and it wasn't enjoyable, even if I'd pretend the other movies didn't exist.
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The Conqueror (1956)
Good action-adventure movie
4 May 2010
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I first saw part of it on TV and saw it mention on a documentary, so of course I got to see the movie eventually, it doesn't contain any sort of historic realism but for me it's a decent, even good, watchable movie.

The movie starts with "This story, though fiction, is based on fact." the only facts is based upon is that Genghis Khan did unite the Mongols and eventually defeated the tartars(which happens during the movie), but don't expect anything else, the actors don't look, dress or talk like real Mongols but I don't have anything with this as I consider it 99.99% fiction and don't expect realism. It does however have that romanticism of the age and from an action-adventure perspective, watching this movie wasn't a waste of time at all, in fact it was quite interesting.

I've seen a lot of other movies who are worse(and still claim to be realistic), this movie doesn't claim to be real ,it's just vaguely inspired from real life and I for one did enjoy it as a classic action-adventure movie(with a touch of comedy here and there, intentionally or not), my vote for the movie overall would be 6/10 towards 7/10(because the story itself was quite fun to watch unfold).

It's low rating is surprising to me, considering it doesn't claim itself to be historic but is fun to watch.
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Goal! III (2009)
Worse Movie ever
14 June 2009
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I watched the 1st two movies, the 1st one was interesting,the 2nd wasn't so good(unfortunately) but this is the worse movie I've seen in some good years...1st of all it doesn't follow the original story at all, the main character is more of a secondary one, the scrip for this movie is worse than for B movies, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, the 1st 30 min. there is also a big BS about Romania(the movie was filmed in UK,USA and Germany), the director,producer and scrip writer certainly have some ghetto gypsy fantasies with Russian accents, this is a big tarnish, 1 second of it wasn't true & I wish for them to pull their heads out of their ... the acting is horrible and the scenes are also very poor quality, only the mentally challenged(like the guys who made the movie)or those that don't know left from right(let alone anything about football) would consider this movie watchable.
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